MTL - Pharmacist of the Future-Chapter 69 Can communicate with power beasts

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Mu Yan's eyes flashed for a moment, "In order not to be exposed, you can only die!"

Having said that, Mu Yanzhi began to tighten the vine vigorously. The man seemed to feel the life passing away, struggling, but couldn't move, his face became more and more purple, and his eyes rolled.

Mu Yan's hand could not help but tremble, his heart was full of struggles, and the lashing of his heart made him a little sick.

This is killing ...

At this moment, a wind blade suddenly flew over and wiped the necks of these people. The magic thing was that no trace of blood was sprayed out. There was only a thin line around the neck, but these people breathed. It stopped instantly, and the signs of life had disappeared.

These people are dead ...

Mu Yan's face was pale and he turned back sharply, but he couldn't see the existence of any creature except himself, but Mu Yan knew it intuitively. The wind blade just now was definitely the writing of Lord Dragon God.

The silence was half a ring, the words of Mu Yan flickered, suppressing complex emotions, but staring at those people who seemed to be asleep for a long time, but didn't know what they were thinking.

A few minutes later, Mu Yanzhi seemed to have figured out what he was doing, no longer guilty and struggling. Instead, he had a bit more decisiveness and decisiveness, and turned to leave without any clutter.

Following the memory and returning to the beginning, Lord Dragon God is hovering on the tree, his eyes gathered in the aperture of mid-air, and there is a **** white horse lying on it, looking particularly miserable.

Mu Yanzhi walked lightly, and Lord Dragon God suddenly turned his head. After seeing Mu Yan, he nodded slightly and signaled to say hello.

Mu Yanzhi walked carefully, looked at the white horse in the aperture, and couldn't help but say, "How is it?"

Lord Dragon God slightly shook his head, Mu Yanzhi's heart sank immediately, his voice was serious: "I will refine the pharmaceutical agent next, and strive to save it, you remember to help me look at it and notify me if there is any situation."

Lord Dragon God nodded slightly and made clear.

Mu Yanzhi's ability for Lord Dragon God is one hundred peace of mind, and he does not suffer at the moment, and directly takes all the necessary things out of the space ring.

The weed and the vine's potion had been used to treat a female animal, and Mu Yan still remembers that the female animal had thanked herself, even if it could cure the serious injury of the female animal, let alone in front of it. This cub.

Take a deep breath, adjust your thoughts, and keep your mind calm and peaceful. You must invest 100% of your mind in refining pharmaceuticals to have the chance to refine high-level pharmaceuticals. This is what he has been brewing for so long. The law of medicine.

Carefully clean the weeds. The roots of the weeds are too thin. If the hands are heavier, it is easy to break the weeds.

Although I do n’t know if breaking the weed will cause an accident, Mu Yan is unwilling to test on this kind of thing. He carefully grasps the weed throughout the whole process, unites his mind, begins to slowly explore the inner space of the weed, and begins to look for those impurities. .

Don't look at the weeds that look very ordinary and inconspicuous, or even ugly. Ordinary people would never believe that this thing turned out to be a super-high-quality medicinal material.

Mu Yanzhi held his breath, carefully decomposed the impurities, and patiently sent each impurity out of the internal space. These steps alone require patience and repeated mechanically. If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid I can't help it. Temperament, of course, there are people who cannot support such a large amount of activity with mental strength.

This is the reason why pharmacists are so rare. If they can be powers, I am afraid that no one will be willing to be a pharmacist. Even if the pharmacist is in a position of supernatural status, all of them will be favored. The psionicist will have a harder time.

Everyone understands that most of today's power systems have been improved, but almost everyone knows about pharmacy, and there is no perfect system learning method.

After weeding the weeds, Mu Yanzhi was sweating, and his back was a little wet. Focusing on removing impurities was too brain-damaging and exhausting.

Weeds are relatively difficult to handle, but the vines are not. Although there are more impurities in the vines than weeds, most of the impurities are piled up and it is easy to find.

After the most troublesome steps were omitted, Mu Yanzhi dealt with the vine a lot faster, and it took almost five minutes.

"Finally it's done." Mu Yanzhimao breathed and could not help muttering.

No way, there is no one in this place, and there is no one who speaks. Mu Yan fears that if he doesn't talk to himself again, I'm afraid he will one day go crazy.

In fact, it is not difficult to be alone, but the hard part is that there is no recreational activity. If you live in a place without internet for a month, I am afraid that everyone will be driven crazy.

