MTL - Naruto: I Can Only Draw S-rank Rewards-Chapter 193

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Master Yi wanted to say something, but found that he had no words at all to convince Lai Luo to change his mind.

If he had a child and was in a dying state, he would, like Laylo, find a way to save his child at all costs.

Silently following behind Lei Luo, Master Yi said no more, all he can do is to follow behind the master, always accompanying his master...

A new world, an unnamed island.

Lai Luo looked up at the mountain in the distance, and was very excited.

Two months ago, Lai Luo, who had given up hope of finding a way to revive the future, suddenly received a mission issued by the system, and the mission reward was a random world pass that Lai Luo desperately wanted to obtain.

"Since there is no way to revive the future in the pirate world, then I will go to other worlds to find it! One world will not work! Then I will travel to all the worlds! I must find a way to revive my son!"

In the following time, Lai Luo used all the power of the pirate world to find the location designated by the mission, and finally found the target two months later.

Standing at the entrance of the Millennium Dragon's lair, Laylo couldn't hide his excitement.

"In the future, waiting to be a father!"

Leaping up gently, Lei Luo turned into golden light and entered the thousand-year-old dragon's lair. This lair was obviously abandoned. Although there was no sunlight in the cave, it was not damp. The bones of some beasts that were swallowed by the thousand-year-old dragon were scattered in the cave. All around, the smallest of these skeletons are hundreds of meters high, but in this cave, they are still not spectacular enough.

"It is worthy of being the most mysterious creature in the pirate world. It's just that the lair that it once lived in is so atmospheric, even the bones of giant sea kings can't occupy even one-hundredth of a millionth of the place in the hole."

"Golden Light Technique!"

There was a burst of light above Lai Luo's head, and he looked around with the light, and soon saw a huge bulge at the top of the cave.

Without much effort, Lai Luo jumped up. This is obviously the place where the thousand-year-old dragon lord lives. If the treasure that the system task asked him to find is in this lair, it will definitely be placed here.

Next, without much effort, Lin Luo found the props required by the mission in a corner, a black stone engraved with the complete historical text.

Different from the three scattered stones in the original One Piece, the historical text on this stone is very complete. As long as you can read the text engraved on it, you can know what happened in the 100 years that One Piece lost.

However, Lai Luo was not interested in these, and immediately used the random world pass after getting the reward of the quest.

A little bit of fluorescent light scattered, and quickly condensed into a door of light in front of Laylo.

After the light gate is a time passage leading to a random world.

Finally glanced at the world of pirates, and Lei Luo didn't tangle too much, and stepped directly into the door of light as soon as he gritted his teeth.

Outside the thousand-year-old dragon's lair, Master Yi rushed into the cave with a sense of feeling, and looked up, but Lei Luo was no longer there.

"Master, I will definitely protect the body of the young master."

After saying a few words to the air, Master Yi sat cross-legged in the cave, where he would wait until Lai Luo returned to the world of pirates.

Lai Luo had no way of knowing the decision of Master Yi in the Pirate World, and even if he did, it would not stop Master Yi from doing it.

Right now, he only wanted to enter the new world quickly, but he was afraid that there was no way to resurrect the future in the new world he entered.

With mixed feelings, Lai Luo continued to move forward in the time channel in an uneasy mood.

As countless pictures flashed before his eyes, in the end, Laylo walked out of a door of light.

As in the previous situation, the accumulated corpse energy in Lei Luo's body will quickly dissipate with a little push, as if it will be depleted in a short while.

For this situation, Lai Luo did not panic, after all, he had already experienced it once.

"What world is this?"

He looked around, and wherever his eyes passed, square white stone pillars stood in front of him, and Lai Luo happened to be standing at the top of a stone pillar at this time.

Looking down, people in modern clothes are constantly shuttling between the stone pillars, as if there is a big terror behind them.

Regarding the unknown situation in the new world, Lai Luo acted very cautiously, and the Jiugou Jade Samsara Eye activated, looking towards the stone pillar behind those people.

