MTL - Pirate: Earning One Trillion Yuan Before Retirement is Not Too Much!-Chapter 243 Scared Doflamingo!

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  Chapter 243 The Scared Doflamingo!

   And in the center of the big pit.

  Trafalgaro, one of the Shichibukai under the king, was in a state of embarrassment.

   Bright red blood flowed from his head.

   That was the damage Kahn caused him with his first blow.

  And he has burns of varying degrees all over his body.

  The hat he was used to wearing has disappeared.

  The clothes on his body are torn.

  The ghost cry that he used as a weapon has now become his crutch.

   Supported his body from falling down.

   And his eyes are full of fear at the moment.

   Just at that moment.

   If he hadn't used his own fruit ability to avoid most of the damage, he would really have died.

   But even that.

  At this moment, he was also seriously injured.

   Being a doctor.

  He clearly knew how bad his state was at the moment.

   But he also has a strong unwillingness.

   Two years.

  He has advanced to this level, but he is not yet Kahn's single enemy.

  It was too shocking.

  The most important thing is that Lieutenant General Kahn in front of him doesn't talk about martial arts.

   Just gave him hope, but the next moment he directly attacked him.

   This makes him feel extremely aggrieved now.

  But he wouldn't be so stupid as to ask Kahn why he did this.

  Since Kahn has already started.

   That means that Kahn will never give himself a chance to negotiate terms.

  What he has to do now is not to miss the slightest chance.

   But soon he was desperate to find out.

  At this moment, he has nothing to do.

   It's like fish on a chopping board.

  In front of the gate.

   Smoker has stood up.

   But soon they discovered something was wrong.

  My body is not right.

   What Da Siqi saw was Smoker's body.

  And Smoker is Dushiqi.

   Both of them were stunned.

  But I quickly realized that this was Luo's handwriting.

   "Lieutenant General Smoker, Colonel Dashiqi, are you all right?" A group of sailors immediately asked.

   "I'm fine!" Dashiqi's voice came from Smoker's body.

  Everyone was stunned for a moment.

   "It seems that we became like this because of that **** Luo's moves." Da Siqi said angrily.

  The sailors were even more confused.

   "But at this time, what should be concerned is not this, but"

   Speaking of this, Da Siqi turned to look at the figure.

  A complex look flashed in her eyes.

   For two years, he has been practicing.

  He thinks that his strength has grown fundamentally.

   But was broken again by Kahn today.

  He is not an opponent, Luo is like an ant in the hands of Kahn.

   This deeply stimulated him.

  Even though his mind was extremely firm, he was still shaken at this moment.

  Is his hard work for so long really meaningful?

  Confusion flashed in Smoker's eyes.

   "Lieutenant General Smoker! Are you okay?" Da Siqi's voice came.

   And this cry made Smoker react.

  A wry smile flashed across his face.

  Because she is in Dashiqi's appearance at the moment, she looks even more pitiful.

   But he quickly reacted.

   "Now is not the time to think about this at all."

   Just as the two were communicating, Kahn's figure had disappeared.

  He didn't know Smoker's mental journey.

  But even if you know it, you won't have any extra thoughts.

   In Kahn's view.

  If he can't even accept this blow, Smoker's way forward will come to an end.

   Luo's face was pale.

   That was caused by injury.

   But the next moment, his pupils shrank.

  Because Kahn's tall figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

  Although Kahn did not release any momentum.

   But Luo felt a little difficult to breathe.

  He felt a little regretful, he shouldn't have taken chances.

   "Lieutenant General Kahn." Luo spoke again.

  But found that the figure of Lieutenant General Kahn disappeared again.

   Then he felt the presence of the other party behind him.

  He wanted to turn his head, but Kahn wouldn't give him the chance.

  The pain from his back made Luo sure that he was attacked again.

  The overwhelmed Luo spat out a big mouthful of blood again.

  The whole person is like a ball, flying straight to the door of the research room.

  Finally, after more than a dozen laps, it landed in front of the sailors at the G5 base.

  Looking at Luo, whose face was covered in blood in front of him, he was in an extreme panic.

  A kind of sea soldier couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

   Should I say that he is indeed Lieutenant General Kahn?

  The pirates at the Shichibukai level under the king have no resistance at all.

  Da Siqi was in a daze.

   This is the pirate she can't deal with anyway?

  But soon there was a strong look of joy on his face.

