MTL - Pirate: Earning One Trillion Yuan Before Retirement is Not Too Much!-Chapter 227 Fourth gear?

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  Chapter 227 Fourth gear?

   Kahn did not hesitate after speaking.

  Punch out directly.

  Powerful flame power surged out from his hands.

   collided with Sauron's slash.

  The collision between the two sides directly tore the sand.

  Terrifying forces created a terrifying storm.

   Wait until all the storms die down.

  The people present finally saw the situation clearly.

  The dune was split in two by Sauron's slash.

   reveals the rock beneath the sand.

   And Kahn blocked the place where the slash was struck.

   It was because of the powerful force that a big hole was opened.

  At this moment, Kahn is standing in the pit.

   It's just that he doesn't have any scars on his body.

   Or not even embarrassed.

   Sauron in the distance saw this scene, and he couldn't believe it.

  The slash just now had no effect?

   And such a scene also fell into the eyes of other people present.

  However, they had already expected Kahn's strength.

   Not so much that they shocked Kahn unscathed.

   It's not that he was shocked that Sauron was able to launch an attack of this level.

   But even such an attack.

   Did not cause the slightest damage to Kahn.

   "Sure enough, he is invincible." Usopp murmured.

  Nami nodded subconsciously.

   "What should we do now? Our opponent is too strong." Brook said exaggeratedly.

  Aokiji was a little surprised.

   "I never thought that in two years, that brat could grow to such an extent." Aokiji said directly.

  Two years ago, during the Dingshang War, he clearly knew Sauron's strength.

   I didn't expect to improve so much in two years.

   But after finishing speaking, he looked at Kahn again.

   "It's just that after growing to this level, it's still impossible to defeat Lieutenant General Kahn."

   At this moment, Sauron looked extremely dignified.

  At the same time, he held Qiushui tightly in his hand again.

   Wants to attack again.

   But obviously, Kahn will not give him this chance.

  Sauron's slash cannot cause corresponding damage to him.

   But there are some troubles.

   Besides, this kid hasn't used his strongest moves yet.

  Although Kahn felt that even if he used it, it would not pose any threat to him.

   Just the next moment.

  A voice sounded: "Damn old man."

   Who else is it not Sanji?

   "Devil Fengjiao first-class ground meat."

   His right leg was covered in flames again.

   It's just compared to just now.

  His speed is even faster, and there are flash bursts at the same time.

  In short, the power has risen by more than one level.

   "You still don't give up! Since this is the case, then the old man will not hold back anymore."

   While Kahn was speaking, his body was already leaping high.

   At the same time, his feet were also covered with flames.

   And under the flames, there is a pitch-black domineering.

   Feet intersect.

  The collision produced a terrifying flame storm.

   Almost instantly, Sanji's pupils shrank.

   Others present also heard a crisp click.

   Obviously, in the collision just now.

  Sanji's leg bone was broken directly.

  Sanji's screams were also heard.

  Kan kicked Sanji out of the air again with a roundabout leg.

  The location happens to be where the rest of the Straw Hats are.

  Looking at Sanji holding his leg with a painful face.

  Nami and the others were extremely worried.

   Chopper stepped forward to check Sanji's injury immediately.

  The other side.

  Luffy, who just crawled out of the sand, also saw this scene.

   "Sanji, how are you?" Luffy asked immediately.

   "His leg bone is broken, and he needs to be treated quickly." Chopper's voice sounded.

   Luffy's face became even more angry.

   Over there, Sauron has already rushed up.

  Although in normal times, he and Sanji often bicker.

   But undeniable.

  The companionship between them is also very strong.

   Seeing Sanji injured at this moment, Zoro is naturally very angry.

   "Three Swords Style-Purgatory Ghost Slash."

  Sauron's figure crossed the space at an extremely fast speed and intersected with Kahn.

  This time the slash was completed in an instant.

  The sandy land was divided into countless small squares by Sauron's sword.

   At the same time, it rose into the air under that huge force.

   This is an extremely spectacular scene.

   After the movement subsides.

   Everyone looked at the two people in the field again.

   Kahn still stood there.

   It seems that Sauron's slash didn't have the slightest effect on him.

   It's just an unexpected scene happened.

  Because Sauron who launched the attack was the first to half-kneel down.

