MTL - My Yellow Hair App-Chapter 236

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And the style is newer than my own.

Miwako walked up to Bai Chuanxia and sat on him with her legs spread out.

When the wife sat down on the inside of her thigh, she could feel the soft touch from her abdomen.

Bai Chuanxia stared at Taro Tanaka from the corner of her eyes, and Miwako was considered a beauty among ordinary people.

For the sake of information, it's okay to be raped by her.

I'm afraid Taro Tanaka also wants to get involved.

Now she looks like a serious beauty.

It is absolutely intolerable to be in the middle, and neither is Mi Zhiku.

Taro Tanaka stopped half a meter away from the sofa, held up the camera, and moved in small steps to find a suitable angle.

Judging from the proficiency of the pace, it is definitely not the first time.

Miwako stretched her hands from his waist, pushed his shirt up, bent down, and rubbed against his chest.

There is a layer of lace fiber feeling like an open-breast underwear between the skin and the skin.

A blush rose on her face, and love seemed to overflow from her eyes.

She lowered her head, stuck out her tongue, and licked Bai Chuanxia's chest.

Bai Chuanxia could smell her body, the faint smell of shampoo and desire.

Taro Tanaka stood there holding a mirrorless camera, and took a picture of his fiancée provocatively lying in the arms of a strange man.

"What the **** is it!" Bai Chuanxia felt the strangeness on his skin.

Unfolding it in front of him really fascinated him.

Are you going to be fascinated?

While thinking, Miwa put his hands behind his back and unbuttoned his pants.

Supporting his stomach with both hands, he sat down.


Chapter 306 Who is the yellow hair

\"Yeah.\" Bai Chuanxia's breathing became heavier, and an indescribable squeeze came.

The two of them have no emotional basis, and their current posture seems to be the one being played with.

But the married wife took the initiative to press on her body, and there was always a kind of style that stimulated the sensory nerves.

Miwako bent down, kissed his lips together, pushed his tongue away from his teeth, and stuck it into his mouth.

Very supple and soft.

After a brief astonishment, Bai Chuanxia continued to play the unconscious role and let her kiss.

Miwako's kiss was very emotional.

Like a kiss on the mouth of a beloved husband, it is a saliva-type wet kiss that only exists between lovers.

Bai Chuanxia only felt that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear, and a strange sense of disobedience arose in his heart.

This tongue communicates unreservedly in the mouth.

Even if it is him, it will only be done with a few women he loves deeply.

Kissing is more of a channel for exchanging feelings between lovers.

If you just want to satisfy your desire, you will basically not kiss like this.

And her real husband, Tanaka Taro holds the camera, meticulously recording all this in the camera.

Miwako moved gently, as if serving her lover, gasping for breath, muttering:


She called out her lover's name, the sweat slid from her forehead to her cheeks to her chin, and fell on Bai Chuanxia's chest.

Eyes full of love.

"Taro, I love you!~"

She went limp all over, and threw herself into Bai Chuanxia's arms.

Miwako panted heavily, beads of sweat dripping on her fair skin.

After all, she is in charge of the whole process, which is a real physical labor.

When Bai Chuanxia thought it was over, Miwako supported his exhausted body to sit up, bent down, endured hard work to help him finish, and then collapsed again and fell back on his body.

Feeling Miwako pressing against her chest, panting heavily.

Bai Chuanxia felt in his heart that it was indescribably weird.

Even he had only enjoyed this kind of service from Sister Youcai.

Both Fox and Muhuayu are the type who only care about their own pleasure.

Especially the fox, when he gets comfortable, he will even kick him away.

Only Sister Youcai regarded him as her husband and cared about his feelings.

Miwako got down from him, Tanaka Taro hurriedly closed the camera, came over to hand the towel, his eyes were tender and distressed:

"Miwako, you have worked hard."

"No, I'm very happy." Miwako reached for the towel and wiped the sweat from her forehead.

"?" Bai Chuanxia.

"Miwako." Tanaka Taro gritted his teeth, his expression solemn: "I was suspended by the company for investigation."

"Why?" Miwako trembled while holding the towel.

"I was reported for pocketing my own money, but I..."

Before Taro Tanaka finished speaking, Miwako interrupted him.

