MTL - My Whole Sect Transmigrated to The Interstellar World-Chapter 56 Silly white sweet black, no one else...

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After learning about the evolution of the star beasts, the Federation and the Independent Army have sent a lot of scouts, drones and other personnel and equipment to conduct reconnaissance on various desolate stars and various star beast strongholds, hoping to take the initiative to attack and stifle the danger in the cradle. .

Just like the female worm that was injured and fled, it is the safest choice if you can find its trace and get rid of it as soon as possible. Waiting for female worms to recover is definitely not a wise choice.

Even in the face of dangers that humans cannot solve temporarily, it is important to find out where the dangers come from as soon as possible.

This proactive approach has indeed yielded certain results. They have already detected the settlements of several ferocious star beasts, and killed these star beasts in advance.

However, this method requires too much manpower and material resources. Just as the freshmen of the school need practical training, they are simply transferred to deal with the less dangerous star beasts.

The first-year students of the First University and the First Army are mainly responsible for the star beasts with a danger rating of C and B in Galaxy A (the capital star and surrounding planets).

It is also meaningful to arrange the students of the two schools together. There is a competitive relationship between the First University and the First Army. Although this time it is a cooperation to solve the star beast, but the students of the two schools are put together, and no one wants to behave themselves. Worse, it can stimulate the enthusiasm of both parties.

However, I don't know if the competitive spirit has been aroused, but the dog-leg psychology must have been aroused.

The teachers in charge of leading the team are Chen Shen from the No. 1 University and Zhou Yuan from the First Army. The two were colleagues and rivals in the military, and by coincidence, they are now rivals again.

We are old acquaintances, can we still not know what is going on with each other?

"Oh, the first eldest babies are finally weaned? Congratulations, congratulations."

"The First Army finally doesn't just let its students die? There is progress, there is progress."

The two of them skillfully checked each other's schools and students' strengths. They turned around and prepared to catch their students and educate them, and let them fight for each other. It turned out that the two teams of students had directly joined together.

In the past, the students of the First Army, who had to stab a few people when they saw the number one person, were particularly obedient this time. Of course, this obedience was mainly aimed at Sa Sa.

Are there still people who don't know that Sa Sa is the younger sister of Tai Yizong? there is none left.

Does anyone still know what Taizong is? there is none left.

The civilization of this world is different from the world of self-cultivation, so most people have no obsession with the so-called pursuit of the Dao. Xu Yi and others did not plan to assimilate them, so they only taught the basic exercises, which could be used to improve the level of the spiritual sea and physical strength. Technological civilization also has its own uniqueness, and when combined with self-cultivation civilization, it can exert the effect that one plus one is greater than two.

That is to say, although everyone didn't want to ascend the Tao, unless they couldn't cultivate, almost everyone practiced the exercises provided by Taiyizong, not to mention that Taiyizong also produced cheap and high-quality medicinal herbs, etc. - This Taizong's favor has to be accepted. Taiyizong's little junior sister, shouldn't that be everyone's little junior sister?

Therefore, no matter which school it is, everyone is very attentive to Sa Sa.

The only disagreement is probably, "Sa Sa is from our school, can you guys from the First Army not hang around here all the time?"

"Sasha is the number one, yes, but it belongs to all of us. Don't keep occupying people."

"You have the ability to fight."

Sa Sa is speechless: I always feel like she sounds like some kind of mascot.

The people from the two schools once again became black eyes, but when they met Sa Sa, their smiles should not be more cordial.

Chen Shen and Zhou Yuan: …

This direction was something they never expected. It does seem like there is a competition, but the competing goals are a bit of a problem.

The passenger starship was much busier than usual because of a group of students. Other passengers asked for news, and some asked them to pay attention to safety. The atmosphere seemed particularly harmonious.

Sitting next to Sa Sa is a beautiful woman wearing sunglasses, who is different from others, and has never talked to their students. It was not until she confirmed Sa Sa's identity that she took off her sunglasses, "Are you the Sa Sa from Taizong?"

Sa Sa put on a puzzled face, "Hello, who are you?"

