MTL - Online Game: You Call Him A Newbie?-Chapter 183 [184] The works of Emperor Fuxi!

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  Chapter 183 [184] The writings of Emperor Fuxi!

  A magnificent ancient city appeared before Lin Feng and others.

  This ancient city is very majestic. The city wall is hundreds of feet high, and it is poured with molten iron. The whole body is pitch black, and it looks like a steel city wall.

   What surprised them even more was that there were rule runes densely covered on the city wall, apparently inscribed by a blacksmith, making the city wall emit a faint white light even in the daytime.

  The soldiers stationed on the city wall were all wearing battle armor. Judging by their breath, the lowest ones were all silver-level equipment, and the battle armors were all silver-level equipment.

   Some of the captain-level soldiers showed a golden-level aura, wearing gold-level equipment, patrolling the city wall.

  The city also covers an area of ​​thousands of miles, with a population of tens of millions, which is not inferior to the big cities on Blue Star.

  Lin Feng even discovered that the entire city was faintly covered by a super large magic circle, which was similar to the magic circle on the flying boat. They were all operating by extracting the free energy in the air. Judging by its aura, it might have reached the strength of a star!

   After several flying boats arrived at Danyang City, they did not land, but went straight to the city.

  Lin Feng stood tall and looked towards the city of Danyang.

  The city is very prosperous, the streets are hundreds of meters wide, and the buildings on both sides are also hundreds of feet high, like skyscrapers. It's just that the people who come and go are all wearing robes, otherwise Lin Feng would think that he has returned to Blue Star.

Lin Feng looked all the way, and found that the people in the city had all embarked on the road of cultivating the Dao, which was the manifestation of the ability mentioned by Lan Xing. Among them, there was almost one out of dozens of people. This ratio was much higher than that of Lan Xing. too much.

   It’s just that most of them are of the bronze and silver ranks, few of them are above the gold rank, and even rarer are the dark gold ranks.

   And in the sky, there are often flashes of light, obviously those strong people are walking in the sky.

   Some people below couldn't help but envy: "If one day, I become a silver-level powerhouse, I will fly across the city!"

  Ling Feng and the others watched this scene, their hearts moved slightly.

   "It seems that the popularity of practice in the first-level world is indeed much stronger than that of Blue Star. Of course, this is also related to the fact that people here are more likely to become stronger."

  Lin Feng continued to look, and then found that those pedestrians traded with gold and silver. Only those large-value transactions would use the banknotes, but they called them silver notes.

  It dawned on Lin Feng that when he first arrived in this world, he could no longer use his money in Blue Star. After all, the currency systems of the two worlds are different.

  Although they are now the strong men who move mountains and seas, it doesn’t matter if they don’t need to eat and drink, but there is always a place where money is needed, so people have to sell some equipment for some money later.

Lin Feng has become stronger all the way, except that he had traded some equipment with the Qin family at the beginning, and he had no time to sell it later. The storage bag was already full of low-level equipment, and it happened to be emptied this time. no more.

The flying boat flew directly over Danyang City, and the rest of the flying boats were all headed for their own homes. Fang Lan and An Yu said politely: "Senior, I'll go home first, and I'll visit you again at the dinner party." Senior, thank you for saving your life."

  Lin Feng was polite with them, and then the flying boat of the Nie family flew directly to the City Lord's Mansion.

  After arriving at the City Lord's Mansion, just as Lin Feng stepped off the flying boat, the middle-aged man stepped forward and cupped his hands and said with a smile, "Nie Wanshan, the City Lord of Xiadanyang City, met Mr. Feng."

  Nie Wanshan was very polite, and Lin Feng also noticed that the opponent's aura fluctuated somewhat, as if he was at the peak of the star class and was about to be promoted to the king class.

  The opponent tried his best to suppress the fluctuating aura, and he suppressed it well, but he still couldn't escape the detection of Lin Feng's powerful spiritual power.

But Lin Feng didn't think too much, but smiled and said: "City Master Nie is polite, Feng Mou went out for a trip, but he never thought that he happened to be born in the secret place of the Luoxia Mountains, so he had to take a look at it anyway, but I'm going to bother City Lord Nie."

  Nie Wanshan was obviously taken aback, and then glanced at the star-level person who went to pick up his son, obviously knowing that the other party was talking too much.

  He is currently stuck at the peak of the star level, thinking that when the secret realm is born, he will enter it and make a breakthrough, so as to gain some opportunities.

   Never thought that his own star class would talk too much, and compete with himself after leaving a Dimension.

  The queens of these emperors, although they are only at the star level, but the other party's family background is profound, they may have some tricks, and even if they break through to the king level, they will have some troubles.

  But the matter has come to this point, Nie Wanshan did not show anything, but said with a smile: "Mr. Feng is polite, how can this be called harassment."

   "The descendants of Emperor Qing came to this city, it should be my Nie family who is flourishing."

  Lin Feng noticed Nie Wanshan's stupefaction just now, especially when he said that the secret realm of Luoxia Mountain was born.

