MTL - Online Game: You Call Him A Newbie?-Chapter 184 [185] Combing the rules of the avenue

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  Chapter 184 [185] Sort out the rules of the avenue

  Lin Feng continued to read the books, which were also about vitality arrays, especially one book called "Yi", which greatly benefited Lin Feng.

  This book was also written by Nadihuang Fuxi, in which the Dao is used instead of the rules, and the relationship between the rules is explained in detail.

  One of the "Fuxi Xiantian Sixty-Four Hexagrams and Diagrams" directly contains the basic definition and logical relationship of the Dao.

  Lin Feng was a little surprised. Are these books placed so casually?

   But then he suddenly realized that this kind of book that explained the rules of the road in detail, even if it was read by ordinary people, they would not be able to understand it.

  Not to mention Nie Wanshan, the lord of Danyang City, even ordinary gods, even gods may not be able to understand it.

  Because of the **** level, the gods only work **** their own Dao rules, and basically only know the general rules of other Dao rules, so how can those gods see the key.

  That is to say, Lin Feng had read a lot of books in Landry's temple, and he could only understand it now, otherwise he must be confused.

  In the book, not only did the basic definition of the rules of the avenue, clarified the logical relationship, but also explained the principle of the magic circle from this relationship, that is, the prohibition, and the formation method was derived from it!

   Among them, the rule runes constitute the prohibition, but the ones enough to form the magic circle are another kind of runes created by Fuxi, called Yao!

  Using lines to form a formation, attracting vitality, can exert great power, so that the strong can borrow the form of rules before they become gods.

  Lin Feng couldn't help being a little dazed. With such creative ability, if the emperor Fuxi met Landry, they would definitely never meet each other.

  Lin Feng continued to look, and in the world of longevity, another clone was separated and began to practice a formation.

  He didn't notice that as his avatar practiced the formation in the Longevity Realm, the entire Longevity Realm seemed to fluctuate a little, and it seemed to be smoother.

  In today's world of longevity, there are many rules of the road, the way of life, the way of fire, the way of ice water... All the secret realms that Lin Feng has swallowed, due to their special attributes, have formed some rules of the road in the world of longevity.

And those rules were originally scattered and floating in the void without order, but now as Lin Feng's avatar practiced the formation, the rules of the avenue began to become orderly. Although this could not make Lin Feng directly powerful, it could make him He is more handy when using the power of these rules.

   Even, when the avatar who was practicing the formation appeared and started to practice, the avatar who was practicing the prohibition of the formation, condensed the formation much more smoothly.

  But Lin Feng didn't notice much, he was still reading the book at this moment.

  The square and circle map in the book is headed by Qian Kun, Qian is Yin, Kun is Yang, Qian is time, and Kun is space. Based on the way of yin and yang, and the way of time and space, the entire Dao system is constructed.

   And the avatar who practiced the formation in Lin Feng's body is also practicing on this basis.

  Avatars are portrayed in the void, Yin and Yang lines appear in the air one by one, combined with each other and then split, and then combined and split again, gradually, it seems to form a pattern of black and white fish intertwined with each other.

  At the moment when the black and white fish pattern appeared, the entire longevity world was shocked. Murphys woke up from his sleep and looked towards Lin Feng's avatar.

   At this moment, Lin Feng's avatar seemed real and illusory, with a black and white fish ball under his feet, as if he did not exist in the same time and space as him.

   And the entire longevity world seems to have undergone some changes because of this.

  This change is unclear, but those creatures absorbed by Lin Feng have a feeling in their hearts that the world seems to be developing in a good direction.

   It is not the kind of expansion, but it has become more orderly.

  If the space becomes a whole, it is not like other worlds, where the power of space is weak in some places, while the space in some places is strong.

   In addition to this, there are many variations.

  Murphys felt the deepest, because he found that in the longevity world, there seemed to be two more rules of time and space.

