MTL - Pampered Consort of the Fragrant Orchard-v3 Chapter 34 Han Mingyu left

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Small courtyard room.

Whether it is hidden in the corners of the small courtyard or the disciples of the Baidu Valley hiding in the house, they can't help but look at the yard.

At this time, Du Xiaoli and Bai Ningyuan have been watching each other for a long time.

In the end, Bai Ning was defeated and sighed and said: "Cousin, I don't want to say it, but I can't really say it! You will spare me."

"It is you who have provoked my interest. How can I say nothing now?" Du Xiaoli glared at Bai Ningyuan. This guy is obviously owed.

"But the old guy at home said that I was not allowed to tell you anything." Bai Ningyuan said, "Otherwise he will ask me to marry my wife. I haven't played enough yet, you will spare me."

"You gave me my mother's jade," Du Xiaoli said.

"At that time, I was not in a hurry to leave. The old man asked me to protect you. I must leave, so I have to tell you. You can't do it, don't you know?" Bai Ningyuan looked at Du Xiaoli.

"No." Du Xiaoli said faintly.

"Oh, I won't say it anyway." Bai Ningyuan's dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

"Is it?" Du Xiaoli laughed and said, "I will not help you if you owe the old guy to Huiming."

"You...hey!" Bai Ningyuan said with a bite.

"thank you."

She came from the Buddha Hall and just met Bai Ningyuan in the yard. He asked her to help Hui Ming to make a delicious meal. She just wanted to ask him to ask him, and they talked for a while.

Originally I wanted to know about the White House, but this guy didn’t say anything about it. It turned out that it was forced to get married because of it!

"I can only answer some of your questions. I can't say it or not." Bai Ningyuan gave in.

"Good." Du Xiaoli said that as long as you can make concessions. "How many brothers and sisters does my mother have?"

"Eight. Your mother is the smallest, there are two sisters, five brothers." Bai Ningyuan replied.

"What are you old?" Du Xiaoli asked.

"Old seven, older than your mother."

It’s also an old man in his son. It’s no wonder that the son he raised is so arrogant.

"The grandparents are still alive?"

"It’s so good, it’s okay to live for a few more years.”

"Where are they now?"


"Where is the family?"

"This can't tell you."

"..." Du Xiaoli stunned Bai Ningyuan and continued to ask: "Does the White House participate in this martial arts conference?"

"There is no theory."

"In theory?"

Bai Ning nodded and said: "In general, they will not participate in this martial arts conference, but this year may not be possible. Maybe they may come because of certain factors."

This means that this is also an unknown issue.

"What is the power of the White House?" Du Xiaoli was curious about this.

"Can't say." Bai Ningyuan said firmly.

"Since all have decided to restore my mother's surname, and I intend to recognize us, why can't you tell me?" Du Xiaoli said dissatisfied.

"The old guy is awkward," Bai Ningyuan said. "After all, when your mother was expelled from the family, the old guy said that she would never recognize her daughter again."

"So how do you think about it now?" Du Xiaoli asked.

"Because of my grandmother." Bai Ning far sighed and said, "Since your mother was driven out, my grandmother was depressed all day, but I spent most of my time in Baidu Valley, so I don’t know anything about my family. It’s very clear. After that, the old guy seems to regret it too, but because of his face, he has always been stubborn, and we are not allowed to go to you. I listened to my mother and said that when you got the news that you were all dead, the grandmother cried, the old Things also kept themselves in the house for two days, and when they came out, people were getting old."

"is it?"

"I didn't see it with my own eyes, but my mother said that because of this, my grandmother didn't pay attention to the old guy for two years." Bai Ningyuan said with a deep sigh.

"But when I got the news that you and your brother were still alive, I just went home. The old guy’s expression of joy at the time I remembered now. I never saw him laughing like that, even the eyes. It’s wet. But knowing that your mother is dead, the grief in his eyes makes me remember.”

Du Xiaoli sat on the stone bench, holding a hand on his chin, watching Bai Ningyuan, listening to him saying the scene at the time, his mouth slightly rising.

Mother, have you heard that, in fact, grandparents are always thinking of you...

"When did you recognize me?" Du Xiaoli asked.

"I was very surprised when I met for the first time, because you and your mother are too long." Bai Ningyuan said, "But really confirm your identity or later follow the king to the palace."

"But you were still so small at that time, and I haven't seen my mother for more than ten years. How can I still remember my mother?" Du Xiaoli asked.

