MTL - Pampered Consort of the Fragrant Orchard-v3 Chapter 35 Visiting the flower building

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The phoenix stood on the stone behind the mountain, and the bright red clothes flew in the evening wind.

"Since I know that he is coming, why don't you go down and see one side?" Du Xiaoli held the little white ball and went to the back hill alone.

The phoenix looked at the trees under the mountain and said, "What use is it? When I left, the meeting was just a sorrow. I and him, now it is nothing but a stranger."

Du Xiaoli did not know how to comfort the Phoenix, the hurt of feelings, only he slowly healed.

"Ding Wang is gone, why don't you go together?" Fire Phoenix didn't want to say his own thing, asked.

"He feels that my feet have not healed. If I go, he will be unconsciously distracted. And I believe that those people will not be his opponents." Du Xiaoli said.

"You and Wang Ye feel very good, a woman can meet such a life partner for a lifetime is worth it. I really envy you." Fire Phoenix exclaimed.

"The sky is dark, let's go back." Du Xiaoli said.

"it is good."

In fact, one reason why Du Xiaoli did not say is that she thought of Beijing to have fun. In the past, there were merchants on the Qinhuai River. In this life, there was a girl from the Liuli River. Knowing such a place, she must go well. If there is Han Ming, she is not so free.

Then, five days later, on the Liuli River, a small tributary of the Liuli River in Beijing, there was a large ship that was not worthy of eye-catching.

"Master, you come to such a place again, beware of being known by the Lord." Xia Wei looked at Du Xiaoli, a men's clothing, but said helplessly.

"Xia Wei, your family is not afraid, you should not worry about it." Fire Phoenix is ​​also a men's clothing, and Du Xiaoju together on the boat, watching the row of houses on both sides of the bank.

"Yeah, Xia Wei, if you do this again, the master will drive you off the boat." Shuiqing fairy also smiled.

"Shui Qing fairy, you have also broken with the master." Xia Wei looked helplessly at the people in front of him.

They had already arrived in Beijing yesterday. Before leaving Lin'an, Shuiqing Fairy took Duanli with a group of people and saw that she recovered so quickly. Du Xiaoli was surprised a little.

Listening to the water, the fairy said that they had to follow themselves. Du Xiaoli hesitated, leaving the water fairy, Siqin, and others to let them go back.

Subsequently, Du Xiaoli and the people of Baidu Valley came to Beijing, and heard that Du Xiaoli said that he wanted to come here to see, the Phoenix also came to the interest, let the people in Baidu Valley find a boat, they are a few men. Dressed up as a woman.

Now the people of this ship, except the north wind and Bai Ningyuan, the other are all women. Du Xiaoli, Fire Phoenix, Shuiqing Fairy, Siqin, Xia Wei, Qiaozhu, although they are all men's dresses, but each has its own feelings.

Du Xiaoli leaned on the side of the ship and reached out to touch the river. The feeling of coolness made her feel shocked.

"This is the long-established Liuli River."

It is already in the evening, red lanterns have been hung on the banks of the Liuli River. The deserted streets are also bustling. The rivers come and go, but the technology of the public is very good. Although it is crowded, it does not appear. The situation of a collision.

"It’s so lively!" Qiaozhu looked at the scenes on both sides of the strait and exclaimed.

"This Liuli River is very famous in Jiangnan. You look at the houses on both sides of the strait. Although they all have red lanterns, most of them are not brothels." Bai Ningyuan said.

"Do you know this? It seems that you often come here?" Du Xiaoli looked at Bai Ningyuan, jokingly said.

"Hey." Bai Ningyuan knew that he said that Du Xiaoli did not answer her. He continued: "Those who hang a double number of lanterns are the brothels, and the number of hangs is other places of the wind and moon."

"Is there a difference in this Fengyue place?" Fire Phoenix said, she extended her head to look at the houses on both sides of the strait and said: "There is a difference, and some only hang a single lantern."

"Those literati singers, some like to install high, so I got this place here, although there are all kinds of beautiful, but not so gorgeous." Bai Ningyuan said.

"Where are we going now?" asked the water fairy.

From the time he came up, Bai Ningyuan did not tell them where to go. If he was going to the kind of brothel, she would not let the teacher go in.

"You can rest assured that you are the same person, I dare to take you to that kind of place, naturally it is to take you to a more serious and representative place." Bai Ningyuan said, "Othertime, I will know me by the guy." Take you to play, don't cut me."

When the north wind heard Bai Ningyuan’s words, he gave him a faint look. The meaning in his eyes was obvious. You took them to those places, and they were known by Han Ming, and they would cut you.

"Where are you talking about?" Du Xiaoli asked.

“It’s coming soon.” Bai Ningyuan said, “Hey, the innermost one, the water loft with five lanterns is there.”

