MTL - Mystery Makes Me Strong-Chapter 2076 Semi-annual summary

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Mystery Makes Me Strong Chapter 2076 Half Year Summary

184 years passed quickly.

And the first Yellow Turban Uprising, its prosperity was also vigorous, and its defeat was also rapid.

Ten months later, after the battle of Guangzong and the battle of Quyang, the Yellow Turban was quickly defeated.

At the same time, in the Taihang Mountains.

In a valley in the middle, in a main village.

There was a lot of voices.

Toasts and chips staggered.

Because the mountains ushered in a bumper harvest.

The mountains and fields are barren, but they can even harvest 120 catties of grain per mu.

And you only need to pay 30%.

There are no other exorbitant taxes.

Each person has nearly ten acres of land to serve. After paying 30%, there are still 700 to 1,000 catties of grain left, supplemented by wild vegetables, etc., which can barely feed and clothe.

No matter how much it is, it will not be able to serve you, because this is a mountainous area, not a plain.

Obtaining such a high yield is undoubtedly inseparable from Professor Wen Rensheng's agricultural technology.

From agricultural tools, to selecting seeds, to applying fertilizers, and diverting water for irrigation, there are all kinds of knowledge.

The main reason is the lack of water in the mountains, otherwise, it is very common to increase to 3,400 catties.

Mountains are easy to defend, but their potential is limited.

Wen Rensheng conducted this year's review in this village.

Entering the mountain in February, it is now November, exactly ten months have passed.

It also happened to be the defeat of the Yellow Turban.

What is the purpose of this review?

The first is to check the accumulated harvest.

The second is to determine the strategic direction for the next step.

The third is to gather people's hearts and give everyone a reassurance when the Yellow Turban is finished.

Some people think that the big man can turn the crisis into safety again, and it is better to go back and be a good citizen.

Wen Rensheng wanted to tell them that he was thinking too much.

The cessation of the Yellow Turbans this time is not turning the corner, but just the beginning of a bigger crisis.

Since then, the big man has slid all the way to the abyss, and the population ushered in the first violent fluctuation, from more than 60 million at the peak, to more than 10 million in one breath.

And this kind of fluctuation will become the norm in the future.

It occurs every 200-300 years.

The so-called "the general trend of the world, long-term division must be united, and long-term unity must be divided" was actually summarized by the people of the Ming Dynasty.

They just said that when they saw that it would be divided once every 200 to 300 years.

The people of the Han Dynasty had several experiences, but it was the unification of the Qin Dynasty, followed by the split, and the unification of the Han Dynasty.

This is what geo-blocking does.

The human heart is still very fragile and cannot resist the influence of material factors.

Especially in the ignorant period of civilization.

Geographical closure has the advantage that it can create a great empire.

The disadvantage is that there is no place for fresh ideas to survive because there is no place for new ideas to survive, because as long as you offend the higher authorities, there is almost nowhere to run.

Rafting on the sea is basically tantamount to suicide.

When the Mohist school is finished, it is finished here. As long as the dynasty is unified, it will not tolerate the various concepts born by the Mohist school on the basis of "if there is injustice, it will be a hard fight".

You will like the Confucian concepts of superiority and inferiority, and various taboos for the superior.

At this time, in the high hall.

Everyone lined up in five neat rows and toasted Wen Rensheng.

Hearing that people are promoted to the crown, although they are less than 20, they look like a scholar in his forties.

Very majestic and prestigious.

"Congratulations, Master."

"Longevity, Master."

It has been less than ten months since he lectured, and he has already accepted many children from poor families, as well as children from poor families.

Some of these people have just learned to write, but this does not prevent them from accepting Wen Rensheng's knowledge and ideas.

Human learning is amazing.

There is no biological difference between ancient people and modern people.

Especially people in this age are very thirsty for knowledge.

Chengmen Lixue is a story in the Song Dynasty, but in the Three Kingdoms period, there were more people studying.

Like Deng Ai, he was very poor and was once a farmer. It can be said that he is by no means a poor family or a landlord, but he still finds various opportunities to study hard and is determined to change his destiny through his own struggle.

Guan Yu also loves to read scriptures, and he also came from a rough background.

These are very famous people.

Other good scholars can be found everywhere.

It is actually not difficult at all to select a few hundred smart people from tens of thousands of people, with an IQ above 120, who can achieve something in half a year.

In particular, Wen Rensheng taught the most basic things.

In many cases, as long as you learn a little basic, you can suddenly understand.

Just like now, they all respect Wen Rensheng like a god.

Zhang Jiao knows a little Tao Te Ching + his own scriptures, and some placebos for external use, and he has created such a big battle, let alone a man of extreme wisdom like Wen Rensheng?

"Okay, all living beings drink this cup, and then we will make a summary, starting with agricultural students."

Wen Rensheng smiled.

He coined many nouns.

