MTL - Mystery Makes Me Strong-Chapter 2077 Choi's worries

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Mystery Makes Me Strong Chapter 2077 The Cui Family’s Worry

at the same time.

Where is Liu Bei.

He was by no means a person who was willing to learn a subset of classics and history in his early days.

Never received systematic instruction.

I used to be a disciple at Lu Zhi's place, but it was just a name, and I spent most of my time making friends with heroes.

However, at Wenrensheng, he held back the restlessness in his heart to make contributions.

The reason is very simple. Just like his ancestor Liu Bang, he found that this is different from Confucianism, but has real effects.

Food and grass are abundant and troops are increasing.

The more land there is, the more popular people will be.

This shocked Liu Bei very much.

So he actually held back and has been following and studying here.

And his IQ is definitely not low.

It can be said that there are few generals under Cao Cao who can beat him if Cao Cao does not come out.

However, he couldn't stand Cao Cao, and in the end he just couldn't.

Later, with Fazheng, he successfully repelled Cao Cao in the first battle of Hanzhong and won his first victory.

But he couldn't hold on, and couldn't take Liu Bang's road again, and the king of Hanzhong became the king of Shuzhong.

He earnestly studied Wen Rensheng's business methods.

From food and grass to business, from business to military training.

The more I study, the more amazed I am, the more I study, the more I feel Wen Rensheng's profoundness, unfathomable, and unfathomable.

In short, for the whole 10 months, when his peers started wearing yellow scarves, made contributions, and asked for rewards, he actually restrained his thoughts and studied hard.

In the end, the first Yellow Turban Rebellion ended.

At this time, he finally decided to seek refuge with his former friend Gongsun Zan.

At this time, Gongsun Zan was promoted to General of Zhonglang and made Marquis of Duting because of his meritorious service in defeating Zhang Chun and other traitors.

Gongsun Zan sent a letter to Liu Bei, stating that he was the county magistrate of Pingyuan.

Liu Bei decided to go out.

He couldn't bear it anymore.

It's not bad to be able to endure ten months.

Seeing other people making great achievements outside, I just suffocate to work in the mountains. Although it is not a waste of time, it is also very itchy.

So he went up to pay homage to Rensheng and asked to leave the mountain.

Wen Rensheng naturally wouldn't keep him.

Even Cao Cao can't use Liu Bei, let alone Wen Rensheng?

To make the other party stay here for ten months is that Wen Rensheng's own ability is great enough.

Moreover, Wen Rensheng also specially sent Liu Bei a hundred altars of fine wine as military resources, as well as grain and grass, and thousands of stones. There are always some people who are willing to follow Liu Bei.

There are about 300 people.

These 300 soldiers were different from the soldiers recruited by Liu Bei before. They were all smart and capable, and belonged to the qualifications of lower-level officers.

Wen Rensheng saw him off before leaving, and told him: "No matter where you are in the world, you must treat the people kindly. In the affairs of the world, only the people are the most innocent. They work hard to give birth and don't deserve to suffer."

Liu Bei naturally agreed.

He had never massacred a city.

This is the basis for his best reputation in the Three Kingdoms.

No matter how hypocritical they are, they have never slaughtered cities or destroyed other people's clans.

And Wen Rensheng released him to disturb the situation outside, preventing those princes from staring at him early.

Although there is no need to worry about anything, it is still necessary to reduce the difficulty.

As for whether Liu Bei will become an opponent in the future?

Unless he was willing to betray his clan affiliation, it would be impossible for him to be Wen Rensheng's opponent.

The opponent has only learned a little bit, so it's okay to use it to deal with other princes.

To deal with Wen Rensheng is like a mantis arm.

Even home delivery.

After sending Liu Bei away, Wen Rensheng continued to develop in the mountains.

At this time, the Han Dynasty still had strength, the imperial court still had the main force, and the soldiers who had just finished suppressing the rebellion still had combat effectiveness.

The main reason is that Liu Hong hasn't done his harm yet, but it's coming soon.

Liu Hong was about to die in 189, and his posthumous title was "Emperor Ling". It is also a famous posthumous posthumous title.

Originally, "psychic", "spiritual energy", and "Zhonglingyuxiu" are all good words, but once this "spirit" is put on the emperor, everyone can intuitively feel that it is not a good word.

It's probably similar to "Mourning Hall", and it always has the meaning of "you die early and get well soon".

Although Emperor Ling seemed absurd, he sold officials to sell nobles. Although he quenched his thirst with poison, the court still had money and food to support the main force's conquest.

I also know that to suppress the powerful and the aristocratic family, the disaster of imprisoning is to deal with the aristocratic family.

As soon as he was finished, Liu Bian and Liu Xie, who came to power later, were in power because of their young age. After Dong Zhuo's toss, the authority of the court disappeared, and the main force of the court had no advantage against the princes.

There was a farce of the princes attacking the court.

What else is this playing?

There are still 5 years left, and by then, Wen Rensheng will be able to push directly.

As long as 50,000 elite troops are trained, it is enough to sweep the world.

With his command, there is absolutely no problem.