  Although this originally existed, these two rules are weird and not completely attribute.

  For example, time, if something moves, it can be regarded as having time, such as space, if something exists, it can be regarded as having space, but it is empty, a time and space determined by other things.

   At this time, it seems that time and space determine other things. These two avenue rules can be said to be independently controlled.

   "Control the rules of time and space?!" Murphys opened his mouth wide.

   You must know that in the age of gods, there are two supreme beings who master these two rules.

   Time is controlled by Landry, space is controlled by Zhongya, but now, Lin Feng is actually in control of two rules at the same time?

How did he do that?

  On the tree of life, those angels also looked over curiously.

  Because they were born in the Longevity Realm, their senses are more acute, but they can't tell the change in their senses.

  Wulie thoughtfully came to the side of Lin Feng's avatar who was practicing the formation. After looking at it, he also started to learn like a cat and a tiger.

   As for the outside world, Lin Feng also felt something in his heart. After realizing the situation in the longevity world, he pondered in his heart.

  What the avatar stepped on was the Yin-Yang Eight Diagrams mentioned in the "Yi" book. There was no original picture in the book, but there was a description in the book, so Lin Feng recognized it at a glance.

  Yin Yang Eight Diagrams Diagram, also known as Tai Chi Eight Diagrams Diagram, was created by Emperor Fuxi.

   It can be said that all formations come from it.

   Mastering the Tai Chi Eight Diagrams is considered to have mastered the catalog and mastered all the formations in the world, but Lin Feng has other ideas.

Originally, he wanted to make the Longevity Realm a self-contained realm like the God Realm, but his previous ideas seemed too rough. Now he just keeps adding the rules of the Dao to the Longevity Realm, so even if the Longevity Realm finally becomes a real world. The independent world is also a chaotic and disorderly wild world.

  But now this formation has inspired him, maybe he can also sort out the rules of the Dao, so that the longevity world is more orderly?

   Ordered and disordered, it seems that there is only a word difference, but the difference is too big.

  Disorder represents chaos, while order represents efficiency.

  In a disordered world, if Lin Feng mobilizes the power in it, the rules of the road will be very troublesome, but if it is orderly, the rules of the road can be used as he likes, this is the difference.

"In a disorderly and chaotic world, if I want to use the rules of the Great Dao, it will take a lot of trouble, but if it is an orderly world, not only will it be much more convenient for me to add rules, but also when I use the rules, I can use them on a whim. Just use the rules!"

  Lin Feng thought about it, and deduced it deeply, and found that this is just a lot more convenient.

   Disorderly rules, mobilized, even if the prohibition is used, it will not be mobilized much.

  But with the orderly avenue rules, even if you don't need to restrain yourself, you can move it at will, and you can use the restraint in a state of disorder.

   "Even, if you use the prohibition to mobilize in an orderly state, then you can...mobilize the power of the Dao rule in the whole world!"

  Lin Feng took a deep breath, feeling a little excited.

   Mobilizing the power of a world, how terrifying is that?

  Although the master of the world has mastered a world, it is still extremely troublesome to mobilize all the power of the entire world. When facing the enemy, who will give you this time?

  So those god-level gods specialize in one, because it will not be so troublesome to mobilize their power in this way.

   Moreover, Lin Feng still had some understanding in his heart.

  The world of God's Domain, although it looks orderly, is actually disordered. It was Zhongya who forced it to be orderly with her powerful strength.

  If it is digitized, it is the form of expression.

  In the form of data, Zhongya made God's Domain less chaotic, rather than sorting out the rules.

  So if the other party is really the master of God's Domain, it is impossible to mobilize the power of the entire God's Domain.

  But if his Longevity Realm is sorted out in an orderly manner, even if the Longevity Realm is only as big as the ninth-level world of God's Domain, it may be comparable to Zhongya?

  Lin Feng continued to read, and at the same time, the avatar in the longevity world also began to sort out the rules of space and time in the longevity world.

