MTL - Pirate: Earning One Trillion Yuan Before Retirement is Not Too Much!-Chapter 226 It is bright! Sauron is doing it again!

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  Chapter 226 The sky is clear! Sauron is doing it again!

   "Where am I? What did I see?"

   This is the true portrayal of their hearts!

  A pirate and a navy, the two have a perfect understanding.

   Is this the kid he knows who wants to become One Piece?

   Or the Kahn he knew?

   It was the domineering Kahn who just beat him up and told him he was fine.

  Zefa at this moment is really confused.

   But Kahn was also taken aback.

  He didn't expect Luffy in front of him to say that.

   But Kahn quickly reacted.

   It was a relief in his heart.

   It would be great if all the pirates in the new world were like the boy in front of us.

   "Very good, really good, the old man thinks you are too promising, believe me, you will definitely become the One Piece King."

  Hearing Kahn's words, Luffy's eyes lit up.

  Kane was also the first person to say that he would become One Piece.

   "Lieutenant General Kahn, is what you said true?" Luffy asked.

  If someone else said it, Luffy might be happy.

   But definitely not so excited.

  Who is speaking?

   But Vice Admiral Kahn.

  From the time I went to sea until now, I have been suffering at the hands of the person in front of me.

   Even now.

  He will not be arrogant enough to defeat Lieutenant General Kahn in front of him.

  He was extremely sure about this.

  Because his own strongest strength, that is, the fourth gear, was not Raleigh's opponent at all during training.

   With just one move, he was instantly killed by Rayleigh.

  But the Lieutenant General Kahn in front of him was the one who caught Rayleigh in the Chambord Islands.

   And when leaving.

  Rayleigh also warned him.

   In the new world.

   If it is not necessary, you must not provoke Kahn in front of you.

  In fact, even without Rayleigh's warning.

  Luffy also knows what to do.

   This is an experience.

  Being beaten by Kahn again and again produces experience.

  Looking at the excited Luffy.

  The smile on Kahn's face became more and more obvious.

"Of course."

   "Well, I will definitely become One Piece." Luffy said firmly again.

   "By the way, in order to quickly become One Piece, the old man can help, as long as you can afford the price, it's not impossible now."

  Kan's words stunned everyone.

What does it mean?

  Aokiji's mouth twitched.

  He suddenly understood why Wu Laoxing hated Kahn.

  The same is true for Akainu.

   Such a powerful and extremely willful Kahn.

  It is too dangerous for them.

   But Luffy, who heard Kahn's words, shook his head firmly.

   "Thank you, Grandpa Kahn, but I won't use other people's power to become One Piece."

   Luffy's voice was firm.

  Kahn is not surprised either.

   Luffy, he is very serious about becoming the One Piece.

   "That's a pity, you could have become the One Piece now."

   "That's not the One Piece I want."

   Listening to the conversation between the two, everyone forgot what they were supposed to do for a moment.

   "Okay, since you're not interested, it's time to talk about the price."

  Kan's words sounded again.

   Pulled everyone's divergent thinking back.

   Just when Luffy was about to speak, Sanji rushed up and covered Luffy's mouth immediately.

  Because they knew clearly that Luffy would agree without hesitation.

  Nami also stepped forward.

   "Lieutenant General Kahn, can we leave now?"

   "Oh! You don't want this kid's hat anymore?"

   As soon as the words came out.

   Everyone was stunned for a while.


   Luffy's hat is still in Kahn's hand.

   It seems impossible to let them go straight away.

   Luffy is stupid though!

   But it is their recognized captain.

  But if she really talks about the price with Kahn, Nami has reason to believe that Kahn will definitely ask a sky-high price.

   In short.

   No matter what kind of solution, money is inseparable.

  But it just so happens that what they lack most now is money.

   Before leaving Fishman Island, he paid protection fees.

  At this moment, they can be described as real paupers.

  Even the money for repairing the ship was obtained by robbing a group of pirates on the road.

  If now he bears the debt of Lieutenant General Kahn.

  Then it will be really difficult for them in the new world.

  Maybe I can only run around to pay off the debt.

   Therefore, this matter is in a dilemma.

   As for resisting Kahn in front of her, Nami never thought about it.

  Which of the things Kahn did was not earth-shattering?

   Behind these earth-shattering events, all of them show Kahn's terrifying strength.

  Even though her companion has grown a lot in the past two years, in her opinion, she should not be Kahn's opponent in front of her.

