MTL - Need to Propose to Seven Men What to Do!-Chapter 204

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Chapter 204

This night, the sword was even more chilly, and the Chu Yunyun was set to a limit, and then... and the night Xiaohan was interchanged.

Chu Yuyun knows that he is intentional.

Let him endure it, but... If you want a quick strategy, you can only use some very good means.

Night Xiaohan is really a good boy. Since Chu Yunyun and he have chosen him, he has not crossed the border.

But today this scene is still shocking him.

He paused, and he almost had to take this narrow waist and go in and out, but Chu Xiaoyun’s indifferent sight came into his mind, and he stopped him.

His twilight sag and retreat by the amazing willpower: "I... I will..."

A sentence did not say, Chu Yuyun suddenly grabbed his hand: "Don't go." His voice is tempting to the extreme, the simple words are like a fire, can instantly ignite the whole Yellow grassland.

The night Xiaohan is obviously stiff.

Chu Yuyun is obviously somewhat unconscious: "...continue."

Night Xiaohan suddenly woke up, he bit his lip and said: "Amu, I am..."

"Help me, ask, ask you..." This sound has already brought a cry.

Night Xiaohan only felt that there was a white light in front of him. He completely lost his mind in the next thing. He only had the desire to burn fiercely. He suppressed the innumerable days, and the brain broke out, making people crazy and crazy.

Until the afternoon, the night Xiaohan was awake.

Chu Yuyun got up in silence and didn't say a word. He only went to the bath in vain.

The night Xiaohan was obviously panicked. He wanted to say something, but the scorpion seemed to be shackled. When he reached the mouth, he could not say a word.

Chu Yuyun’s look is dark and he doesn’t say a word when he is dressed neatly.

The night Xiaohan finally couldn’t hold it, said lowly: “Yes, it’s not good for me.”

Chu Yuyun closed her eyes and said after a long sound: "I want to be alone."

At night, Xiao Han’s eyes are all lost. He only hangs his head: “I am outside, what is calling me.”

Chu Yuyun didn't look at him, and he didn't want to say this.

The teenager looked at him like this, only that a heart in the chest was covered with steel needles, and the tingling of the dense people made it impossible to parry.

He couldn't even say apologize, he was so dangerous, twice and twice, twice and twice, and there was no good faith at all.

A Mu will not forgive him, and he is not qualified to get his forgiveness again...

Night Xiaohan stood in the frost of the sky, and lost his soul.

In the house, Chu Yuyun is really heart-warming.

The ghost animal that killed him six times can't be overemphasized, but the egg that raises himself is a bitter to abuse.

Think about the little guy who is wearing a safflower green, think about the stupidity that the diving breaks himself...

Chu Yuyun sighed, a bit of recognition of the words of gluttony spicy chicken.

- You have to change your child's problems and raise one.

The recent zero-baby ban on retreat is ignorant: "Hey? Is the marriage proposal unsuccessful?"

I also thought that Chu should be able to get gluttony.

Chu Yuyun said: "Today is ok."

Zero baby: "~\\(≧▽≦)/~啦啦啦, great!"

Chu Yuyun: "..."

Who said that one raises one? Zero baby, isn’t that nothing? So it’s not that he is not in the right way, but the roots are black!

Chu always got comfort from his stupid system (...).

He slowed down a little, and got up and went to find his own Qiankun bag. Most of the things in the ink were not moved. They were arranged step by step, and there were a lot of wine beside the pile of food.

This is the inventory of Chu Yuyun. Although he is not greedy, he likes it.

When you are high, your body is good. Although these wines are strong, they are heavy and basically never drunk.

But this is not the case, this body is weak, it is easy to get drunk.

Chu Yuyun has carefully selected a few altars to taste great.

The wines are all vintage wines. When the jars are opened, the fragrance will be scented outwards.

Chu Yuyun's mouth is light, and after a full glass of wine, he feels a lot better.

However, he is ‘buy drunk’ today, so he can’t drink wine so happily, or the cows drink faster.

After a taste of one or two cups, he began to drink with a jug.

This wine is fierce, so it’s so big, and when it’s too late, people are confused.

Zero baby released ‘absolutely awake’ in time, and Chu Yunyun immediately sipped.

It was only mentally calm, but the body was still drunk, and the cheeks flew red, and a pair of cool black scorpions climbed the water vapor, a charming mist.

The night Xiaohan was kept outside. He smelled the mellow alcohol very early, but he didn't dare to enter the house. He was also very worried when he was outside.

A Mu must be very uncomfortable in his heart... just thinking about this, he can't wait to kill himself.

Until the house jingled.

The night Xiaohan finally couldn't help it. He pushed the door into the house. The wine-like image of the full house broke through the imprisonment. It rushed outwards. The smell of the people was so slight that it was enough to see... How strong is the wine!

Chu Yuyun leaned against the wooden chair, and the wide sleeves slid to the elbows. The white armlets showed a thin red, and the hands of the wine glasses swayed, and the posture was lazy and sexy.

Night Xiaohan only glanced at it, and felt that there was a heat flow in the body.

He pressed this evil fire and went over and said: "Amu, you drink too much."

Chu Yuyun chuckled a bit, and looked up and drank the wine in the cup. Because the movement was too random, the wine flowed down the corner of the mouth and crossed the neck, flowing out of the blood.

The night was cold and the throat was swaying, but it was hard to avoid the sight: "You are in poor health, don't drink like this."

Chu Yuyun suddenly pressed the glass on the table, and after a slamming, he looked up at the night Xiaohan.

The night Xiaohan was seen by his heart pounding.

Chu Yuyun's eyelashes trembled a little, and the scorpion filled with water vapor seemed to drop tears at any time: "You dislike me."

The night was cold and stunned.

Chu Yuyun smiled and smiled, but full of self-deprecation and bitterness: "You must have abandoned me..."

Night Xiaohan quickly said: "How can I possibly..."

"Amo." Chu Yuyun whispered the name, and the voice was full of pain. "What should I do?"

The night Xiaohan was completely frozen.

Chu Yuyun did not realize it. He took the sleeves of the night and looked at him. He looked at him with a rare fragility and helplessness: "What qualifications do I have to stay with you?"

"What other qualifications do I love you?"

"Amo, I can't forgive myself."

"But..." Chu Yuyun couldn't help it. A big drop of tears rolled off his eyes and choked. "I really don't want to leave you."

"I want to be with you..." Chu Yuyun seems to be unable to say anything. His voice is close to the extreme. Every syllable is like torture. "I want to be your partner, I want to be with you." Lifetime..."

I didn’t expect the night sword, he will come to this hand...

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