MTL - Pharmacist of the Future-Chapter 70 Racial generation gap

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The little white horse sniffed the potatoes, opened his mouth and clicked, and he didn't even hesitate. He felt helpless and suddenly felt that this little white horse was just a simple deceit. No wonder he would be caught by humans. .

The little white horse is very hungry. In addition, when the medicine recovers the wound, it will waste a lot of body energy. It has long been weak and can't even stand up. This is why the little white horse did not escape immediately after waking up.

Soon, a potato the size of a basketball was choked by the little white horse and left almost nothing. After licking his mouth, he gave a comment, "It's delicious." He also licked his mouth, expressing that it was very delicious.

Mu Yanzhi, where can I tell the other party that the potatoes will be more delicious when they are cooked, but can only helplessly pull the potatoes out of the space ring and throw them away, "Continue to eat."

When the little white horse was eating, Mu Yanzhi retreated lightly, and then beckoned Lord Dragon God to come over and said, "Master Dragon God, come and eat."

At the moment, Mu Yan had a lot of mud **** on the stones, almost all of them had cracks, revealing the tender green leaves. This is exactly the eight chickens that have been grilled before. Don't look at the number. But just enough for two people to support.

Mu Yanzhi knocked on one of the mud **** with stones. Even if there were leaves wrapped, the aroma inside was still exuding. The aroma was so strong that one couldn't help drooling.

Originally, the little white horse was still eating potatoes. After he smelled the scent, his eyes seemed to light up a bulb, and he stared at the mud balls. Some people couldn't figure out why these mud **** could smell good.

Mu Yanzhi only felt that the sharp edge was on his back, and turned subconsciously to face Xiao Baima's green eyes, and suddenly he felt that his eyes were extra penetrating.

The little white horse was constantly sniffing, and he was greedily sipping the aroma floating in the air, as if he could taste it.

Mu Yanzhi can't help but smile, this little white horse looks like a snack.

But if you think about it, even the Lord Dragon God was conquered by a flower chicken, let alone a little white horse who has never seen a barbecue.

Mu Yanzhi knocked out the mud, and took out the leaves to expose the golden chicken inside. The faint aroma began to drift out, causing the little white horse to look straight at the moment, and some did not understand why there was meat in the mud.

Then, the little white horse smelled the scent in the air and couldn't help drooling. He ticked on the grass and quickly gathered a small pile of water.

Compared with the scent of the scent, Xiao Tianma could not help but look down at his own potato, suddenly suddenly opened in disgust, both eyes stared at the chicken, full of longing.

However, due to the fear of human beings, Xiao Tianma anxiously stepped on his hooves in place and did not dare to pass by, fully expressing his inner struggle.

Seeing this, Mu Yan couldn't help smiling, trying to ask the Lord Dragon God's opinion, saying, "Can you give that little white horse a chicken called Hua Zi Chicken?"

The Lord Dragon God's eyes sank suddenly. When Mu Yanzhi thought he would be rejected, the giant dragon head nodded slightly and agreed with his suggestion.

Mu Yanzhi smiled slightly: "Master Dragon God is very sensible."

Seriously, he thought that the Lord Dragon God would reject himself. After all, the other person loved to eat Huahua chicken so much that he would not get tired after eating for several days, not to mention that the beasts had no friendly quality.

Therefore, when Lord Dragon God agreed, Mu Yanzhi's affection for it increased even more.

After removing the shell of one of the chickens called Huazi, exposing the tender chicken, Mu Yanzhi let Lord Dragon God pass it with power. After all, this chicken cannot be thrown away. If it gets stuck in the soil, it will be troublesome, although Xiao Tianma may not Would mind, but Mu Yan always felt weird.

At this moment, Lord Dragon had long removed the ability bound to Xiao Tianma, but Xiao Tianma did not take advantage of this opportunity to escape, but stared at the chicken with longing expression, and refused to leave.

Seeing Mu Yanzhi couldn't help but feel sorry for him, this is really a deadly food, I am afraid that if he tries to drive away Xiao Tianma, the other party will definitely not want to leave for food.

Lord Dragon God used the power to send the chicken over, Xiao Tianma tightened his muscles, beware that Mu Yanzhi would attack it, but when the scented chicken was delivered to his feet, Xiao Tian Ma suddenly ignored nothing and directly He slammed the chicken tightly with his hoof, and stared at Mu Yanzhi with eyes, for fear that the other party would steal their own food.

Mu somehow, suddenly thought of the cats that had been raised before, there was always a problem with feeding. When he just put the cat's bowl down, the cat suddenly chopped the bowl tightly with its claws. Can't care about eating, he kept yelling at him in a low voice, and would not bury his head until Mu Yan left.