  After reading the entire book, the rules of time and space in the Longevity Realm are almost sorted out.

  At this time, the world of longevity is obviously much more stable, not as chaotic and vain as before. This is like the difference between a fat man who eats too much and weighs 300 catties, and a tough guy who weighs 300 catties with muscles all over his body!

   "This emperor Fuxi, at the level of a god, expounds the rules of the avenue from a high position, which is really unprecedented!" Lin Feng sighed.

  Then he laughed dumbfounded again, the other party was the ancient man, but there was no one who came after him to surpass him.

  Anyway, Lin Feng thinks he can't do it. What kind of imagination does he need to create lines similar to runes out of thin air?

   You know, this is not just a few strokes that you can draw at will, but that you can mobilize your vitality.

   Born with runes, Fuxi made lines, which made Lin Feng fascinated by them.

"It is also recorded in the book that Fuxi, the emperor of the land, had to forge the two great artifacts of Hetu and Luoshu, which can deduce the past, present and future. After they are combined into a true innate Taiji diagram, they can travel through time and space. I don't know if it is true or not?" Lin Feng touched Chin murmured.

  If the record is true, it would be terrifying.

  This shows that time may not only be flowed backwards by Zhongya, but Fuxi may also travel back in the long river of time!

  The long-lived body of the Qing Emperor, the Qing Emperor, the Emperor of the Earth, the other party seems to have plotted in his time travel?

  Maybe you won't know until you see her last time.

  Lin Feng shook his head, shook off those thoughts, and took out other formation books from the book to continue reading.

  However, after Lin Feng read "Yi", the rest of the formation books felt that they were nothing more than that.

  Of course, if these books are taken to Wanjie, any one of them will bring subversive changes.

   But compared with "Yi", as Lin Feng thought before, one is the general outline and catalogue, while the other is aimed at one point, and it is not even deep enough, just staying on the surface.

However, Lin Feng still saw some interesting records. One of the books said that the emperor Shen Nong was impressed by Fuxi's innate sixty-four hexagrams and circles, and wrote a book "Lianshan Yi" based on this, which included more It is the evolution of the infinite magic of the formation, and the casting of the divine weapon Shennong Ding, which can suppress the prohibition of the formation in the world!

  The capital of Emperor Yan's Great Yan Dynasty is the sixty-four cities arranged according to "Lian Shan Yi".

   There is even a legend that the sixty-four cities in the capital of the Great Yan Dynasty were suppressed by the Shennong Cauldron in the center of the formation, which consolidated the foundation of the Great Yan Dynasty forever. That's why there were rumors that Emperor Yan was the Human Emperor.

   However, Lin Feng did not find the book "Lian Shan Yi" here. The book recorded in this said that if you want to know the mystery of Lian Shan Yi, you need to go to the capital of the Great Yan Dynasty.

  Da Yan Dynasty is located in the east of this world. Lin Feng felt that if he had the chance, he would go and see it.

  He didn't know that at this time, on the capital of the Great Yan Dynasty, a chariot was standing in the void, and in front of the chariot, four unicorns were pulling the chariot, which was extremely majestic.

  But those strong men who came and went below turned a blind eye to the chariot, as if they had never seen it.

  Above the chariot, Landry looked at the sixty-four cities arranged in a special position below, with excitement in his eyes.

   Even, he seemed to see a tripod in that certain city!

   Then he looked at a young man in a red robe in the void in front of his eyes, and bowed his hands, "I have seen fellow Taoist Yandi!"

   "Or should I call Fellow Daoist, Human Emperor?"

  The young man in the red robe is the emperor of the Great Yan Dynasty, Yan Emperor Jiang Shennong!

   Ke Landry seemed very sure that the person opposite was not only the Emperor Yan, but also the Emperor Shennong!

   Emperor Yan chuckled lightly, and said lightly: "Friend Daoist must be that ancient god, Landry, right?"

