MTL - Pirate: Earning One Trillion Yuan Before Retirement is Not Too Much!-Chapter 175 Kill us, no one will pay back!

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  Chapter 175 Kill us, no one pays back the money!

   Sauron stared.

  He didn't expect Hawkeye to say such words.

   Hearing this sentence before, it was Luffy who said that he wanted to be the One Piece King.

   But feel the power generated by the collision between the two.

   Sauron's face was also very heavy.

   "What? Are you scared?"

   "Afraid? No, it's excitement. The current me is still too weak after all, but I can't always be this weak."

   "It's very imposing, but if you want to become a real strong man, you can't do it by just talking like this."

   After Hawkeye finished speaking, he chopped down with a sword in his right hand.

  The powerful slash cut through the entire ice surface in an instant, heading straight for Sauron.

   Sweat dripped from Sauron's forehead.

   Then get out of the way.

   "Is this the only level you have now? Do you want to surpass me?"

  Zoro dodged the slash, and then swung the autumn water.

   "Tiger hunting!"

  The powerful slash turned into a tiger and went straight to Hawkeye.

   But Hawkeye doesn't even use his hands.

  Just raising his right hand horizontally, the huge black knife easily blocked Sauron's attack.

   "Damn! The gap is still so big!" Sauron was disappointed.

  I thought that becoming stronger during this period of time could at least make the opponent look sideways.

   But now it seems that it is not enough.

   But Sauron will not give up.

  The next moment, Sauron felt extremely dangerous.

  Hawkeye used force with his right hand to force him back.

   Then hold the sword in both hands, and swing the knife horizontally.

   Sauron could sense that he would not be able to continue.

  He had to lean back to avoid it.

  The huge slash across the entire battlefield.

   ended up passing through a huge iceberg.

  A white crack appears on the iceberg.

   In the end, everyone was dumbfounded.

  Because the huge iceberg has been completely separated under such a slash.

   This is an extremely spectacular scene.

   "Is this the number one slash in the world?"

   Sauron's face remained unchanged.

  Because he will be able to do this sooner or later.

  The other side.

   Luffy is advancing under the cover of several people.

  Because of their special nature.

  So it attracted a large number of navies to encircle them.

  Suddenly, a shining laser light passed through the many pirates and came straight to the Straw Hats.

   A huge explosion sounded.

   "What's going on? Bear, doesn't he know me anymore!?"

   "It's the guy in the Chambord Islands. Rayleigh said that he seemed to be sending us away. Although I don't know what it means, I don't like this very much. My companion should let me decide."

  The same goes for Sanji who is still advancing.

   "Our destiny is only in our hands."

   "That's right!" Franky exclaimed.

   But it's useless to speak well.

   What greeted them was the bear's yellow laser.

   "Bear, it's me! Don't you know me?"

   "Don't waste your time, this guy doesn't have any thoughts now." A voice came.

   Everyone looked over.

   Isn't it Doflamingo!

   I don't know when, this guy has already left the battle.

"what happened?"

   "I don't know, but this guy seems to have made some deals with the government, and now he has completely lost his personality!"

  Straw Hat and the others looked at the bear again.

  But the next moment, the bear disappeared in place.

  Everyone was taken aback.

  When the bear reappeared, it was already by Franky's side.

  But the action he made surprised everyone.

  Bear directly slapped Franky away.


   Luffy shouted immediately.

   Such a thing, they never thought of it.

"Bear! It seems that I was wrong, but what is your purpose? Heh heh heh heh!" Doflamingo's eyes were blocked under the red glasses, making it impossible to see what he was thinking .

   "Bear, if you do this again, I will be angry." Ivankov shouted.

   But the bear didn't answer at all.

  The figure disappeared again.

  Ivankov was angry.

   Then used his own trick.

   The two fought together temporarily.

  The center of the battlefield.

  The battle between Kahn and Whitebeard continues.

   I have to say, as the strongest man in the world.

  Whitebeard is very powerful.

  But Kahn is stronger with the blessing of the system.

  However, it will take some time to completely get rid of the white beard in front of him.

  Even so, during the collision just now, Whitebeard still panted slightly.

   looked at Kahn in front of him.

  White Beard also knew very well that if he continued, it would be very bad for his own situation.

  But Kahn's attention was slightly shifted.

  Because he found out, that guy Xiong didn't seem to have completely lost consciousness.

   It can be seen from his previous actions.

   "It's really persistent!" Kahn sneered.