"Because my grandmother has a portrait of your mother, I have a good relationship with my heart. Every time I go back, I will go to see her portrait. I naturally never forget her." Bai Ningyuan said. "Well, I have told you so much, and you will spare me if you are else."

"You will tell me these things, but they are really useful, but they didn't tell me much." Du Xiaoli said, "Where is the family, what forces are there, I have not told me. I want to recognize my mother, but a little substantive action." nothing."

"Oh, I think the old guy must have thought of yourself to discover the family news." Bai Ningyuan said, then he thieves thief smiled. "But I can't help but see him. Maybe you can't wait to find it." He found it himself. He wanted to see you for a long time, but he didn't say it."

"You mean they might come?" Du Xiaoli asked.

"I don't know. Anyway, there is no order from the old guy. I really can't tell you too much." Bai Ningyuan said.

"Well, then let me go for a while." Du Xiaoli said.

"Hey, that Huiming is over there..."

"You will prepare the ingredients and let him come to eat at noon tomorrow." Du Xiaoli said.

"Hah, thank you to the cousin for the clearance." Bai Ningyuan, a serious and confessed to Du Xiaoli, thanked him.

"I will not help you next time." Du Xiaoli got up and said, "I will go see the Fire Valley Lord and Phoenix."

"Go, let me go and let people prepare."

Du Xiaoli came to the house of the Valley of Fire, and heard the laughter of the phoenix and the Fire Valley Lord in the house.

Two people dressed in black costumes stood at the door and saw Du Xiaoli respectfully bowing to her.

When the Phoenix heard that Du Xiaoli came, he quickly ran to open the door and saw Du Xiaoli and Xia Wei outside the door. They smiled and said, "Wang Hao, come in."

Du Xiaoli entered the house and saw the fire valley owner resting on the bed.

"Fire Valley Lord, how are you feeling now?"

"Thank you for the rescue of Wang Hao, I should have personally thanked you, but now I am bothering you to see the old." The Fire Valley Lord said that he was powerless.

"The fire valley is very polite." Du Xiaoli walked over. "The poison in your body has been solved, but because the poison is too toxic and the antidote is special, the body must be weak."

The owner of the Valley of Fire looked at the gauze on the wrist of Du Xiaoli and smiled. He said, "I heard Ning Yuan say, if there is no Wang Hao, the old man has already gone to the palace to report it. As long as it is not a court, what if he has it? If you can use the poisonous valley, Wang Hao will open his mouth."

"The fire valley is very polite, whether it is due to the relationship between Phoenix or Yaowang Valley and Baidu Valley, I will not stand by." Du Xiaoli said, "I will check the body for you to see if you can recover as soon as possible." ""

"That will trouble you." Fire Valley Lord extended his hand and let Du Xiaoli give him the pulse.

"Wang Hao, sit here." Fire Phoenix gave Du Xiaoli a stool and placed it on the bedside.

Du Xiaoli sat down and gave the fire valley master a pulse. Then he let his mouth open his mouth and looked at his eye. Then he said, "This is the biggest damage to the liver and kidneys, but it is good in the main week of the Valley of Fire. The body is better, and the internal force helps to recover, so there is nothing wrong with it. I will take two medicines for you to adjust, and it will be better after two days."

"Thank you, Wang Hao." Fire Phoenix said gratefully.

"Since we are not in the capital, you don't have to call me Wang Hao, just call me Xiaoli." Du Xiaoli said, "Yangge, you are going to prepare a pen and ink."

"Yes, the master."

Yangko opened the door and went to get the ink and paper, Du Xiaoli sat on the stool, the fire phoenix sat on the bed, and the three chatted.

"Xiao Li, I died when I was young, my grandfather is my only relative. If my grandfather is going to do something, I will definitely not survive. So I really don't know how to express my gratitude to you." "Fire Phoenix took Du Xiaoli's hand and said with emotion.

She used to have Han Mingyuan, but now they have nothing to do with it.

Du Xiaoli looked at the fire phoenix more mature than before, but my heart was somewhat distressed.

Sometimes, love is really a tormenting thing.

"Well, your gratitude I have remembered, if there is anything you need to help, I will definitely find you. I believe that even if there is no such thing, you will help me. So this matter need not be mentioned. Du Xiaoli patted the fire phoenix's hand.


Fire Phoenix looked at Du Xiaoli and laughed. Perhaps this is not a big deal for her, but it is very important for herself and Baiduo Valley. This friendship will always be remembered.

"Right, I heard that you and Ning Yuan are cousins?" said the Fire Valley Lord.

"He told me this." Du Xiaoli said, "He said that my mother and he are brothers and sisters, but you should also know that my mother was originally driven out by the family, and has always concealed the surname, specifically what The situation, I have to go back and check to know."