"Oh, I'm a reporter, my name is Zheng Wen. I've admired Taiyizong for a long time, is it convenient to interview you?" The beautiful sister smiled at Sa Sa.

Sa Sa has a softer personality, she politely refused: "I'm sorry, I don't have a task at hand, so it's not convenient."

"Then can we exchange a contact information? Where are we going? I'm quite familiar with the planets in Galaxy A, and I can give you an introduction." Zheng Wen still said enthusiastically.

Seeing Sa Sa unguardedly opening her brain, a deeper smile flashed in Zheng Wen's eyes. But at this moment, He Chaoyuan and Lu Qianming in the front row suddenly turned around, "Add friends? Who are you?"

When Jiang Cheng in the back row heard the key words, he also appeared faintly, "Explain your identity information."

The three of them received the benefits of Taizong, which made them look a little sassy. Whether it is dangerous or not is secondly, the main reason is that some people will not give up and want to use Sa Sa to form a relationship with Tai Yizong. For the family, marriage is a normal operation. If you take a bribe, then you can't do your best?

Although this Zheng Wen's gender is also female, Interstellar's concept is open, and her gender is not so deadly, anything is possible. When there were rumors before that He Chaoyuan was going to marry Sa Sa, his sister He Xiangxiang also took the initiative to say that it would be better to let her go.

What happened to the beauty? Also have to guard!

Zheng Wen: …

The smile on her face became a little stiff, and she showed her identity certificate, "I'm Zheng Wen, a reporter from Planet Daily. I don't mean anything else, I just met it after a long time, and I want to interview."

But the three of them didn't want to let her go at all. He Chaoyuan took out a small biometric information detector and said, "If it's convenient, can you use your fingerprints and DNA information to do a match? No other meaning, just to confirm further. Check your identity."

Zheng Wen's face was almost contorted into a ball: matching biological information? Even the head of the federal government is not so strict, right?

Zheng Wen appeared a little angry. She said, "What do you mean? Is it the same as preventing thieves? How can I give you such important information as personal biometrics?"

Most people get angry when they see beautiful women, but they will comfort them. But the four around her are standard mecha soldiers: the one with a straight-forward mindset.

Therefore, no one paid for her anger, and He Chaoyuan explained to her in a straight-forward manner: "Don't worry, this is just a detection and matching device. After confirming your identity, all data will be automatically destroyed. Special treatment during special times, please understand. "

If Zheng Wen can understand, there will be ghosts!

She put on the sunglasses directly, "Is it okay if I don't interview?"

When the three saw that she was not moving, they also stopped.

Zheng Wen breathed a sigh of relief.

Of course she can't cooperate with any biometric testing! Because the real Zheng Wen is estimated to have been digested by the star beast. Zheng Wen has no father or mother, and often goes to other planets to run news. She has no close people around her. She has been transformed into Zheng Wen's body. If it is not for biological testing, no one will find her abnormal.

In non-confidential situations, biometric testing is rarely required. Who would have thought that these students would actually bring biometric detectors on their bodies if they had problems with their brains!

Damn, she didn't expect to be so lucky to meet the legendary junior sister of Taiyi Sect here.

She hated Tai Yizong to the core and never wanted to miss such a good opportunity. God has sent everyone to the front, and this is all missed, so where else can I go to get revenge?

That's right, this person is none other than rich. After being rescued from federal prison, "she" underwent complete full-body cosmetic surgery, and then reappeared in a big way. What rules are there in Galaxy A, and how to check and control the means, he knows it very well, and he knows how to take advantage of the loopholes.

You see, even if he was next to some students, listening to the details of their tasks, no one would think that he was abnormal.

Everyone thought that he had escaped, or was hiding in a dark corner, but he just changed his identity and appeared on the bright side.

This feeling of playing everyone around made him very proud. If it weren't for this fake identity, it would still be very useful, and he could not wait to laugh at the blind eyes of the Federation.

However, although he came out, the holographic star network was destroyed, and the exposure of the D252 planet greatly destroyed his plan, and his life was not as easy as he imagined.