  Although Luo is miserable at the moment, Kahn is not going to let him go.

  He has already said it.

   The cost of breaching the contract is severe.

   If you don't get a decent result here in Luo.

  Will people who send him money from now on think he has a good temper?

   Then something like this happens again?

  Kahn would not allow that to happen.

   And until now, no one has dared to release his pigeons.

  Ro was the first, but Kahn wanted him to be the last.

  So the current situation of Luo is far from good.

   In Kahn's view.

   Beat this guy half to death first.

   At least let him completely lose the ability to resist.

  So, a new round of beatings began.

   And just when Kahn beat Luo violently.

  The center of the laboratory.

   "What's going on? Why is there such a big movement?" Caesar Courant was very emotional.

   "Master, according to the news sent back, it is Lieutenant General Kahn who is fighting Luo!"

  Caesar Courant's expression froze for a moment.

   "Lieutenant General Kahn, this name seems very familiar? Where did you hear it?"

   But soon Caesar Courant was stunned.

   "You mean Lieutenant General Kahn? Are you sure you are right?" Caesar Courant asked anxiously.

   "It has been confirmed, it is Lieutenant General Kahn." The person who reported was also horrified.

  Caesar Courant trembled.

  He who was originally a smoke body was completely solidified at this moment.

   "Hurry up and contact JOKER, tell him the situation here, and ask him how to deal with it? Hurry up." Caesar Courant's tone was extremely anxious.

   "Oh! Yes, master, I'll go right away."

   Looking at the subordinates who left, Caesar Courant still felt unsafe.

   At the same time, he was very puzzled.

  Why will Kahn appear here?

   Is it to investigate his experiment?

   Thinking of this, Caesar Courant was even more frightened.

   What level of character is Kahn?

  He knew it very well.

  That's the guy that even his boss, Doflamingo, is afraid of.

  In front of this kind of person, I am no different from an ant.

   "I didn't expect that Kahnzhong to come here? What are we going to do next?" A woman with green hair said.

   It was Monet who spoke.

   On the surface, he is Caesar Courant's subordinate.

   But in fact, it is the monitor that Doflamingo placed beside Caesar Courant.

   "Why don't we just leave here! As long as we leave now, even Kahn may not be able to find us, hehehehehe!" Caesar Courant was a little tempted.

   But he was very reluctant to bear the results of these studies.

   Monet felt a little contempt in his heart.

  Caesar Courant in front of him was terrified of death.

   But now her heart is also very shocked.

  She was also wondering why Kahn would appear here.

  As Doflamingo's subordinate.

  She knows Kahn better.

   That was a very scary person.

   This can be seen from Doflamingo's attitude.

   Just when Caesar Courant was in trouble.

  The subordinate who left just now has returned.

  Caesar's eyes lit up.

   "What did JOKER say?"

   "He told the master not to act rashly, he will contact Lieutenant General Kahn."

  Caesar Courant's expression changed.

   "What did joker do? Why did such a dangerous person come here? What should we do with our experiment? Hehehehehe!"

   Monet didn't speak.

  But I still agree with this statement in my heart.

   Lieutenant General Kahn is too dangerous for them.

   Outside the research room.

   The scene was silent for a while.

  Because Doflamingo, one of the Shichibukai under the king, is too miserable.

   It can be said that now he only has half his life left, and he has completely lost the ability to resist.

at this time.

  The phone bug on Kahn's body rang.

  Kan didn't hesitate, and then picked it up.

   Kahn's familiar voice came from the phone bug.

  That’s right, it’s Doflamingo.

   "Lieutenant General Kahn, why did you go to Punk Hazard?" Doflamingo asked after deliberation.

   "I don't think I need to report to you where the old man is going?" Kahn asked back.

"Lieutenant General Kahn was joking. Of course you don't need to report to me where you are going, but Punk Hazard has my important property on it. If my subordinates have offended me? Please, Lieutenant General Kahn, please be merciful. I am willing." Pay 5 billion Pele." Doflamingo said directly.

  Heard what Doflamingo said.

  Kan showed a satisfied smile.

   I have to say that Doflamingo is really able to see the situation clearly, and he is very good at making trouble.

  The opening is 5 billion Baileys.

   is also a big hand.

   This can be regarded as an unexpected surprise!

   It's just that Doflamingo's words stunned the navy.

