MTL - My Whole Sect Transmigrated to The Interstellar World-Chapter 57 Who is this team of old fritters...

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While in federal prison, Qian Dayou still had hope: someone would take him out, and as long as he was alive, they wouldn't dare to treat him as an abandoned child.

Moreover, considering the clues in his hands, the top officials of the federation tortured him in various ways, but they did not really let him die.

Therefore, at this moment, Qian Dayou inevitably misses the federal prison.

He would rather stay in prison until moldy, than be crushed on the ground by a bunch of little bastards!

Maybe it's because his face is so good-looking now that the three of them tacitly slapped him in the face.

You don't need to look in the mirror to know that this face can bring him a lot of convenience before, but now wearing this face, it is estimated that people can call the police directly.

The three of them got tired of beating, so they carried him to the hotel with Sa Sa, and Sa Sa put an invisibility amulet on him to hide from the surveillance and other people's sight. They didn't dare to bring Qian Dayou in front of Chen Shen. When Chen Shen and others found out, Qian Dayou was going to be put in federal prison as soon as possible.

If this person runs away again, where will there be such good luck next time?

That's right, before Qian Dayou felt that he was favored by the goddess of luck and could meet Sa Sa. But Sa Sa thinks the same way: It really doesn't take much effort.

"Let's close it for now. It's estimated that my senior brother will be here soon. If you're in a bad mood, just come over and beat him up."

When Qian Dayou found out that these four people were not going to hand him over, he panicked a little, "What do you think? Don't you send me to prison? A sinner like me should be punished by the law!"

If he is guilty, let the law punish him. Instead of letting these guys lock him up here and use him as a sandbag! Not to let Sa Sa's senior brother come over!

That is no fun!

Qian Dayou had completely lost confidence in the law-blind Sasa, and he could only hope that the other three had stronger legal awareness and knew that illegal, illegal, imprisoned, and imprisoned were illegal.

But it is clear that Qian Dayou's hopes have been completely dashed. The other three were able to get along so well with Sa Sa, which meant that their brain circuits were similar.

"But I'll give you to Mei." The four of them didn't even bother to look at him, and after they left them, they hurried out.

They have to hurry up and join the big army. Teacher Chen Shen is not easy to mess with. They sneaked out and really **** him off, and they had to be put on shoes and trained.

Thinking of this, I want to beat the money again. It's all the pot of this spicy chicken!

Lu Qianming thought more, she ran and asked: "Qian Dayou suddenly appeared here, is there any conspiracy?"

Sa Sa said: "After disbanding for a while, let's come back and search his body to see what the **** he is going to do. Anyway, he can't escape now, and he is placed in the formation, and no one can find him."

The current technology is very good, and accurate positioning can be achieved. But metaphysics also has the benefits of metaphysics. The special magnetic field may make the positioning jump around, and no matter how accurate the positioning is, it is useless. And even if someone finds Qian Dayou, unless his cultivation reaches the Nascent Soul Stage, that person can't see through the maze and can't find Qian Dayou.

Regardless of whether it is a conspiracy or a conspiracy, the person is tied there, what can he toss about?

"I heard that this guy's mouth is very strict. The federation tortured him for a long time, but he refused to say anything. He even took the test that directly invaded the spiritual sea."

"It's alright." Sasha waved his hand, "My third senior brother is coming soon. He is very good at tossing people. I think Qian Dayou will thank us in the future. After all, I am the third senior brother with me. Than, we are all three good young people."

Sa Sa smeared Xie Rong's image unceremoniously. She probably didn't need to discredit her very much, after all, Xie Rong's unreliability was obvious to all on the Internet.

Hearing her say this, the three of them didn't think there was any problem, but nodded with concern: there's nothing wrong with this.

Xie Rong, who was far away in the capital star, sneezed: Who is talking about him?

Afterwards, when he lifted his bangs, he couldn't help but sigh: Oh, being too handsome also has troubles. It's also a heavy burden to be talked about and infatuated with like this every day.