If he didn't know too much, and there was still value in use, those guys might have directly regarded him as an abandoned son. Moreover, the Federation's method of detecting the spirit sea was rude, although he resisted it, but because of the serious mental overdraft, the spirit sea level declined, and the mecha has not been repaired, so he can only be an honest man now.

Compared with the Federation, Qian Dayou hated the people of Taizong even more. If there are no Taiyi people meddling with their business, everything should develop according to their plan!

But after coming out, Qian Dayou didn't dare to really look for Taiyizong's fault, because he now deeply understands how terrifying their combat effectiveness is.

But he also heard that Taiyizong has the youngest junior sister who is the first student, who can only use armor, and is not as terrifying as those in their sect.

In terms of mecha combat power, Qian Dayou is not afraid of a student who has never even experienced actual combat. If you can handle Sa Sa, you can not only take revenge, but also let Tai Yizong use it for him...

but! Seeing that she was going to add the light brain number, she didn't say anything, these classmates of hers are sick!

But don't worry, they will slowly figure it out.

Did Qian Da notice that after he put on his sunglasses again, several of Sa Sa's classmates frantically communicated with their optical brains, and the screen brightened up and down. Even if he noticed it, he wouldn't think it was strange, because it's normal for students to use their brains to chat face-to-face.

But he ignored a very important issue: Sa Sa's teammate Lu Qianming is a person who likes to do analysis very much.

No matter what, she can give you an analysis, let alone something.

Lu Qianming secretly pulled a small group: "There is a problem! Ordinary people like Taiyizong so easily, would it be so easy to give up? He didn't even tell Sa Sa!"

"Her behavior is abnormal and is listed as a key observation object!"

Although Jiang Cheng and He Chaoyuan often felt that Lu Qianming's hobbies and analysis had reached the level of obsession, they also had to admit that Lu Qianming's analysis was often correct. So the two of them replied "received" in the small group together, and they were already on guard against Qian Dayou.

Nothing happened along the way. After the starship arrived at the A159 star, the students took the lead to get off the starship.

Sa Sa suddenly said to Chen Shen: "Teacher, I seem to have something on the starship, can I go back and get it?"

Jiang Cheng also followed: "Teacher, I..."

Chen Shen's eyes were not good, "You, stay well."

Don't think that he doesn't know that they are inseparable, he must just be looking for an excuse to follow.

Jiang Cheng, He Chaoyuan, and Lu Qianming winked at each other, preparing to cover each other and escape, but when they saw Chen Shen, they stared at the three of them.

At this time, He Chaoyuan's brain was shaken. It was a message from Li Chengyu in the back row of the team, "I'll buy you time, you go."

He Chaoyuan looked at Li Chengyu, and Li Chengyu gave him an OK gesture. I saw Li Chengyu walking towards Chen Shen, blocking Chen Shen's sight intentionally or unintentionally, "Teacher, is the star beast we want to solve this time a water shark? Difficult to deal with…”

The three of He Chaoyuan took the opportunity to escape.

Seeing that Chen Shen was about to look away, Li Chengyu spoke more vigorously.

Chen Shen was almost laughed at by several people: Do they really think they are doing it flawlessly? It was he who deliberately released water!

He wanted to see what the **** these people were up to.

Sa Sa turned back to the starship, saw "Zheng Wen" getting off the starship, and said with a smile: "Sister, are you coming to the A159 star too?"

When Qian Dayou found that Sa Sa was alone, he almost laughed: he was still thinking about how to approach this silly white sweet.

The beauty raised a smile on her face, "Yes, I heard that a wave of star beasts was detected on the A159 star, so I wanted to grab the headlines. Oh, by the way, you should be here to solve the star beasts, right? Then Are we going all the way? Can I go with you? In fact, I'm a little dangerous by myself, if I'm with you, I'll feel more secure."

"Eh? Really? That's a coincidence! Let's go quickly, and I have to hurry up and meet everyone." Sa Sa agreed readily.

Qian Dayou persevered, "Don't worry about this, I'm familiar with this place, we can take a shortcut. Come with me."

"Okay!" Sa Sa said happily.