  At the same time, blood spurted out of his mouth.

   "What's going on? It's obviously Sauron's attack." Nami was very puzzled.

   "The gap between the two sides is really too big." Aokiji said.

  Just now Lieutenant General Kahn blocked all the slashes at the moment of the opponent's attack, and severely injured the opponent.

   And there is an obvious scratch on Sauron's waist.

   Obviously, that is Kahn's masterpiece.

   Sauron looked pained.

   But soon a smile appeared on his face again.

   "It's really powerful, but if I fall here, how can I become the world's number one swordsman?"

   Hear Sauron's words.

  Kan turned his head and glanced at him.

   "Is there something wrong with this kid's cognition?"

  It is more difficult to not fall in front of him than to become the world's number one swordsman!

   "Zoro, are you okay?" Luffy shouted.

   "I'm fine."

  Finally, Sauron struggled to stand up.

   "The will is quite strong, but in this world, some power cannot be overcome by a strong will." Kahn said lightly.

  The other side.

  Luffy looked extremely solemn.

   "It seems that I can only try that trick."

  Kan heard Luffy's words and turned to look at him.

   Is this guy going to use fourth gear?

  After Luffy finished speaking.

   Bitten on his arm.

   With the addition of airflow.

  Luffy's breath also began to swell.

  Such a scene made everyone in the Straw Hats stare wide-eyed.

  Because they have never seen Luffy in such a form.

   With the explosion of Luffy's momentum.

  The domineering power on his body also extended to his whole body.

  His whole body began to swell completely.

   ended up forming a giant stretchy man.

   There are auspicious clouds surrounding him.


  The fourth gear is completely finalized.

   And Luffy couldn't stand up normally because of his huge body and strong elasticity.

   Just like that, he bounced up and down the dunes.

   "Is this Ni's new move?"

   "Yes, this is the result of my cultivation." Luffy replied immediately.

   "Do you think this trick can defeat the old man?" Kahn asked again.

   "I don't know." Luffy replied immediately.

  In fact, he knew very well in his heart that using this trick might not necessarily defeat Kahn in front of him.

   But in the presence of companions.

  He would not easily say such words as admitting defeat.

   You know, he is the captain.

  The captain has conceded defeat.

   Then they still spank?

   "Don't know? Then you will know soon." Kahn said with a smile.

   After speaking, Kahn disappeared in place.

   Luffy's pupils shrank.

   Kahn's actions were too fast.

   Almost instantly, Kahn appeared beside him.

   Just like Rayleigh back then.

   Before Luffy could even react, Kahn's fist had already reached his abdomen.

   Almost instantly, he felt a huge force coming from Kahn's fist.

  He flew out directly.

   And in his mouth, he was still blowing out air.

  Flying in the air, Luffy immediately covered his mouth with both hands to prevent the compressed air in his body from flowing out.

   And because he has great flexibility.

   So he flies a greater distance.

   "Luffy." Everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates began to shout.

  They didn't expect that Luffy used the new form and was not Kahn's opponent.

  On the other side, Sauron struggled to stand up.

   "Hurry up and run away." Sauron shouted immediately.

  Hearing Sauron's words, Nami and the others were stunned for a moment.

  They didn't expect Sauron to let them escape at this time.

   But they looked at the situation on the court.

   At this time, let’s not talk about whether they can run away.

  Even if they could run away, they couldn't leave Luffy and the others behind.

"Want to escape? That's impossible. I advise you to stand there obediently. Otherwise, the old man will have a headache." Kahn's cold words made everyone in the Straw Hats shudder. .

   After finishing speaking, Kahn didn't care about the reaction of the Straw Hats, but turned to look at Sauron.

   "I know you should have another move, and I'll give you a chance to use it." Kahn said directly.

   Sauron was also taken aback.

   "Since this is the case, then I will not be polite."

   "Although use it, this old man wants you to know that in this world, there is a force that you absolutely cannot resist, and that force is this old man."

  Kahn also has a reason for doing this. He wants the Straw Hats to fully realize the gap between them.

  Let them realize that as leeks, just wait to be cut honestly.

   No doubt heard Kahn's words.

   It was as if a flame burst out in Sauron's heart.

  But he also clearly knew that Kahn in front of him was too strong.