So Wen Rensheng first spent money to bribe Zhao Zhong, the constant attendant, and bought several prefects near Taihang Mountain.

Mainly Changshan County, Zhongshan County, Shangd County, Qinghe County in the Jizhou area...

A total of more than 100 million yuan was spent, and fine wine was offered in the middle, and there was a 10% discount.

He arranged for his students to serve as sheriffs there.

He also bought himself a General of Alleviating Difficulties, who presided over the suppression of bandits in the entire Taihang Mountains.

Liu Hong didn't care about it at all, as long as he didn't rebel and didn't delay his enjoyment.

At this time, he has no ambitions.

Although Taihang Mountain is on the verge of Luoyang's vital point and directly overlooks Gyeonggi, it is actually indifferent.

However, people of insight have seen the potential hidden dangers brought about by Wen Rensheng.

Among them, Lu Zhi, who was deposed at home, wrote a letter to his friends in Beijing and said: "Today there are teachers in Taihang, who are called Taihang mountain people, their talent is a hundred times better than Zhang Jiao, and their ability is a hundred times better than Zhang Jiao. Although their power is not obvious, they are like Qianlong. In Yuan, once it rises, it is unstoppable."

Lu Zhi just dismissed him at home, heard the rumors, and saw some things, so he concluded that Wenren's promotion would be a big problem in the future.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources and switch, read aloud with many timbres, and both Android and Apple can be used. 】

It can be seen that being versatile in both civil and military affairs is not something to talk about.

The problem is that Lu Zhi died within a few years, and will die in 192.

Now he is old, has no official position, and offended the eunuch, no one listens to these words.

Anyway, Wen Rensheng didn't rebel, he was nesting in the mountains.

There are more and more troublesome things in the court.

For example, the struggle for the throne, such as the struggle between eunuchs and relatives, and scholars, are all heart problems. How can anyone care about skin diseases?

In order to appease the Yellow Turbans, Liu Hong spent a lot of money, and intensified his search efforts, and the selling of officials and nobles became more intense.

He did understand that rich people must be from aristocratic families, not poor people.

However, taxes were also raised.

According to historical records, during the reign of Emperor Huan, the land tax was increased once, at 10 qian per mu, and during the reign of Emperor Ling, the land tax was increased again at 10 qian per mu.

Therefore, the burden on farmers also increases.

This is offending everyone from top to bottom, so it's no wonder it doesn't end.

Fortunately, the big Han is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and there are still many people who think that the Han is orthodox.

So within a few decades, it will not be overthrown directly.

At this time, Wen Rensheng continued to search for refugees.

At the same time, the surrounding counties began to send their own students to take over local positions.

Of course, many positions are paid for.

Even if you get rich by being famous, you can't afford it all.

But he can rely on the name of the sheriff to place cronies.

Then continue to operate Taihang Mountain, which can accommodate about 1 million people.

One million people is enough. You must know that after Cao Cao destroyed Yuan Shao, he was very happy to find that there were 300,000 households left in Jizhou, thinking that this was indeed a big state.

There are only a few people in 300,000 households. Even if there are seven people in one household, there are only two to three million people.

Of course, there must be hidden population among them.

But 300,000 households is the population that Cao Cao can directly levy taxes and recruit soldiers.

The strength of Taihang has been proved by history, even Yuan Shao's strength cannot beat it, let alone other princes.

Cao Cao is not much stronger than Yuan Shao. After Yuan Shao's death, it will take many years, and Yuan Shao's sons will have to wait for civil strife before Hebei is pacified.

It can be said that it was barely a victory.

This led to the lack of strength in the subsequent conquest of Jiangnan, and the defeat of Chibi was not accidental.

Cao Cao sent 150,000 troops, and there were 80,000 troops on the opposite side, and he had the absolute advantage of the navy.

It's not that the 800,000 versus 50,000 in Romance is such a disparity.

Destroying Jiangnan cannot be defeated without the advantage of the navy.

Refer to the fact that the Yuan Dynasty destroyed the Southern Song Dynasty, and it was only when the navy overwhelmed the Southern Song Dynasty that it was resolved.

What's more, Wen Rensheng's cottage is very well built.

Of course, there are also disadvantages of the mountain base.

That is Wen Rensheng's internal scheduling is slow.

To this end, Wen Rensheng built wooden tracks in the mountains.

While planting trees, cut trees at the same time, and cut down as many trees as you plant.

Reclaiming in the mountains, of course he knew to maintain water, soil and trees, otherwise he would have to wait for the flash floods to erupt.

Transportation is carried out on wooden rails. In fact, wooden rails already existed in the Qin Dynasty.

However, after the Qin Dynasty was destroyed, people later gave up this technology.

Because maintenance is difficult.

Replacing wood is laborious.

The construction of wooden rails is naturally slow, and it will not be possible to build all the tracks in a short while.

But it can be built in the adjacent valley first, which can greatly increase the speed of material exchange.

Of course, this kind of construction must be slow.

The advantages and disadvantages of mountain development are prominent.

Easy to defend but hard to attack.

Every time I attack, it is also difficult to transport my own grain and grass.

It is equivalent to the small country of Shu.

