MTL - Overturned Tower-v2 Chapter 40 The general draws a car

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"What a bunch of bastards!"

Lang Yan gritted his teeth: "I thought that the enemies might be demons or angels. I was ready to face them, but I didn't expect that the people who gave me the most trouble were actually a group of locals from Happy Island and Shangcheng District! It was a group of ordinary people. human beings!"

Now it seems that the answer to the previous question is self-evident.

The commentator named "Tantra" has always held a very positive and enthusiastic attitude towards the Cyber ​​Church. And his real identity should be the chairman of a branch of the Seven Giants on Happy Island

He is the elf director named "Torki Fat" who belongs to Shenzhi Heavy Industry! "I think so."

Malt Wine said quietly: "Even if these fallen angels are locals who have been transformed, it is not easy for such a large number of people to be quietly selected and disappear out of thin air. But if there are seven giants secretly assisting in this matter, Then things became very reasonable.

"Perhaps, they are employees of Shenzhi Heavy Industry. Anyway, they are all brainwashed, and there will be no difference—that's why their power of holy orders is so weak."

"That counterfeit Torquay

Lothar was also blown out of flames. As an elf director who has awakened self-awareness, she is no longer afraid of death like other elf directors. She resisted the behavior of her predecessor, Kamalse, so she did not devour other people's lives to cultivate her own "hourglass"— All she spends in casting spells is her own time.

Even though elves have a long lifespan, they are not infinite. Therefore, she cannot cast unlimited spells as she pleases, so she must be cautious.

Being calculated by Tokifat, who is far weaker than herself, and putting even the people she values ​​​​in danger—this made her feel angry.


Langyan was a little annoyed: "We have to go down and fight! The air vehicle is too narrow, if I can't use it, it will only hurt you!"

"It's the same for me. I can't use it in this kind of place. It was originally intended to let the delphinium open the 'Ruby', but now the cabin-style central controller is broken." And now we can't think about it, and we can't do it anymore. I feel like it might explode at any moment, and ignorance probably won't be able to hold us back."

Malt Wine sighed, but he wasn't too nervous.

Wuming from outside the window flew over, tore open the car door, and signaled for an emergency landing.

When the ignorance no longer maintained the suspension, the floating vehicle continued to make violent bumps and finally fell to the ground obliquely like a comet.

Near the ground, the ale spilled a glass of wine.

A golden spherical enchantment suddenly emerged, carrying it and sliding down to the ground steadily.

The next moment, the drones flew over tick-tock.

And the inferior who finally freed his hands was the first to rush out of the floating car.

He rushed out far, far away. It wasn't until the bullets fired by the drones flying towards him almost flew to his face—he was angry and used his psychic power for the first time.

He took a deep breath, and pure white brilliance burned in his pupils.


Wolf Yan roared with all his strength.

An invisible wave of air gushed out of his mouth, and the people behind him hardly heard any sound—because all the voices were restrained by the inferior, only facing his front.

The high-frequency oscillating air flickered with fuzzy white light, spewing forward in a cone shape.

—The farthest distance, the ultra-high-energy sonic cannon that directly covers more than ten kilometers. The earth continued to crack and disintegrate, and dense cracks appeared. All the drones, missiles, and rockets exploded in the air, and the infantry and demons were shaken into a cloud of blood.

The tank exploded with a burst of lightning, and then turned into lumps of iron in the continuous explosions. All the systems inside and the driver mounted on it were scrapped. On the contrary, those trees were all detonated in an instant, with muffled noises from inside, and they did not turn into fly ash.

The breath of blood and fire permeated, and the avalanche approaching in the distance was shattered—it turned into a white mist that filled the sky.

one side is full of sky

On one side is the cold smoke all over the sky, and in the middle is the dense forest crackling and burning like purgatory. The originally noisy battlefield was rarely quiet for a moment.

"—Looks like I shouldn't have come."

A helpless voice sounded not far away: "You guys are too nervous.

I didn't expect the inferior to reach the ninth level of psionic ability. "

Malt Wine and Wuming looked back vigilantly, but Kamalthe and Delphinium were both loose.

Walking from the smoke and dust in the distance is the wanted criminal known as "the most dangerous criminal of mankind" who killed several elf directors—Bad Day.

"How will you be here?"

Delphinium asked, "Aren't you on Yongquan Island with Hang Hang, are you going to take him to find Russell?"

"Yeah. But luckily I procrastinate"

Bad Day shrugged, and shrugged the weapon back into its sheath: "I haven't had time to leave yet. I have already left as originally planned, but it suddenly occurred to me—maybe I should bring Russell some Coke, so went shopping. Then I thought, he's been on the ground for months, maybe I should bring him some good beef

"After that, I thought, he still likes to eat potato wedges. There must be no such things on the ground. So I went to buy some potato wedges. Finally, I thought about it again. I simply went back to Happy Island, ran to your house, and directly put Your refrigerator has been moved away.”