The book said that most of the problems with this food were due to the insecurities of the beasts. Mu Yan's empathy took a few steps back and greeted the Lord Dragon God.

Sure enough, when one person and one dragon retreated a little further, the little Tianma ran the chicken and ran under another big tree to start eating, right? The sound was loud.

From Mu Yanzhi's point of view, I can only see Xiao Tianma's rolling **** and that extraordinarily beautiful pony tail, which seems to be soft and smooth.

"Come, let's eat ours." Mu Yanzhi processed the remaining chickens, and put them on the plate. "Eat."

After all, Mu Yanzhi took the lead in tearing a piece of chicken leg and holding it up. The fragrant chicken was exceptionally elastic, fat but not greasy, but not firewood. I couldn't help but want a second bite after taking one bite.

Lord Dragon God also dipped his head and began to eat. The majestic appearance coupled with exceptionally standard movements looked particularly pleasing to the eye.

However, at this moment, the sound of a large group of creatures rushing over suddenly sounded, and the ground began to vibrate, as if it was about to start an earthquake. In a hurry, let Mu Yan almost hold his breath, and quickly put his mouth out. Swallowed the meat and took a sip of water before slowing down.

After coughing a few times, Mu Yanzhi quickly got up and couldn't help eating anymore. She got close to Lord Dragon God and said nervously, "What happened? Is it an earthquake?"

When this unknown danger is approaching, only the large and majestic body of Lord Dragon God can give Mu Yan a full sense of security, and the anxiety and confusion in his heart suddenly settle down.

Lord Dragon God's complexion didn't show any confusion, and he was still eating the chicken in a hurry. The words he saw were anxious, and his voice couldn't help shaking. "Master Dragon God, wouldn't it really be an earthquake?"

After Mu Yanzhi said, he couldn't help pulling the mane of Lord Halong God, which shows how nervous he was. Therefore, Lord Long God did not continue to deepen, but shook his head, his eyes remained deep and calm. It seemed as if he didn't care about what was going to happen.

Seeing this, the tension in Mu Yan's heart has also diminished a lot, and it should not be a big deal to see what the other party looks like about what is going to happen.

Thinking about this, Mu Yanzhi glanced at the little Pegasus again. The other party was still eating the chicken intently, without any panic.

Could it be that he was inexplicably afraid?

Mu Yanzhi's face was dark, and there was almost no speech. The Lord Dragon God was not afraid of anything. This is normal. After all, the other party is powerful and fearless, but this is obviously a little pony who is a little scared. No mood, this is a bit wrong.

Mu Yanzhi was relieved by this scene of nervousness. He chose to stand beside the Lord Dragon God and wait for peace, and escaped the dagger to protect his chest in order to protect himself.

Lord Dragon God glanced at Mu Yanzhi's flawless defensive posture, and there was a slight glance in his eyes. With his mental power, he could detect anything that happened within 100 meters in front, and he could perceive danger.

That's why he wasn't nervous for half a minute, because there were more than a dozen beasts running forward, and the movements just now were also made by them.

Soon, the sound of stepping gradually approached, the ground vibration became more and more obvious, and Mu Yan could almost see with naked eyes the trees and jungle in front of him shaking more and more intensely.

Obviously, there is a group of unknown creatures approaching, and the eight-step sounds that were heard before are made by their hoofs on the ground, so the ground will shake.

After understanding the source of the sound, Mu Yan not only relieved, but became more nervous. Although this earthquake was terrible, it was better than facing a group of unknown power beasts flying over, let alone the other party ’s movements. Too big, I always feel that the visitor is not good.

Mu Yanzhi couldn't help but whisper to Lord Dragon God and said, "This sound is like the footsteps of a group of power beasts. Can you beat them?"

Regardless of whether the group of power beasts came over to find the fault, it was just passing by. Mu Yanzhi had to ask a clear question just in case, otherwise this heart would not be able to calm down.

Although Lord Dragon God is beastly, he smiles very humanly, and that smile conveys a very clear meaning: self-confidence!

Mu Yanzhi looked at the other party's appearance and couldn't help hitting it. "Don't be overconfident. In case people really come to find the difference, then you can't beat their beasts, then you will lose your face."

Mu Yanzhi really did not deliberately attack the Lord Dragon God. On the contrary, I think this possibility is very high. After all, people will have an overestimation of their opponents. Not to mention that there is such a perverted force value as Lord Dragon God. I am very confident in my strength.

I was afraid that I would be beaten at that time, and I dare not imagine that if that was the case, would he and Lord Dragon God be trampled to death by the group of power beasts.