  Although he didn't know the other party well, based on Landry's research on people's thoughts and behaviors, coupled with Nie Wanshan's fluctuating aura, Lin Feng probably guessed what the other party was thinking.

  But he didn't care, the other party obviously underestimated the power of a god-level secret realm born for the first time.

  Maybe at that time, even some epic level (lv800) may be attracted, even if you break through to the king level at that time, how much advantage will you have?

  So Lin Feng also politely said a few words to the other party without showing any signs of expression. Just when Nie Wanshan was about to let someone take Lin Feng and the others down for a rest, Lin Feng asked, "I wonder if there is a collection of books in City Lord Nie's mansion?"

   "Feng has been fond of reading since he was a child, and has learned about the customs of various places. Now that he has just arrived in Guibao Land, he can't keep bothering the city lord, so I'll go read the books by myself."

   "Of course, if it is inconvenient to expose the books in the owner's house, then forget it."

  Although Nie Wanshan was surprised for a moment, he did not shirk, "Where, they are just some books. Mr. Feng wants to read it, so just read it."

   "Come here, take Mr. Feng to the Book Pavilion."

   "Then thank you City Lord Nie." Lin Feng said with a smile.

  Afterwards, a servant took Lin Feng and others away. Nie Wanshan narrowed his eyes slightly as he watched Lin Feng leave.

   I don't know why, when facing Lin Feng's eyes, he always has a feeling of being seen through by the other party, is it an illusion?

  At this moment, Nie Zimou stepped forward and said, "Father, my plan failed."

   "I didn't even have time to use the treasure you gave me, so Feng Lin came out halfway and directly and forcefully eliminated those Baiyun leopards."

  Nie Wanshan glanced at his son, and said lightly: "Failure is failure."

   "It's just a girl from the Fang family. When Dad completely takes down the Fang family, then Fang Lan will be at your mercy?"

  When Nie Zimou heard the words, a gleam of fire flashed in his eyes, "I will listen to my father."

  But when he thought of Lin Feng's high-spirited appearance in front of him, he felt even more unhappy.

  Nie Wanshan obviously noticed his son's situation, so he said, "You must never provoke that Feng Lin."

   "There are many star-level powerhouses around the opponent, and they are from the Emperor's family. Maybe they have some hidden means, but don't invite enemies for my Nie family!"

  Nie Zimou was taken aback when he heard the words, why did his father say that?

  The other party is nothing more than a side branch of the Feng family, Dad, you are the canonized city lord of the Great Xia Dynasty!

  But he still nodded and said yes, and didn't say much.

  Lin Feng followed the servants of the Nie family to the so-called Book Pavilion, which is an attic tens of feet high. After entering it, there are rows of bookshelves, where local customs, legends, and historical records are all there.

  A light flashed in Lin Feng's eyes. This is what he needs. It is the most direct, convenient and quick way to understand the world through books.

  The servant brought Lin Feng and left, not worried about what Lin Feng and the others would do.

   After all, they are just some books, and they are not isolated copies, so they are not that important.

Lin Feng looked at those books, but did not read them immediately. Instead, he looked at Du Jinlong and the others, and after laying down a mental barrier, he said: "I just noticed that this world has its own unique currency system. Although We don’t have much use for money now, but we still have some for emergencies, so who of you will replace some money?”

  Du Jinlong and the others looked at each other, and Xiao Hei was the first to say: "Go to me!"

   "There are a bunch of books here, and reading them gives me a headache, so I won't just stay here."

  Lin Feng shook his head, "It's too eye-catching for you to exchange money with a cat body, let others go."

  Du Jinlong stood up and said, "Then I'll go."

   "I can't sit still, and I'm an epic level, and no one knows that I walked out of the city lord's mansion secretly, but how much does Minister Lin need to change?"

  Lin Feng mentally probed into his storage bag. After a quick inspection, he took out some things that might be used, and then threw the storage bag directly to the other party.

   "Sell everything inside, remember to sell them separately, so that no one will notice."

   "I know, don't worry." Du Jinlong nodded and smiled, but after he glanced at the contents in the storage bag, he still took a breath.

   "Lin, Minister Lin, you, this is too much, it's enough to arm an army of tens of thousands of people!" Du Jinlong said.

  He is really not exaggerating. Although the storage bags given by Lin Feng are all equipment below the dark gold level, there are all kinds of equipment, tens of thousands of sets.

   These were mainly picked up by Xiao Hei when he fought against the Eight-Winged Tiger Clan's million-strong army.

  Lin Feng knew that Xiao Hei must have kept some for himself, but he didn't care, anyway, these things are not of much use to him now.

   "It's okay, sell as much as you can sell, it's useless to keep it, it's just some low-level equipment, if you can't sell it all, just bring it back and sell it next time." Lin Feng said.

  Du Jinlong nodded, "Okay, then I'll go first."

  Lin Feng nodded, and finally said, "By the way, don't call me Minister Lin anymore. Now I'm from the Feng family, so call me Young Master or Young Master Feng."

   "You also think of a name for yourself. We're new here, so it's best not to use your real name."

   "In addition, after Senior Du went out, he also inquired about the Luoxia Mountain Range, no matter what the legend is."

