MTL - Pirate: Earning One Trillion Yuan Before Retirement is Not Too Much!-Chapter 174 The little miscellaneous fish should not come out! (Four thousand words!

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  Chapter 174 The little miscellaneous fish should not come out! (four thousand words!)


  The person behind the white beard is none other than Raleigh the Pluto who was captured by Kahn.

   "Yeah, I haven't seen you for many years, and I didn't expect to meet you here, or meet you under such circumstances." Rayleigh's tone was also very emotional.

   "The hat on that kid's head just now?" Whitebeard said suddenly.

  Rayleigh smiled.

   "You are right, that is the person Shanks said."

   "But in my opinion, he's just a reckless brat."

   "White Beard, don't underestimate the little kid you're talking about, isn't it like this when we were young?"

   "Gu la la la la la." White Beard laughed heartily.


   "By the way, you are also here to save Ace, right?" Whitebeard asked.

   "The captain's child, now that I know, I can't just watch him being killed by the navy." Raleigh said.

   It's just that they just finished speaking.

  The complexions of the two changed at the same time.

   "Really? But in the eyes of this old man, you are bound to lose!" Kahn's voice came out directly.

   The two also looked over.

  On the Moby Dick, just now, Kahn was already standing on the bow.

   And on his side are Pluto Rayleigh and Whitebeard.

  The three of them stood in a triangle formation!

  Such a scene completely stunned everyone.

   "Dad." Someone shouted immediately.

   "What's going on? Why is the Navy at Papa's?"

  The pirates looked at where Kahn was just now.

  The corner of Qiwuhai just now has turned into a stone forest.

  Pirate Empress continues to attack.

   "How could the concubine let you influence Kahn! The arrow of the captive."

  A series of pink arrows of ability hit the pirates one by one.

  At this moment, even female pirates cannot escape the fate of petrification.

   This is not over yet, it has already shrunk, and a large number of sailors are involved.

  For a while, everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates retreated steadily!

  Everyone immediately understood.

   It was Pirate Empress who blocked most of them.

   "Damn Pirate Empress!"

   "Her ability is too strong!"

  Such a scene also let everyone know the power of the Empress Fruit.

   "It's Hancock!" Reilly said.

   And Marco, who was entangled with Doflamingo, immediately abandoned him, and then came to the Moby Dick.

   "Do you want to leave me behind? Marco!" Doflamingo immediately chased after seeing this situation.

  Since it is decided that Kahn is the backer, he will naturally contribute.

   It was just that he was stopped by another captain of the Whitebeard Pirates on the way.

   Stopped moving forward for a while.

  The other side.

   Diamond Jozzy also appears.

   "Lieutenant General Kahn! It is impossible for us to let you hinder Dad." Marko shouted directly.

   Hear the words of the two.

   Kahn smiled disdainfully.

   "I'm talking to Whitebeard, so you two little **** don't come out."

  Hearing Kahn's words, Marco and Diamond Jozi were both furious.

  They are the captains of the dignified Whitebeard Pirates.

   Even if it is an admiral, they dare to face it.

  But Kahn in front of him actually said that they were small fish?

   This is simply the greatest insult to them.

   As for the navy, there is no doubt that the fact that Kahn came directly to the Moby Dick has lifted the spirits of the entire navy.

   "Lieutenant General Kahn actually attacked directly in front of Whitebeard, we can't fall behind."

  All sailors hold a firm belief, that is to completely wipe out the pirates in front of them.

  Warring States was also taken aback when seeing this scene.

  He didn't expect this to happen.

   But taking advantage of all the attention being attracted by Kahn and others.

  Warring States also issued orders directly.

   Almost every Navy phone bug rang.

   Then they consciously retreated towards the port.


   Their actions were not that fast. After all, there are so many navies, it is impossible to withdraw them all at once.

  On the battlefield.

  Kizaru once again killed a pirate with a laser.

   Then he looked at the bow of the Moby Dick.

   "The old man's movements are really fast, which makes us admirals a little bit embarrassed!" After finishing speaking, his figure turned into yellow light again and slowly disappeared in place.

   This time.

  Basically no one can stop him.

  Because his speed is really fast.

   Just like that, a person appeared on the Moby Dick again.

   This person is Huang Yuan.

  The reason why he came here so easily was because the Whitebeards and the others were attracted by Kahn.