Everyone followed his gaze. Sure enough, at the end of the street, I saw a three-storey house. Half of the house was on the shore and the other half was on the water. The two formed a T-line. There is no door on the shore, and people can only pass by the water, so many boats are parked in front of the attic.

Du Xiaoli looked at it. The attic was separated from other buildings, leaving a lot of space in the middle to put the boat.

When their ships drove to the front, they found that the squad drove the ship to the shore.

"Why don't you not drive directly in the past?" Fire Phoenix asked.

"The boats coming here can't be close to the attic." Bai Ningyuan stood up and said, "This is the rule here. Let's go ahead."

"What about those ships?" Fire Phoenix pointed to a few boats in front of the attic.

"That is their ship, responsible for picking up and dropping off guests." Bai Ningyuan explained.

Du Xiaoli came to the deck and saw a small boat coming slowly.

"Pine leaf bamboo leaves and leaves are green." When the boat approached them, a man on the boat said.

“What is this?” asked Phoenix.

"This is their rule. There is no ordinary person to go there. You must have a certain amount of knowledge." Bai Ningyuan explained, "So the ship that usually picks up will use a problem to test it." ”

"There is still such a thing. If there is no one to learn?" Qiaozhu asked.

"If they are all unlearned, they will not be given in." Bai Ningyuan said.

"Everyone, please be on the couplet." The man waited for Bai Ningyuan to explain it and smiled.

"Pine leaf bamboo leaves Ye Cui? That under the joint, then the autumn sounds of geese sounds cold." Du Xiaoli replied without thinking.

"Pine leaf bamboo leaves and leaves, green autumn geese sounds cold..." The people came together and said it again, and immediately praised: "The son is good."

"Then we passed this?" Fire Phoenix asked.

"Through, how many sons do you have?"

"Eight." Bai Ningyuan said.

"That boat is just right, let's get on board." The man finished, their boat approached slowly and was tied to their boat.

Du Xiaoli, they went on board one after another, leaving Yigong to be on the boat.

The boat took them to the attic with a dangling sway. When they were not close, they heard the sound of silk bamboo coming from inside, and occasionally there was bursts of cheers.

"Xuan Yu Lou. A look at this name is a more emotional place." Shui Qing fairy looked at the threshold and said.

"I see it all the same." Fire Phoenix said.

"This is very different from the previous poetry buildings. We are very different here." The man who received them smiled and said.

“What's different?” asked the water fairy.

The man smiled and said: "You are the first time to come to the Liuli River? We Xuan Yulou have two of the four talented women in Jiangnan sitting here, and there is the collapse of the first son of Jiangnan, the chess and calligraphy, you You can find your opponent here, and you can set it yourself if you like."

"Are you not a place for a snowy month?" Qiaozhu asked.

"Hahaha, I said that we are not a general place for the wind. We are here."

Du Xiaoli, they got up from the boat and went up when the boat was near the attic.

"You guys, please, please." A woman who looks like the man is bowing to Du Xiaoli in front of the building. Then took them in.

Unlike the dimly lit situation outside, the attic is lit up with brilliance, like a white.

Du Xiaoli looked around and found that the decoration was mainly elegant, surrounded by huge murals, which made them feel like they were in a dreamlike environment.

There was a stage in the middle of the hall, and the songs and dances and the ring were all held here.

The entire loft has only three floors. The first and second floors are open-planned seats in the area. Only two or three rooms are on the third floor. It seems that people coming here must be prepared without a private room.

However, in places like this, when people come, they don't want to have a private room. After all, there is no place to block them to see more clearly.

"You son, your seat is here." The woman took them to the middle of the first floor and said.

Although the time is still relatively early, there are quite a lot of people coming here. Many people are less than others, so it is neither boring nor space-saving.

After Du Xiaoli sat down, she took Bai Ningyuan and asked: "Who are the people here who are willing to fight with others?"

"There are also unwilling people, those people go upstairs." Bai Ningyuan said, "But since the people who come here, most of them are willing to arrange here. And the average literati singers also like to sit with others to fight A fight. Look at the table on our right, they are fighting poetry."

Du Xiaoli looked at the past and found that there were four people sitting at the table. One of them sat in the village, took out a theme, and then said the first sentence, and the remaining three went on.

"This is also a common way of spelling poetry here." Seeing everyone was a little surprised, Bai Ningyuan explained.

At this time a maid came over and asked: "What do you want to do with your son?"

"What are you here?" asked Phoenix.

"There is a list here, the son can look at it." The maid gave a book in her hand to the Phoenix.

Fire Phoenix ordered a few snacks, and then everyone ordered some fruit wine, Du Xiaoli saw the price of fruit wine, some stunned.

