MTL - My Yellow Hair App-Chapter 235

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"It's okay, do you want to come in and sit down?" Mei Hezi said with the food gift box in her hand, "I'm not used to having tea alone."

"Uh." Bai Chuanxia was taken aback, looking at Miwako with a delicate mood.

He suddenly thanked Nao a little bit, his appearance as a weak and beautiful woman probably really made people unable to take precautions.

There was hesitation on his face, as if he was not good at refusing, he nodded: "Then it will be troublesome, Miss Miwako."

"It's okay, my fiancé will be back soon." Mei Hezi seemed to be afraid that he might misunderstand, so she added another sentence.

"Please come in."

She took out a pair of disposable slippers from the shoe cabinet and handed them to him.

"Thank you." Bai Chuanxia took it, put it on, followed Miwako to the living room sofa and sat down.

"I'm going to make tea." Miwako turned and walked into the kitchen.

Bai Chuanxia looked at her graceful back, narrowed his eyes, and went through the plan again in his heart.

The urgent task is to develop Aunt Ma Fei.

If Xiangtai's case is not overturned, there will be four days left, and Auntie Ma will never let him go.

Since Shota has already planned to plead guilty because of love, he only has three days now.

Analysis from the leads that have been investigated.

Miwako is just an ordinary woman who treats Shota as a backup.

After getting engaged to the successful man Taro Tanaka.

He decisively abandoned Xiangta, and even sent him to prison for harassment and imprisonment.

Bei Chuanxia scorned Miwako's behavior, so naturally she would not show mercy.

He asked Uka Yu to temporarily fire Taro Tanaka.

And he played with Miwako's feelings by himself, and even committed a crime.

In this way, she will inevitably abandon her fiancé who has lost her status.

And he abandoned her two days later.

Miwako has feelings for Shota, and after losing everything, she will naturally return to Shota.

Because she realized the person she really loves.

What a happy ending.

"Mr. Yazhikui, please drink tea." Miwako handed over the steaming teacup with a gentle voice:

"My fiancé brought this from Yan Kingdom."

"Ah, thank you." Bai Chuanxia smiled, picked up the teacup, and took a sip. He really couldn't taste the quality of the tea:

"It's delicious."

"Did Yagyu-san just come to Tokyo?" Miwako unwrapped the pastry and began to find a topic.

"Yes." Bai Chuanxia smiled, and the two began to chat.

As expected of the front desk, Miwako is very skillful in speaking, and the chat atmosphere between the two is maintained very well, and the relationship has gradually grown from strangers to closeness.

Bai Chuanxia looked at the wife in front of him, with a face value of 80 points, she was considered a little beauty.

No wonder he was able to play around with Xiangta and his fiancé.

After pursuing her, her husband abandoned her after committing a crime.

Bai Chuanxia didn't have the slightest psychological pressure, she just did to her once what she did to Xiangta.

Next, she should soon know about the fact that her fiancé was being investigated by the company.

That would be the most desperate time for her, when she tried her best to get something, but lost it in an instant.

Take advantage of the void and enter again. . .

"Huh?" Bai Chuanxia was thinking about the plan in his mind, and suddenly felt dizzy in his head, and his reaction became sluggish.

He patted his forehead with his hand to wake himself up.

"Mr. Yazhikui, are you uncomfortable?" Miwako asked with concern.

"Oh, it's okay, I feel a little tired all of a sudden." Bai Chuanxia shook his head, maybe he was squeezed too much by Laihuayou.

"Mr. Nayanokuro, just lie down here for a while." Miwako said softly.

Chapter 305 Strange

"Okay." Bai Chuanxia felt drowsy constantly, his eyelids seemed to be heavy, and urged him to close them, and fell asleep like this.

"No!" His heart trembled suddenly, even if he was repeatedly squeezed dry by Mu Huayou, it wasn't this kind of drowsiness.

"Wake up, wake up!"

Bai Chuanxia kept roaring in his heart, using his remaining willpower to struggle against the constant sleepiness.

Eyes half closed, looking at Miwako.

There was a smile in her eyes, and she was looking at him, that kind of eyes, she was looking at her prey.

Looking at the coffee table again, Miwako didn't drink tea.

Was given sleeping pills.

"The boat capsized in the gutter!" Bai Chuanxia regretted in his heart, and he was also a cautious person.

But he never expected that this wife, who was easily captured by him last time, would do this.

Resisting the drowsiness, he quickly analyzed the situation in front of him with his remaining rationality.

