MTL - Overturned Tower-v2 Chapter 39 saturated firepower

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What descended from the sky was a crimson heavy machine soldier.

The heavy armored soldier named "Ruby" has a large number of dense cooling holes on its body. Heat waves were constantly gushing out, and the hot wind ignited a bright light.

It is completely different from the shape of the moonstone used by Delphinium before—it is not the kind of beautiful and crystal-clear gesture like a butterfly.

It's a distorted posture like a demon god.

Rather than a "human form", it is more like a star with four corners. Or a starfish with a corner missing.

It does not have a "head" like other heavy armored soldiers, but looks like Xing Tian, ​​with "two arms and two legs". The place where the head should have been was a huge cooling vent, from which hot steam was continuously evaporating. It has a large halo on its head—it looks like a godsend device, but it's actually an active radiator pumping out hot steam. A stream of blazing white steam pierced through the icy halo and shot straight into the sky. It's like the face has become blurred.

Its legs are like sharp spikes, or the interface of some kind of charging tower. It looks like it can be plugged into some device to recharge, but now it can only be used as a spear. And its arms are two light blades exuding scorching brilliance. It is impossible to see directly like an electric welding device, and it is exuding a dazzling brilliance, and you will lose your eyesight just by looking at it with the naked eye.

Behind it floated six tentacle-like mechanical steel whips, and the beam cannon was ejected from in front of them.

Those heat dissipation holes emitting fire look like many "eyes"; its face is "invisible" because of the white steam, and there is a halo on its head; the blazing light blades linked by its arms can also be seen For a pair of light wings. Had the age ended thus, posterity might regard it as some kind of lofty angel.

Ruby is an extremely noble gemstone. Before the church developed the "God's Descending Device" and was able to mass-produce mechanical angels, "Ruby" was the church's highest-level and most advanced decisive weapon.

It is not capable of electronic warfare interference like Moonstone, nor is it capable of long-term stealth like Fire Opal, nor is it capable of firefighting and anti-bombing like Morganite.

Rubies have no attack ability, nor can they protect strategic units. Its only meaning is to kill.

In the case of a charging base, it can be transformed into a defense tower that can shoot six thermal lasers permanently and intercept many attacks at close range, which is enough to fight against most elite infantry units.

Its positioning is precisely the "heavy machine for decisive battle".

The land plowed by the light beams was on fire, and the avalanche in the distance was approaching rumblingly.

But it was still moving at high speed in the air, and the tentacles dancing slightly like snakes behind it continuously spewed out rays of destruction.

In the delphinium's perceptual vision linked to the ruby, one enemy after another is constantly locked. The scorching flames drew straight or zigzag arcs on the ground.

Demons are still mortal after all.

They cannot react faster than light. After being locked remotely, it was erased piece by piece like rice. He couldn't even get close to the high-speed flying Ruby at all.

But at this moment, Delphinium suddenly received a warning that she was locked.

She froze for a moment.

—Suddenly, two high-speed missiles flew towards her at a very close distance!

She accelerated sharply, subconsciously trying to get rid of the missile—but Ruby wasn't equipped with thermal decoy rounds like her usual moonstone. Therefore, the delphinium just left the spot, and was immediately chased by the missile. Her movement speed can't beat the flying speed of the missile at all.

But Delphinium reacted quickly. Before the missile detonated, she turned around and cut out the light blade in her hand.

The light blade chopped off one of them, while the other exploded suddenly at a very close distance.

The light blade on her left arm flickered and went out, and three of the tentacles on her back were blown off and fell off. The body on the left side of Ruby has obvious cracks, and there are some problems with the suspension device, and ominous black smoke is ejected from the cooling holes.

Without hesitation, she moved towards the direction of the missile.

Three scorching beams were shot in parallel.

But the next moment, "Ruby" suddenly fell to the ground.

The three beams flew directly into the sky, and there was an unpleasant smell of burning in the air. Delphinium suddenly opened his eyes, and found himself on the precarious floating car that was shaking violently with black smoke.

Paradise Bird quickly pressed the forced escape button of the central controller.

The next moment, the rocket bomb hit the barrier of malt wine heavily.

The barrier did not block all attacks, and the violent impact penetrated into the barrier.

The hemispherical center controller like an eggshell has obvious cracks under the influence of the impact.

It displayed a bright red font on the screen for an instant, and then suddenly went out.

If the Bird of Paradise hadn't helped Delphinium jump out in time, it would be difficult for her consciousness to return to her original body if the instrument suddenly lost power or was damaged. However, the severe pain caused by the forced jumping still caused delphinium's consciousness to be bleached for a moment. To describe it, it's like peeling off a layer of skin. Intense pain came from the skin all over the body, and the delphinium couldn't help screaming, her arms couldn't help hugging her shoulders and her protruding abdomen, and her whole body couldn't help twitching violently.

If it weren't for the fact that her psionic power, which had reached level nine, had started to transform her body in turn, she might have lost consciousness and started to foam at the mouth by now.

"Be careful not to bite her tongue."

The malt wine stretched out his finger, dipped the liquid on the side, and then handed it to the Paradise Bird. The Bird of Paradise immediately raised its head and held it in its mouth, then turned its head and leaned over to feed it mouth-to-mouth to the delphinium whose pupils were dilated and still screaming piercingly.

With just one sip, the delphinium immediately quieted down. The Bird of Paradise immediately raised its head, put the respirator on the delphinium, and picked her up from the instrument with one hand. UU reading

Those golden liquors that are packaged into about 50ml glasses are like "panacea" in front of malt wine. The wine infused with "numbing pain" and the cognition-enhancing drug allowed Delphinium to recover very quickly.

Her face and body were soaked with sweat. Her hair hung over her shoulders as if it had just been washed, and her face showed a frail look.

She raised her head, and only then did she see clearly the current situation of the floating vehicle.

Even the demons didn't make a move—or rather, the demons were almost killed by her just now.

Now their small civilian floating vehicle is covered by dense firepower that she can't see from the perspective of the heavy fighter.

Infantry with individual rocket launchers, tanks in the dense forest, and densely packed drones equipped with machine guns or missiles.

If it weren't for the inferior ones to intercept and counterattack with the highest efficiency, it would be impossible to survive just relying on the defense of others.

When they dived to the distance where they could launch a strike, "Ruby" unexpectedly had no warning at all.

Delphinium reacted quickly.

Because in its identification... these people should be "friendly troops".

"These are the people who work hard!"

They didn't even erase the markings, so Delphinium recognized it immediately: "Security forces hired by Happy Island—"