   "It seems that this matter is not so easy to solve." Sauron said suddenly.

  Everyone looked at him.

   I saw that Sauron had already pulled out another knife, and put the third knife in his mouth.

  Kahn was a little surprised.

  What is this for?

   "Having learned domineering and swordsmanship from Hawkeye, Sauron definitely thinks he can do it again?"

   "Zoro? What are you doing?" Chopper shouted.

  On the other side, Sanji let go of Luffy.

   "Hello! Chlorella head, what is this?"

   "Stinky cook, don't you want to know how much you have improved in two years? Or you haven't made any progress at all. If that's the case, I can protect you later, so you don't have to worry."

   "What are you talking about? You bastard!" Sanji immediately erupted.

   This guy can say anything, but he can't say he can't.

   "Zoro, Sanji, you?" Luffy shouted.

  But he was interrupted by Sauron as soon as he shouted.

"Hey! Luffy, you are the one I approve of, and you are also the one who wants to become One Piece, so don't say that you can use money. In fact, I don't think it is a good way to pay money in the Chambord Islands. I am I only went to sea to become the world's number one swordsman, so I can't just admit defeat like this every time." Sauron said seriously.

  Luffy fell silent when he heard the words.

  Although he doesn't think he is Kahn's opponent.

   But what Sauron said was exactly what he thought.

   Facing Kahn, in fact, Luffy did not regard him as a real enemy.

   It is precisely because of this that he proposed to use money to solve this problem.

   But now it seems.

   This doesn't seem like a good solution.

  Thinking of this, Luffy walked directly through Sauron and Sanji to Kahn.

   "Lieutenant General Kahn, please return my hat to me. It is very important to me. Only this time we will not pay any more."

   And Luffy's words made the timid trio of the Straw Hats almost jump up.

   "What is Luffy talking about? Don't provoke him!" Usopp shouted in horror.

   Kahn left a deep impression on him.

  He didn't think they could win.

   "Sure enough, the sky is sunny and the rain has stopped. Do you think you can do it again? Since this is the case, I don't mind letting you relive the horror of the old man." Kahn said with a wicked smile.

   Hear Kahn's words.

  The Straw Hats present felt extremely uneasy.

   Of course, this is the opinion of the timid trio.

The opposite of.

  The faces of the three major powers are dignified.

   But I got a little excited instead.

   It seems that the results of two years of practice can be displayed at this moment.

   And the development of things has once again exceeded the expectations of Aokiji and others.

   Originally, they thought that the Straw Hats in front of them would hand over the money cowardly.

  But I didn't expect things to develop like this.

  But they don't think the Straw Hats can defeat Kahn.

   "Remind you, if the old man makes a move, there will be a cost for the move. You must be very clear about this."

   Several people looked dignified.

   But not because of the money Kahn said.

   Instead, Kahn now exudes a powerful aura.

  The breath made them uncomfortable.

   And the next moment.

  Kan's figure disappeared in place.

   The pupils of the three shrank.

   "Be careful, it's coming." Sauron reminded loudly.

   "Do you still have time to remind others?" Kahn's words sounded in front of him.

   Sauron raised his knife and slashed.

   Kahn didn't even dodge.

  The right finger is covered with jet-black domineering.

   Then, under everyone's shocked eyes, he blocked Sauron Qiushui's slash with his index finger.

  A trace of disbelief flashed in Sauron's eyes.

  In two years, he has carried out countless cruel cultivation.

   And attached domineering to the knife.

  In short, he felt that his strength had been fundamentally improved.

  Even if it is not Kahn's opponent in front of him, it is impossible to be blocked by Kahn so easily.

  But swordsmen never give up easily.

  The word He Dao on the left hand was chopped up again.


  Kan blocked Sauron's slash with his index finger again.

  Sauron didn't hesitate at all this time.

   Quickly waved the famous knife in his hand.

   But to everyone's surprise.

  Kahn didn't make any extra moves.

   Just use one finger to block all of Sauron's slashing.

   Such a scene also stunned Ain and Binz.

   "The gap in domineering is too great." Zefa gave his opinion.

   is indeed the case.

   Domineering is also different in different people.

  Kan's domineering power is even far above him.

   Kahn's level of domineering, Zefa has only seen one person.

   That's Karp.

  The next moment, Kahn's breath suddenly rose sharply.

   Sauron's pupils shrank.

   But it was too late.

  Kahn did not continue to block his slash with his fingers.