   Seems to be some kind of connection between bears and Vegapunk.

   Otherwise, the bear should not have any consciousness by now.

   Or the bear did lose consciousness, but gave himself some instructions while conscious.

  For example, if you see the Straw Hats, do this and send them to the predetermined location.

   This point, the Warring States on the execution platform also saw this scene.

  His face was a little ugly.

   Kiwi had already reported before that Xiong helped the Straw Hats.

   But it came to an end because of Kahn's shot.

   But now it seems that this matter is not over yet!

   But the most important thing right now is the Whitebeard Pirates.

  From just now until now, everything on the battlefield seems to be going well, but there is always some uneasiness in the Warring States Period.

  Because BIGMOM, which is sure to appear, has not yet appeared.

  In any case, a strong man at the level of the Four Emperors cannot be ignored by the navy.

   "Kan, you bastard, what have you been watching from just now? It's still the same when you are fighting me with Whitebeard."

  Chop horizontally from the cloud.

  Kan stepped back a distance.

   "That's because you're old."

  White Beard was completely angry.

  At the same time, he also noticed something wrong with the Pirates.

  Sea soldiers seem to be retreating in an orderly manner.

   If this continues, they will eventually be in a passive state.

  Since you don't know the navy's intentions, take the initiative to look for fighters.

  The next moment, Whitebeard directly inserted Cong Yunche into the ice.

   Grab both hands diagonally downward.

   Seeing this action, Kahn frowned suddenly, trying to stop it but it was too late.

  As the white beard roared, a unique vibration sounded.

  The next moment, the entire sea began to shake, and the entire island gradually tilted.

   This is an extremely exaggerated scene.

  All sailors and pirates are unsteady.

  Turn upside down is such a scene.

  All the people who fought were dumbfounded.

   "Is this the power that can destroy the world?"

  The power of the vibration is still erupting, and Marlene Fando is crumbling!

  But the next moment, a powerful force broke out again.

  Terrible flames soared into the sky.

   Spread out centered on Kahn.

   And Kahn has disappeared in place.

   are fighting against him, if Whitebeard is allowed to behave like this, where will his old face of Kahn be put.

   Kahn who reappeared has arrived in front of Whitebeard.

   Then Kahn crossed his hands.

  Terrifying blood-red thunder and lightning linger above.

  Whitebeard felt the destructive power almost instantly.

   "Red Lotus Thunderblade!"

  Kan directly launched this move.

  The powerful flame turned into a flame blade, and spun towards Whitebeard.

  White Beard didn't expect Kahn to release such a dangerous skill directly.

   But he is not in a hurry as he has incomparably rich combat experience.

  In an instant, he picked up Cong Yunqie, and the terrifying vibration force attached to it.

   At the same time, there is a terrifying domineering look.

  The two collided directly.

   Another earth-shattering collision.

  A terrifying air wave swept the audience.

   Even directly crushed two icebergs surrounding the bay.

  And the ice in the entire bay is becoming more and more vulnerable under such storms.

  All the powerful stood with attention.

   This level of collision is definitely the top level in this world.

   The center of the collision.

  White Beard's expression was extremely dignified.

   There are also beads of sweat streaming down his forehead.

  Because he found out, Kahn's attack is very strong this time.

   It made him feel a little overwhelmed.

  He smiled wryly in his heart.

  I am indeed old, and I still have illnesses on my body.

  But Kahn in front of him seems to have no limit at all.

   Only by facing Kahn in person can you feel how terrifying Kahn's strength is.

   That unparalleled power even surpassed his peak period.

  This shows that in the attack just now, Kahn has not used his full strength.

  Following Kahn's attack, Whitebeard slowly retreated.

  Such a scene is extremely shocking to the entire battlefield.

  Because the man known as the world's strongest retreated back.

   "Dad!" Marco shouted worriedly.

  But the next moment, an ice spear directly pierced his body.

  Marco suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood.

   His face was very ugly.

   "Ah Lele! Isn't it a bit impolite to pay attention to others when playing against me?" Aokiji's tone seemed dissatisfied.

   But unavoidable.

  Aokiji's eyes were also attracted.

   "What a **** battle!"

   "I've said it all, you can't do it."

  Kan's words fell, and the flames on his body erupted again.

  White Beard's complexion changed drastically.

"how is this possible?"

   "How is it impossible?"

  White Beard was completely suppressed.

   This is an amazing change.

