MTL - Mystery Makes Me Strong-Chapter 2075 Build a system

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Dai County.

In the west, in a certain valley.

In a cottage.

Liu Bei is drinking with some rangers.

The wine is good wine, clear and transparent, and there are different grades.

Some drink mild, some drink strong.

Among them are Guan Yu, Jian Yong and others.

"I'm only farming in the valley to make a living, but the yellow scarves are raging outside. When I think of the suffering of the people, I feel ashamed. A man can't make meritorious deeds, and second, he can't appease the people. What is a man?" Jian Yong sighed after drinking for three rounds.

"Lieutenant Diannong has an unpredictable strategy in his chest, and he has the people in his heart. He is really a strange person in the world. He can collect refugees and bandits and settle them in the mountains. This is also to appease the people." Liu Bei said.

"Having said that, but brother Liu, I'm waiting for a good time, but I'm wasting time sitting in the mountains." Jian Yong said again.

"Where is the dry sitting? Daily inspections of the villages, opening up fields to care for the people, and relief of the common people, this is also a major event." Liu Bei admired.

"Well, it seems that brother Liu is planning to spend his remaining life in this mountain? You are a clan member of the Han family, don't you want to help and protect the big man, make meritorious deeds, and become a marquis and worship minister?" Jian Yong asked.

"I believe that Lieutenant Diannong is just dormant at this time. I see him saving food and grass every day and training soldiers, just waiting for the right time." Liu Bei affirmed.

His vision is still much higher than that of ordinary rangers.

However, it is lacking in specific details, and has been unable to take root.

So with Zhuge Liang, we can take root.

But the specific battle does not depend on Zhuge Liang.

"Brother's words are very true. I think his people are going to set up strongholds and outposts everywhere. A hundred soldiers can resist thousands of people for four to five days. I had to retreat because of the epidemic." Guan Yu also admired.

He sympathizes with his inferiors but is proud of his superiors, and only admires extremely powerful people.

Jian Yong shook his head and said: "Since the two elder brothers have also seen this place, they should know that our school lieutenant probably has the intention of separatist regime and treason."

Liu Bei was silent, but Guan Yu remained silent.

The two of them naturally understood.

But at this time, they relied on Wen Rensheng to get their official positions.

At this time, Liu Bei had been promoted to Qu Chang, and Guan Yu was also Qu Chang, commanding a total of 1,000 people.

However, they can't take many of these people away.

Because there is one system in charge of battlefield command, another system in charge of daily military training, another system in charge of logistics, and another system in charge of military law and promotion rewards.

In addition, there is Fubing Cao, who specializes in calming morale, collecting soldiers' dynamics, and monitoring the movements of chief officers. He rotates in each battalion every six months.

This is a completely different military system from other Han armies.

In the Taiping period, someone must have informed Wen Rensheng that he had misbehavior and conspired against him.

But now?

The blatantly rebellious one is outside...

Breaking through states and counties, killing officials, robbing powerful people, and threatening the common people...

Moreover, according to the real history, Zhang Yan continued to cause chaos after the Yellow Turban, and the court was unable to conquer. Later, he asked to submit to the Han Dynasty, and he was awarded the senior official of Zhonglang General.

You must know that this time point was before 190, from 184 to 190, and in just a few years, he became a prince of a place. It can be said that Zhang Yan's ability is strong.

He can manage administrative and public security affairs in the mountainous area north of the Yellow River. He can recommend Xiaolian to the court every year, and send planners to Luoyang to report.

At the same time, Liu Bei was still just a prime minister, running around.

It is conceivable that the gap between the two is huge.

Of course, in the end, Zhang Yan could only be named Marquis because of his ambition and background, and Liu Bei became emperor.

But compared with most people at that time, Zhang Yan was an absolute success.

But now, there is no need to compare Wen Rensheng with Zhang Yan.

Zhang Yan can't even rank his feet.

Therefore, Liu Bei and others became more and more frightened the more they watched, and the more chilled they became.

Even if they come forward to inform, so what?

The imperial court is still in a state of desperation.

Here is a mountain again, how many people can be sent to destroy it?

At that time, as long as Wen Rensheng wrote a letter requesting surrender, he would be sealed immediately.

On the contrary, they will be infamous for being unkind and unrighteous.

It doesn't matter whether Wen Rensheng has the intention of separatist and rebellious, as long as he doesn't show his banner, even if he does, it won't be a big deal in the end.

Too many rebels were recruited and banned.

So Liu Bei and the others could only sigh secretly.

As for assassination, it is even more impossible.

There are many guards beside the opponent, and they are very kind to them, and they are not Lu Bu's temperament.