   They really didn't expect that this place turned out to be the territory of that guy Doflamingo.

  Da Siqi's face showed anger.

  Of course, she is still Smoker at the moment.

  Kan sensed her anger.

   But there is no meaning to pay attention to it at all.

   "How do you think the old man should solve this matter?" Kahn asked again.

  Doflamingo on the phone bug was also taken aback.

  He was thinking about the meaning of Kahn's question.

The key is.

  Kahn did not mention the five billion Baileys he mentioned just now.

   Does this mean that Kahn is very dissatisfied with those experiments?

   Thinking of this, Doflamingo frowned deeply.

  He didn't intend to hide in the first place.

  Since Kahn found it there, it means that everyone knows about it.

   Nothing good ends in hiding.

  He knows this very well.

   "What does Lieutenant General Kahn mean?" Doflamingo finally asked tentatively.

   "It's very simple, let Caesar Courant stop all the experiments on this island, release those children at the same time, and send them to Vegapunk's laboratory for treatment." Kahn said directly.

   Hear Kahn's words.

  Doflamingo fell silent completely.

  Because his approach completely cut off another source of income for Doflamingo.

   "Lieutenant General Kahn is not joking!"

   "Just kidding, when did the old man joke with you?"

   "But Lieutenant General Kahn, artificial devil fruit is what Kaido needs."

   "Do you think the old man will be afraid of that idiot Kaido?"

  Doflamingo was a little speechless.

  He really wants to say that this is not a question of whether he is afraid or not.

  But the words came to my lips but couldn't come out.

At this moment, Kahn's words sounded again: "Besides, when did the old man tell you to stop the research on man-made devil fruits? The old man is talking about the giantization experiment, and the so-called death carried out by that idiot Caesar Courant Research on weapons."

  After hearing Kahn's words, Doflamingo also fully understood.

   At the same time, I also breathed a sigh of relief.

  It seems that Lieutenant General Kahn didn't mean to let him stop the research of man-made devil fruit.

  The giantization experiment and Caesar's research are okay.

  Even if it stops, it's easier for him to deal with it.

   But devil fruits are different.

   That's pretty much his main business.

  If there is a problem now, Kaido can't explain it at all.

   This is not a good thing.

  Since Kahn didn't say this, his deal with Kaido can continue.

   As long as this transaction continues to exist.

   Then he can continue to accumulate strength.

   "But then you may be disappointed, because the artificial devil fruit produced probably won't sell much." Kahn said with a sudden smile.

  Hearing Kahn's words, Doflamingo frowned.

   "Lieutenant General Kahn, what does this mean?"

   "Who is the biggest buyer of your artificial devil fruit?"

  Doflamingo's body shook.

  Who is the biggest buyer of his faux devil fruit?

  Of course Kaido the Beast.

   What does Lieutenant General Kahn mean by saying this?

  He suddenly thought of a possibility that made him a little unbelievable.

   "Lieutenant General Kahn, I heard you right! Are you going to attack the Beasts Pirates?"

  Doflamingo's words still contained deep surprise.

  The Hundred Beasts Pirates are currently in Wano Country.

  If Kahn wants to do something, he must go to Wano Country.

  But now it is not only the Hundred Beasts Pirates who are entrenched in Wano Country.

   There is also the BIGMOM Pirates.

   In this way, Kahn will have to face the Double Four Emperors.

  Although it is not that Kahn has not faced the combination of the two in the staring war.

   But this time is different, those are real two royal groups.

   "Is there anything wrong?" Kahn said lightly.

   But that's it.

   More than just stunned Doflamingo.

  Even Smoker and the others were completely stunned.

  They never thought that Lieutenant General Kahn would actually attack the entire Four Emperors.

   This time, the Four Emperors are facing not one, but two.

   It is conceivable if this news spreads in the world.

  It must be earth-shattering.

  Even Smogg, who was a vice admiral, was stunned.

   But at the same time, he also felt the gap between him and Kahn at this moment.

   It would take a long time for him to hunt down a straw hat kid.

   This has not been caught yet.

   Lieutenant General Kahn is going to attack the Four Emperors.

  Although they are both lieutenant generals.

  But there is a world-like gap.

   This made him feel very unwilling.

  Doflamingo didn't know what to say for a while.

   He has a deep understanding of Kahn's strength.

   But deal with two four emperors at the same time.

  He still feels incredible.

  (end of this chapter)

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