   This shocked the Whitebeard Pirates more than anything else.

  White Beard, the strongest man in the world, was actually repulsed head-on by Lieutenant General Kahn.

   At the same time, the morale of the sailors exploded.

   "Long live Vice Admiral Kahn, long live the Navy, and long live justice!"

   Kahn was not surprised that he could do this.

  With the blessing of the system ability, if he can't do this, Kahn feels wrong.

  Whitebeard himself was not in his prime.

  Kahn is the opposite.

   At this time, the marine soldiers above the square basically completed their evacuation.

   Kahn immediately understood that the plan had begun.

  The next moment, under the puzzled eyes of many pirates.

  The surroundings of the bay suddenly raised tall surrounding walls.

  The pirates panicked.

"How is this going?"

  A pirate came forward to attack.

   But the strength of the surrounding wall is far beyond their imagination.

   Almost instantly.

  The entire Whitebeard Pirates are in absolute trouble.

  It is worth mentioning here.

  The trajectory of the Whitebeard Pirates has changed due to Kahn's joining.

   Oz did not hold down the last surrounding wall.

   Another point is that the collision between Kahn and Whitebeard is too strong.

  The Bawangse eruption caused the ice to disintegrate throughout the bay.

  So the entire Whitebeard Pirates were basically made into dumplings.

   "Is this the Warring States plan?" White Beard asked.

"its not bad, right!"

   "You don't necessarily win!"

"Is it?"

  The next moment, the voice of Warring States came from the square.

   "Akainu, let's do it!"

  White Beard's complexion changed.

  He seems to know the plans of the Warring States Period.

   "I wanted to play with you for a while, but since the guy from Sengoku said it, let's end this battle first!"

  White Beard has an ugly face.

   What this guy Kahn said made him feel very angry.

  What does it mean to play with him?

   "Kan, don't even think about leaving." Whitebeard roared.

   Then rushed up directly.

  He must not let Kahn leave.

  Because of the current situation, if Kahn uses some moves, the damage to the Whitebeard Pirates will far exceed that of Akainu!

  White Beard has a deep understanding of this point.

  Kahn didn't care.

   "White Beard, if the old man wants to leave, there is really no one in this world who can stop him."

  White Beard ignored it and swung his right fist.

  The powerful shock came straight to Kahn.

   It's not over yet.

  He rushed towards Kahn at an extremely fast speed.

   But what to say!

  Speed ​​is actually Whitebeard's weakness.

   "Your vibration is useless to the old man."

  Kan directly turned into a fire dragon.

   Then rushed to the sky at an extremely fast speed.

  The white beard who lost his goal looked up at the sky.

   His face was extremely ugly.

   Kahn was flying in the sky.

  The originally huge sea area in the bay has shrunk a lot.

  All the sailors looked towards the sky.

   It is really Kahn's fire dragon form that is too terrifying.

   "Is that why Lieutenant General Kahn is called the Fire Dragon?"

   "It's too strong!"

   "Wait, what is Lieutenant General Kahn going to do?" Suddenly a sailor shouted.

  In the sky.

   Kahn was suspended in mid-air.

   Then start to inhale.

  The strong suction made the air in front of his chest form a small tornado.

  Kan's abdomen began to swell, and the flames gathered in his mouth.

   Finally formed a dazzling ball of flame light.

   "It's a roar! It's a roar attack!"

   "I've seen this scene before, Lieutenant General Kahn used this trick to wipe out the entire Judiciary Island!"

   "Yes! I saw that too!"

   "Lieutenant General Kahn is trying to erase the entire Marin Fan?"

   "Just kidding! How can you use that level of attack? Marlene Fando will not be able to bear it."

   On the execution platform.

  Warring States also had beads of sweat on his forehead.

   "What is Kahn going to do?"

   "He probably wants to directly attack the pirates in the entire surrounding wall. Compared with the red dog, Kahn's roar is more suitable, and there are no dead ends!" Garp said in a serious tone.

   Speaking of this, Garp looked worriedly at Luffy in the arena.

  Seeing that there are several strong men beside his grandson, Garp feels relieved.

  And Garp doesn't think that Whitebeard will just watch the Whitebeard Pirates be wiped out like this.

   Then he immediately picked up the phone bug.

   "Attention all, stay away from the surrounding wall."

   After speaking, he looked at Akainu.

   "Akainu, you don't need to do it first. In addition, Aokiji and Kizaru, please pay attention to help at any time to avoid accidents."