The last option is to leave.

Neither an assassination nor an act of denunciation.

But why didn't Liu Bei leave?

It's simple, he wants to learn more.

As long as he learns a little more, he feels that he will be more likely to help the big man in the future.

So after silence, several people started drinking again.

This wine is also much better than usual.

Also known as "Taihang Eight Wines", there are eight flavors, and they are being sold continuously through the sales channels of Zhangjia Manor in Youzhou in exchange for more grain.

There are plenty of wine drinkers from big families, but they can't brew it, but they have more food.

If you want to grab their food, you will definitely resist with all your strength.

But if you exchange good wine for their food, even if you win high commercial profits in the middle, they will take the initiative to come to buy it.

Of course, there must be many rich and powerful families who want to rob openly and secretly, but Wen Rensheng has soldiers, a lot of soldiers, and the valley as his base.

He is not afraid of the court, but is he afraid of being robbed?

This is a general commercial plundering method that only later generations have.

The other party has to pay a hundred catties of grain in exchange for the wine that can actually be brewed with only ten catties of grain.

And alcohol is addictive.

There are countless rich and powerful people who get drunk every day.

Zhang Fei is a typical representative.

So although this thing is a waste of food, it can promote the circulation of food, which is what Wen Rensheng must do.

In the Zhangjia Manor before, because there were not many soldiers and horses, it was not possible to brew a lot.

Now he is in the mountains, opening more winemaking workshops.

In fact, it should be more of a secondary processing workshop, buying cheap garbage wine, filtering and purifying it with modern technology, making it a good wine, and going back and forth, it will be ten times or even dozens of times profitable.

In this way, most of the food and grass problem can be solved.

Although Liu Bei and others don't quite understand the way in the middle, they can also see that in the past few months, the food and grass in the mountains have gradually become abundant.

Every day there are carts escorting food and grass into the mountains.

And the physique of the soldiers is also getting stronger day by day.

The smiles on the faces of the people increased.

The prestige of Wen Rensheng, the captain of Diannong, is also increasing day by day.

If it weren't for Liu Bei's Fa Xiao and his sworn brothers in the past, they certainly wouldn't be able to talk like this.

But just like that, a waiter who served the wine heard a few words.

This attendant didn't know the character of Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Jian Yong and others, so they would never betray their benefactor and inform them privately.

He just felt that these people were talking about the captain's rebellion.

If he was a villain like Tang Zhou, he might have gone to inform him.

But he was a prisoner who came down from the battlefield, and was appeased by Wenren as a mountain man.

It was tough at first, but it's getting better these days.

There is also a running head, and some people arrange for him to marry a wife.

How could he watch his benefactor be denounced?

So he took advantage of the time to take the wine, sneaked out, found the village where he was, and found

Cao Fubing, who treated him very well in the past, told him about it.

Hearing this, Fu Bing Cao thought that this was not bad, but someone saw that his lord wanted to rebel...

Wait, it's not a big deal.

Isn't it self-built military system?

Isn't it equivalent to the sheriff recruiting a few more privates?

It's okay to frame Duke Ming for rebellion?

So Fubing Cao immediately delivered the letter through a secret channel.

Describe things briefly.

Wen Rensheng saw it that night.

He smiled.

However, he still left the matter to his staff group to deal with.

That is, the students around him.

"Duke Ming, this incident may seem trivial, but it actually reflects that the people of the lower class are stable, and the minds of the middle and upper classes are fluctuating, because everyone doesn't know what big things Ming Gong is going to do." Student A said.

"That's right, what Brother Gong said is true, Duke Ming has no choice but to investigate." Student B followed.

In fact, don't they know that Wen Rensheng wants to gather people to rebel?

But they felt that the Han Dynasty was almost finished, and it was time for a new owner.

It's not just one person who thinks this way, but many people, from aristocratic families to ordinary people, at least one fifth of them think so.

Otherwise, why did the Yuan family start the layout of two Yuans, one north and one south.

Why did Cao Cao become king later, and there were not too many opponents.

Why did Yuan Shu dare to call himself emperor openly?

Rebels are even more common.

Now Wen Rensheng is preparing to rebel, but he didn't say it clearly. The lower class people only think that the better the life, the more naturally they don't think too much about it.

But if there are career seekers, they will think about where to go?

Is it a rebellion, or begging for peace, or a place of stability?

Now is also the time to test Wen Rensheng.

With the foundation, it is necessary to propose orthographic goals.

This is the only way to calm people's hearts and unite everyone.

Whose route is he going?

Of course it belonged to Zhu Yuanzhang.