However, what Mu Yanzhi didn't know was how much he had just caused to himself in Lord Dragon God's heart.

It took just five minutes to remove a medicinal material, which sounded too horrifying. Few of the pharmacists he knew could reach such a terrible level.

Lord Dragon God vaguely judged the pharmacist of the Grand Master level, and also realized that the master of the 500 years can change the human world with only one person.

This ability is really too bad to change too many trajectories that could not be changed.

Mu Yanzhi chopped the weeds and vines into the flint tripod that has already been boiled, and the bubbling bubbles continued to bubbling, but due to the special reasons of the flint tripod, the heat will not spread at all, so it is very hot in summer , Even if you use the flint tripod to boil water, you will never feel a trace of heat.

Soon, Mu Yanzhi's mental power felt a significant change in the liquid inside. This change was simply indescribable in words, but he could feel that this liquid was about to be refined. Mu Yanzhi didn't know about this. Something is caused by the system, or all pharmacists will feel this way.

Intuitively, Mu Yanzhi quickly suppressed the flint tripod's liquid with his mental strength and adjusted the temperature back to normal state. Soon, the bubbles in the flint tripod disappeared, and the liquid inside was quickly cooled, without any heat.

This is the peculiarity of Flint Ding. As long as you think, it can completely make the original steaming liquid instantly become cold or hot. However, unfortunately, this Flint Ding cannot reduce the temperature to ice, otherwise this Flint tripod will not be called flint tripod.

I don't know if there will be icestone tripod in this world?

Mu Yanzhi suddenly flashed this thought, and then rejected the idea. What kind of medicine would need to be made with ice temperature? It doesn't feel reliable.

Shaking his head, abandoning the complicated thoughts in his brain, Mu Yanzhi quickly filled the liquid in the flint tripod into the medicament bottle, and quickly closed the lid to prevent the medicine inside from evaporating, affecting the quality and effect.

Shake the potion in his hand, it looks extraordinarily beautiful in the sun, **** color like wine, although it is beautiful, it always looks inexplicable danger.

"Put this white horse down, just let it go." Mu Yanzhi said softly to Dragon God, his voice was as if he was afraid of waking the white horse.

Lord Dragon God nodded slightly, and then stared at the aperture, controlling it to fall down slowly, without even a sound, the white horse seemed to be in a coma with pain and did not move.

Mu Yanzhi walked over, squatted down, carefully looked at the white horse, and then quickly poured the potion into the white horse's mouth, holding the white horse's chin with his hand to prevent the medicine from spilling out, carefully lifting the white horse's neck to promote the mouth Liquid flows into the esophagus.

After all, the white horse was in a coma, and there was no way to swallow it on its own.

I hope this white horse will learn to protect itself when it wakes up. Don't be caught by humans anymore. Looking at the appearance of this little white horse, you can judge that it is a young beast born less than a few months.

Thinking about it that way, Mu Yanzhi couldn't help sighing, saying, "I have experienced such a terrible thing at such a young age, I am afraid that it will cause a terrible shadow to it, and maybe even hate human beings because of it. "

Lord Dragon God glanced at his words and said nothing, but his eyes were getting darker and darker. Obviously, this incident made him think of his father being killed by human beings, and he did not know what his mood was at the moment.

Mu Yanzhi held his breath and waited, his eyes gathered on the white horse all the time, he couldn't bear to move away.

For a while, the medicine finally began to wander around the white horse's body. The medicine finally started to work, and the injured internal organs and fur began to recover at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

Mu Yanzhi's situation finally let go of his heart, but although the cub will be cured by the medicament, he must be weak. At this time, food is most needed to replenish energy and restore strength.

"I'm going to cook, you look at a little white horse, and make you a roast chicken to compensate you later." Mu Yanzhi patted the dust on the clothes, smiled and sang the oil of Lord Dragon God with a smile, and his hand was exceptionally natural. He scratched the dragon's beard, and made a slight twist at the end.

Lord Dragon God could not help but glanced at Mu Yanzhi indifferently, his expression remained unchanged, and he looked very calm and indifferent. Mu Yanzhi even felt itchy with his hands, and couldn't help trying to pinch another dragon's beard.

However, this time there was no good luck at all, Mu Yanzhi's hand touched it even more, the dragon whisker suddenly flew up, avoiding the pair of hands full of evil, and a glance flashed in the eyes of Lord Dragon God, and even There is also a hint of complacency.