  Du Jinlong smiled and said: "Don't worry, young master. As for the future, I will call Du Long. Du Long, Du Long, just listen to it."

   As he spoke, he disappeared in front of everyone and left directly.

  Xiao Hei quickly followed, "Wait for me, I'll go too."

  Lin Feng shook his head and didn't care.

  Xiao Hei can go if he wants to.

  The city lord has checked, and the strongest is the city lord Nie Wanshan, who is about to break through to the king level. Xiao Hei will follow Du Jinlong, there will be no danger.

"In this case, let's read books and get to know this world well. If you don't want to read it, it's okay. Take a good rest. Since the Luoxia Mountain Range is about to be born in a god-level secret realm, it will obviously attract many powerful people. Be prepared. Good." Lin Feng said to everyone.

  Everyone nodded, and then each went to read the books they were interested in, especially Lin Qinglong.

  Lin Qinglong read a lot of Landry's books when he was in Landry's carriage, and now he is a little excited when he sees them?

  Even though Xiaohong doesn’t like reading books, she knows the situation and chooses to pick some books to read.

  Now they belong to the first-level world, they only know the whole thing and don't know the specifics, which is not a good thing.

  Lin Feng saw that everyone was looking for books, and then he also started to read those books.

In fact, he can condense the time magic circle to speed up his own time, so that he can read these books faster, but he noticed that it is not unattended that he and others enter the bookstore, and there are still people watching secretly, so Lin Feng I don't bother to bother, just take it easy.

  The first thing he looked at was a row of books on the bookshelf that wrote the method of practice.

  In fact, what he wanted to read the most were history books, but he was afraid of arousing the suspicion of people in the dark, so he didn't read them immediately.

  As for the method of practice, although what can be put here are all things of the public, after all, there are always cases where measures are adapted to local conditions, so Lin Feng didn't care, and went to read it directly.

   Sure enough, the person in the dark didn't think too much about it, he just thought that the practice in Zhongzhou might be different from that in the local area, that's why Lin Feng looked at those things first.

  Lin Feng pulled out the first book from the bookshelf, and the four words on the book cover made Lin Feng startled.

   "Detailed explanation of vitality!"

  Lin Feng flipped through the books, among which vitality is what people in this world call the traveling energy in the air.

  Yuan means the beginning. The book says that the reason why this kind of energy is called vitality is that it is the foundation of the Dao, and the first and most needed thing for the Dao.

   Only by cultivating vitality first, practicing Qi, and making yourself strong, can you finally reach the **** level, master the rules, and master the Dao.

  Lin Feng's heart moved, and he looked carefully. There are also explanations on the various uses of vitality in the book.

  For example, the magic circle on the flying boat, the magic circle covering the entire Danyang City, is actually born out of the magic circle condensed by the god-level control rules, but the god-level magic circle uses the rules, while the ordinary magic circle uses vitality.

  At the same time, this novel magic circle is actually called a magic circle, and the god-level magic circle is called a prohibition.

  The law circle, the law is the first, the law is the rule, and the control rules can be called the law circle, and the **** level is no longer human, it is forbidden, and its means can also be called prohibition.

  The formation that can control the vitality is based on the formation, so it is called the formation.

   And from this, a new profession was born, the formation master!

  Lin Feng looked at it carefully, and found that the analysis and explanation of vitality was well-founded, and Lin Feng was still trying to deduce it in his heart, and found that it was all available.

  After reading a book, Lin Feng only felt that he was still unsatisfied, and then he saw the signature, and his heart moved again.

   "Emperor Fuxi!"

  Lin Feng smiled. Landry once said that the human race has infinite wisdom and is the best at creating, and it really is.

  The human race in this world, because there is some vitality in the air, so they continue to develop and utilize the vitality to create a formation.

  The Blue Star Human Race has no vitality, but they have created technology. To a certain extent, they are not much inferior to this world.

   It can be said that each has its own advantages!

"Three emperors, among them the emperor Fuxi, there are more and more things about this person. The other two emperors must not be ordinary people. The history of this world makes me more and more interested." Lin Feng thought to himself. Looking at those history books faintly, his heart was hot.

  But the man was still watching in the dark, so he wasn't in a hurry.

  He continued to look at the book about the vitality formation, and he might be able to learn about this formation.

  Although I have an avatar in the Longevity Realm who is practicing the magic circle, or prohibition, but the formation is similar to it, and it can be learned faster than the prohibition.

  Besides, if he makes a move by himself, it is a restriction, which will inevitably attract attention. After all, there are many strong people in this world. Lin Feng doesn't want to be too ostentatious. So if it's just an array shot, then it's nothing.

   Even, Lin Feng had a deeper thought in his mind.

   "I don't know if there is anyone who has opened the Dao God level with this formation. If there is, it is probably the Emperor Fuxi. If you say that, the other party will find out that the Dao can be opened before Landry and I?" Lin Feng thought.

   Moreover, if the formation method is used to open the **** level, will such a **** level release the restriction faster than Landry?

  (end of this chapter)