"That is…"

Under the gaze of Jiugouyu Samsara Eye, three or four monsters with a size of 50 meters were constantly walking towards the place far away from the running crowd.

The upper body and lower body of these monsters are connected by joints, and their movements do not seem to be fast. It may also be because they dare not destroy the surrounding stone pillars. These monsters have not caught up with even a fleeing person for a long time.

"The meaning of hell!"

Lai Luo was shocked, and already remembered the name of the monster in front of him.

"The world of death! It turns out that I came here this time."

Thinking about it carefully in my heart, it seems that there is no example of resurrection in the world of the **** of death. The only thing that has hope of resurrecting people is probably that thing.

"If you want to get that thing, you have to leave here first!"

"Hell, there is very little ink in the original Death God, I don't know much about this place..."

Looking at the meaning of **** that was constantly approaching him in the distance, Lai Luo began to think about how to use the little power left to kill them.

Chapter 353 The meaning of hell!

The meaning of **** was gradually approaching, but it was already too late for Laylo to get out of the way.

Moreover, the accumulated corpse qi in the body cannot be replenished after being used up. If you just dodge, I am afraid that even Lai Luo can not dodge for too long.

"It's the right solution to find a way to kill these hells."

Lai Luo recalled the death animation he had watched before, the meaning of **** is the incarnation of the will of hell, the ability is higher than the deputy captain of the death team, but lower than the death captain.

And although the meaning of **** will not really die, after being dispersed, it will take a while to reunite the body.

The reason why the meaning of **** makes people feel invincible is because the attack of the blame is ineffective against them, and the **** of death cannot enter **** under the constraints of the rules.

"Guilty, killed, bottom of hell..."


Lai Luo remembered more and more things, and suddenly realized that he had forgotten the most important things.

"The lowest level of the region! The lowest level of **** that can revive the guilty!"

Lei Luo was so excited that he couldn't help but praise the system for a while, and even let himself directly reach the **** with the resurrection function in the **** of death.

"But how do you get to the bottom of hell?"

Lai Luo lowered his head and pondered. In his cognition, the bottom of **** had never appeared in the anime, and he had never mentioned any way to reach the bottom of hell.

There is only one sentence in the original book, 'After being killed by the meaning of hell, he will reach the bottom of **** and then be resurrected and continue to be killed! Until the culprit is exhausted and unable to resurrect. ' This thread.

"Do I have to kill the meaning of **** before I can find the bottom of hell?"

Lai Luo looked at the meaning of **** that was about to arrive in front of him, and his heart was full of contradictions.

Being killed by the meaning of **** means that Lai Luo will become a blame person, and the blame person cannot leave hell. If he wants to escape from hell, he will be attacked by the meaning of hell, but the attack of the blame person cannot hurt the meaning of **** at all, even if the ability is great Not even a day.

Therefore, the consequence of being killed by the meaning of **** is that Lai Luo becomes the blamer, and then becomes a part of the blamer in **** forever, and is permanently trapped in the **** of the world of death.

"If you lose your freedom, what's the point of finding a way to resurrect."

Lai Luo denied this method and looked down at the culprit who escaped.

"Let's find these culprits first to understand the situation. Maybe there are other ways for me to find the bottom of hell."

After he made up his mind, Lai Luo no longer tangled, the corpse gas in his body was churning, and the God-Buddha model loomed. He didn't know the power system of the world of death, so he would go all out when he was ready to get started!

"Ding Dong, an emergency is detected, activate the mission: victory in the first battle!"

Victory in the first battle: Kill the meaning of **** and save the culprit being chased. Mission completion rewards god-level lottery points*1.

The voice of the system sounded in Lai Luo's heart, which strengthened Lai Luo's idea of ​​killing these hells. Without hesitation, Lai Luo completely activated the God-Buddha mode!


As if feeling Laylo's killing intent, the intent of **** that had come to him opened his mouth and roared, smashing a blamer who was hiding beside the stone pillar into a patty, then jumped up and smashed his fist at the stone pillar where Lai Luo was standing.