One of Mu Yan's thoughts flashed through his mind.

Can this dragon beard move around?

He used to think that the dragon's beard was just a beard of a dragon, just like the beard and hair of a human being, and he would not move at all.

Where is this and where!

Mu Yanzhi quickly shook his head, cleared his brain full of strange ideas, concentrated on starting to cut potatoes and mushrooms, and all the ingredients and seasonings were prepared and then stuffed into the chicken's belly. It's all done, so I wrapped the leaves and wrapped the soil to start roasting.

When I thought about opening the mouth to let the Lord Dragon God make some dirt, the mud that had already been mixed appeared in an instant, and it was squarely placed on the stone, and it looked like it could not be artificially pinched.

You do n’t have to look up to know that this is definitely the writing of Lord Dragon God. You smile under your heart, wrap the chicken with leaves, and then wrap the chicken firmly with that dirt. The whole process is not troublesome, just after the fact Washing your hands is a bit time-consuming, and you need to rub them in the water for a while to wash the soil.

Mu Yanzhi soaks his hands for as long as possible, it is best to wash the dirt in the nail crevice, and then increase the fire to try to make the chicken as cooked as possible, all the chickens before and after takes less than 20 minutes Time is ready.

During that time, the little white horse was still in a coma, but the wound on her body was completely recovered, and there were no scars at all.

Mu Yanzhi touched the little white horse, the fur on the other side was exceptionally soft, but it was slightly inferior to the dragon scales of Lord Dragon God.

"I'll make something for him later, and when he wakes up, he can eat something to supplement his nutrition." Mu Yanzhi said to Dragon God.

Lord Dragon God nodded slightly, agreeing with Mu Yanzhi's words.

But before Mu Yanzhi was preparing to cook, the little white horse's hoof trembled, his eyelashes moved slightly, and he woke up soon.

"It's about to wake up," Mu Yan said in surprise.

It seemed that Mu Yanzhi's voice stimulated Xiao Tianma, who was still confused and suddenly sorrowful and sorrowful, and quickly stood up and tried to escape.

"Stop it!" Mu Yanzhi's face changed, and she hurriedly ordered the Lord Dragon God.

This little Tianma might not even have the ability to protect himself. If I ran out, I would probably die for a lifetime.

Suddenly, a transparent light imprisoned Xiao Tianma and let it lie on the ground suddenly, let alone move, let alone escape.

Mu Yanzhi hurried to the past, Xiao Tianma sorrowed in horror, suddenly remembering that she was still being abused by humans.

Obviously, Lord Dragon God's huge and terrible figure did not cause fear to Xiao Tianma. On the contrary, he had no human power but caused him fear.

From this we can see how horrible the shadow of human beings on Little Tianma.

Mu Yan's heart sank, no longer trying to approach, but took a few steps back, exuding a kind and friendly atmosphere as much as possible.

I heard that animals can intuitively judge whether human beings have good intentions or have malicious intentions. Presumably the peculiar beast can detect this, right?

Mu Yanzhi wasn't sure if his guess was correct, but now there is no other way to deal with it.

"Human ... Don't hurt me." Xiao Tianma burst into tears in horror and screamed, but in the ears of Mu Yan, it suddenly became human language.

Mu Yanzhi then realized that he could still try to communicate with this little Tianma. Now he carefully explores a spiritual force and enters into the sea of ​​Little Tianma's consciousness ...

You can feel that Xiao Tianma's world is extremely pure, but it also contains panic and fear. Mu Yanzhi will use the spiritual power to convey the past when he wants to say. The process can not be expressed in words. It is only a mysterious and vague. Feeling let him vaguely understand what to do.

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you."

Xiao Tianma was so frightened that he even forgot to be afraid. All that left was the instinctual curiosity of the child. He continued to look around in confusion, and couldn't figure out where the same kind of talking was in his mind.

"Where are you, I can't see you ..." Xiao Tianma crooked her head and said curiously while Mu Yanzhi was alert.

Mu Yanzhi found that he seemed to be able to understand more languages ​​of beasts as his mental strength increased, but at the same time, he became more aware of the language comprehension ability of each power beast. .

It's like the power beast that had been treated before. Perhaps it's power and mental strength are not high enough, or the order is not high. The language it expresses is almost intermittent, and rarely a complete sentence.

The little white horse in front of him, although still a cub, can simply express a completed sentence. Perhaps the IQ is equal to a human 4-year-old child.

