MTL - Online Game: Island War-Chapter 713 retreat and stay

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Suzaku Nine Songs!

Saint-level sword cultivators were able to figure out who they were in almost a blink of an eye.

How did the other party get back to help so quickly? What happened to the interception team on Nagsu-san's side? And there's...their side...seems...dangerous!

The air island has been flying for nearly two years, and Jiuge came back in just two days.

I have to say that in terms of speed and the ability to travel long distances, there may be nothing in the game world that can surpass Jiuge, um, except for the teleportation array.

Of course, Jiuge, who returned, will not be polite to the enemy, and at the same time, he has no intention of saying hello. Anyway, he does not know any of these enemies.

Besides, since it has been made clear that chariots and horses are enemies, then... only dead enemies are good enemies.


Who taught this?

Don't you know who Jiuge's son is?


Depressed and the three-legged Golden Crow Taiji fought together again, the holy-level golden dragon was suddenly hit by a terrifying fireball. Even with the super resistance of the holy-level dragon, it was unable to resist this level of flames. .

Because, this is Jiu Ge's ultimate move, Jiu Huo Yan Divine Strike.

Like a plane hit by an anti-aircraft gun, the Saint-level Golden Dragon was surrounded by flames and thick smoke, falling toward the ground.


There was a loud bang, and after hitting the ground, more smoke and dust splashed around.

Inside the smoke, there was an unusually weak protest from the holy-level golden dragon, "As a holy beast, Suzaku, you actually made a sneak attack. It's so... shameless!"

"What a sneak attack, it's just that you didn't react!" Jiuge reasoned confidently.

With Lei Jiu's earnest teachings, Jiu Ge scoffed at the accusations of the other party. This is a battlefield, not a gladiatorial arena. Who will play with you one-on-one.

Besides, even if you bullied a woman, I didn't see you going anywhere.

After Lei Jiu's numerous calls and intentions, Jiu Ge and Tai Ji have not yet achieved any positive results, but their relationship has progressed a lot.

Jiuge returned to sweep the three holy-level battle groups, and naturally she had to help Taiji first.

One is because of the difference in intimacy, and the other is because... the other two chapters don't seem to need his help for the time being...

There was such a big commotion on Jiuge's side, even if the fighting on the battlefield never stopped, he basically noticed what he should have noticed.

Prestige Tangtang ordered Jiuying to retreat immediately. He did not dare to forget the scene where Jiu Ge suppressed Jiuying to death in the last invitational match.

Looking at it, the holy-level golden dragon of the Dragon Kingdom is about to die, and he can't take the most important bargaining chip now.

After giving the order for Jiuying to retreat, the majestic turned to Li Shaotian, whose face was stained with blood by Qinglian, "This time there is no hope, retreat!"

"This time?" Li Shaotian repeated resentfully, his eyes bloodshot.

Majestic looked at Li Shaotian expressionlessly, "What do you want to say? What do you want to do? What can you do?"


"Whether it's you, me, or any of us, who else can do anything? If we don't retreat, we will lose even more!" Turning around and looking around, he spoke again with majesty, "If we can really turn the tide, , I'm also happy to see it happen, it's now time, if you have any, stand up!

Do you have? "

With her arms folded, Qinglian Ranxue, who had been silent for a while, suddenly said, "Withdraw!"

Seeing that Li Shaotian was no longer uttering a word, Qinglian Bloody also agreed to retreat, and the other players in the coalition had no opinion, and they all began to give orders in dejection.

This time, I really lost my wife and lost my troops. With so many sacrifices, the real damage to Huanghuang Island is very limited.

The only thing that can be done is to cut off the bone wall outside the Great Wall of Haiphong.

But for this, the price paid by the coalition forces is one third of the total force, and almost half of it!

This time, it was really hurt.

When Lei Jiu and his party returned, they still didn't know what kind of retaliation they would face.

They can only pray now that the God of the Sky should be more powerful, and the joint interception team of Dragon Kingdom and Shushan can compete for gas, so that Lei Jiu's team can lose as much as possible.

Otherwise, they will be really sad in the future...

I don't know, if the players of the coalition army know at this time that Lei Jiu's trip was not damaged at all, and he also got two disgusting artifacts, what kind of panic and despair would he feel? ?

The island owners had a good plan. They thought that the allied troops would withdraw, and Huanghuang Island should not be able to pursue them at this time.

In fact, Huanghuang Island's army did not intend to go out of the Great Wall of Coastal Defense to pursue, but they did not pursue, which did not mean that Jiuge was willing to let them go easily.

Of course, they were just incidental. The main goal of Jiuge was to leave behind the three saints who came to attack Huanghuang Island.

Among them, the priority of leaving the holy-level golden dragon and holy-level sword cultivator is even higher than that of leaving the Nine Infants.

Before Jiuge returned, Lei Jiu expressed his intention to cut off Tiamat and Longbeard's right-hand man. Jiu Ge naturally knew who was their right-hand man.

As for the Nine Infants of the Timeless Isle, if they jumped alone, they would let them go. Anyway, they can clean up at any time, because they know the specific location of the Timeless Isle.

It is estimated that this is also one of the reasons why Jiuying started to keep a low profile after being madly abused by Jiuge in the invitational competition, for fear of being targeted by Lei Jiu!

The seriously injured Saint-level Golden Dragon has lost the ability to act autonomously. The coalition forces wanted to take it was bombarded by a carpet of flames from Nine Songs. The Saint-level Golden Dragon, which was a little heavier, quickly retreated.

Next, Jiuge aimed at the holy sword cultivator who started to retreat.

The High Priest of Jiuli Kingdom was watching from the Great Wall of Haiphong, but did not intend to help.

Previously, he made his move to help Huanghuang Island defend the city and attack? Sorry, he didn't intend to do this too.

Jiuge didn't even mean to ask him for help, and greeted Taiji together, and went to greet the holy sword cultivator.

As for that nine-headed monster, nine infants... let's leave it alone. If King Jiuli keeps chasing the other party, it will be considered unfortunate and majestic. Instead, let's talk about it later...

When it was discovered that Suzaku Jiuge and the Three-legged Golden Crow were targeting him, the holy sword cultivator knew that today, he could not escape.

Quietly Yu Jian floated in the air, waiting for Jiuge and the others to arrive, the holy sword cultivator said, "Why did you choose me?"

Although he was clueless about what he asked, Jiuge understood what he meant. In comparison, the coalition should be the most direct enemy of Huanghuang Island.

"Because you all came out, because your interception team can't go back, and because the coalition forces can do it anytime, anywhere!"

Feeling that there is nothing to hide, Jiuge intends to let the other party be a clear ghost.

"Understood! It seems that it was the real man with long beard who took a wrong look and made a loss-making business! I just didn't expect that this loss might cost the entire Shushan Mountain!"

: . :

Read The Duke's Passion