MTL - Naruto: I Can Only Draw S-rank Rewards-Chapter 192

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At the last moment, he chose to let Yim go, because he is a human, a person with emotions and flesh!

Are you going back?

Yimu kept mumbling, and silence fell between the two. On the entire island, only young geese wailed around the dead old geese.


A huge vortex reappeared in the sky, this is Lai Luo's determination to resurrect the peacemakers.

"Is it finally over?"

People from all over the world looked at the giant hole in the sky in the distance, and the two powers that contained the destruction of the sky and the earth also disappeared. This battle, which represented the end, finally came to an end.

"Damn, what is that?"

Suddenly, a huge mermaid with wings on its back rose into the air and rushed into the hole that was blasted by the accumulated corpse energy and the spiritual wave. It was the fusion of the three ancient weapons that Yimu had painstakingly forged. The ultimate trump card, the **** of the gods who is enough to completely destroy a world, the **** king Zeus!

There is no violent power, and there is no energy fluctuation. Some are just the continuous decomposition of Zeus, the body shape or the clear and light gas, which gradually repairs this gap.

Seeing all this, Laidlaw just smiled, he knew it was Im's choice, proving that he knew his fault and turned back.

The god-king Zeus has the power to destroy everything, but in mythology, he has a father who protects human beings from growing up!


The flames of war that were about to go out ignited again. Among them, a black feathered bird with a peculiar shape spread its wings and flew high. This is the Bennu bird reborn from the ashes, and it is the return of Sanji.

"It seems that Tianbaoxing's holy clothes are really suitable for you."

Feeling the breath that appeared behind him, Lai Luo did not stop, but continued to search for the souls of everyone who lost their subjective consciousness and swayed with the wind. He wanted to resurrect all the peacemakers!



It was too late and then too fast, a big hand wrapped in pitch-black armor appeared without warning, pierced Lei Luo's chest, and unstoppable blood gushed down his throat, which was difficult to stop.


In an instant, Lei Luo, whose blood and blood had collapsed to the limit, slowly turned his head back. The horror in his eyes was far less than the confusion. He did not understand why the person who attacked him was actually Sanji.

"Hahahaha, Lai Luo, now is the real end!"

Before Sanji could answer, Im's laughter entered Lai Luo's ears.

At this moment, Sanji, his eyes are blank, and his skin is covered with a strange light green light. He stands there motionless like a robot, only the dark green liquid is injected continuously along his naked arms. Laylo's body.

"You won't be able to escape from me with Sanji alone, right? If I don't let him go, even if you come to rescue yourself, it's impossible!"

Im slowly got up from the ground, the trembling muscles, obviously not fully recovered from the injury, are still on the verge of extreme danger.

However, the current Lai Luo was obviously more seriously injured, and as the only person present with normal mobility, he personally pierced his chest.

"This **** white star, just got out of my shackles, otherwise, it would not be as troublesome as it is now."

Looking at the big hole in the air that was still being repaired, Im said with some resentment.

From the beginning, he made follow-up preparations for his failure, but what he did not expect was that Bai Xing's consciousness was restored because of his weakness, and he chose to sacrifice himself to save the people.

Looking at Im approaching him step by step, Laylo closed his eyes, that was the pace of death.

Ten meters, nine meters...three meters, two meters, one meter!

Just as Im's **** fingers were about to touch Laylo's eyes, Sanji's big hand that had penetrated Laylo's chest suddenly pulled out and smashed his backhand into his face.


The savage force struck, and Yimu's fragile body instantly flew out like a kite with a broken string, and the mysterious haze on his face also faded.

At this moment, Sanji's eyes gradually returned to normal, and Lai Luo's figure also turned into thousands of light spots and disappeared in place.

It turns out that the abnormality in Sanji's body was noticed by Lai Luo as early as three years ago. What just happened was just a scene, a scene to reveal Im's true identity!

In the empty vortex, the intact Lai Luo descended like a god, sneeringly looking down at Im, who was constantly struggling on the ground.