After the four of Sa Sa complained about Xie Rong for a while, they rushed to the meeting point, which is a seaside port on the A159 star.

A159 is a livable planet, with a large area of ​​sea area and a very developed tourism industry. Some wealthy people will also buy sea-view villas by the sea, and come here to stay for a few days during the holidays.

The sea brings beautiful scenery and marine resources, but it also has hidden dangers. Water sharks are common ferocious star beasts in the sea, but in the past, planets with a higher degree of development and higher value such as A159 star have basically checked the danger long ago, and will not let the ferocious star beasts approach the coastline, and the sea also occasionally There will be guards patrolling, and the water sharks cannot form a scale.

But this year, the situation has changed, and the star beasts in various places are more restless and more aggressive. The water shark beast of A159 star is no exception. Fortunately, the A159 star has never allowed the water shark to form a scale, so after the detection, the risk rating is not high, so let them try the water.

But it's not an easy task either. Fighting against water sharks, it is inevitable to enter the water, or even dive to the bottom of the sea. In the sea, the resistance is large and the movement is blocked, and the mecha will be more bulky. The habitual movements cannot be performed, or they are half a beat, which is likely to be the distance between life and death.

If it weren't for the First National University and the First Army, which belong to elite schools, they would not have been assigned such tasks.

Teachers Chen Shen and Zhou Yuan are discussing the distribution of water shark dens and the distribution of student teams, while the students are familiarizing themselves with the surrounding environment, and some students who have been to the beach for the first time sighed, "The scenery here is too great. Well, I love the sea!"

Some people complained: "It's okay for ordinary people to like the sea, but I don't think you will say such things when you get into the water."

This is obviously the person who was beaten by sea training.

The scene was a mess, but it was just right for the four of them to mix into the student crowd, which was very inconspicuous.

But after a while, Chen Shen came over and accurately grabbed the four people from the crowd, "How is the exploration? Report it."

Sa Sa, look at me and see the sky, "Haha, teacher, what are you talking about?"

"I just went to the starship to get something, and I reported it to the teacher."

"I had diarrhea and went to the toilet."

"I'm here to deliver paper."

The blue veins on Chen Shen's forehead jumped. He kind of misses Sa Sa when he first entered school. How well-behaved this child was at that time, and the other three people's painting styles were not so strange. But now, these four have a tendency to develop in the direction of the old fried dough sticks. Who is the one who ruined who?

"You really didn't do anything? Be frank and be lenient, tell me as soon as possible, and I can still help you."

Sa Sa put on a well-behaved face that looked very pure and easy to win people's trust, and said, "Teacher, nothing really happened."

The other three nodded vigorously in order to increase Sa Sa's persuasive power.

Confess to be lenient, sit in prison, resist strictness, and go home for the New Year. Everyone knows the reason.

Chen Shen squinted his eyes, of course he didn't believe it, but he still sent them away, "Okay, if you say it's okay, then it's better if it's really okay."

It didn't take long for the two teachers to determine the cooperation team for everyone, and assign the responsible sea area in the form of a team. If there is no accident, they need to inspect and clean up the sea area they are responsible for within three days.

"Remind again, it's not an exercise, but an actual combat. Star beasts will not show mercy to you just because you are students and inexperienced. So in the process of clearing the star beasts, please be sure to pay attention to your own safety. If you encounter danger, you must It is necessary to seek help from surrounding teams and mentors in a timely manner.”

"But the one who can protect you the most is always yourself. In actual combat, it is normal for mentors and others to fail to rescue them. Please don't make fun of your own life."

"You can have three hours at the beach to adapt to the water to fight, please use this time as much as possible, and then go to the sea area you are responsible for."

Chen Shen and Zhou Yuan said seriously.