  The only ones who can stop him are here.

  The moment I saw the yellow monkey appear.

   Kahn also smiled.

   "Porusalino, aren't you ready to fish?"

   What Huang Yuan wanted to say hello to was stuck in his throat.

  I can’t say anything.

   It was Kahn's words that left him speechless.

   "Master Kahn, you can't talk nonsense, I'm always working hard to resist pirates." Huang Yuan said directly.

"Yes, yes, I understand. By the way, don't you want to catch the straw hat boy? That kid beat up the Tianlong people. If you don't catch them, those trash-like Tianlong people will probably trouble you often. ?”

   "This is indeed a headache, but the most important thing at this stage is to solve the Whitebeard Pirates in front of you, right, old man!" Huang Yuan said directly.

  And he didn't hear anything about the trash Tianlongren that Kahn just said.

  The old man in front of him is very upset about the reason why Tianlongren is unhappy.

  He naturally wouldn't refute.

   In fact, it has reached the level of admiral.

  Although it has become the direct guard of Tianlong Tianlongren.

   But the number of times they actually help Tianlong people is very small.

   After all, they are the highest combat power of the world government, and they don't need to do ordinary things.

   It's just that, even so, Garp is unwilling to become an admiral.

   See such a scene.

  White Beard also frowned.

  Marco and Diamond Jozzy are about to make a move.

  But he was directly stopped by White Beard.

   "Dad!" Marko yelled.

   "You are still needed on the battlefield, hurry up to help, it is enough to have me and Rayleigh here."

   "But!" Joz wanted to say more.

  But was stopped by Marco.

   "Joz, this is not a battle we can intervene in, we'd better go back to the battlefield!"

   "Smart choice!"

  The faces of the two of them were ugly when they heard the words, but they stopped talking nonsense.

   "Marco, you command the whole regiment now and let them attack in all directions. Sengoku is not the kind of person who will continue when he finds a problem."

   "Got it, Dad!"

  Marco turned into a phoenix and directly joined the battlefield again.

   And Diamond Joz is the same.

  They all knew in their hearts that they were not Kahn's opponents at all.

  This point has been verified before.

  Of course, they don't believe that their father is not yet an opponent.

   "Are you very confident! Arrange tactics in front of us."

  White Beard smiled, just about to speak.

   But at this moment, the huge Oz fell under the attack of the crowd.

  It is not easy for him to persist until now after suffering a penetrating injury.

  Ace on the execution platform screamed heartbreakingly.


   "It's useless! The moment you were caught, such a result was already doomed, not to mention, that guy Kahn has already made a move!" Garp said in a low tone.

   "Old man!" Ace felt extremely regretful.

  Why did I come out by myself in the first place.

  If you don't come out, such a thing will not happen.

  Such a scene also made White Beard's aura feel like a volcano about to erupt.

   Kahn could clearly feel the stagnant atmosphere.

   But he is still calm.

  Because according to his current abilities, even the peak Roger and Whitebeard are not afraid of him at all.

   Not to mention the dying white beard in front of him.

   "What? Are you angry? You have to know that when you make such a decision, the result is already doomed."

   Kahn's words seem to be a bit repetitive, but the meaning is very simple.

   "That is, if you pay the money, there will be no problem! It's only a few tens of billions, what are you playing for?"

  White Beard heard it naturally.

   "I'm Whitebeard, but thank you for letting Ace go last time!"

  Kan was taken aback.

   Then he glanced at the yellow ape beside him.

   "White Beard, if you can't speak, don't say it. Be careful, I will sue you for slander!"

  The yellow ape looked at his nose with his eyes, and his heart with his nose, as if I hadn't heard it at all.

   "Gu la la la la! It seems that you will be ashamed too!"

   "Shame? What is that? As long as the old man decides to do something, there is nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, the old man has some regrets. Now he can only bully you who are sick."

   "Stop looking down on people, I have a white beard."

  White Beard suddenly erupted with a terrifying aura.

   That is domineering and domineering.

   Facing Kahn, he would naturally not hide his secrets.

   That is absolutely not advisable.

   "You're not alone!" Kahn also exuded a terrifying aura.

  Black and red lightning intertwine with each other.

   Formed a confrontational trend.

   Spread out around Moby Dick.

  Everyone present felt the terrifying aura.