Those who have been given a chance and have not repented have no need to live in the world.

"Accept your final punishment, Im!"

Starting with the iron sword, the golden rays of light poured into it, and the subtle sharp sword energy wandered in the space, and the cracks appeared faintly, showing the terribleness of this sword.

"God's wrath and punishment!"

Lei Luo threw a mouthful of blood on the sword body, the huge vortex in the air began to vibrate continuously, and golden light emerged from it, converging into a golden broad sword, carrying the momentum of smashing the yellow dragon, ignoring the constraints of time and space, attacking Yi m.

At that moment, the wind whistled, the sky shook, and the waves from the sea slapped the coast crazily. When the gods were angry, they would naturally become the most realistic embodiment.


The golden broad sword fell, and everything was cut in half under the fierce and unparalleled sword energy. Whether it was space or the earth, it was difficult to stop the power of this sword!

"How... how could this be!"

The exclamation sounded, and Lai Luo's heart was pounding, he couldn't believe what he saw with his own eyes.

That Im, who had been fighting with him for several years, the behind-the-scenes boss of the world government, the emperor of the Tianlong people, actually had a face that was 70% similar to him.

Even if he hadn't seen that face for more than ten years, Lai Luo would never be unfamiliar with it, because that was the person he was thinking of, the person he wanted to see the most before he died, his own son in the future!

Chapter 351 Final Chapter

"You are my son!"

Lai Luo burst down and hugged Im, who had run out of time, in his arms.

"Go away, I don't have your father!"

Facing Lei Luo's trembling questioning, Im desperately trying to break free from his embrace, but now, even breathing is extremely difficult for him.

Why does Yimu have the Jiugou jade reincarnation writing wheel eye, why does Yimu have the Three Immortals and Immortals mode, why Yimu can activate the co-killing ashes that even Lai Luo can't use, and why...

Countless questions appeared in front of Lai Luo's eyes again, and no explanation was needed at this time, because the kinship from blood was enough to explain everything.

Im he, is Lai Luo's biological son!

"Why did you become like this, and why did you come to this world?"

Lai Luo kept whispering in his mouth, his brain has long been blank, and all of this is simply unacceptable as a father.

"I actually killed my own child, I actually killed my own child!"

At the moment when Im's hideous smile completely solidified, Lei Luo knelt on the ground as if he had lost his soul, motionless.

Sanji, who was standing beside Lai Luo, sighed helplessly. Although he didn't understand what happened, he knew that Lai Luo was going through an unprecedented experience of inner demons.

Suddenly, a thin white smoke floated out of Yimu's body, and the confused Lei Luo suddenly shot and held it in the palm of his hand.

"System, explain, what the **** is going on!"

Lai Luo's furious roar circled in his mind, the white smoke he held was not Im's soul, but a special existence similar to a system.

"The future, like you, is the chosen person, but his system seems to be transformed by all kinds of extreme negative emotions."

The system's words fell, and everything in front of Lai Luo gradually became illusory.

Naruto World, a year after Lai Luo left.

"Your father is Lai Luo? Hahahaha, how can you imagine a great man as a father just because you are born weak?"

At Konoha Academy, the only student who did not pass the exam was the future.

I also know the reason. The future in his childhood suddenly suffered from a serious illness. When he recovered, not only was his physique weaker than ordinary people, but he couldn't condense even a trace of chakra inside his body. Object.

But even so, he still did not give up lightly in the future. He secretly vowed that he must become a Shangnin, like a Matekai-like Shangnin!

However, the cruel reality will soon wake up the future. His physical fitness, let alone daily training, even walking has become extremely difficult. When he was just over ten years old, he had a long head of hair early, and his body exuded thick and thick hair. Intense death.

Kaguya, Hong and the others searched for all the treasures in the world, trying to save future lives, but in the end, the bamboo basket was empty.

One day, the tomb of the future collapsed, and an incarnation of hatred crawled out of it.