"The little brother said that it should be, he never said anything." Fire Phoenix said, "At most, when you look at people, you can directly poison people."

"I heard you telling me bad things when I came." Bai Ningyuan’s voice came from outside, although he was blaming, but with a strong pet.

Du Xiaoli looked at the door and Bai Ningyuan came in from the outside.

"Is everything ready?" Du Xiaoli did not expect this guy to come back so soon, asked.

"Well, I asked Qiaozhu to arrange for me. I dialed a few people from the valley to give her a dispatch." Bai Ningyuan moved a stool to the end of the bed.

"Qiaozhu is my person, are you too conscious?" Du Xiaoli said.

"But you don't know what you will. The people around you must know what you will do. I saw her just being idle, let her help." Bai Ningyuan said.

"What are you talking about?" asked Phoenix.

"I owe a good meal to Huiming's old monk, but he has eaten it in the surrounding places, so I will ask Xiaoli to help me with some delicious food." Bai Ningyuan said.

"Ah, I want to eat too!" said Phoenix.

"Phoenix, what do you like?" Fire Valley Lord yelled.

The phoenix spit out his tongue and said, "Grandpa, Xiaoli is really delicious! I haven’t eaten what she has done for a long time."

Seeing the way the fire phoenix spoiled the Lord of Fire Valley, Du Xiaoli smiled and said: "I haven't eaten for a long time. I will do more tomorrow, and people will be sent to you later."

"Hah, Xiaoli, you are so good." The phoenix is ​​so happy that if they are not Bai Ningyuan, they may have to rush directly.

On the second day, Hui Ming ran to the Guanghan Temple early. I went to see the Fire Valley Lord and played with him for a while. He heard that Du Xiaoli had already gone straight to the kitchen after preparing the vegetarian meal. However, the result was that the carol was stopped outside the kitchen.

Hui Ming came out of the kitchen and saw Bai Ningyuan who was leaning against the door to watch his jokes.

"I said Xiao Ningning, what can Wang Ding really do?" Hui Ming stepped forward and asked Bai Ningyuan.

"Do you still believe what I said?" Bai Ning far squinted.

"But she is not Wang Hao? How can I do something delicious? Your kid is not blind to me?" Hui Ming looked at Bai Ningyuan without trust.

Bai Ningyuan took a shot of Hui Ming’s hand and said, “What are you doing? If you don’t believe it, you can go back. It’s better to eat more when we get there.”

After he finished, he turned back to the small courtyard. Hui Ming looked at the kitchen and left with Bai Ningyuan.

After Du Xiaoli finished the dish, he first gave the appease abbot two different things, and then left himself and Han Mingyu three, and the others gave Bai Ningyuan them.

When the song came back, it was said that Hui Ming smelled the smell of the dish and began to swallow, so that it was amused. Du Xiaoli made up his mind in the brain. I really can't figure out how such a monk would become a high-ranking person.

Is it really the wine and meat that has passed through the intestines, and the Buddha’s heart remains?

However, the ancients once said that the big hidden in the city, the small hidden in the forest. Maybe the old monk may be the same.

Han Mingxi told her when she was eating, Han Mingyuan is already on the way, and can come here tonight or tomorrow. At that time, they may go to the Wulin Conference with them.

When Du Xiaoli heard the news, he stunned. He didn't know what would happen to him after he came.

Seeing the appearance of Du Xiaoli, Han Ming gave her a dish 3 and put it in a bowl. He said: "They are all so big, they have to be responsible for their actions. As a person, we can only watch and make decisions. They are still themselves. What we can do is to grasp our own happiness."

"Yeah." Du Xiaoli nodded.

How lucky she was, met him. Both of them understood their own minds from the beginning, and they did not hesitate in their feelings, so they did not hesitate.

In the evening, Han Mingyuan went to the Guanghan Temple, and he came with him, as well as the monsoon wind.

"How did you get hurt?" Du Xiaoli was surprised to see the scars in the corner of the monsoon.

"Nothing." The monsoon windy face smells bad, and I can see that my mood is very bad.

"He. When I was at the foot of the mountain, I met Zhao Wei and the sorrowful guardian." Han Mingyuan said, "He saw Zhao Hao as crazy as he ran up and killed him, but he was blocked by the guard. The two of them made a big fight and they became the current look."

"It seems that this injury is not light." Du Xiaoli said with a smile.

"Hey, that's not a good thing to get in my heart," said the monsoon.