"Build walls high, accumulate food widely, and become king slowly."

After he finished speaking the nine words, everyone was suddenly stunned.

"Duke Ming is a great talent, which is beyond the reach of others."

"Ming Gong's words are deafening, and the students are deeply alerted."

"Duke Ming has the universe in his heart, and the galaxy in his belly. It is hard for the world to compare with it."

At this time, these confidants all bowed to the ground.

To win people's hearts, it is difficult to say, but also simple to say.

Give food, give salary, give way.

Use this as a filter, those who are willing to stay safely will stay, those who are not willing to stay will leave, and those who oppose will be killed.

Establishing a system, clear rewards and punishments, a strict system, self-replication, and self-expansion will naturally push the lord forward.

Now that Wen Rensheng is in the mountains, it is true.

What he relies on is not force or charm, but wisdom, the wisdom that can lead the crowd and make all the students admire.

In any era, the word mentor|teacher naturally means the leader.

Everyone didn't know how to solve the food and grass at first, but he solved it.

Everyone didn't know how to march and fight at first, but he solved it again.

Everyone didn't know how to deal with the relationship with the Han Dynasty, so he resolved it.

The solution to each problem represents layers of prestige and halo.

Even if there are people like Liu Bei who want to deviate, more people, more moderate people still want to follow.

After all, what can you do after leaving the mountain?

Become a hungry person, become a murdered person, will others use you?

Maybe it will work, but it's not as good as being a confidant here, and it's not as good as getting used to it here.

There are people to solve the problems here, but after going out, those problems have to be solved by themselves.

If you can solve problems, you will be able to gather people when you become popular.

The strategy is set.

But how should Liu Bei deal with this matter?

Wen Rensheng smiled: "I only talk about deeds and don't care about my heart when I do things, but has he violated any regulations that have been promulgated?"

Everyone thought about it, and someone said: "He gathers in private, speculates about Duke Ming, and makes a lot of slanderous remarks, which easily shakes the morale of the army. It is a crime of slowing down the army."

What is the crime of slowing down the army?

In short, all you need to know is that the crime related to the military character is basically beheading.

Again, it's the kind of military stick, fifty, one hundred, no bribes, no words from the superior, no one to intercede, the kind that can kill people if they are not careful.

Everyone gasped.

They know who it is just by the sound.

I saw that the man had a wretched appearance, half of his head of white hair, it was a teenager with white hair.

This is Wen Rensheng's loyal loyalist: Wang De.

Wang De is currently serving as the general governor Cao.

The reason is also very simple, one is that Wenrenshengcaixue really contains the universe, there is no question that he cannot answer.

Secondly, Wen Rensheng did not judge people by their appearance and treated them equally.

When Wang De was studying in the past, people turned him away when they saw his appearance.

But in Wen Rensheng's place, he was willing to endure hardships, and his mind turned quickly, and he was promoted from elementary school to middle school, and even university school in no time.

Yes, the school run by Wen Rensheng is now divided into three parts.

In the elementary school, he went to give lectures every half a month.

Middle school, one week.

University hall, lectures every day.

There is also the inner school, take it with you.

The teachers in the above schools are old students leading new students.

When the old students are lecturing, it is also a process of progress. If they are not proficient enough, they will be questioned when they are lecturing.

Being a good little teacher is one of the best ways for children to learn knowledge.

It's just that he is introverted.

And it is extremely forbidden for anyone to dare to say that Wen Rensheng is anything but.

Otherwise, that person must be recorded on a bamboo slip.

It is said that such bamboo slips have already accumulated a basket.

"Anyone else?" Wen Rensheng asked again.

Everyone immediately understood that it was the teacher who was testing them.

"The crime of slowing the army, UU Reading firstly instigated among the soldiers and caused influence. But Liu Bei and others only had a private banquet and did not take the initiative to publicize it. Therefore, it should not be charged with this crime, just To slander behind the scenes, let’s wait and see the aftermath, if it spreads around and causes bad effects, then you will be charged with disturbing public order.” You said humanely.

Wen Rensheng smiled.

Yes, some people are more moderate.

There are three kinds of people needed to govern a country. One is those who do not ask right or wrong, but only actively approach themselves;

The former can be used as stability, the latter is the basic plate, and the last is the spine.

"Very well, let's do it this way, just strictly monitor it, and don't add any crimes for now." Wen Rensheng was not worried about Liu Bei's denunciation.

It's useless to sue.

Now that the Han Dynasty has been devastated by the Yellow Turbans, how can it be possible to take care of such a separatist tycoon who has not openly rebelled?

(end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion