MTL - Need to Propose to Seven Men What to Do!-Chapter 205

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Chapter 205

This script is so perfect that even if the night sword can whisper with the night Xiaohan, it can't stop it.

Because Chu Yunyun said from the beginning is "Amo."

He did not lie to the night Xiaohan, he was really drunk after ‘drunken’, and his heart was full of his own sweetheart. He followed the thinking of the night Xiaohan and showed an image of inner pain and despair caused by betrayal of lovers.

This even fits in what he said a few days ago.

He said: I will leave Jun Mo.

Not that he wants to leave, but he has to leave.

Because of his infidelity, he has long lost his qualification for a lifetime, and he has long lost the most basic trust between his partners.

He hates himself and hates himself, but he can't help it, because he can't resist what happened, and even dragged two people down.

In the morning, he ‘invited’ the night Xiaohan, after the night Xiaohan blamed himself for wanting to kill himself, but what about Chu Yunyun?

His mind is confused, but when he is finished, he clearly remembers everything. He kept saying that he had to go back to the past, to be friends with the night Xiaohan, but when he was in love, he was...

Night Xiaohan is very painful, Chu Yuyun will only be more painful.

His feelings, the night Xiaohan is basically empathy, so seeing such a lost soul Chu Yunyun, how can he let it go?

Night Sword Cold can't even say a word, saying that Chu Yunyun is acting? Oh, who is it? Said that Chu Yunyun is inducing him? What is the motivation? Said that Chu Yunyun was deliberate in the morning? Well, the one who is least qualified to say this is his initiator.

I have to say that the Chu Yun cloud calculations are so wonderful, there are no flaws in the Ding.

It seems that this man can only do nothing if he squats.

Sure enough, I am still too eager to continue to be pitiful.

Although I lost a move here, the night sword caught a very crucial thing.

For example... Chu Yunyun needs a ‘commitment’, a ridiculous promise of a lifetime and a double.

why? Is it really just like collecting?

Night Sword Cold doesn't think so, he is looking forward to hiding the truth under all of this.

As the night sword thinks, the Chu Yunyun in this state, the night Xiaohan is absolutely unable to withstand.

The young man is full of painful colors, but he does not want to make the drunken Chu Yunyun more sad.

Since it was regarded as Jun ink, then... is Jun ink.

Can comfort him like this, even if he is suffering from the pain of heart and bones, he is willing.

The night Xiaohan embraced Chu Yunyun, and the line of sight was gentle and touching: "Amu, don't say this yourself."

Chu Yuyun, who got the response, was obviously stunned. He looked at the night and his eyes were not stunned, but the tears of the big drops rolled silently.

Night Xiaohan was so distressed that he could barely breathe. He raised his hand and wiped away the warm water mark. He said: "You are my lover, Amu, I want to be with you, you are my only companion, I... He paused slightly, his thin lips twitching, and he said the words that haunted the whole heart. "I love you."

Chu Yuyun's eyes are unbelievable.

The night Xiaohan finally couldn't stand it. He kissed him first, soft, soothing, suppressing the feelings like the waves, only hope, hope not to scare him.

"Amo... Amo... Amo..." Chu Yuyun called his name out of control.

The night Xiaomi smiled slightly, but the bitterness filled the obsidian nephew: "I am here."

"You... don't deny me."

"It will never be."

"You still want to be a partner with me."

"Life is born, as long as you don't leave, I don't give up."

The joy in Chu Yuyun’s eyes is unobtrusive, and the emotions filled with it are full of people’s flusteredness.

He took the cheek of the night, and fascinated and kissed him.

This night, the night Xiaohan saw a completely different Amu.

One is deeply in love, one is completely let go, a man who is really fascinating and mad.

Night Xiaohan is like a dying fish. I desperately ask for this last drop of water. Even if I know very well that this is a poisonous drunken wine, I can drink it without hesitation.

Drinking and quenching thirst, waking into the abyss.

Chu Yuyun slept in the night, the night was quiet and meticulously cleaned up everything, and then silently out of the house.

Night Sword Cold: "Why?"

The night is not cold.

Night Sword Cold: "If you don't get the heart, you can get people. Watching them every night, I will only think about you one day."

Night Xiaohan: "Roll!"

Night Sword Cold is not annoyed, only if there is no smile.

Zero baby wakes up in a timely manner: "Wow! Finally got the most difficult gluttony!"

Chu Yuyun is tired, talent is great, so young can be tossed, from this point of view, that one big one is a person is right.

Zero baby is still reporting results: "Pride arrogance, greed get, color | want to get, lazy get, gluttony get, only jealousy and anger are not asked to marry!"

The completion of the Raiders is just around the corner, this baby is very excited (~ ̄ ̄ ̄) ~.

Chu Yuyun slept for a day, and the next day was refreshing.

He tried to work for a week and found that he was able to accumulate strength. It seems that he is gradually recovering.

Counting the days, Jun Mo will have five or six days to go out.

Because of the day's business, the night Xiaohan has been very quiet, although still staying here, but like an invisible person, it will not meet with Chu Yunyun.

Chu Yuyun is a bit embarrassed to him, but with some rational considerations, it is best when broken.

If it is not for Raiders, he will never provoke a child like Xiao Han.

If you can't give equal love, don't give hope. This is very irresponsible.

For the night Xiaohan, Junmo, Lingxuan, he is awkward, but unfortunately this thing...not that he does not want to respond, but that he does not, so he can only compensate from other aspects.

Although these compensations are of little use, they are better than nothing.

What is rare is that these days and nights have not appeared again.

Chu Yuyun knows that as long as the night is not a break, the night sword can't take up the body.

Probably not wanting to let Chu Yuyun feel sad, so this child died to suppress the appearance of the night sword.

On his own road, the skill of gluttony students has always been unparalleled.

Six days later, a colorful cloud reflected in the sky, the bamboo forest was enveloped in the colorful clouds, and the vision of the sky heralded the arrival of strange things.

Still soul Dan... Great!

Chu Yuyun is happy under the heart, and the eyebrows are also the color of joy. I saw it in the night outside Xiaohan, only I feel that the internal organs are suffering.

Junmo finally cleared the border.

Seventy-seven forty-nine days of incessant sleep, finally created this miracle that shocked the world.

The silver-haired man had just bathed. Under the horror of the sky, I saw that the hair was like a moon, and the skin was like frost and snow. The appearance was as refined as the gods, dragging the wide robes, and the walk seemed to be surrounded by clouds.

Night Sword Cold: "You don't argue, he is someone else."

Night Xiaohan looked far away at the two people who were kissing together, with no expression.

Read Legend of Swordsman
Martial ArtsXuanhuanAdventureAction