   Instead, he clenched his fist and slammed it on Qiushui.

   Almost instantly, Sauron felt the terrifying power coming from Qiu Shui Dao.

  If it weren't for Qiu Shui, he would have become Hei Dao long ago.

   It may be broken under the force of this punch, but it is not certain.

   And the result of this is that Sauron was directly punched by Kahn and flew out.

   hit the sand in the distance.

  The whole person disappeared into the sand.

   Covered by stirred up yellow sand.

   The collision between the two parties is just a matter of moments.

   It can be seen how fast the speed between the two is.

   Sauron was sent flying by Kahn.

   And Luffy and Sanji also reacted.

  Road aircraft will launch into second gear in an instant.

  He knew that under such circumstances, there was no way to fight back if he didn't activate it.

  Sanji raised his right foot.

  A flame was born on the mountain's right foot.

  At the same time, he disappeared in place.

   "Rubber bazooka." Luffy shouted.

  His arms stretch out behind him.

   Then attacked Kahn at an extremely fast speed.

  Sanji's thighs have also appeared on the side of Kahn's head.

  A look of disdain flashed in Kahn's eyes.

   "Devil Fengjiao, it's a mess."

  Kan directly blocked Luffy's rubber bazooka with his left hand.

  Punched again with his right hand.

   collided with Sanji's Demon Wind Foot.

  The next moment, Sanji's expression completely changed.

  He felt a sharp pain in his right foot.

  He can be sure that under Kahn's punch.

  His right foot has been injured.

   And the result of this is that Sanji was also punched out by Kahn.

  The figure of Kahn who knocked Sanji into the air disappeared in place.

   Reappeared in front of Luffy.

  At this moment, Luffy hasn't even retracted his arm.

   Kahn didn't hesitate at all.

   Kicked out with one kick.

  The terrifying power made Luffy's eyes bulge out.

  The whole person vomited a mouthful of blood.

   flew out like a cannonball.

   Within a short period of time.

  Kan once again used his powerful strength to teach the three major strengths of the Straw Hats to be human.

   Kahn, who had done all this, did not continue to pursue.

  The straw hat trio after two years of training.

   It has indeed increased a lot of strength.

   But in front of him at this moment, there is still something not enough to see.

   Among the three people.

  The strongest is Luffy.

   Followed by Sauron.

   As for Sanji.

  To be honest, the gap between him and Luffy Zoro at this moment is a bit big.

  At least at this time, Luffy and Zoro can definitely fight Doflamingo well.

  But Sanji can't do that.

  Kan remembers correctly.

   While blocking Doflamingo.

   If Luo didn't appear.

   Sanji is in real danger.

   And Kahn simply knocked the three of them into the air.

   It also made the remaining members of the Straw Hats fall into fear.

   "I said it was not an opponent, why did these three guys still make a move?" Usopp shouted immediately.

at this time.

  A white slash across the sand.

   Divide the entire sandy land into two halves.

  The fierce slash came straight to Kahn.

   "Such a slash is far from enough." Kahn said.

  He raised his left hand.

  A black armed domineering color is attached to it.

   Then he directly sent the slash that split the sand flying, looking relaxed and comfortable.

   And everyone also saw the person who made the slash.

   On the sand in the distance.

   Sauron stood up.

   There was blood on the corner of his mouth.

   "It's really strong, but that's what's interesting, isn't it?"

   Sauron's double swords rose.

   Then he slashed down hard.

   "Extreme Tiger Hunting."

  The huge sword energy turned into a white tiger and went straight to Kahn.

  Kahn didn't make any extra moves.

   Blast out with a punch.

  Terrible flames burst out.

   collided with the white tiger, directly obliterating this slash.

   And Sauron has rushed towards Kahn quickly after sending out this attack.

   While running, the aura on his body was rising crazily.

  At the same time, there were words in his mouth.

   "Nine mountains and eight seas form one world, and if you gather thousands of worlds, you will form a small thousand worlds. This world is multiplied by three, and there is no self-perpetuation. The three-sword flow profound meaning, one large, three thousand, and great thousand worlds!"

next moment.

  Zoro waved the famous sword in his hand.

  A slash that was far superior to the one before crossed the sand and tore the sky.

   came straight to Kahn.

   Facing this knife that can cut through a huge meteorite.

   Kahn showed a smile on his face instead.

   "It's not bad, but it's not enough."

  (end of this chapter)

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