The teachers who lead the team, the last thing they want to see is student casualties. But they know very well that they are not babysitters and cannot show up at any time like a drill to intervene. Even in the actual combat of the senior year, the problem of casualties is still unavoidable.

Although the qualifications of this class of students are much higher than those of the previous class, the two teachers did not relax because of this.

Elites only have one life, or rather, elites die faster than ordinary people. Because they are more confident and are performing more dangerous tasks.

They can only make everyone aware of the danger as much as possible, and adapt to coexist with the danger.

"Yes!" The students of the two schools responded in unison, and their faces had long since lost their previous hippie smiles.

Sa Sa was still assigned to a team with He Chaoyuan and the others. This was not because Chen Shen treated them preferentially and deliberately brought together outstanding students to reduce the casualty rate, but because there were several dangerous areas that had to be dealt with by elite teams. Sa Sa Squad has a foundation for cooperation and cooperates more tacitly, of course, it is the first choice for elite squads.

In addition to Sa Sa's team, the First Army also has a five-man squad as an elite team, the opponents in the Mecha League, all of Sa Sa's familiar faces.

They were arranged in the central area of ​​the sea area, and the sea areas that the two teams were responsible for were almost adjacent to each other. In this way, in the event of danger, they could watch and help each other.

They greeted each other and started training in the water.

Sa Sa has experienced the "charm" of underwater training in the simulation field before, but the real groundwater feels very different. The real sense of stagnation and the claustrophobic feeling that comes after diving deeper and deeper will make people panic as time goes on.

Fortunately, although these mecha soldiers are still students, they have a lot of professional awareness, and they have all the psychological qualities they should have: to embark on this road to become a mecha soldier, you must do a good job with them. Preparation for fear battle.

If you don't conquer it, you will be conquered.

After some people practiced diving underwater for half an hour, they couldn't stand the underwater environment. They wanted to come out and rest, but they were directly pressed down by Chen Shen.

"You can't stand it in half an hour? Keep practicing for me. If you can't stand it, quit this actual combat! The actual combat course is divided into zero. It is better to quit as soon as possible than to drag your teammates down."

Those students who wanted to go ashore to rest gritted their teeth and persisted.

The situation on the First Army's side is not much better. Their leading teacher, Zhou Yuan, has a gentle face, but can someone who can be an actual combat teacher in the military academy be a good friend?

The students of the First Army had just emerged, and they were directly whipped by Zhou Yuan with a whip. She had a gentle smile on her face and said, "If there are more people emerging from the First Army than the First Army, I will be embarrassed. , I'm ashamed, you know what's going to happen."

The number one person heard the movement over there, and secretly rejoiced: without comparison, there is no sense of superiority, and now they think that Teacher Chen Shen is okay.

Sa Sa doesn't have time to think too much, she is very aware of her disadvantage compared to others: her time to contact mecha is limited, and her training time is also limited.

She must adapt to the environment of underwater combat as soon as possible, and cannot hold back her teammates.

Although she was carrying various props from the sect, it was no problem to save her life. But Sa Sa has never forgotten why she wants to learn mecha: she wants to become stronger. If it is enough to live under the protection of the sect, then she does not have to go to the distance to learn mecha.

Time flies very fast when one is concentrating on one thing. Sa Sa did not feel the passage of time, but Jiang Cheng had already reminded her, "You can go up."

Back on the shore, exhaustion came.

Sa Sa took off her mecha, revealing her pale face inside.

Jiang Cheng handed over a tube of nutrient solution to replenish energy, and said, "You are working too hard."

It's not scary to meet people who are better than you, but it's scary to meet people who are better than you, have more background and work harder than you.

Sa Sa drank the nutrient solution and said boldly, "It's okay, I can still hold it."

Ordinary people's physical energy has long been exhausted, and it has reached its limit in about an hour. Chen Shen didn't allow the students to go ashore too early, but he also knew where the students' limits were. When it was almost time, he didn't stop them from going ashore. There were hardly any honest people like Sa Sa who really stayed for three hours.