"Don't think about it, think about whether you plan to take me away..."

Delphinium sighed helplessly.

"I really thought about it—you can take a look and come back, it won't delay things. It only takes one day to come and go—no matter how busy he is, he should be able to spare one day."

Bad Ri's face was also very serious, it didn't seem like a joke at all: "You are more than six months pregnant, and now you still have time to see him. Wait until eight or nine months, even if you want to go, you won't be able to go. Take care It's right to tell your own wife, but you have already been officially married.

"In Russell's own words - if saving the world has to be done by sacrificing a baby, then such a broken world doesn't have to be saved."

"Stop talking about that," Delphinium made up his mind not to cause trouble, so he didn't waver at all, "If he really needs to see me, if he is lonely enough to need me, come back and take me away; as you said, back and forth It's only for one day. But if he just wants to see me, or worry about me, and want to be with me, then you let him stay there-the mission is more important than me.

"...Of course, it's best. I can come back before the baby is born."

"I understand, I'll let him come back before the child is born anyway." Bad Day looked serious.


Delphinium swears very rarely, and it is the dialect of Taoyuan Island: "I've said it all, don't bother him!"

"Joke, joke..."

Bad day saw that his own niece delphinium was really angry, and immediately became cowardly. He stretched out his hands and made a "quotation mark" gesture: "It's just a joke, you are too serious, you can't hear the joke."

"You were definitely not joking just now."

Delphinium trusted her instincts, and Bad Day must have meant it just now.

The bad day is that she hates the sheath too much, so that she is a little ptsd about this kind of behavior of "abandoning his wife and son". Delphinium understands and agrees with Bad Sun's ideas...but at the same time, her rationality as a human leader also makes her feel a little afraid of Bad Day's radical, willful, and arbitrary ways of doing things.

The sheath is not the same as the Russell. It is different in every sense.

She could only change the subject casually while being alert to possible enemies in the smoke: "Why did you just say that you shouldn't come?"

"Sister Shandie taught you how to play chess?"

Bad Day asked back.

"Have played a bit," delphinium hummed, "what's the matter?"

"Then you should have heard "the general draws a car, right?"

That's a chess term—meaning to capture the opponent's "rook" while making a check. no choice

Next, you can only give the car to the other party to eat.

Paradise Bird was the first to react: "I didn't let the angels"

Have you all gone to help? She was going to ask that.

But before she could say it, Wuming asked in a deep voice, "Excuse me, is the Tianen Group also attacked?"

"Well, more than three hundred angels flew over."

Bad Ri touched the blade in his arms, his eyes were cold: "I have confidence, they will definitely not be able to kill me. But I don't have the confidence to stop them...

"And the most important thing - that fake Tokifat is there too. The one with six arms. He is also pretending to hold hands like a Buddha, but he has a halo on his head. Floating He still had no legs, and from the waist down was densely packed with metal tentacles. He looked terribly deformed.

"He 'predicted' with me, saying that you would be in danger in ten minutes. Because he lured you to go by 'raiding and rebuilding the mechanism as a trap. And he set up three drone clusters and a missile nearby. A cluster of drones, a sniper position that has been set up. There are more than 500 elite security forces equipped with individual bazookas, ten heavy tanks, and two heavy-duty aircraft. With more than 300 angels and those demons, the purpose It is to strangle all of you there and completely paralyze the high-end guards of Happy Island.

"...So I had to put them down and come to you. I jumped through any door to the nearest urban area, and then I ran all the way, and finally caught up. But in the end it was a step too late—before I arrived, you should solve it yourself gone."

Bad Ri said calmly: "Looking at it now, UUReading is probably bluffing—you obviously don't have that many people on your side. But even if I do it again, I will still check the situation.

"Anyway, I don't have that interest. I want to help those elves protect their companies. Since Shenzhi Heavy Industry intends to betray the Seven Giants and cooperate with the church to provoke a company war, let them go."

"That Toki Fate, can it really represent Shenzhi Heavy Industry?" Ale asked beside him.

"Whether he can represent it or not, he has already involved Shenzhi Heavy Industry in the vortex of troubles. It just so happens that the chairman of Shenzhi Heavy Industry, Saar, is really not here. It's all right now, I can't argue with it."

"I mean," Malt said softly, "is his goal, really, war?"

Bad day realizes something.

He looked up, "What do you mean?"

"You don't have a job, so you don't realize this—directors don't come to work in Tianen Park. Since they can't be beheaded, what's the use of the workers who are surrounded by the church? Or, in Tianen Park Is there anything that you want to get even if the church and Tokifat directly turn against each other? You have to lure all of us away before they can get it?"

Delphinium said, "I've thought about it, and there's only one thing."

"…I see."

Bad Day smacked his lips: "The 'Dragon Core' of Happy Island, that's what they want."

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