She reached out to hug Taro Tanaka and hugged him into her arms: "No need to explain, I know you were wronged."

"Thank you, Miwako." Tanaka Taro's face gradually unfolded into a reassuring smile:

"But I could lose everything."

"It doesn't matter, I will always be with you." Mei Hezi looked into his eyes: "It's a big deal to find another job."

"What about the marriage?" Tanaka Taro worried.

"Just invite our parents, I think they will support us."

"Miwako, meeting you is my greatest luck."

"Taro, me too!"

"?" Bai Chuanxia.

He secretly opened his eyes a crack and glanced at the two hugging each other.

Bai Chuanxia secretly bit her tongue, and a sharp pain came.

Tell him it's not a dream.

Miwako lay in her husband's arms.

When couples trust and support each other as if they are together, then nothing else matters.

This picture is beautiful and fascinating.

Except for Miwako's inner thigh, something was flowing out.

"Taro, I want this kind of atmosphere again." Miwako pressed her face against his chest, her husband's ambiguity and happiness on her face.

"Okay, me too." Taro Tanaka looked at her as well.

When the eyes of the two meet, it is the taste of love.

Then Bai Chuanxia lay on the sofa and was **** by Miwako again.

"?" Bai Chuanxia.

When the time came to the second day, Bai Chuanxia opened his eyes from the sofa.

He had never taken sleeping pills, so he didn't know how long the drowsy effect should last.

So I simply slept here for one night.

"Are you awake?" Miwako was dressed at home and looked at him with a smile.

In the morning, wake up, gentle wife.

These elements combined, no normal male can resist.

"Uh, I'm sorry." Bai Chuanxia rubbed the back of his head and smiled awkwardly: "I don't know why I just slept through the night."

"It doesn't matter, it must be too tiring to move." Miwako showed a sunny smile: "I have already prepared breakfast, Mr. Yagakure, let's eat together."

"Then excuse me." Bai Chuanxia didn't delay, his mind was blurred right now.

The performance of Miwako and Tanaka Taro last night.

If everything is true, then all his previous inferences were wrong.

But it was only two days before Xiangta was sent to the prosecutor's office.

Bai Chuanxia only felt his scalp go numb.

Don't talk about developing behind Aunt Ma Fei now.

The punishment of the urgent task was like the sword of Damocles hanging over his head.

"Is there something troubling, Mr. Yagakure?" Miwako brought him a glass of milk.

"It's something about work." Bai Chuanxia smiled awkwardly: "By the way, why didn't I see Sister Meihezi's husband?"

"He has something to go out in the morning." Mei Hezi smiled, and suddenly raised her hand to help him wipe the milk from the corner of his mouth:

"Mr. Yazhikui, you are really careless."

"Uh." Bai Chuanxia had a strange expression. This intimate gesture was probably only done by the wife when she was facing her husband.

He chatted with Miwako for a while, and between the words, he could feel her love for her husband.

Bai Chuanxia felt that there would be no gain if he continued to stay, so he got up and left.

Miwako escorted him to the door and helped him take out the shoes from the shoe cabinet.

"Then I'll go first." Bai Chuan Xia fled as if going out, he felt that he didn't feel any disobedience if he said at this moment, I'm going out.

What's the matter with this **** wifey attribute.

For a moment, he even felt that he was Miwako's husband.

After coming out of the apartment, he went straight to the police station.

Now that plans are completely disrupted, it doesn't make any sense to stay there any longer.

Aunt Concubine Ma buried her head in the document, seeing him walk in with a bad expression.


"I want Xiangta's information!" Bai Chuanxia said seriously: "His work place and home address, have you investigated him before?"

"Yes, he came to Tokyo from his hometown a year ago." Concubine Ma was surprised by his reaction, and took out a stack of files from the drawer and handed it to him: "This is the file he updated when he came to Tokyo."

Bai Chuanxia picked up the file, and when he saw the photo, his expression froze: "Why did this guy have yellow hair before!"

Chapter 307

"Is there a problem?" Concubine Ma frowned and looked at him: \"Do you have prejudice against yellow hair?\"

"I was just surprised." Bei Chuanxia perfunctory, walked behind Aunt Ma Fei:

"Auntie, I have been here several times and I have seen you working. This will cause a series of physical diseases such as round shoulders."

Read The Duke's Passion