  The momentum of the two sides crushed each other, thunder and lightning crackled, the space exploded, and the momentum was soaring!

   Kahn was a little excited.

   As expected of Whitebeard, even if he is not at his peak, he is still very strong.

   "This is? Overlord color collision?"

   Everyone who knew the situation opened their eyes wide.

   "Has their overlord color control reached this point?" Zhan Guo muttered to himself.

  White Beard looked serious.

  Because in his feelings, Kahn's momentum seems to have no limit at all, and the waves are higher than the waves.

  The unfathomable feeling made him very uncomfortable.

   Then he jumped straight up.

  Waving the supreme sharp knife in his hand, he slashed from Yunqie to Kahn.

  It is even more strikingly entwined with blood-red lightning.

   Kahn sighed a little.

   "You are really old!"

   In this kind of imposing competition, the one who strikes first loses.

  Of course, for their level, it is actually harmless.

   Kahn stretched out his right hand after speaking.

   Then he clenched his fist and punched him up!

   The moment they collided, a terrifying storm spread around the two of them.

   Directly break up the clouds in the entire sky.

  A red lightning ball appeared in the middle of the fight between the two.

   "What's the matter? Didn't they meet together?" Countless sailors and pirates saw such a scene.

   But this time, no one will answer them.

   They also soon have no such problems.

  Because the Moby Dick under Kahn's feet collapsed instantly under such power.

  Even the surrounding ice cubes were blown away by the powerful force, and finally annihilated directly.

  The whole island began to shake.

  The soldiers and pirates couldn't even stand still.

  If it weren't for the Moby Dick as a buffer and Kahn's own strength, even the ice formed by Aokiji's ability would be useless at all.

   It will only be directly crushed by this terrifying force.

   This is a more terrifying power than the fruit ability.

  Of course, the attack range may not be as large as the Zhenzhen fruit.

  But it has extremely lethal power.

   is the top skill possessed by those who stand at the top of the ocean.

  The eyes of the powerful pirates were dull.

  Kiazuru and Rayleigh, who were beside the two, felt the deepest.

   "Lieutenant General Kahn's arrogance is really terrifying!"

   "Yeah! But I didn't expect that the two of us will match up again!"

   Huang Yuan looked calm.

   "Mr. Raleigh, if you stay in the city, won't there be no such thing?"

   "Haha! The old man can't stand such a toss."

   "But I think Advance City is very suitable for a terrible pirate like you!"

   "Sword from the sky!"

   Huang Yuan stopped talking nonsense, and the yellow light shone between his hands.

  A sword formed of light manifests.

  Rayleigh's long sword has disappeared, but on the battlefield, the most important thing is weapons.

   He didn't know when he had already got a long knife.

   Just when the two collided, the storm of confrontation between Kahn and Whitebeard finally stopped.

  The people around finally saw the situation in the center clearly.

   Then stunned.

  With the two of them as the center, the surrounding ice has completely disappeared.

   Moreover, huge cracks appeared in the ice layer on the entire square, running through the entire bay.

  The two stood on a larger ice floe, looking at each other.

   "Is this your domineering? It doesn't seem to be very good!" Kahn was a little disappointed!

  Of course, Kahn knew that without the top-level arrogance bestowed by the system, he couldn't say this here.

   But there is no if in this world.

  White Beard stared.

   Then he punched out, and transparent ripples appeared on his fist.

  The power of the shock came straight to Kahn.

  Kahn stretched out his right hand directly.

   During the collision between the two parties, Kahn could clearly feel how terrifying the shaking force was.

   But that's fine for Kahn's physique.

   Just as Kahn was resisting the shock, Cong Yunche had already reached the top of Kahn's head.

   Kahn turned his body upside down when he saw this.

  The right foot was wrapped in flames, and the terrifying temperature exploded, blocking Whitebeard's attack in the shape of a claw.

   The battle begins again.

   But the collision between the two is not that simple.

  The powerful vigor is scattered, attracting attention!

   "Is this the power of Lieutenant General Kahn?"

   "That **** lieutenant general is still so powerful!"

   "You seem to have a lot of resentment towards him, Roronoa!"

   "Ah! One day, I will cut him with this knife!"

   "That may be more difficult than surpassing me!"

   Went to the hospital to get medicine! Nucleic acid results came out!

   Thank you for your great support!



  (end of this chapter)

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