People in the Han Dynasty were very receptive to new terms.

It is the Qing Dynasty that is truly united by thousands of horses, and who dare not learn and think too much.

So Wen Rensheng is not used to them, he just uses new era nouns, catches up with those who understand, eliminates if he can't understand, and replaces people without changing books.

Anyway, there are tens of thousands of people, and there are still many people outside waiting to study.

At this time, the agricultural students, the students in the first row, stood up first from the left and said:

"Reporting to Master, we will continue to recruit refugees in October in the mountains."

"Now there are more than 80 large and small cottages in the mountains, and there are mountain roads connecting them everywhere."

"Dingkou is more than 123,000."

"Most of them are young and strong, and a few are old and weak, women and children."

"800,000 mu of uncultivated land was reclaimed, and 90,000 people were awarded land, each with about 6 to 10 mu of land. The remaining 30,000 people may join the army, work, do business, or transport."

"A total of about 1 million shi of grain was harvested this autumn, 300,000 shi of tax was collected, salt...cloth, wine..."

Numbers are spoken from the opponent's mouth one by one.

Everyone knows that this boy with the first left hand is only 16 years old this year.

Half a year ago, he was an ordinary teenager who could not read a single word.

It's just that I have a strong self-motivation, and I study every day until midnight.

Suddenly, from an illiterate person, he learned the basic mathematics taught by Professor Wen Rensheng, and mastered various statistical methods.

Can understand various simple accounts.

And there are hundreds of people like him.

It is the hard work of hundreds of people that allows the various figures to be reported in a more detailed manner.

It is still in the rising period, and there are jobs and opportunities everywhere, so everyone has not learned to mess around.

Wen Rensheng nodded slightly.

Only ten months ago, he had only grain and grass in his hands, less than ten thousand stones, but tens of thousands of people went into the mountains to cultivate and recruited refugees.

In less than a year, nearly 800,000 mu of land was reclaimed, 300,000 shi was collected in taxes, and the grain and grass were enough for 10,000 elite men and horses for a year.

30 shi, about 3,000 catties, the elite eat a lot, and the horses eat even more.

After all, Wen Rensheng's practice intensity is not comparable to that of the officers and soldiers of this era.

This is the effectiveness of organization and production.

The reason why the Yellow Turban was defeated was because of this.

No production, only looting. First, many enemies have been added. Second, there is no way to fight a protracted war.

If it cannot last, it will fail.

In October, one person reclaimed and harvested more than ten mu of land.

This efficiency is not high.

The key is to distribute the land to individuals.

Farmers' thirst for land, and their burst of enthusiasm is extremely high.

Especially these are people who lost their land and rebelled.

Of course, this also has a lot to do with Wen Rensheng's improvement of farm tools, and using the profits from drinks to buy steel from outside to make better farm tools.

Without good tools, it is impossible to quickly reclaim the land in these valleys.

Fortunately, it is now the Han Dynasty, and many valleys have not been cultivated, and there is still room for further expansion.

In the past, many people fled to the deep mountains. The saying of Xanadu comes from the Wei and Jin Dynasties.

Everyone was also happy.

A tax of 300,000 shi!

You must know that many princes do not have such sufficient food and grass.

For example, Huangfu Song led the Luoyang Northern Army to suppress the rebellion, and needed local food and grass.

"There is so much food and grass, even if someone comes to attack, they can't stay in the mountains for a year, even if it is two or three months, the food and grass will be exhausted." Someone suddenly said.

Everyone nodded.

Don't panic if you have food.

The reason why the defense of the city failed these years is that there was no food in the end.

300,000 shi, how long can you hold on?

What's more, they also have the convenience of the location in the mountains.

Wen Rensheng said again: "Very good, military student, you are the second to speak."

Soon, in the second row, a strong man in leather armor stood up.

He is none other than Zhang Fei.

Zhang Fei worships those who are knowledgeable.

Compared with Liu Bei, Wen Rensheng came earlier, and his knowledge is more extensive.

After several comparisons, he still felt that it was better to follow the master.

And in terms of IQ, Zhang Fei's IQ is not low, especially in battle, he has amazing intuition.

This is incomparable to those children from poor families and poor people.

Poor culture and rich martial arts.

Of course, poor literature is also relative, but it has to be said that learning literature can still be learned in poor middle schools, but Wu Zhen can't learn in poor middle schools, it will kill people.

If you can't keep up with your nutrition and want to practice martial arts, you are looking for death.

Zhang Fei stood up and said loudly, "Return to Master, we have trained 9,200 elite soldiers."

"Compile into nine battalion heads."

"900 men per battalion."

"They are Chariot Battalion, Rishi Battalion, Shield Armor Battalion, Bow and Crossbow Battalion, Firework Battalion, Logistics Battalion, Artisan Battalion..."