Someone couldn't help staring at Sa Sa's little arms and legs. Every mecha soldier will attach great importance to physical training, and beautiful muscle lines are basically the standard for mecha soldiers. Just like He Chaoyuan, he has a thin appearance, but after taking off his coat, you can see his tight and beautiful muscles.

And Sa Sa's figure is definitely not the type that looks very powerful, otherwise he would not have been regarded as a rookie when he first started school.

But the muscular guys are all down, and the little chicken can survive for three hours. Is this reasonable?

Where is her power hidden?

This is a very puzzling question for the students.

The strength of Sa Sa Shuang S+ is no longer a secret, so everyone is also curious: beyond the S level, is it a new watershed? Look at He Chaoyuan, it's also a double S, but it's not as inhuman as Sa Sa.

Facing the confusion of her classmates, Sa Sa waved her hands humbly, "Actually, I am also very tired, not as strong as you think."

The classmate waved his hand in dismay, "It's gone, everyone is gone, don't look for a sense of existence in front of Master Fanxue, you will hurt yourself."

The hard training has already caused them traumatic injuries, and if they say a few more words to Sa Sa, they will become physically and mentally exhausted.

After confirming that the students were all ashore, the two teachers exhorted everyone again, "Now you should know what it's like to fight underwater for a long time. It will consume more physical strength and energy of the mecha than fighting on the shore. The same , it affects your perception and makes you form misjudgments.”

"You must confirm your physical strength and the remaining energy of the mecha, and go to the nearby patrol boat to replenish energy in time. After a half-hour break, each team will start to clear the area that they are responsible for."

Half an hour later, everyone's physical strength was almost recovered. Those who should go into the water should take the patrol boat.

"The detector shows that there should be a den of water sharks ahead, everyone be careful." He Chaoyuan reminded everyone in the team channel.

The light on the bottom of the sea itself is rather dim, but the places marked by He Chaoyuan are darker than other places. Under the layers of seaweed and stones, people cannot see the specific situation there.

As before, Sa Sa was exploring the path at the forefront, maybe because the surrounding environment was too bad, giving Sa Sa an uncomfortable feeling, she felt like she was being targeted by something.

Sasha shook her head, trying her best to overcome the uncomfortable feeling, "The thermal imager detected two water sharks, I provoke them to try, maybe I can separate them."

Sa Sa threw a flying sword into the water shark's lair, she felt the flying sword hit the smooth and tough skin, forming a sound of gold and iron.

Did this hurt the water shark?

Sa Sa frowned, and before she could figure out the problem, a water shark jumped out of the cave, opened its **** mouth and bit her, its sharp teeth seemed to have shredded meat from the previous meal. .

Sa Sa didn't have time to think about it, she turned around and ran. She said quickly on the team channel: "I will kite this water shark first, and I will come back when you finish the other one."

This allows for maximum team efficiency.

"No problem." He Chaoyuan replied.

Sa Sa took the water shark out of the vicinity of the nest, but for some reason, the bad feeling in her heart still did not dissipate.

Sa Sa was watching the water shark while hanging it, wondering if there was a chance to attack and weaken its power as much as possible.

But after observing and observing, Sa Sa noticed something was wrong: this water shark is too fast!

Her mecha is good at speed. Although the speed is slightly slowed down underwater, it is not something that ordinary water sharks can catch up with. But several times, she was almost caught up by the water shark.

Moreover, the outer skin of this water shark beast Youlan is intact, and the shasa attack just now did not hurt it!

Sa Sa's tentative blow didn't go all out, but she also knew how sharp the flying sword forged by the senior brother was, but the sharp flying sword did not leave any scars on the surface of the water shark...

The strength of this water shark is unscientific! The information is wrong!

Realizing this problem, Sa Sa turned her head and ran back, then frantically called He Chaoyuan and the others on the channel.

no respond.

