MTL - Overturned Tower-v2 Chapter 104 To those who try to kill me

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until nightfall.

Delphinium and Langyan said that after making all the preparations, they headed to the nursing home. In the dining room, I found Russell and Camalthe II who were having dinner.

And Russell ordered dishes for them in advance. It is not a synthetic food sold by other empty islands. Without exception, all ingredients come from land and sea.

"...It's amazing."

The white lion sighed, huddled in the chair in the narrow private room, looking at the rich food in front of the table, with a complicated expression.

Russell knew why he felt outrageous. Because "natural food" is extremely expensive in other empty islands, but it is completely free in this sanatorium. "Clients" like Xiaoya, and "directors" like Russell and Camarthe II are nothing more than that.

Even their few "guests" can freely enjoy these natural ingredients that are extremely expensive outside.

Just being aware of this incident made Mahavira frowned, and he couldn't eat.

"Don't worry about such small things."

Russell suddenly said, "Because that kind of thing is neither valuable nor delicious."

He easily understood the white lion's thoughts. It's not that Russell read his heart...but because Strangling has always lacked the ability to hide his feelings. He always puts his feelings directly on his face.

"...I thought it was my rough and barbed tongue that couldn't taste the essence of fine food."

"No, it's because food synthesis technology has completely outperformed breeding technology."

Russell shook his head: "In the beginning, it should be to keep the 'spiritual relatives', and the plan will not change due to the sudden trend of thought, so the gene modulation technology developed by the ancestors was completely sealed. Only relying on the breeding technology developed from scratch, It is impossible to keep the variety from deteriorating. It is impossible for this kind of natural food to surpass the food synthesis technology given by the giant dragon in terms of taste and nutrition.

"On the first day I arrived at Happy Island, I ate this so-called 'natural food. But its taste comes more from advanced cooking techniques, utensils and seasonings. That is the so-called 'heaped by money' Come out smell.

"But if you really want to talk about the quality of the ingredients themselves, it's not even as good as the tomahawk steak that delphinium and I bought in the supermarket."

Camalthy II on the side also nodded when he heard the words.

This knowledge resides in her memory.

"The most advanced synthetic meat, on the premise of maintaining the uniform distribution of muscle fibers and fat, removes trimethylamine, hydrogen sulfide, and various volatile fatty acids, through a large number of experiments to confirm the optimal taste and fat content, and Preventive measures against microorganisms have been taken, in which various nutrients needed by the human body are directly poured into the fat.

"According to different people's preferences, there are six types of steak bite texture, a total of 36 major levels, and 13 levels of fat content. There are more than 40 different types of common fish and shrimp artificial meat. Fishbone and fish bones are removed, fishy smell is also removed, and meat can be eaten in large pieces... No need for any pretreatment, it can be made into fish **** filled with pure fish meat directly by making puree. This technology, Once upon a time, it only existed in people's best imagination of the future.

"The value of food does not depend on its place of origin, the pedigree of the livestock, nor its fat content and distribution. All food is fresh, and there will be no difference in value due to differences in transportation and storage methods From this point of view, at least in terms of ingredients, a fair situation has been reached, and it is far better than natural ingredients.”

"But people think that those rare ingredients are really good things—because elves like to eat them, they must be good. If you can't eat them, it means your tongue is not advanced enough."

Russell sarcastically said: "They didn't think about it... Are those elves who really can't adapt to new things? Their hobbies and souls are solidified together. For ordinary people, the habits that can be quickly developed are not for them. Can't be changed at all.

"Only cats and dogs think that what people eat is good. I always thought that people have to make their own judgments, but obviously this is not the case."

"Dogs don't either."

Delphinium came over and said seriously, "Don't bully the dog." Russell smiled helplessly, and reached out to rub her head.

"People hate elves on the surface and fear elves in their hearts, but subconsciously they want to be elves more than anyone else. With a little reason, people can realize that 'becoming part of a monkey-faced eagle is tantamount to self-destruction; but What if 'becoming an elf?