"Everyone has the courage of ten men, and is good at trekking and climbing in mountains. All of them have seen blood in strangling bandits. Some of the brave ones have beheaded dozens of people."

"Each battalion has enough arms and is good at fighting in both mountainous and plain terrain."

"Form an elite team on mountainous terrain, and a chariot formation on flat terrain."

"Those who deserve to be broken, those who attack are conquered."

"Successively suppressed bandits big and small for more than a hundred times, and captured more than 30,000 bandits."

"We fought from north to south, from east to west, along the valley, attacking all the way, and reclaiming and building villages all the way."

"Over 200 shares of bandits have been wiped out, and a total of treasures have been seized..."

Having said that, Zhang Fei looked towards the third row.

"Fifty million…"

"Oh, fifty million dollars."

Fifty million yuan is not much, just enough to buy the positions of two sheriffs, and a salary of two thousand shi, which is not low.

Basically, if you work for a hundred years, you can get back your money with your salary. Two thousand stones are 200,000 catties, or about 200,000 wen.

So there is no prefect who is not greedy.

If you are not greedy, you will not be able to take office.

There was an upright official, Sima Zhi, who was forced to become an official. He couldn’t pay the money for buying an official, and was forced to commit suicide by diving into the water. This is the only one in ancient and modern times.

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It is also the pioneering work of the current emperor Liu Hong.

"That's right, that's right, that's the way it should be. Lay down a piece of land and share a field. Consolidate a piece of land and occupy a piece of land. Only in this way can we achieve a high-level situation like a snowball." Wenren Sheng commented.

Everyone nodded.

At this time, Zhang Fei also began to have a rebellious heart.

After all, he could see that the imperial court was failing.

He is not Guan Yu, who is dedicated to protecting the Han. Relatively speaking, Zhang Fei is still more loyal, and he wanted Liu Bei to rebel early in the morning.

For example, if you kill this dog officer, we will rebel...

The difference in character between him and Li Kui is only a few hundred years.

"Okay, Yide, sit down, handicraft students, let's talk about it." Wen Rensheng said to the people in the third row.

"Reporting to the teacher, we have built many handicraft workshops in the valley, such as blacksmiths, carpenters, masons, pottery, lime, papermaking, etc. In open places, we use windmills to obtain power, and where there are mountain streams, we use waterwheels to obtain power. With the help of the dynamics taught by the teacher, the efficiency has been greatly improved and manpower has been saved..."

"Now it can produce 1,300 catties of refined steel, 15,000 catties of pig iron, leather armor, wooden armor, and various weapons..."

The handicraft students gave a good indicator. Although it is not high, it has proved that it can self-cycle and self-replicate. Wen Rensheng doesn't need to worry about it. As long as there is a place to occupy, these handicraft industries will expand.

For the time being, military control is used, and food, grass, and equipment are mainly produced for military supplies, and the taxes collected are also mainly for military supplies.

In short, it is similar to planned production plus market supplement.

The handicraft factory first satisfies military orders and has excess production capacity, and then fills them with market orders.

In this way, the most urgent production can be guaranteed, and the internal motivation for self-replication and expansion can also be improved.

On the basis of being full, look for a good meal.

"Very good, the fourth one, business student, how about it?" Wen Rensheng looked towards the fourth row.

"Returning to Master, we have established five major commercial firms. Within ten months, we traveled north and south, opened up nine commercial routes, bought a large amount of necessities such as grain, salt, and cloth, and exported high-end products such as fine wine, horses, mountain products, and paper. The profit is often three to ten times higher..."

In fact, the business student is the most important thing, helping Wen Rensheng survive the earliest expensive period.

This is also the reason why Mi Zhu has the highest status among civil servants in Liu Bei's camp. He helped Liu Bei make a comeback.

Without him, there would be no such thing as Zhuge and Fazheng. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

It's a pity that Liu Bei doesn't know how to employ people after all. This great business talent has not really been used, and he has been idle for nothing.

But Wen Rensheng would not make this mistake.

Only by stimulating with one hand and governing with the other can we gain the benefits of business and restrain the harm of business.

Business can give full play to the enthusiasm of people and turn a lazy person into a person who actively pursues wealth.

It can also greatly stimulate people's ugliness and turn people into real demons.

So it's impossible to ignore.

Regardless of the fate, there have been countless cases in later generations, and I don't know how many people have been killed.

"Very well done." Wen Rensheng nodded, then looked towards the fifth row.

"Handyboys, are you here?"

"Reporting to Master, we engaged in transportation, searched for folk customs, sent letters, and delivered letters. We cleaned up many moths one after another, helped Master solve many filth, and prevented the reappearance of the officials of the Han Dynasty in our mountains."

"Very good, very good." Wen Rensheng nodded heavily.

The importance of miscellaneous students is second only to business students.

Without them, if you are a newborn force, you may have internal strife, and you may be finished.

The private words of Liu Bei and others were reported by them.