Seeing Sa Sa leaving his back unprepared for himself, a sly smile appeared on Qian Dayou's face. If it weren't for Sa Sa being so easy to deceive, he might have put more effort into it, but this little girl can't wait to write on her face "people are stupid and money comes quickly", Qian Dayou doesn't want to find more things for herself.

Qian Dayou really knew this planet very well, and the path he pointed to Sa Sa was absolutely remote enough. After making sure that no one would disturb them, Qian Dayou found a vial of injection in his hand, and poked Sa Sa's neck as fast as lightning.

But his hand stopped in midair. It wasn't that he was hesitant and couldn't bear it, but that the injection was like encountering an invisible wall, and he couldn't pierce it no matter what.

Qian Dayou was horrified: the familiar feeling of being dominated by Taiyizong people is back!

Qian Dayou's reaction speed was very fast. He didn't know why he couldn't touch Sa Sa, but he couldn't get a hit. He simply changed the injection, put on a mecha, and fired an energy cannon at Sa Sa. His exclusive mecha Huguang hasn't been repaired yet, but he certainly doesn't lack ordinary mechas.

But Qian Dayou's energy cannon was caught by Sa Sa with his bare hands. She turned her head in annoyance, "Ah, I still want to go a little further and deal with you, you are too anxious!"

When Qian Dayou heard this, a cold sweat broke out on his back: What does she mean?

Sa Sa naturally wouldn't explain it well to him. She quickly changed into her mecha, and with the idea of ​​a quick battle, she overturned Qian Dayou with one sword.

When Qian Dayou saw that she had changed into a mecha to fight against him, he was overjoyed: there is still a chance. He is a mecha soldier with double S+, although his realm has slipped a bit, but can't he still play a little girl movie?

Qian Dayou reorganized the offensive. But soon, he realized that there was no such need at all. Because all of his offensives were scattered by Sa Sa, her speed was too fast, and her approach was strange. Although he was willing to dodge, there was a sense of powerlessness that could not be avoided.

He thinks that the spiritual sea level is high and his reaction speed is fast, but in front of Sa Sa, he seems to have lost all advantages.

Qian Dayou's second mecha battle still failed to show the mighty sense he wanted. He was the one who was pressed and rubbed on the ground.

He lost a mecha arm in embarrassment, knowing that this is not the way to go, he simply made a false move and prepared to run away, but how could Sa Sa give him such a chance? A flying sword blocked his path, a flying sword removed his energy core, Qian Dayou was hit by the force and fell to the ground, and in the next second, the whole person was trampled by Sa Sa.

- The same humiliation as when Song Ningfeng held him down.

Sa Sa took off his mecha, dragged Qian Dayou with a bruised nose and a swollen face out of his mecha, and tied the man. Her technique was very similar to Song Ningfeng's, making him unable to move.

Qian Dayou's eyes could shoot fire, "You insidious and cunning woman! You are playing with me! Don't you mean that you are a waste of cultivation and can only use armor?"

What's with that layer of stuff on her? If he could inject medicine directly into Sa Sa, if his attack was effective...he wouldn't need to be in such a messed up situation now! He has seen Sa Sa's game, and it doesn't match her current combat power at all!

Sa Sa looked at him like a fool, "Please, the game is a game, and actual combat is actual combat. I really can't cultivate, but Master and the others have given me all kinds of amulets and magic weapons. I can't bring these things with me. Are you going to play a game?"

Then don't compete at all, just declare her the champion. No matter how Sa Sa wants to win, he will not break the rules of the game.

But it's different in actual combat. Everyone doesn't talk about martial arts together, and the one who survives will have the last laugh. At this time, she has the strength to bring a life-saving charm without wearing it. Do you really think she is a fool?

Lu Qianming and the others were not worried that Sa Sa would be in danger because they knew too well that Sa Sa had so many trump cards that they were completely wrapped up from top to bottom.

If someone else has one or two life-saving talismans as their trump card, even if they are rich. But Sa Sa's trump cards are too many to be like trump cards, and people can't help but want to shed lemon tears. Even if they are in danger, Sa Sa will not be in danger.