Soon, the group of beasts gradually approached, faintly seeing the white fur flashing, and if you look closely, it is not clear, the heart of Mu Yan immediately lifted up, could not help but grasp the Lord Dragon God, Road: "Let's run, just because you can fly, I believe that the group of power beasts can't catch up with you."

Lord Dragon God glanced at Mu Yan, and with a little force, he pulled the dragon whisker out of Mu Yan's hand and rolled his eyes calmly.

This is the first time that Lord Dragon God has made such a degrading and majestic expression. Although Mu Yan's heart is novel, he is still worried about the attack from the power beast in front.

To be honest, why can't the Lord Dragon God choose to leave but stay here instead? The consequence of this is that the chance of a crisis will increase many times.

But in the next scene, Mu Yanzhi's worries were immediately defeated, leaving nothing at all, only slowly shocked and speechless.

Because suddenly a group of white horses came out from the bushes in front of them. The white fur was smooth and there was a single horn on the forehead. The white horse in the middle had white wings on the back, and the whole body was white. The light suddenly made Mu Yan almost want to shout a word.

Isn't this the Pegasus in the Western world?

That's right, this image is almost indistinguishable from the image of Pegasus in the western world. In the western world, Pegasus is almost a mount for the gods. They often pull a carriage and carry the gods to heaven.

More importantly, the appearance of this group of Pegasus is exactly the same as the image of the little white horses they rescued, except that the appearance of these Pegasus is mature and looks very handsome, while the Pegasus are still a little young and their bones are not Well developed.

Mu Yanzhi immediately understood what was happening. It is estimated that these Tianma came to look for Xiao Tianma. I was trying to communicate with Tianma headed by this spirit to explain that I did not hurt Xiao Tianma, but instead saved it.

Who knew that the headed Tianma waved his wings and retracted it on his back. He stared at the chicken on the stone, and even the crystal liquid flowed out of the corner of his mouth.

Mu Yanzhi was silent for a moment, and suddenly felt a sense of weakness. He rubbed his forehead and tried to communicate with Tianma with mental strength: "Hello."

Tian Masou suddenly gathered his eyes on Mu Yanzhi. Obviously, he found that the voice came from Mu Yanzhi. Tian Ma tilted her head and turned her eyes to the chicken again.

Suddenly a voice like an aria sounded in the mind of Mu Yan, "Oh my God, this is really the most delicious food I've ever smelled. Human, may I ask you that?"

The voice is extraordinarily full of emotions, a bit like the Chinese dubbing of foreign movies in the movie, with an indescribable taste.

Mu Yanzhi raised his eyebrows in amazement. Some surprises that Tianma's language skills are so complete, even this is the most perfect beast he has ever seen that can express a sentence.

"Yes, I did it." Mu Yanzhi nodded in acknowledgement, then continued: "Yes, I want to tell you one ..."

Before telling Xiao Tianma's story, the headed Tian Ma watched Mu Yanzhi with a deep affection, and revealed a humanized smile, "Human child, you don't need to say it, I know it."

Mu Yan couldn't help but said, "You know?"

Tianma nodded happily, and the white mane seemed particularly soft in the sun. "Do you want to dedicate these foods to me and change my feathers? Are you really smart, young children of human beings, have to say, I am you I was convinced by the means. "

After speaking, Tianma shook his head reluctantly, and then scratched his hoof and followed a group of Tianma Road: "Look, it's been hundreds of years, and I saw a human who can communicate with us for the second time."

The Tianma behind them nodded and whispered, their eyes were full of marvels at Mu Yan, as if looking at strange creatures.

Mu Yanzhi immediately collapsed. The group of Tianma really frustrated him a bit, but he quickly explained: "Yes, you look back, is that little white horse with a buttocks in your house?"

In an instant, all Tianma Qi brushed their heads back, their movements were extremely neat, and they acted like infantry during the military parade. The words they saw were even more headaches, and they only felt that the brain circuits of the Tianma were exceptionally clear.

The headed Tianma looked surprised at the little white **** exposed after the tree, and was surprised: "Oh, the little Tianma run away from here is here, oh my gosh, after three days, I finally found you It's my baby. "

Tianma was moved by some tears, and then quickly wiped away the tears, and choked Mu Yanzhi: "Child, did you recover the children in my clan?"

Mu Yanzhi twitched his lips and nodded, "Yes, I found it, in fact it was ..." Having said that, Mu Yanzhi suddenly felt a little hesitant, and wondered whether he should tell the Tianma experience.

However, Tianma shook her head slightly and smiled, "Children, I understand that human beings have always tried to kill us."

Mu Yan suddenly speechless, do not know how to take the conversation.