"Under this kind of temptation, how many people can still maintain their original position?"

"If it was me before," Delphinium replied after thinking carefully,

"I think I might actually be an elf.

"If I just give up my dream and change my standpoint, my parents can live a comfortable life and grow old in peace and wealth; I can truly achieve a long and healthy life span of hundreds or even thousands of years; From now on, I can do any work I want to do as I like, without worrying that time and life will corrupt my soul...

"I think, I should have no reason to refuse. After all, compared with reality, dreams are so fragile..."

"It's okay, it's not shameful."

Russell sighed: "If it was me before, I'm afraid I would have chosen this way." Regardless of whether it was before or after he awakened his past life memories, Russell was a man of life. In other words, he studied hard before in order to be able to enjoy life one day in the future. Besides, what happens to other people and what happens to the world in the future has nothing to do with him—unless it is a tragedy that happened before him, he will have to care about it. What happened decades or hundreds of years later had anything to do with him?

But now, he is sitting here with his partners. He intends to use his own flesh and blood to fight against the demon king who can devour the world.

…how so.

In the end... Since when did Russell start to give up the idea of ​​living his own life in a down-to-earth manner?

"I really miss it."

Russell sighed: "It's only been a year..."

Russell, who can easily see into the hearts of others, does not even realize which event and moment he has changed invisibly.

Is it the pope, monkey-faced eagle, sheath, Camarthe; or delphinium, bad day, bad guy, emperor, strangulation, bird of paradise...or little Liuli, Hua Mingshu, Morgan and Sailun?

—Now that I think about it, it should be all of them.

From that mediocre mortal, he truly became a "hero".

"Speaking of which, tomorrow is your birthday, Ultramarine."

Lang Yan suddenly said, "What birthday gift do you want? The death of the monkey-faced eagle... is that okay?"

"Don't give away a head for your birthday, it doesn't feel very auspicious."

"I declare in advance that if the gift you want is too bizarre, it will be difficult to find it for you on Yongquan Island."

"Just a blessing... Tomorrow I will marry Delphinium. As for the wedding, I plan to wait until I return to Happy Island. At that time, I will bring Bingshui and Xia, as well as my uncle and the old man."

Russell suddenly showed a smirk: "If you really want to give a gift, why don't you go with me to get the certificate?"

"...Why do you still have business with me?"

Strangling on the side suddenly felt that he had been hacked for no reason.

He said palely, "I didn't say I would give you a gift. I haven't had any birthdays in so many years."

"Didn't you eat all the cake today?"

"Xiaoya bought it for me!"

"It's all the same. As a reward for thanking me, isn't it also a share of me. That is to say, I ate my birthday cake in advance. Since I ate the cake, I have to give some gifts. And, according to my love for you The understanding of the two pieces of wood, if you leave it alone, you will definitely be able to procrastinate.”

Russell tapped the table with his knuckles: "This is too unfriendly to the girls. Procrastinating like this is a waste of feelings and makes people feel uneasy."

"No, no."

The white lion shook his head again and again, obviously still retaining his reason: "How old is Xiaoya—don't try to lie to me, you want to find a group of reporters to torture me. I won't be fooled. What's more, Xiaoya is already in the hospital. "


Seeing that the strangulation was not fooled, Russell smacked his lips. He really wanted to use the wolf talk as an excuse to kick and strangle him by the way. If he really agreed, then in the next few months or even years, there will be topics to tease him.

But why did this stupid lion become smarter after falling in love?

So Russell had no choice but to turn around and say, "It's fine with him, but you—Wolf Yan. You even have children."

"But we've only known each other for three days! I don't even know her real name, and I haven't even met her parents, relatives, or friends!"

"But your child is one month old. The number of months is the same as the delphinium," Russell argued, "You don't want to be an irresponsible father like your father, do you?"

"...Wait, let me stroke it first."

Langyan felt a little pain in his head.