  Akaken's face was calm when he heard the words. He didn't know what he was thinking, but his hands that had turned into magma returned to their original shape.

  The yellow monkey and the green pheasant disappeared directly in place.

  The three of them surrounded the surrounding wall in the shape of a character.

   And the sailors began to move away from the surrounding wall.

   Lieutenant General Kahn is obviously going to make a big move, so it's better for them to watch from the sidelines.


   Just as Kahn flew into the sky.

   "Is Lieutenant General Kahn going to destroy this place directly? Damn it! You have to dodge quickly!" Luffy looked ugly.

   "Everyone, hurry up and find a way, or we will all be finished." Luffy shouted.

  Kan's performances are in Luffy's eyes.

  For Kahn, Luffy already has a shadow.

   "Damn it! That bastard! Is he trying to kill us all at once?" Sauron looked ugly.

  As for Sanji, he was sent away by Kuma directly.

   "Lieutenant General Kahn!" Jinbe's forehead was covered with sweat.

   "We will go directly into the sea later, or we will die!" Jinbe said immediately.

   "Wait, I have a solution!"

  Everyone looked at Luffy.

"any solution?"

  Luffy ignored them, his face was full of surprise.

   Then he looked up at the sky.

   "Hello! Lieutenant General Kahn!"

  Everyone was attracted by Luffy's shout.

   "What is this kid going to do?" The members of the Whitebeard Pirates were also confused.

   "Grandpa Lieutenant General Kahn, if you kill us, no one will pay you back the money we owe you." Luffy roared.

  Everyone on the scene was stunned.

   Then fell directly a large piece!

  Sea soldiers:? ? ?

  Vice Admiral:? ? ?

  Warring States:. . . . . .

   Karp: . . . . . .

   Robin raised his forehead!

   "Bastard, what kind of brain is that?" Everyone cursed angrily.

   Kahn froze in the sky.

  The condensed roar in his mouth almost dissipated.

   Kahn is now full of thoughts about killing this kid.

  Suddenly, the flames above the sky became more and more intense.

  Although the flames were shining everywhere, everyone felt the coldness from the bottom of their hearts!

   "Why did you provoke him, you idiot!" Zoro wished he could kill Luffy! "

   But soon they ran out of words.

  Because Kahn's roar has rushed down.

  The terrifying flames came straight to the white beard and others in the center.

  Marco no longer hesitated when he saw this, and rushed up in the form of a phoenix.

   At the same time, the captains also chose the same approach.

   Kahn above the sky naturally noticed this scene.

   "Do you really think this old man is an Akainu?"

  When thinking of this, Kahn still looked at the straw hat bitterly.

  White Beard naturally wouldn't let his sons fight alone.

  The power of the terrifying vibration condensed on the knife.

   "Get out of the way!"

  Then Whitebeard threw the force of the vibration up.

   The vibration and roar collided directly.

  The power of the flames immediately spread out. Almost instantaneously wraps the entire bay.

  Under extremely high temperatures, the ice surrounding the walls melted extremely quickly.

  It's like using a flame gun to burn the metal inside the dry pot.

  The three generals immediately sensed the terrifying heat.

   "It's terrible!" Huang Yuan exclaimed.

   "What a mess! Old man!" Aokiji sighed.

   Akainu didn't say anything, but his face was not that pretty.

   "Kan." Hancock blushed instantly.

   "Lieutenant General Kahn is too strong!"


  Marco and others are still fighting against the roar.

   But now it has retreated steadily.

  If it weren't for Whitebeard and Rayleigh blocking most of the force, they probably wouldn't be able to hold on long ago.

   "Now I finally know why Kahn was able to wipe out the BIGMOM Pirates." Garp looked serious.

   Ace on the side was already extremely worried.

   "Kan is too strong now, the Whitebeard Pirates won't last much longer." Warring States also said.

"This is because of the surrounding wall. The rise of the surrounding wall makes the bay like a furnace. If it weren't for the blocking of Whitebeard and Rayleigh, Kahn might be able to destroy the entire Whitebeard Pirates with a single roar." Garp explained.

  The high temperature of Kahn's roar has already caused the surrounding walls to change color.

  The sailors who were far away could feel the terrifying heat.

   It is enough to see the horror of Kahn's flame.

   But soon their eyes fixed.

  Because another figure appeared in the sky.

   Garp stood up immediately.

"That is?"


  (end of this chapter)

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