In the past, Sa Sa had a bunch of things hanging on his body, which would be very conspicuous, but during this time, Song Ningfeng and the others have transformed the battle method, amulet, etc. according to the characteristics of Interstellar's clothing, and integrated with Sa Sa's clothes. It won't be particularly abrupt among a group of mecha soldiers, but there is no shortage of protection.

Fighting against Sa Sa, who is like an iron barrel all over his body, even if he directly bombards Sa Sa with a high-energy particle cannon, it is not necessarily useful. It is estimated that before the defense was broken, the master and the brothers arrived first.

How does this make people play?

Hearing Sa Sa's explanation, Qian Dayou spat out a mouthful of blood.

"So, you were acting with me before? You recognized me a long time ago?"

"Otherwise? You offended my senior brother and asked him to mark you specially. How can I not know? There are so many people on the starship, I don't want to alarm anyone."

So she pretended something fell and went back to the starship. Who would have thought that it would be so coincidental that this guy is also eyeing her. He wanted to find a secluded place. Coincidentally, Sa Sa thought so too.

mark? what mark?

Qian Dayou inexplicably remembered Song Ningfeng's words, "Don't leave for now, I'll see how to settle accounts with you later."

He was taken away by the federation and then escaped, and then came out again, no one saw any signs! He doesn't feel anything at all! So what Song Ningfeng said before has been thrown out of his mind by him.

But after hearing Sa Sa's words, Qian Dayou's back felt a chill: He was sure that he did have a mark, but it was invisible to ordinary people!

When the three of He Chaoyuan hurried to hear the fight, "Zheng Wen" was tied to the ground like a dead pig.

They didn't even ask why Sa Sa was tying her up, they had already come to a conclusion, "Is there really something wrong with this guy? We also want to deal with her."

Qian Dayou was expressionless: Now, all these students can go to heaven.

"By the way, Sa Sa, who is this guy?" Lu Qianming asked a key question.

Sa Sa scratched her head and said, "This... I don't know either."

"Huh?" The four people, including Qian Dayou, were shocked.

The three of Lu Qianming looked at Qian Dayou's pig face, and felt that there was no deep hatred, and they couldn't fight like this. As a result, this is not known?

Qian Dayou thought that Sa Sa must have recognized him, but he didn't even know who he was?

Sa Sa was worried that her image in front of her friends would plummet, and quickly explained, "But I definitely didn't shoot for no reason. She was marked by my senior brother. There must be a problem. I will ask my senior brother."

Song Ningfeng really didn't tell Sa Sa that he marked Qian Dayou, Sa Sa simply trusted the senior brother too much and felt that the person who was marked was wrong.

In fact, Song Ningfeng almost forgot about Qian Dayou. When he received Sa Sa's call, he recalled, "Mark? Oh, it's that person."

Knowing that nothing happened to Master and the others, and that Qian Dayou was put in a federal prison again, Song Ningfeng didn't go to someone to settle the account.

Xie Rong heard the content of the chat between Song Ningfeng and Sa Sa, and came up to him, "Sa Sa, don't hand over people first, let me beat them up first!"

Song Ningfeng doesn't remember Qian Dayou's hatred, it doesn't mean Xie Rong doesn't remember it!

He went out for a walk and did some good deeds, but unfortunately met his master, and the video was made public by the whole network to know how cowardly he was! All these accounts were recorded on Qian Dayou!

Xie Rong felt that he had found a perfect punching bag!

"Okay!" Sa Sa agreed cheerfully. Anyway, it's more reliable to stay with her than to stay in federal prison.

After hanging up, she told the other three about Qian Dayou's true identity.

The eyes of the three people suddenly became dangerous. Thinking about the beautiful face of "Zheng Wen", and thinking about the greasy face of Qian Dayou, I feel that I will be immune to beauty tricks in the future!

Anyway, Qian Dayou can even carry the spirit sea test, and it should be easy to carry it by simply being beaten by a few mechs alone?

Before becoming Xie Rong's punching bag, Qian Dayou first became Lu Qianming's sandbag, and Sa Sa falsely persuaded him: "Okay, let's drink some water first, anyway, it will take a long time, so I can play slowly in the future."

Qian Dayou: …I don’t know why, but I miss federal prisons a bit.

Read The Duke's Passion