MTL - Online Game: Island War-Chapter 733 Hell World Passage Closed

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The speed of the small space island is slower than that of the medium space island. When Lei Jiu arrived at the world passage, it was already more than a month later.

The second wave of demonic incursions has also ended.

Because as long as you enter the world passage, you will be grabbed and dragged away by the gravitational field, and you will not be able to resist at all, so the flame prison world, for more than a day at the beginning, did not know that those demons who stepped into the passage, except for the saints. It's basically complete.

This situation continued until the number of saint-level demons suppressed by the gravitational field was approaching the 100 mark. Jiuge and the others thought they had to turn off the field and clean up these saint-level demons first.

If the number continues to grow like this, Jiuge and the others are afraid of variables.

Although Ai Luomeng is there, the four of them have a very strong battery life, but the number of saints they can deal with at the same time is limited. Destroy the knives.

Once the sword array is destroyed, the power of the stars is equivalent to a tiger whose teeth have been pulled out. It can only be controlled but not killed, and the threat is greatly reduced.

Ordinary demons are nothing to Jiuge and the others, but if there are too many, it will be a headache.

After temporarily closing the gravitational field, Jiuge and the others directly set up a four-elephant battle formation, guarding Ai Luomeng in the middle, and rushed to the world entrance.

Some saint-level demons with relatively slow responses, when they were still at a loss to escape, passively met the attack from the Four Elephants Battle Array, and some were even killed in seconds.

No way, Jiuge and the others themselves are much stronger than these holy demons, not to mention the blessing of the Four Elephants Battle Array. On the other hand, the devil has no time to come up with effective defensive measures, and the loss is inevitable.

Anyway, those demons who have not entered the holy level are almost completely wiped out, which is miserable enough for the demon side, and if it is even worse, it will not directly drive the surviving mad.

The battle didn't last long, because the gravitational field was closed, and those demons who had entered the world channel had not even completed the length of the channel. When they set foot in this world, those holy demons were killed.

Although Jiuge and the others acted relatively quickly, they quickly withdrew from the coverage of the Gravitational Domain and activated the domain again, but there were still several holy demons who successfully escaped from the World Passage to the Flame Prison World.

After that, until Lei Jiu arrived, no demon came out of the world tunnel again.

Before Lei Jiu arrived at the World Passage, Jiuge and the others had taken advantage of this time to expel the imprint of Tiamat in the finger of the curse.

When he arrived, the two holy artifacts were in his hands.

It's not that Lei Jiu has to hold all the good things in his hands, it's just... these two holy artifacts are also the switch keys of the two different world passages. In order to prevent the system from suddenly doing something stupid, he still put them in his hands. Be more at ease with yourself.

Compared with NPCs, the system basically does not directly enforce actions on players. Even if it wants you to do something, it will give you a system prompt for you to choose.

Having mastered the two holy artifacts, Lei Jiu closed the world channel of the Flame Prison World with ease. From now on, the Flame Prison World will no longer have new demons invading the game world.

This also means that these demons that exist in the game world have become deeply alone, or have lost their way home, and they will be destroyed a little less.

In the follow-up, Lei Jiu didn't need to worry about the clean-up work on the World Passage side. The recovery of the knife array was done by his own subordinates.

During the period, Jiuge and the others will be stationed near the World Passage for a period of time, and their main task is to clean up the scattered demons or teams that occasionally return to the World Passage from the central sea area.

Regardless of whether these demons were on a mission to deliver letters, or were simply homesick and wanted to go back and have a look, in the end, they could not escape the fate of losing their lives to the hands of several saints on Huanghuang Island.

Among them, there is even a saint who returned from the central sea area.

Unfortunately, in the eyes of Jiuge and the others, a saint-level demon who appeared alone did not even have the qualifications to make them serious, and was suppressed without even turning up the waves.

More than two months after Lei Jiu returned to Huanghuang Island, the world channel was completely cleaned up. The knife array was directly disassembled into modules, packed and moved to the empty island, and began to return.

For Huanghuang Island, most of the demon problem has been solved, and the rest is just some finishing work, so there is no need to rush.

But for the island owners on the coalition side, they are still in dire straits.

The concentrated application of large-scale energy weapons has indeed given them a certain ability to resist or even counter injury, but the exaggerated degree of energy consumption is far beyond their expectations.

Especially with the passage of time, the demons have figured out the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of energy weapons, and changed the group charge to the team charge.

This change made the island owners quite uncomfortable.

Even if a small number of demons conduct an assault, they must let most of the energy cannons fire together. The original intention of dense coverage, in addition to increasing the killing energy level, is also a reason to minimize the chance of generating fish that slip through the net.

The energy loss has not been reduced, and the number of demons killed and killed has been decreasing. How can this not make the island owners anxious?

As for those island owners who encountered holy-level demons and led a team to attack, except for the islands with relatively strong strength, they have basically been reincarnated.

On the forum, several posts asking for help can be swiped almost every day, claiming that they can no longer hold on. Some posters will come forward to ask for help again one day later, and some will never appear on the main page of the island again...

There are also many players who publicly posted to Huanghuang Island for help, but Lei Jiu ignored it.

As for what these players or adventurers say about he doesn't care.

Anyway, he had already asked Shen Baiye to arrange a person to browse the forum and write down the names of all the players who posted images that affected him or Huanghuang Island. If he really encountered something, he didn't have to worry about finding a creditor.

The world channel has completely ended, and he has also been leisurely for a while, and can move.

Next, Huanghuang Island will send troops, the main target is the devil in the central sea area, by the way, pick out the wood that is beautiful in the forest in the player island owner, and destroy it!

With this demonic invasion, Lei Jiu intends to completely destroy the resistance beliefs of other island owners.

If all the island owners in the central sea area surrendered, he could enjoy a leisurely retirement 300 years earlier.

The central sea area is unified, players have all turned into adventurers, and his enemy is one less. Next, as long as the defense system is fully prepared, try to find and eliminate the possibility of opening a new information chapter, and keep Huanghuang Island until the end of the game. he won...

High-speed text hand-playing online game: Island War Chapter List