  His unique move is not necessarily an opponent.

  But if you admit defeat directly.

   Then what about beyond Hawkeye?

next moment.

   Under everyone's shocked eyes, Sauron seemed to have grown two heads.

   Has nine arms at the same time.

   "Devil May Cry Nine Swords Ryu, Asura draws his sword and the king plays."

  Zoro said the name of the sword move in a deep voice.

  When Sauron launched this move, Kahn felt the power on him.

   There are various powers in the world of One Piece.

  But almost all of them cannot escape Domineering and Devil Fruit.

   Sauron's Devil May Cry also seems to have a special kind of domineering under Kahn's perception.

   And this kind of domineering can connect the undead.

   And under the blessing of this domineering.

   Sauron's own strength will be improved on a level.

In general.

   It's a bit like the prototype of domineering color.

   There is no doubt that Sauron in front of him has the domineering look.

   In a sense.

   This is the embryonic form of Overlord Color Coil.

   It's just that this kind of overlord color entanglement is not yet proficient.

   It is impossible to cause effective damage to him.

  But at this time, Sauron's strength definitely surpassed Luffy's fourth gear.

  Here refers to his lethality.

   While performing this trick, Sauron's body emitted a golden light.

next moment.

  He rushed towards Kahn with great speed.

   Facing fierce killing moves.

  Kahn is also a little more serious.

  His right hand turned into a dragon claw.

   But it's not over yet.

  The dragon claws are even more domineering with jet black.

   To deal with the current Sauron, there is no need to entangle the overlord color at all.

  Although Kahn clearly knew that Sauron was very capable of resisting blows.

  However, Kahn was still afraid of killing him all at once.


  Fertilize properly.

   If too much fertilizer is applied at once.

   might burn to death.

   In that case, he would have nothing to gain.

   And the two collided again.

   However, what surprised everyone was that.

   Sauron only persisted for a few breaths during the collision with Kahn before he completely fell into a disadvantage.

  He was finally sent flying by Kahn.

   You must know that Kahn's own defense now surpasses that of Kaido.

   Armed color domineering is also above Kaido.

   It is already remarkable that Zoro can hold on to these times.

  The inverted Sauron spit out blood in the air.

  He really didn't expect the power of Kahn in front of him to be so powerful.

  Before I watched Kahn fight with others.

   But this time it can be regarded as a real experience of Kahn's horror.

   Watching Sauron being knocked into the air again by Kahn.

   Everyone in the Straw Hats can no longer find words to describe their current mentality.

  In short, Kahn's strength was once again deeply rooted in their hearts.

   And Luffy on the other side rushed up again.

   Kahn is a little annoyed.

   Do these guys really think they can fight against themselves?

  The next moment, Kahn suddenly erupted with a powerful domineering look.

   Luffy, who was still advancing rapidly, trembled in his heart.

  But at this moment, he couldn't stop.

   Of course, he will not stop.

   "Great Ape King Spear."

   "It seems that you haven't realized the gap between us. Maybe the old man is too kind. It may be a good choice for you to perceive the top power in the world in advance."

  In the end, Kahn's domineering arrogance disappeared directly.

   In turn, a blood-red thunder appeared on his right hand.

  The Great Ape King Spear arrived as scheduled.

   But Kahn is faster.

   It's a last come first come again.

  Kan's fist hit Luffy on the head.

  The strong elasticity deformed Luffy's head.

   But in the process of deformation.

   Luffy rolled his eyes directly.

  The whole person is like a deflated ball.

   was instantly sent flying by Kahn.

   And that astonishing speed also brought a terrifying air wave.

   During the process of Luffy flying backwards, a terrifying sandstorm was set off.

  Finally landed on the sand dunes in the distance.

  The terrifying force razed the entire sand dune to the ground.

  The yellow sand raised up covered the sky and the sun.

   Ain and the others who were watching the battle were already stunned.

   Regardless of the form and strength displayed by the Straw Hat Boy.

   It was still the move Sauron used just now.

  With their strength, it is absolutely impossible to follow.

   But in front of Lieutenant General Kahn in front of him.

  These attacks seemed so immature.

   Zefa looked at the one still standing in the sand.

   Kahn without any damage on his body.

  The wry smile in his eyes became more intense.

  (end of this chapter)

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