Slowly closing his eyes, he leaned back on the sofa.

Like really fell asleep.

He had replaced the tauren's stomach. Although sleeping pills were not immune, as long as he persisted for a while, he could pass.

The most important thing now is not to arouse her suspicion.

After he closed his eyes.

The gentle smile of a married woman on Miwako's face gradually became presumptuous, and spring was slowly seeping out of her eyes.

For example, when the husband is not at home and is playing with props, suddenly a burly man comes to repair the water pipe.

She stretched out her hand and carefully straightened Bai Chuanxia's body on the sofa.

She also helped him tidy up the corners of his clothes, kept her eyes on his cheeks, and stretched out her hands to caress them carefully.

With her eyes closed, Bai Chuanxia could feel the touch of her palm touching her skin.

There is also a battle with tiredness in the mind.

Compared with the sleepiness just now, it is obviously lighter now. It is the tauren stomach that has started to work.

Don't worry about falling asleep as soon as you close your eyes.

But at this moment, he felt uncomfortable, knowing that there was a wife watching over him, and not being able to see it made him feel insecure.

He felt his arm being lifted.

It was Miwako who held his palm, reached in from the collar, and grabbed his hand.

Apparently she was not in the habit of wearing a corset at home.

Not much, C.

Bai Chuanxia didn't dare to operate by herself, so she could only let her teach herself.

He felt like an emotionless toy.

Miwako easily manipulated it into the shape she likes.

He was also happy to wait, the effect of the medicine was slowly disappearing, and after touching it for a while, the current passive situation could be changed.

What's more, it feels good in the hand, and it doesn't have the tenderness after long-term maintenance like Mu Huayou.

It's not as good as Aunt Ma Fei who can completely sink her fingers.

But occasionally vegetarian, also do not have a flavor.

Bai Chuanxia felt that she was waiting for something, like a hunter waiting for others to share after hunting the prey.

Before that, smell the aroma to satisfy your greed.

"Crack." There was a sudden sound of opening the door.

"I'm back." Tanaka Taro's voice came.

Bai Chuanxia was startled, good guy, his hand is still on his fiancée's chest.

"Welcome back." Miwako naturally pulled his hand out of his collar, and walked over to take Taro Tanaka's handbag.

Anyone who sees it will praise a virtuous wife.

Served by Miwako, Tanaka Taro put on his indoor shoes, looked up to see Shirakawa Natsu on the sofa, and said calmly:

"Who is this?"

"It's Mr. Yagyu who moved in next door." Miwako said, leaning on Taro Tanaka's shoulder:

"There are too many troubles recently, and we haven't done them for a long time."

Tanaka Taro put his arms around Miwako's waist and hugged her into his arms. Their eyes met, and there was clear love in each other's eyes.

Miwako pushed him away: "Go take a bath first~"

"Okay!" Taro Tanaka picked up Miwako, and the two cuddled together, walking toward the bathroom affectionately.

A few minutes later, there was the sound of water splashing from the bathroom.

"?" Bai Chuanxia opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling. He heard the conversation between the two just now, and the effect of the medicine on his body had disappeared.

But after the drowsiness faded away, he still looked dazed.

"Who am I, where am I, what am I doing?"

Why did the two go to take a shower?

What is it like to suddenly feel like an outsider?

So I lost myself, what is it for?

The relationship between Miwako and Taro Tanaka is very good, as can be seen from the bathing time of the two.

Bai Chuanxia even got impatient with waiting, and got up from the sofa to drink a glass of water.

The mood is subtle, like being called to a party.

Everyone else started communicating, but I was alone.

Lying on the sofa and playing with the phone for a while, I finally heard the sound of water flowing in the bathroom stop.

Lie back to the original position and open your eyes a thin slit.

His eyelashes are very long, it's hard to spot without staring.

Tanaka Taro hugged Miwako's hand and came out of the bathroom with a towel in his hand.

The two went straight to the bedroom.

When she came out again, Miwako had already changed into a black silk pajamas.

The underwear is also a slit style, that is, two slits are opened on the chest and the bottom is opened.

It belongs to the pajamas that you can never sleep in until your husband is exhausted.

Tanaka Taro is holding a mirrorless camera in his hand, which is already turned on.

The corners of Bai Chuanxia's mouth twitched, he was speechless, he was too familiar with this style.

Among the props he brought is this camera, which uses four-axis anti-shake to stabilize the video as the core selling point.

The original plan was to shoot a video threatening Miwako.

Now the opponent has used it first.