  He didn't deny it, nor did he admit it. Instead, he asked Landry.

  Landry nodded and admitted generously, "Emperor Yan, don't worry, I'm different from other gods. I know you don't have much affection for the Protoss, but I didn't participate in the war back then."

   "Come here now, just to see the subtlety of Lianshanyi, so I will leave after watching."

  In his words, he was actually a little afraid of Emperor Yan.

   You know, Landry is one of the ancient supreme gods, mastering the rules of time and life, but at this time, he is afraid that Emperor Yan will drive him away?

   Emperor Yan smiled, "It's okay, I've heard that fellow Taoists are pedantic about heaven and man, but it's a pity that they were born at the wrong time, and it's rare to meet them now, so why don't you talk about it?"

  Landry's eyes lit up, "On Tao? This word is used well, on the Tao of the world!"

   "Then it's better to be respectful than obedient."

  Landry cupped his hands and said, then sat cross-legged on the chariot, facing Emperor Yan.

   And Emperor Yan was also very generous, sitting directly in the void, and started a discussion with Landry.

  While Di Kang and the three unicorn gods were listening, they were confused and could not understand anything.

  But Dikang knew that there must be a great opportunity, so even if he didn't understand, he still firmly wrote down what the two said.

  Although the three unicorn gods also had this idea, they found that if they really wanted to memorize those words by rote, the world in their bodies would reject them.

  It seems that it has nothing to do with them.

  They know that this is the reason why their avenue rules have been fixed.

  If you want to write down those contents, unless they give up the current avenue and fall below the **** level.

   This is the shortcoming of the orc race. The talent is inherently determined, and once the way is determined, it is difficult to go another way.

  That's why they didn't have that kind of determination, not to mention the unintelligible remarks. After the fall, they were not sure about regaining their **** level, so they simply turned a deaf ear.

  However, they were a little happy to see that Di Kang beside him could remember those things.

  Maybe, in the future, the Qilin clan will produce a genius?

  Di Kang didn't know that he, who was originally extremely poor in talent, was now being regarded as a genius by the ancestors of the clan.

  If he knew, he might say with a smile that this is the benefit of pulling a cart.

  Landry's discussion with Emperor Yan is unknown to others.

  For Lin Feng's side, he also read a lot of books. Although some of the formation books are not very useful, they are all new knowledge. If you take a look, you can always find some novelty points.

   At this time, it happened that Du Jinlong and Xiao Hei had already returned.

   "Lin Feng, guess what I found out? Didn't the Blood Slaughter God squat at you at the South China Sea Ferry before? It is said that he was beaten up and then left in disgrace." Xiao Hei laughed as soon as he came back.

  Lin Feng reminded, "Don't call me by my real name, remember to call me Young Master, or Feng Lin."

   "I know, I know." Xiao Hei waved his hand and said.

  Lin Feng then asked: "What happened to the Blood Slaughter God?"

  Xiao Hei just wanted to explain, but someone from the Nie family shouted outside the book pavilion: "Young Master Feng, the dinner is ready, and the city lord invites you to the banquet."

  Xiao Hei suddenly became excited. Compared with eating, bragging and so on had to be sidelined. He immediately ran out excitedly.

  He has to taste the delicacies of this world. Although he ate a lot when he went out with Du Jinlong just now, how much is that?

  Lin Feng couldn't help but smile bitterly, and after calling other people, he said to Du Jinlong, "Old Du, let's talk as we walk."

  Because it is not easy to call Du Jinlong senior anymore, so for Du Jinlong and Du Jinlong, Lin Feng simply called Du Lao and Lu Lao directly.

  Du Jinlong smiled, and then talked with Lin Feng.

  At this time, in the city lord's mansion, the patriarchs of several major families in Danyang City have arrived, and they are all very curious about the descendant of the Emperor Feng family.

  (end of this chapter)

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