"Don't feel guilty. If you must compensate us, can you tell me what that fragrant thing eats? It looks really delicious. I smell it from a few hundred meters away." Tian Ma shrugged his nose, a little proud. .

Mu Yanzhi nodded, and turned his head to the dragon **** who was silent all the way: "What do you think?"

Lord Dragon God's eyes were deep, and he slowly shook his head.

Mu Yan was surprised, and said, "Rest assured, although I gave them the meat, I will make them for you in a while and won't make you hungry."

At this time, the Lord Dragon God flashed a stun in his eyes, nodded, and agreed very easily.

Mu Yanzhi frowned, and suddenly felt a sense of disobedience in his heart, but let it go for the time being, "Okay, these chickens can be eaten for you, but remember to watch Xiao Tianma next time, don't Let it run out again, the outside world is dangerous. "

The headed Tianma smiled and nodded, then hoofed his hoof, greeted the Tianma group behind him, and said, "Brothers and sisters, come up and eat with me!"

The Tianma group behind them excitedly hooted their hoofs and cried a few times, which is no different from the horse's bark on the earth. When a group of white horses rushed over, the scene was really spectacular.

Soon these groups of Tianma were surrounded by stones, all of them wanted to hurry to eat chicken, but were stopped by the headed Tianma, with an extraordinarily solemn voice: "As the patriarch of the Tianma tribe, I have to eat whole chickens ... what? Are you here? "

Tian Ma looked back at Mu Yanzhi, and his eyes were full of help. Mu Yan really couldn't stand Tian Ma's pitiful eyes and had to explain: "This dish is called Huazi Chicken."

Tianma suddenly realized, the key is that this word is extraordinarily magnificent, like the 18th bend of a mountain road, and scratched the hoof, "Have you heard, this is called Hanzi chicken! As a patriarch, I want to eat a whole one, the rest Everyone divides evenly, don't rush, we are friendly and peace-loving race! "

If it is on the earth, this is a minute-by-minute brainwashing pyramid scheme, but in the Tianma tribe, it is particularly easy to use. The headed Tianma takes away the whole chicken and is very shameful to hide and eat whole food.

There are several remaining chickens, which are evenly distributed to each Pegasus. It can only taste fresh for each Pegasus and eat five mouthfuls, but there is no complaint in the eyes of each Pegasus, instead it licks its mouth with interest. , Exceptional happiness.

Seeing Mu Yanzhi couldn't help feeling that this group of Pegasus was really tight, except for the Pegasus with wings, it was really smart and clever.

At this moment, Mu Yanzhi suddenly had an idea in her heart. She couldn't help but approached the first day, saying, "Is it delicious?"

Tian Ma nodded, nodding with satisfaction. "This thing is really the best thing I have eaten in the past 500 years. I thought that human food is hard to eat. I never thought it was really delicious."

Mu Yanzhi was surprised that the horse had lived for five hundred years, apparently this appearance did not look like, "You have lived for five hundred years?"

Tian Ma glanced at Mu Yan and said, "Little baby, want to tell me what?"

Mu Yanzhi was arrested for a current situation and was not embarrassed, saying: "Ask, after all, I ate something for you and saved Xiao Tianma. See if I did not hurt it, can it prove that I am not a Bad guy? "

Tianma thought for a moment and said, "Well, you're right, then you ask."

Mu Yanzhi was suddenly obstructed, but at the same time, he also faintly understood that although Tianma's language ability is not bad, but he has no precautions against human beings, can not help but be a little curious, saying: "Are you so friendly and unprepared to any human being ? "

After speaking, he was afraid that Tianma didn't understand the word "preparation" and explained specifically: "Prevention means ..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Tianma's contempt: "I haven't reached the point of dementia yet! I know what it means to be prepared!"

Mu Yanzhi twitched his lips, not intending to compare with this arrogant Tianma.

"What do you think the dagger in your hand is used for? If it wasn't for this dagger, Lao Tzu would not bother you and just **** your bark, what's the flower?"

"Calling a flower chicken," Mu Yanzhi said silently.

Tian Ma still scratched his hoof, angrily said: "This dagger was originally that human, so that human can understand me."

Mu Yan stared thoughtfully at the dagger, and knew in his heart that what Tianma said was probably the marshal said by Dahei, still remembering that Dahei had said that this dagger was made by the horn of the ancient beast It is estimated that he has been wearing it since then.

Tianma said with some sentimental feelings: "Well, speaking, for five hundred years, no one can understand us."

Mu Yanzhi heard the words and said, "No one can understand you, except me. Is that another beast?"

Tian Ma suddenly looked at Mu Yan with contempt, as if looking at an idiot, "Can you understand what the frog is gnawing at?"

Mu Yan's black line, "No."

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