Sa Sa's heart sank, and there was no response. There were two possibilities. First, they were already in danger. Second, they were entangled and had no time to respond.

Either way, the situation is not very good.

The water shark behind her seemed to know what she wanted to do, and chased it even tighter.

Sa Sa directly opened the help channel, ready to ask the teacher and surrounding teams for help.

But before her signal for help was sent, she was the first to receive a full-frequency notification signal: All student teams, immediately exit the sea! Be alert around!

The notification signal was repeated three times, and the bright red characters revealed an ominous atmosphere.

Sa Sa felt even more bad, because the worst possibility appeared, not only the intelligence error in their team, but it is very likely that other people were also in danger. The most likely situation now is that the teacher has no skills, and the other teams are too busy to take care of themselves.

They must save themselves!

Sa Sa did not continue to rush to meet the people in the team. After a sharp turn, he went around to the side of the water shark beast, and the sharp sword in his hand stabbed straight at the water shark beast.

She wanted a quick solution without any reservations.

When he pierced the skin of the water shark beast, Rao Yisa's strength still blocked it for a while. But still wear it.

Sa Sa breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that although the water shark beast has become stronger, it is not invincible. Sa Sa scratched directly along its wound, stirring it, and a large amount of blood spurted out of the water shark's wound.

The water shark beast suffered from pain and became more irritable. With a tail swing, it was going to hit Sa Sa, and the force was so heavy that a lot of wind and waves were rolled up.

Sa Sa is not reluctant to fight, she opened the wound of the water shark, and after throwing a few energy bombs in it, she raised the speed to the limit and kept away from the water shark.

The water shark beast chased up violently, but soon, with a bang, its right body exploded, its flesh and blood flew, and black smoke came out of its mouth.

The water shark beast let out a painful whimper, and it looked at Sa Sa with humanized hatred in its eyes. But the injury had a great impact on its mobility, and Sa Sa quickly threw it off and joined the team members.

At this moment, the situation of the three He Chaoyuan was not very good.

After being led away by Sa Sa, there was not only one water shark left in the lair, but two! But the other one was hiding so well that they didn't find out that Lu Qianming was directly attacked and his left leg was injured.

They also have talisman protective gear produced by Taiyizong. If it weren't for this, Lu Qianming's life would be explained here. Lu Qianming, who had only half of his fighting strength, and He Chaoyuan, were surrounded by two water sharks and retreated. All three were injured to varying degrees. Of course, the two water sharks were also covered with mottled scars.

They also wanted to send out a distress signal, but they saw the entire retreat signal one step ahead, and they immediately understood that there was really a big problem here!

"I still have a few energy bombs in my hand, and you will throw me into the mouth of the stronger water shark. In this way, I can temporarily disable it, and then the two of you should be able to escape against a water shark. In the past." Lu Qianming quickly gave the analysis results.

Jiang Cheng said irritably, "Shut up, no matter how useless labor and capital are, they won't let a woman die for me."

According to Lu Qianming's plan, Jiang Cheng and He Chaoyuan had a very high possibility of returning safely, but Lu Qianming would find it difficult to survive.

Lu Qianming pretended to be relaxed and said: "It's all this time, why are you still engaging in sexism? Let me tell you, I don't have to die, there is a 1% chance that I will fall into the stomach of the water shark. It wasn't digested, and I found another opportunity to come out. You have to believe what the experts say."

"Don't talk about it, you two, save your energy."

"I mean it sincerely, my mecha energy is about to run out, aren't you the same?"

At this moment, a voice interjected, "Jiang Cheng, you lead Qianming up, He Chaoyuan, you drag the other water shark to me."

The silver-colored mecha drew a beautiful arc in the sea and charged straight towards the stronger water shark. Compared to the mecha, the pitch-black sword in her hand was inconspicuous.

Sa Sa came.

She firmly held the sword in her hand and said silently in her heart: Master, please give me strength.

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