Maybe there is a strange beast IQ and human beings, just like the ancient beast that Dahei talked about before, maybe it has reached the human IQ, otherwise it will not become a trusted partner with a human being at all.

After thinking about it, Mu Yanzhi passed to the white horse with a softer sound of mental power, trying to soothe the other person's panic.

"Don't be nervous, I won't hurt you, do you see the human in front of you?"

Mu Yanzhi's soothing effect played a role, the little white horse was no longer so nervous and scared, although still guarding Mu Yanzhi's approach, it said: "See, that human is bad, bully me."

The immature voice contained feelings of grievance and fear, and it seemed that Mu Yan was a reliable existence.

"Where are you? Save me back to the ethnic group, I don't want to stay here, so scared." Xiao Baima begged a little in a panic.

Mu Yan could not help but frown, vaguely felt that what Xiao Baima just said was a bit wrong.

Don't look at Mu Yanzhi communicating with Xiao Tianma at this moment, but in the view of Lord Dragon God, after the Master Master stepped back, he stood still, like a statue.

The Lord Dragon God's eyes deepened, and a dragon's groan was issued, which contained spiritual power, and instantly pulled Mu Yanzhi's intelligence back.

"What's wrong?" Mu Yanzhi asked.

Lord Dragon God opened his mouth, but realized that he could not speak at all, and now he slightly shook his head and did not speak again.

This performance of Lord Dragon God made Mu Yan feel a little scratched, but the doubt in his heart deepened a lot. First, he resolved the matter of Little White Horse, and then handled the Lord Dragon God.

After making a decision, Mu Yan quietly said to Dragon God: "I'll talk to you later."

Lord Dragon God nodded slightly and stopped speaking, but his eyes became more meaningful and intriguing.

Having said this, Mu Yanzhi began to try to communicate with the little white horse through normal communication methods, but the little white horse returned with a dazed but terrified look. Obviously it could not understand what he said.

Subsequently, Mu Yanzhi tried to communicate with Xiaobai with his mental strength, and then the other party would interact with each other. After a test, Mu Yanzhi made a general judgment.

The intelligence quotients of the beasts are very different. Some may be just at the beginning of their spiritual intelligence and can only express in simple words, while others can express complete sentences, just like the little white horse in front of them.

And although more powerful beasts also have abilities, they do not have psychic powers, just like the rabbits that Dahei captured for himself. Although they have abilities, they have no psychic powers, just like ordinary animals.

Thinking of this, Mu Yan could not help but glance at Lord Dragon God, and his doubts deepened a lot.

However, it is still important to calm the little white horse at the moment. Mu Yanzhi continued to calm the little white horse: "Did you see this human in front of you, he is not a bad person, and he will give you something to eat, you remember to eat it . "

Little white horse crooked his head, and after thinking about it for a long time, he finally understood the meaning of Mu Yanzhi's words, then wondered: "Really?"

Probably the little white horse was too simple, and he believed the words of Mu Yan without even a little doubt, but it came from the fear of human beings, which made him a little scared, and he resisted human approach.

Mu Yanzhi quickly understood what Xiao Baima thought, and comforted now: "Don't be afraid, that human won't touch you, you can go after you eat."

The little white horse's eyes lighted up, "Can I really go?" He said a little can't wait to say, "Where are you, then I want to go back to the ethnic group with you, I miss Mom."

Mu Yanzhi had a headache and explained: "I don't know where your mother is, and I can't accompany you back to the ethnic group." Because he didn't know where the ethnic group was, how could he help the child find an mother.

The little white horse was confused for a while, a little frustrated, "Oh okay."

Seeing this, although a little distressed, but helpless, he can't help this little white horse, the only thing he can do is to make the little white horse heal and take care of it, nothing more.

Then Mu Yanzhi asked again, "Do you eat meat or grass? Or do you like raw meat?"

The little white horse shook his mane and pondered for a while, and said, "Eat all, but what is raw meat?"

Mu Yanzhi suddenly spoke, and then smiled helplessly. He almost forgot that although the little white horse in front of him had a high IQ, it was essentially a beast, and naturally he had never eaten barbecue.

After thinking about it, Mu Yanzhi took out the potatoes and passed them, "Taste this?"

Of course, Mu Yanzhi didn't dare to come too close, but after taking a few steps, he threw the potatoes hard, and finally rolled to the little white horse's leg.

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