MTL - Online Game: Island War-Chapter 714 cleanup plan

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As a sword cultivator, he has never been caught without a word. In the end, the holy sword cultivator of Shushan died under the attack of Jiuge's Nine Fires.

He hurried all the way at full speed, and as soon as he came back, he immediately went into battle, and killed two saints. Even if it was Jiuge, his combat power would inevitably drop a lot.

So for Jiuying, who didn't know where to escape, Jiuge didn't bother to search anymore.

As for the lord of Jiuli, who originally fought against Jiuying...

When Jiuying confronted him head-on, it could arouse his interest, but after Jiuge came back, the other party started to run away blindly, which was very boring.

Losing interest, Chi Xiao, the ruler of Jiuli, gave up chasing and turned back.

"As expected by the high priest, even if we don't take action, Huanghuang Island will not collapse! I don't know what the situation is on Jiuxiao Island Lord!"

"Since the Suzaku has been sent back, it proves that even if the Suzaku can't fully take the initiative, the situation will not be too bad. Even if the Suzaku is missing, the four elephants can't form a battle formation, and the Qinglong, Baihu, and Xuanwu are still the four elephants. For the genus of holy beasts, there is no need for ordinary saints like us to worry about it!"

"Hey, the high priest is not an ordinary saint!"

Glancing at the lord of his own country, the high priest sighed, "In front of the sacred beasts of the four elephants, they are all the same, there is no difference!"

King Jiuli smiled and changed the subject, "Huanghuang Island now has six holy levels, of which the four sacred beasts are still at the peak of holy level, this power, even the gods who hang high in the sky, dare not take it easy. Watch it!"

"Take it lightly? The power is basically concentrated on the gods in the Tianyu Divine Kingdom. Now who will take the initiative to form a Liangzi with Huanghuang Island? It's not fun to find yourself!

In the current world, Huanghuang Island has become a decisive force. "

"Well, don't say anything else, as long as anyone can hold the four-image holy beast, they are worthy of the words "important!"

"That's right! Now that the dust has settled, let's go back to the Dijiang Temple. I have a hunch that we will soon succeed!"

"Di Jiang Zuwu has responded?"


The two discussed, drifting away...

Lei Jiu didn't go after Jiuying's trace, that's because the other party escaped quickly and his breath was well hidden. He didn't want to waste a lot of time, and he might end up with nothing in the end.

But he didn't want to let go of the main force of the coalition forces retreating like the ebb tide.

Because his own soldiers didn't chase after him, Jiuge could set fire unscrupulously. He hadn't done such a cool thing for a long time.

In the past, every time he set fire to an invitational tournament, he had to be careful not to accidentally injure himself. In the real battle, there are so many enemies that he needs to set fire to a large area, and he has never experienced it a few times.

Even if it happens once or twice, you have to take care of your allies as well, and you will have a really enjoyable big burn... um... this won't be the first time, right? He himself was a little unsure.

What about him, anyway, now he's setting fires like a jubilant, whether it's on the shore or in the sea, there are jumping red everywhere, it's really...refreshing!

Jiuge's actions made the idea of ​​surfacing temporarily put out the idea of ​​​​surfacing against the Allied Forces' attack on the Underwater Three Demons.

Thinking about it carefully, they are underwater troops. No matter when, it's best to stay under the surface of the water. They can't cross the line and grab other people's jobs at will, right?

Of course, just because they were not on the surface did not mean that they had no way to take the coalition forces. Although the underwater parts of those ships were specially thickened with steel plates, it was not difficult for them.

For them, there is no ship that cannot be scuttled!

The embarrassed retreating coalition forces lost another big wave under the ruthless combination of water and fire from Jiuge and Huanghuang Island's underwater troops.

The heavy losses made the island owners and players on the coalition side mourn. In this attack, almost all of them took out all their belongings, and lost two-thirds of their belongings at once. Some unlucky ones even almost wiped out the entire army. , This kind of heavy blow, few people can take it seriously.

Lei Jiu, who was thousands of miles away, received a more detailed battle report shortly after the coalition forces retreated.

Unlike the battle summary formed by the system, only the number of casualties on both sides is different. The battle report sent by Huanghuang Island has a detailed process record, which allows Lei Jiu to understand more specifically.

Lei Jiu was already mentally prepared for the disappearance of the skeleton wall. After all, it was a massive invasion by the coalition forces. If he couldn't solve even a skeleton wall, it would be a joke.

As for the fact that his side has basically no losses, he already knew it in the systematic battle summary, and he didn't pay much attention to it.

On the other hand, Lei Jiu was satisfied with Jiu Ge's choice to keep the Saint-level Jinlong and Jian Xiu at that time. It seems that Jiu Ge fully understood his intentions.

Without the permanent holy level in the power, the threat of the Dragon Kingdom and Shushan will be greatly reduced.

With the two bare commanders of Tiamat and Longbeard, it will not be so easy if you want to make wind and rain. This game world is not the kind of world where the gods can delegate countless clones.

After returning to Huanghuang Island, take some time and go to the small world to completely solve the matter of the Dragon Kingdom and Shushan.

Anyway, after this battle, both the top forces in these two small worlds and the coalition forces were all half-crippled. No matter which side Lei Jiu took care of, the other side was unable to rescue or use any strategy to surround Wei and save Zhao.

Huanghuang Island, it will soon enter the stage of doing whatever you It is estimated that when Lei Jiu returns, there are likely to be many messengers from the island who have been waiting for a long time, looking forward to discussing the matter of joining the Huanghuang Alliance. .

For the island owner who wants to surrender, Lei Jiu has always refused to come.

Compared with the benefits he obtained, the benefits left to these island master players and the protection and convenience provided later are almost the same as the residue.

With the cooperation of the island owner, peaceful annexation from top to bottom, and armed occupation, forcible annexation, the difference between them is simply unreasonable.

All kinds of contradictions and rebellious emotions are also 108,000 miles away.

Now, this is the only thing that limits the speed of expansion and annexation of Huanghuang Island.

In terms of combat...there is no one who can stop the front of Huanghuang Island!

Of course, the game world is not reality after all, and anything can happen.

For example, the system suddenly twitched, so he couldn't be too complacent. He had to put a few saints on the coalition to make trouble for Lei Jiu.

In the face of the system boss, he couldn't squeeze it flat or round, but he had to be careful to prevent himself from being deformed.

In order to prevent things from changing, Lei Jiu decided to take his troops to the strongest islands to clean up after returning to the island.

Anyway, with the current strength of the coalition forces, even if they send harassing troops, their strength is bound to be very limited. Lei Jiu no longer needs to defend as hard as before...

: . :

Read The Duke's Passion