The smoke and dust were everywhere, and the stone pillar on which Lai Luo was standing exploded with countless rubble falling to the surroundings, smashing the heads of many guilty people who couldn't dodge under the stone pillar.

In the smoke, the meaning of **** stood up, and in front of it, a golden figure as huge as it appeared, blocking the iron fist of the meaning of **** in front of him.

"The power is terrifying. It seems that the power system in the world of death is also very high, but..."

In the golden figure, Lei Luo's eyes were wide open, and the corpse gas in his body skyrocketed. The next moment, the golden figure let out a silent roar, and pushed his arms hard, pushing the huge body of the meaning of **** away, freeing the golden body of his hands. The figure then punched the forehead of the meaning of hell.


The explosion came, and the head of Hell's Mind was actually blown up by Lai Luo's punch.

At the same time as it fell with a bang, the body of the meaning of **** quickly differentiated, and as soon as it touched the ground, it turned into a little black light.

This scene made the culprits standing under the stone pillars terrified. They didn't care about the hellish intent of slaughtering their comrades on the side.

"Who is that person? He was able to attack the meaning of hell!"

"We are saved! Godman, save me!"

"I have meat to eat with the boss, boss, save me, you will be my reborn parent from now on, I will do whatever you ask me to do!"


Ignoring the shouting of the culprit under the stone pillar, Laidlaw looked down at the other two places.

At this moment, the other two hells who were torturing and killing the blame had stopped their movements and looked up at Lai Luo.

"You...not to blame..."

Intermittent words rang in Lai Luo's ears. This was the voice of hell. There was no emotion. Even when he saw his companion's 'death' in front of him, he did not fluctuate at all.

They are dead things without their own thoughts. All their actions represent the will of **** itself. The meaning of their existence is only to torture and kill the guilty people in hell, so as not to make them feel better.

"Nonsense, can blame people hurt you?"

With a loud shout, Lai Luo jumped down from the stone pillar. In mid-air, the golden figure stretched out his hands, and a golden light shot out from his palms. The target was the meaning of **** that was closest to Lai Luo.

"Light Escape. Judgment"

The golden light condensed on the top of Hell's Intention, turned into a sky-splitting sword, and slashed down with endless might.


The meaning of **** raised his arms to resist the falling golden sword, but it was useless, and was split in half by the golden sword and the arm.

After Lai Luo landed, the last Infernal Intent had already rushed over, but Lai Luo directly ignored its attack. After a few minutes, this Infernal Intention was also killed and turned into a little black light waiting to condense again.

"The meaning of killing three hells will consume less than half of the accumulated corpse in the body. It seems that the energy in the body needs to be converted into energy attributes suitable for this world as soon as possible."

Putting away the God-Buddha mode, Lai Luo turned to look at the blamer around him, and soon came to the side of an injured blamer.

"Do you know how to get to the bottom of **** without dying?"

When Lai Luo questioned, a few people on a certain stone pillar in the distance were looking at it from a distance.

"This person can kill the meaning of hell. I'm afraid it's not the same blame as us, and his ability is very strange. It doesn't seem to be the ability of the **** of death. Is it a high-level imaginary?"

"Whatever he is, as long as he can help us break through the gates of hell!"

"Hehe, as long as the chain on the chest can be broken, the meaning of **** is nothing to worry about!"

Chapter 354 Blame!

"Are we going to meet him now?"

One of the people on the stone pillar in the distance spoke, then turned to look at the partner beside him, and his eyes were mostly inquiries.

"Don't worry, we'll talk about it when we figure out what he's doing in hell."



A tall and thin figure whose hands were tentacles and whose head was bandaged to cover his eyes walked out. After agreeing, the figure quickly swept to where Laylo was.

"Let's just wait here for news from Ultramarine."

The man sat down as he spoke, and when the people around him saw this, they also sat on the ground with a smile.

"Boss Zhu Lian, what are you going to do when we return to this world?"

A fat man with green hair on the top of his head asked boredly, but before Zhu Lian could answer, he continued talking to himself.

"I want to follow the boss all the time. It's best to kill a few gods of death who are patrolling the world..."

Read Legend of Swordsman
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