"Host, that's it, only endless hatred can give you indestructible power!"

That's right, the future became the one chosen by God. With a negative system, he completed his revenge on all those who bullied him, and his strength is no less than the myth left by Laylo.

"System, why have I done so much, but I still can't completely dissipate the fire of hatred in my heart!"

"Because the person who caused the tragedy is your biological father, and you must complete your revenge against him!"

"Where is he now?"

"Another world, as long as you step into the space in front of you, I will send you to the world where your father is!"

"it is good!"

When I came to the world of pirates, the future was attached to the body of a young man who died accidentally under the waves. The young man was named Rox.

After learning about Lai Luo's timeline from the system's mouth, he conquered this sea in the name of Lox in the future, leaving a prophecy, a prophecy that would be convenient for him to find Lai Luo in the future. Mu's identity lives on.

Im, a mother, he is a child with only a mother, and the meaning of surviving to this day is to complete his revenge!


Under the decoding of the system, Lei Luo, who learned all the ins and outs, sneered.

He would never have thought that the source of the tragedy in front of him would actually be caused by himself.

On the other side, Sanji, who saw Laylo laughing and crying for a while, could only sigh helplessly. He didn't know why, and all he could do was hand Laylo the cigarette in his arms.


Silently finished smoking a cigarette, the corpse gas in Lei Luo’s body resurfaced, the vortex above the sky also turned, and the souls of the dead peacemakers reshaped and flew out of it, escaping into his own body. within.

"Sanji, where's the boss? Where's Im?"

After the reborn Anilu surrounded himself, he hurriedly asked Sanji, he was afraid that the death he had imagined would become a reality.

In the same way, everyone who returned from the resurrection focused on Sanji, and only Master Yi left quietly without saying a final farewell to his comrades.

"Two sisters, my brother-in-law asked me to bring you a message, see you in a year."

After speaking, Sanji just smiled, turned and walked towards the Straw Hats, but stopped for a moment and looked at the vast sea.

I am a sinner, and the road of redemption must be completed. Sanji, help me tell everyone that the mountains and rivers meet, and see you in a year!

Before Lei Luo left, the words echoed in Sanji's mind again.

At this moment, somewhere on the sea, a man with Chinese hair smiled and explained what he had seen to the boy who had no life in his arms.


"Yi, come and sit, let me tell you two about this mysterious sea!"

At that moment, the Huafa man spoke from the sea to the land, and all the ages of the earth, as well as all things in the universe, these unheard of knowledge.

However, what neither Lei Luo nor Master Yi noticed was that the heart of the young corpse seemed to be beating slightly.

Three months later, the Holy Land Mary Joa has returned to its former prosperity, but now the owner here is a group of peacemakers who have created a new era, and the empty throne that symbolizes love and peace is left untouched.

It's just that on the wall above the throne, there is a smiling man with evil eyes, with a few big characters next to it, which is the supreme evaluation of all the people for him.

The guardian of the world - Lai Luo!

Chapter 352 Surprise, hope of resurrection!

Time passed without a trace, and Lai Luo took Master Yi to various places in the world of pirates, looking for a way to resurrect the future.

Since discovering that the future still has a heartbeat, Lei Luo was ecstatic, and continued to use the ability of accumulating corpse energy to revive the future like crazy, but found that no matter how hard he tried, it was useless after all.

In the future, although the heart has not stopped beating, it will never wake up, like a living dead!

"Master, after so many years, this world may not have a way to resurrect the young master..."

Master Yi, who was behind Lai Luo, said a little decadently.

From the duel known as the 'Battle of the Century' to the present, they have been searching for 30 years in the pirate world. The fruit of Huangquan was eaten by the future, but it did not wake up the future.

"Yi, don't persuade me, are you letting me watch my son die in front of me?"

"Even if he is completely different, my blood is still flowing in his body!"

Lai Luo's back was hunched, like a dying old man.

After several years of searching, although his strength is sky-high, his mood and will have already become a little low with the loss of the future.

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