MTL - Online Game: Island War-Chapter 732 5-color dragon mother who died in terrorist attack

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Watching Tiamat pointed at Lei Jiuyi, and then Lei Jiuqi orifices bleed to the ground, it was very exciting for several saints on Huanghuang Island, especially Jiuge.

In fact, no matter it was the initial New Year's event, or the event where the wild monsters earned points in the island qualifying match, Lei Jiu had all died.

But that was all during the event, and... Lei Jiu was the last to die every time. He never died before Jiuge and them all died.

Now, Lei Jiu was indeed killed, and in front of their eyes...

Among all the saints on the island, Jiu Ge and Lei Jiu have the deepest relationship. Even including all the NPCs on the island, few are as close to him as Lei Jiu.

Seeing Lei Jiuqiqiao bleeding down, Jiuge even forgot that Lei Jiu's resurrection authority had never been used. At this moment, it was estimated that he had been resurrected on Huanghuang Island, and the flames around him erupted uncontrollably for the first time.

For Suzaku, who was bathed in flames, it was an incredible sight for the flames to go out of control, but right now, it really happened.

Fortunately, except for the deceased Lei Jiu, there are all saints around, and Jiuge's sudden loss of control will not hurt them by accident.

The red light flashed, and with a whimper, Jiuge suddenly disappeared from the empty island. Then, there was a loud bang in the distance, mixed with the screams of giant dragons!

Looking at the huge flame group that exploded in the distance, Jiu Ting and the others only reacted, Jiuge, rushed up and exploded!

Immediately afterwards, there was another roar, the previous flame group had not dispersed, and another flame group exploded.

After Jiu Ge was resurrected, he blew himself up again?

This time, the voice of the giant dragon can no longer be heard. That Tiamat, won't he be killed directly?


Just when this thought appeared in Jiu Ting's mind, the third group of flames exploded.

Jiu Ting's face changed slightly, and the high-pitched dragon roar came from a distance, "Nine songs, don't be impulsive, the island owner can be resurrected!"

Jiu Ting's actions were indeed prescient. When his voice came out, the fourth group of flames was already being formed. He should have heard Jiuting's reminder that Jiuge, who was planning to explode for the fourth time, finally stopped.

Not long after, Jiuge returned, and the breath became much weaker. It is estimated that it will take a week or two of rest to make up for it.

Seeing that Jiuge came back with a finger-like thing on her paw, Ai Luomeng next to her couldn't help but take a few steps back, "Tiamat's remains?"

"Bah!" Jiuge tilted his head and spit out a mouthful of fire, "That **** winged lizard has turned to ashes, and no one can recognize it, and it must have entered the stomach of countless sea fish now!"

"Hey, Jiu Ge's self-destruction means that Jiu Ming dares to resist, we can't do it, let alone Tiamat! Even if the holder of the sacred artifact will get some blessings, it can resist the power that is almost leapfrog, but Jiu Ge will not be able to resist. For Tiamat, the power is not as simple as leveling up, not to mention that Jiuge blew himself up three times in a row!" As he spoke, Jiuting raised three dragon claws.

"Humph! How dare you ruin your father's life! It's just turned into ashes, it's already very cheap for her!"

"Electra complex?"

Jiu Ting three looked at Ai Luomeng, who tilted his head, and then looked back at Jiuge, "Pfft!"

"Seems to be!"

"That's right!"

"The library is not in vain, what Xiao Ai Luomeng said makes sense!"

"You guys, do you want to die once?" Jiuge was so angry that everyone laughed, and the whole lines were on the stage!

"Ahem!" Seeing Jiuge's tendency to turn into anger, Jiu Ting coughed and put on a serious face, "Don't make trouble, everyone, what Jiuge brought back should be the sacred artifact in Tiamat's hand, and at the same time, It should also be the key to the world passage in front of the switch!"

"That's right, now we should ask the island owner what to do next!"

Seeing that a few people stopped joking about themselves, Jiu Ge spit angrily and calmed down, "Then let's go to the liaison on the empty island! Father father should be eager to know our side. What is the situation! The report is handed over to me!"

"Yes, no one will take your credit, Lord Jiuge, please go to the front!"



Huanghuang Island, Lei Jiu's bedroom.

When his five senses responded, he found that he had returned to his room.

In this game, this is his first resurrection, and it feels no different from the resurrection of the previous game "Pro War".

After being resurrected, Lei Jiu didn't panic, and he didn't appear in a hurry when he stepped out of the room.

He really wants to get in touch with Sky Island,'s not too urgent.

If he didn't give the power of the stars to Ai Luomeng to use before, but held it by himself, he would really be worried at this time. However, if there is no such thing, when Tiamat attacked him, he was sure that the holy weapon held by the opponent could not deal with the four elephants battle formation.

Thinking about the distance between Tiamat and the empty island at that time, Lei Jiu still felt a little vacuous in his heart.

He was a little fortunate. Fortunately, Ai Luomeng dressed up the power of the stars. Ai Luomeng held it like a plush toy. Otherwise, with Tiamat's vision, it is very likely that Ai Luomeng is using the power of the stars.

Lei Jiu was not sure whether Ai Luomeng could resist the attacking holy weapon of the opponent.

If Ai Luomeng is killed, even if they kill Tiamat in the end, Lei Jiu will think that he has lost a lot of money. Right now, although one chance of resurrection is abolished, but... the remaining four Resurrection, he felt completely enough!

Now, it's up to Jiuge and the others to seize the opportunity and leave Tiamat.

Well, in fact, it doesn't matter if she stays or not, the main thing is to keep the holy artifact in her hand.

Lei Jiu walked quite leisurely, and the speed was naturally slow. He had just come downstairs, just in time to meet Shen Baiye, who came out of Qi Wenchuan's office head-on, and planned to go upstairs to find him.

Received an email from the front line saying that Lei Jiu had hung up. He who had been staying in Qi Wenchuan's office immediately got up and planned to go upstairs to find Lei Jiu. The bedroom is Lei Jiu's default first resurrection in a safe state Next, Lei Jiu will definitely be resurrected there.

When the two met face to face, Lei Jiu understood and said directly, "How is the situation!"

"Nine songs self-destructed three times in a row, Tiamat went straight to ashes, and the key is in hand!"

"three times?"

Lei Jiu was also a little stunned. It is said that with the power of Jiuge's self-destruction, one self-destruction is almost enough. Even if Tiamat is not dead, he is still in a state of dying. The next two...

Thinking about the situation at the time, I don't know what kind of mood and thinking I was in when I saw Jiuge catch up and blew up directly. I guess I would think that Jiuge was crazy and would die with her!

Haha, actually, he really wanted to see what Tiamat's expression was like at that time!

However, Jiuge blew himself up directly, and it still exploded three times in a row. Indeed, even he did not expect that Tiamat was really unlucky...

High-speed text hand-playing online game: Island War Chapter List

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