He felt a little dazed and didn't know how to respond for a while.

Although it can be said that he fell in love with Camerer II at first sight, after all, there was no understanding between the two of them.

...No, it doesn't seem to be. After all, he still has a deep understanding of Kamalthe.

However, the child is already pregnant...

He doesn't seem to be able to just leave it alone. Because he really doesn't hate Lothar, and it can even be said that he is relatively favorite among the opposite sexes he comes into contact with.

...But, but.

The poor man who is already twenty-seven years old but has never been in a relationship, always feels that his life has skipped too many plots. It's like pressing SKIP impatiently when playing a game. After the plot animation skips, I suddenly find that there is a cub beside me. My mind suddenly went blank.

—Where did this come from?

"Lothar, why don't you tell me?"

Russell looked at the wolf words and became entangled, so he looked at Camerer II.

The elf girl with long black hair glanced at the young man shaking his head beside him, who seemed to feel that his antlers were heavy, and turned her head slightly.

"...I don't want to force '***' anymore. 'Camalthy, I've hurt him too many times."

She was a little disappointed, and seemed to be a little unhappy, she was silent for a while, and then said seriously in a low voice: "Since he doesn't want to, then forget it... Sorry, I was too self-assessed before.

"If you find it unacceptable, I can also dissolve the child again-please don't worry, it is also part of my destiny, so it can also be regarded as a fragment of my soul. In this state, it has no life. I You can also recycle it at any time.”

"...No, I'm fine. I'm sorry, I just...haven't adjusted my mentality for a while. But I will try to adjust..."

Hearing Camalthy II say such words, the inferior rejected almost conditioned reflex: "It's better to give birth to the child, because I..."

He paused and gritted his teeth.

At that moment, he vaguely felt a throbbing in his heart.

"—Because I will definitely be a good father, absolutely!"

He almost gritted his teeth, and said firmly: "Absolutely—it's different from that man! I will never hurt you like he hurt my mother, and I will never hurt you like he hurt me, no, hurt us children."

Seeing this scene, Russell hesitated for a moment.

Is this also a kind of love?

Can hatred and fear of the past turn into a kind of love...

A young girl who, because she has committed a crime, does not want to repeat the sins of the past; a young man who, because she has suffered herself, does not want others to suffer for the same reason.

"...You really look alike."

Russell sighed: "In every sense."

But this is not love. He can be sure.

The two people who are bound together by the fate called "Camalthe", even though they have kissed, had children, and even married, their love has just begun.

It is a different type of love from Strangling and Xiaoya—the two of them are sacred love for each other as redeemers, one saves the other's soul, and the other saves the other's life.

And Langyan and Lothar are like couples drawn by fate.

Those are two cautious souls who are testing each other. They all love each other subconsciously, but they will hurt each other subconsciously; they hope to understand each other, but they are afraid of hurting each other unconsciously. This is absolutely impossible to reproduce again. ".

Because of the existence of "Camalthe", the two of them knew almost half of each other's personality when they first met each other. It's like a father and son who have been together for more than twenty years.

But at the same time, the other party was not exactly the other person they remembered. Kamalthe did not know the present when the inferior fell into the "Silent Voice" and matured; the inferior also did not know the past of the girl who constituted the main part of the personality of "Kamalthe II".

Incomparably familiar with each other, but full of strangeness.

"It turns out that there is really love at first sight in this world."

Delphinium whispered in Russell's ear, "I remember you told me that it was all just for sex."

"There must be something like that."

Russell also argued in a low voice. "I came up with a great metaphor—they're like paper men for each other."

"It's weird, but it seems very appropriate..."


Just when Russell and Delphinium were whispering, Lang Yan and Lothar were silently staring at each other, and the white lion was bored eating food, the door of the private room suddenly opened.

This should be impossible - this is itself the highest level nursing home in the world. Even a cyber hacker of Delphinium's level cannot open the security lock of this kind of private room without making any movement.