"You still have a heart and a joke about others. Your business, I will settle with you later." Han Ming looked at Han Mingyuan and went to the house with the wind.

Han Mingyuan snorted and didn't seem to worry.

Du Xiaoli looked at Han Mingyuan and asked at the door: "What happened to you and Phoenix?"

"Ah? What is going on?" Han Mingyuan said suspiciously.

"Don't think we don't know." Du Xiaoli said, "We know everything about you and you."

"Ah, you all know?" Han Mingyuan was shocked.

Du Xiaoli glanced at him and said, "Otherwise, do you think that you are coming to me? It is not that you are too disfigured."

"Amount - you have seen the phoenix!"

"She is in the Guanghan Temple." Du Xiaoli said.

"What? She is here?!" Han Mingyuan was shocked.

"As a nephew, I can ask you what is wrong with this?" Du Xiaoli said, "You and her are not good? How come suddenly and away? As Wang Hao, her name is also on the royal jade butterfly, Your marriage is not a play."

"Small nephew, we have nothing, she left a book to leave." Han Mingyuan said, "She said that I want to return my freedom."

"Phoenix is ​​not a person who gives up easily. Do you have anything wrong?" Du Xiaoli asked.

"In fact, there is nothing wrong with it, but it is a misunderstanding." Han Mingyuan said.

"Since it is a misunderstanding, why don't you make it clear?" Du Xiaoli said.

"I explained it to her, but she had a big fight with me and wrote a book off. She is like this, what else can I say." Han Mingyuan said.

"I don't see the phoenix like..."


The door suddenly opened and interrupted the conversation between the two. Du Xiaoli looks like Han Mingqi, it seems that something is wrong.

"what happened?"

Han Mingqi looked at Du Xiaoli with some apologies. "Ger, I may not be able to go to Beijing with you. I have some things in the city. I have to go."

Burning City is a city adjacent to Beijing, but it is only a day away from riding in Beijing.

"Is it a **** snake?" Du Xiaoli asked.

"Yeah. Your feet have not fully recovered, and then rest here for a day or two and then leave. I will be cold and they will stay with you..."

"No, they are your right hand, I have nothing to do here. Let them go with you. Also bring the carols." Du Xiaoli said.

Han Mingyu looked at Du Xiaoli and then nodded and said, "Good. Cold one, let everyone pack things, we will leave immediately."

Du Xiaoli turned and said to the Yangko: "You go with them and pay attention to safety."

"Yes, the master." Yangge nodded and went back to his house to pack things up.

"Five brothers, let me go with you." Han Mingyuan said.

Han Mingyu looked at Han Mingyuan and said coldly, "You are free."

Han Mingyuan looked like Han Mingqi, subconsciously shrinking his neck, feeling that he would definitely be picked up by him. But think about Du Xiaoli and Phoenix, he still feels that it is safer to follow Han Ming.

In fact, he himself could not say that he was in a state of sorrow. The marriage between him and the phoenix was not what he wanted, but they became married. Although he was not willing to volunteer, the two also wandered together on the rivers and lakes for nearly two years. She even rarely returned to the poisonous valley for him.

He always wanted to be free, but when he got the book she gave, she couldn’t tell what it was, angry, and some faint loss.

He didn't know why he didn't want to see the phoenix, because he was afraid, or for other reasons. He didn't know it.

Du Xiaoli gave Han Ming to pack up the good things and sent them to the temple door. He said: "Be careful."

"I know." Han Mingqi hugged Du Xiaoli and said, "You should be more careful. When I was at the Wulin Conference, I was waiting for me."


"I am leaving." Han Mingyu released Du Xiaoli and said: "The next time you can not give me things that are dangerous, or I will pack you well."

"Right, what about the person over there?" Du Xiaoli glanced at the Qingfeng Temple on the opposite side of the mountain.

"They wrote the credentials to the emperor after they were exposed. I have sent people to stare at him. You don't have to worry about it." Han Mingxi said.

"Good." Du Xiaoli took a picture of Han Ming's clothes and said, "Go, I will go to Beijing to wait for you earlier."

"Let's go, go back." Han Mingyu kissed Du Xiaoli's forehead, and with the cold they left.

Du Xiaoli watched them fly down the mountain road until they couldn't see the figure. They said to Xia Wei and Qiao Zhu: "Let's go back."

Turned over, but saw a red figure standing on the hill behind the temple, staring at the direction of the mountain, the eyes are unspeakable sadness and loss.

------Off topic ------

Thank you, the mushroom cool, yesterday dropped the ticket, hey, hug the big one, muma~

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