"The main son, the fruit wine here is actually more expensive than what we sell." Qiaozhu and other maids left, said, "Our wines are not sold so expensive, there is actually a pot of thirty-two silver!"

"You see that it is the most expensive wine, and most people won't order it." Bai Ningyuan said, "And because the wines sold by your winery are few, the expensive ones sold outside are normal. You see other fruit wines. Isn't that expensive?"

"I said Xiao Brother, do you come here often, so I am very familiar with this place?" asked Fire Phoenix.

"I didn't come often, just familiar with the boss here." Bai Ningyuan said.

"A person like you will have friends too?" Du Xiaoli saw that Bai Ningyuan looked like he was hurting him.

"Of course I have friends! Hey, I don't only have it, there are a lot!" Bai Ningyuan was dissatisfied with Du Xiaoli's words and protested.

"I thought everyone would choose to stay away from this poison king." Shuiqing fairy said.

"Small brothers, although their characters are rather strange, their temper is stinky. If a seizure will poison the chickens and chickens, it will be good at other times." Fire Phoenix followed everyone.

"How do you all unite to talk about me?" Bai Ning is far from happy.

"Here you and the North Wind two men, the other are women, the woman naturally has to be on the front line." Du Xiaoli said.

"You can also talk about this guy." Bai Ningyuan put his hand on the shoulder of the north wind and wanted to pull him over.

"Northern brothers are not as serious as you are," said Phoenix.

"What activities are there this night?" asked Siqin.

"There are fighting poems, songs and dances, and I don't know how to be specific." Bai Ningyuan said.

The waitress who just happened to be a snack came over. When they heard them, they smiled and said, "The song and dance performances are the first tonight, and there will be fighting poems and couplets. Then there will be competitions. The sons and your wines are all on the table. Please enjoy."

Du Xiaoli played for a while, and some people came back later, most of them went to the private rooms on the second and third floors.

Estimated to the past seven o'clock in the evening, the lights in the entire hall were extinguished, and the music in the entire hall stopped.

"Begin." Bai Ningyuan said.

The voice of the flute was heard, and Du Xiaoli knew that this person had good skill.

After the prelude, some small lights around the stage lit up, illuminating the stage with a bright light, and the two dancers above began to dance with the music.

“How do I get familiar with this scene?” Du Xiaoli said.

"Master, at the Mid-Autumn Festival, did you not design them for Miss Ji?" Xia Yan said in a whisper around Du Xiaoli.

"Yes, no wonder I said so familiar." Du Xiaoli said.

“Is this designed by you?” Bai Ningyuan said with amazement. “This kind of appearance is very popular in this place. When I first saw it, I thought about who came up with it! I didn’t expect it. You, haha..."

The song fell on the stage, and the dance on the stage was finished. At this time, the lights in the hall were all lit, and the previous brightness was restored. Several people on the stage came forward to call the curtain.

"Good!" The people in the hall were applauding. Only Du Xiaoli had no reaction on their table.

On music, they are less than the people on the water, on dance, Du Xiaoli and Meng Jiangzhuo, they are also better, so this program is not particularly brilliant in Du Xiaoli.

The latter program Du Xiaoli can only say that they are barely okay, except that the phoenix rarely sees such a scene of excitement, and others have not responded much.

They think that in general, others are not willing. A scholar at the neighboring table stood up and pointed at them and said, "You haven’t reacted from the beginning. Is it because the young lady has not performed well?"

The voice of the man was too loud and attracted the attention of others.

Du Xiaoli saw that the scholar was somewhat angry. He thought that this was a brain powder?

The woman named 渺儿 just played a lyre for everyone. Although the technique is good, her temper is too impetuous, and the pop-up song is also somewhat frivolous, so it is not a good song, so Du Xiaoli did not say anything. it is good. I don't want to be discovered by a brain powder, but everyone knows it.

The nephew held the piano standing on the stage and thanked everyone. She heard the cheers in the hall, and she was very proud. However, she did not expect that she had not enjoyed enough. She heard the book asking Du Xiaoli their words.

Her beautiful mood was not beautiful at once, and she sang a sentence in her heart. However, I saw Du Xiaoli’s faint look, and she felt a little disdainful, but she smiled and said: “Several sons feel that they are playing. Not good enough?"

"It's still in the ear." Shuiqing Fairy replied.

The smile on her face almost couldn’t be hanged. Although her piano art couldn’t match the two talented women, she was also famous in the Jiangnan area. She used to hear compliments. I didn’t expect to be said today. It is still in the ear, which is not a small blow to her.

"Since the son said so, it must have been a lot of piano music. I don't know if the children and everyone can have the sound of the son of the son?" The child was very scheming. When he said this, he pulled all the people in the hall. Come in.

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