Commercial transportation and commercial economic development in the valley are also very difficult.

Difficult to trade with each other.

So the potential is limited.

Once there is peace, the mountainous area will quickly become a depression in economic competition, and it will be easier to develop the economy in those places near the sea that are easy to attack but difficult to defend.

There are advantages and disadvantages, it just depends on the weather.

This is why Zhang Yan chose to join Cao Cao in the end.

He has a clear understanding of the pros and cons of mountains.

You can resist for a while, but you can't resist for a lifetime.

This understanding was decades ahead of Shu.

But for Wen Rensheng, this is enough.

With his subtle operations, the resources provided by the Taihang Mountains are sufficient.

It's just a dull development, and the court has no time to take care of it. It has been given a title, but there will still be foreign enemies.

Qinghe County in Jizhou, the sheriff was bought by Wen Rensheng with money.

There is a Qinghe Cui family.

They had taken a fancy to Wen Rensheng's brewing business before.

I have tried to acquire technology several times.

The results were unsuccessful.

Wen Rensheng knew how to guard against spies.

All kinds of means, all kinds of internal education, are available.

It is not easy to deal with the spy methods of the ancients.

One is personal espionage, and the other is system defense. How does an individual fight against the system?

The espionage prevention behavior established by Wen Rensheng is basically to deal with modern methods according to local conditions.

The first is internal education, and then the establishment of Baojia, where everyone is registered.

When a stranger enters, he must register, and if he finds a stranger, he must report to the local security chief.

Report layer by layer.

In fact, Shang Yang did it before, but he was trapped in a cocoon, and in the end he couldn't escape even if he wanted to.

If you take a closer look at the content of his reform, you will know that it is a typical example of the great unified dynasty's extreme suppression of the people. It is no wonder that people who know him deeply will not think he is a good person...

But his method is indeed easy to guard against spies.

Especially now it is a feudal small-scale peasant society with very few floating population.

Only specialized business sectors have mobility.

Others do not move all year round, and it is easy to find strangers.

Therefore, the Cui family of Qinghe has never succeeded.

Instead, many people were lost.

This evening.

In Cui's manor, in a study.

"The Taihang Mountain people are ambitious and conspiring to rebel. We are in the hinterland and bear the brunt of the disaster. We must make plans early." The Patriarch of the Cui family said worriedly.

The coveted wine industry is just an introduction.

When they found out how powerful the other party was, they became worried.

"I once asked a few traveling merchants, and they all said that the Taihang Mountain people are very powerful, with 20,000 elite soldiers. How can we provoke them? Don't bother with their wine shops anymore, as long as we have more than 100,000 soldiers Acres of fertile land, children and children are endless, why worry about the family's decline?" The old man at home shook his head.

Everyone also nodded.

After all, they are landlords, scholars, gentry, and not capitalists.

Have not been kidnapped by profits.

Just like Mi Zhu is the richest man in Xuzhou, the Chen Deng family didn't bother them.

Because the two are not at the same level of competition, although the former has high industrial profits, it is only the middle and lower status merchants who serve as bureaucrats and cannot get high positions.

The latter relies on fame and land, accumulates talents from generation to generation, manages fame from generation to generation, can serve as a high-ranking official in the state and county court, and preserves the family lineage from generation to generation.

Wen Rensheng didn't touch their land, so they couldn't feel the pain, so they naturally didn't want to be enemies of this kind of careerist who ruled the country.

On the contrary, it is the best policy to ease the relationship as much as possible, and wait until the eventuality, depending on the direction of the wind to decide whether to take refuge.

Just like they chose between Yuan Shao and Cao Cao in the future.

The Patriarch shook his head and said, "Old Grandpa, you should go and rest first."

After seeing off the old man, he said to everyone: "You don't understand, I have seen the methods of this Taihang mountain man in depth, he never refuses anyone who comes, everyone teaches him."

Someone said in surprise: "Isn't that similar to Confucius?

"Well, but he taught those mud-legged people how to manage and work. If the people in our manor also learn from him, they will definitely not cultivate our land and will go to him one after another. This is Dig our foundation." The Patriarch sighed.

"The head of the family is over-concerned. I heard that their rent is as much as 30% and it is a mountainous area. Our Cui family is a kind person. We only need 40% of the rent, and they are all good land. We don't worry that no one will rent it." Someone said. shook his head.

"You guys, short-sighted, inadequacy and strategy." The head of the family was angry.

Obviously, these people were frightened by the Yellow Turbans, and they didn't want to cause further turmoil.

Since Wen Rensheng didn't bother them, why are they bothering?

Wouldn't it be good to manage your reputation well and wait until peacetime before going out to be an official?

They didn't know that, according to Wen Rensheng's practice, within 30 years, he would be killed as an official.

Like now, it is impossible for people to concoct a few things of filial piety, and then tout them as filial and honest, and become a high-ranking official.

There have been ballads satirizing this matter since the Han Dynasty:

"To be a scholar, one does not know books.

Give filial piety and honesty, and live away from your father.

The cold element is clear and cloudy like mud,

Gao Diliang will be as timid as a chicken. "

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