But to him, it seemed reasonable again.

Because the one who came in was a middle-aged man in a simple black robe with black cloth belts tied around his eyes.

After he entered, he found an empty seat and sat down on his own. Then he poured himself a glass of wine—the wine on the table had not been touched by anyone except the strangler. Because except for him, everyone present did not drink alcohol.

It was facing the door, the empty seat between the strangler and the underdog.

After he sat down, the atmosphere in the room suddenly became stagnant and heavy.

The smile on Russell's face disappeared instantly, and he looked at the man silently, but did not speak. Lang Yan frowned, and also stared at the man. Camalthy II clenched his fists nervously, and was also ready for an emergency rewind. But the white lion didn't lift his head at all, just looked down at his fingers and picked his nails intently. After a long time, he reached out and grabbed a piece of meat pie, chewing slowly.

Because they all know this guy.

The traitor of Babel, Russell's father, Alice's husband—killed the "sheath" of the dragon. The sharpest knife of the Cyber ​​Church, the main force in killing monkey-faced eagles... is also the top leftover who has the ability to instantly kill any of them.

Sitting here, he looked a little decadent between his brows and eyes, but an aura like the night breeze made people nervous unconsciously.

"Are you getting married?"

Shea suddenly asked, "Is it your birthday?"

—You still know my birthday?

Russell originally thought he would mock like this. But he finally opened his mouth and said nothing or answered.

Delphinium looked up at Russell's expression, but also pursed her lips tightly and did not answer. "Have you gone back to see Alice? You should go back, the Pope told me that he has seen you."

Sheath said to herself, as if she was talking to herself, and also as if she was talking to the wine glass in her hand: "It's good to be married. You should be the same age as Russell today, Delphinium? You should also get married up

, Alice married me when she was only eighteen years old. It wasn't long before there was Russell.

“We thought it would always be like this.”

After Sheath's words fell, there was still silence on the table.

On the dining table that was full of laughter and laughter before, there was only the sound of strangled chewing food slowly.

The silence lasted for nearly five minutes before Sheath drank the glass of wine in one gulp. That's a strong alcoholic drink. Not long after drinking it, Sheath's face immediately turned red.

"You have a good career now, and you have your own dreams. I won't stop you..."

Sheath whispered, "But, don't be like me. Don't do things that you will regret. Don't do things that will hurt the people who love you.

"Anyway, protect yourself. Because there are people who love you, because there are people who need you to love.

"Don't be a piece of trash like me, Russell."


Russell raised his head, and said word by word, very clearly: "I will never be you."

Sheath also raised her head silently, looking at Russell through the black cloth.

After a while, a smile appeared on his face.

He poured Russell a drink, then poured himself another.

"Raise your glass."

The sheath raised her voice, or she was declaring.

"—To those who want to kill me."

Russell silently raised his glass, staring at the sheath through the glass.

Delphinium was the first to react.

She poured herself half a glass of wine, and raised it.

Next comes the bad guys. Then Camalthy II. The last is strangulation.

When everyone at the table raised their glasses, Shea still didn't drink the wine.

"—Coincidentally, there is still a glass of it."

A lazy voice sounded: "Then there is no need to pour the wine, this jug belongs to me..."

The door opened again, and a man with a pair of white dog ears and a cold diamond eye in his left eye stepped out from behind the door.

It's a bad day.

His mere existence gave Russell a kind of pressure.

Russell immediately understood that Bad Day had crossed the wall of Leviathan—truly becoming a special life spanning time.

Grabbing the wine glass with only the bottom left, Bad Ri stared at the scabbard the whole time. It was as if he would disappear if he looked away.

"Long time no see... Teacher."

"...Long time no see, Nan Liujing."

Sheath put down the wine glass slowly, as if she had a lot to say.

But in the end he remained silent and said nothing.

"—To those who want to kill me."

Sheath announced again, raised her glass, and drank it down.

Everyone at the table drank the wine at the same time.

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