MTL - Pirate: Earning One Trillion Yuan Before Retirement is Not Too Much!-Chapter 244 Smoker's wrath!

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"By the way, if the old man remembers correctly, is this guy Caesar Courant going to conduct his experiment in the kingdom of death? At that time, he will use the video phone bug to broadcast in real time, and everyone in the dark world of the new world can see it?" Kahn asked.

  Hearing Kahn's words, Doflamingo's heart skipped a beat.

  He had a premonition that something big was going to happen again.

   Sure enough.

  Kahn's next words proved his conjecture.

   "Just right, the old man has an idea here, and I will use this video system to tell those scumbags in the dark world."

   "Lieutenant General Kahn, what do you want to say to them? I'll just pass it on." Doflamingo said again.

"No, you can't convey this matter at all, or it's too boring for you to convey it. There are always some guys who think that the old man will only speak harshly and turn a deaf ear to the old man's words. Perhaps they should let them know that in this world There is a power that they can't resist." Others' words were extremely cold.

  Kan's words were cold.

  At the same time, his eyes fell on Luo who was on the ground.

  Luo has lost consciousness at this moment.

   Didn't know that Kahn would use him as a negative teaching material.

   Kahn will let everyone in the New World know.

  How severe the consequences will be after breaching the contract.

  At the same time, he also wanted to take this opportunity to announce one thing.

  Doflamingo froze for a moment.

  The meaning expressed in Kahn's words is already obvious.

  He wants to make an example to others.

   But who is that chicken?

   While Doflamingo was thinking, Kahn's words sounded again: "By the way, there is someone here, I think you will be very interested."

  And Doflamingo, who heard Kahn's words, froze for a moment.

   Who is he interested in?

who is it?

   "Trafalgaroo." Kahn said directly.

   Hear Luo's name.

  Doflamingo also reacted.

  He was really interested in this guy.

   "How much does Lieutenant General Kahn need?" Doflamingo asked directly.

  Since Lieutenant General Kahn has already said this, it means that Luo should already be in the hands of Lieutenant General Kahn.

  Then he might as well be more straightforward and ask how much it is?

   "The old man likes to talk to smart people like you." Kahn said directly.

   "Ten billion Baileys." Kahn directly gave a number.

   "Okay, no problem. I will ask my subordinates to send the money directly to the base. Including the previous compensation, the total is 15 billion Baileys." Doflamingo readily agreed.

   Ten billion Baileys is not a small number.

  But considering the current situation of this boy Luo.

   Plus what happened two years ago.

  Doflamingo didn't want to make extra trouble either.

  So he directly agreed.

   "Very good, very refreshing, but before handing this kid over to you, the old man needs him to do something." Kahn said again.

   Hear Kahn's words.

  Doflamingo also reacted.

  Before, he was thinking about who is the chicken that Ka is going to kill?

   It should be obvious now.

  As a participant in this matter, he knew very well that Luo had made an agreement with Kahn two years ago.

  It seems that that kid Luo didn't fulfill the agreement at all according to Kahn's intention.

   Thinking of this, Doflamingo sneered in his heart.

   Really bold!

   Although he didn't know why Lieutenant General Kahn knew that Luo was in Punk Hazard, Doflamingo had a feeling.

   That is what Kahn does not know in this world.

   This is a premonition of his.

   It is precisely because of this premonition.

   That made him so afraid of Kahn.

   "I don't have any opinions here." Doflamingo said directly.

   What else could he have said?

  Kan even said that he was going to overthrow the Beast Pirates.

   What else could he say?

   Could it be that Kahn was told not to go?

  He doesn't have such a big face yet.

   "Okay, let's leave this matter as it is! Tell your subordinates to leave the island as quickly as possible. The old man thinks there is no need for this island to exist."

   "Do you want Lieutenant General Kahn?"

   "Yes, that's what you think."

   "Why?" Doflamingo was puzzled.

   "Of course I invite some people to watch the fireworks, so as not to jump up and down." Kahn said directly.

   "I understand, let them evacuate." Doflamingo said directly without hesitation.

  Kahn heard the words and stopped talking nonsense, and hung up the phone directly.

   "What does Lieutenant General Kahn mean when he said that this island is no longer necessary?" a sea soldier asked suddenly.

  His face was full of dull look.

   "I don't know." Another sailor said immediately.

   "Could it be that Lieutenant General Kahn will directly destroy this island?"

  As soon as these words came out, all the sailors looked at him.

   Then the horror in his eyes couldn't be suppressed at all.

   "Is it really possible to destroy an island?"

   "It can be done, as long as Lieutenant General Kahn thinks, then it can be done. The Judiciary Island was directly erased by Lieutenant General Kahn," Dasqi said suddenly.

   Smoker's expression was extremely serious.

   Listen to the conversation between them just now.

  Doflamingo and Kahn seem to have a bad relationship.

   This is absolutely intolerable to him.

   At this moment, Kahn looked at him.

   "Smog, long time no see, but I didn't expect you to be so useless!"

  Da Siqi's expression instantly turned red.

   Or Smoker.

"What did you say?"

   "Is what the old man said wrong?" Kahn said indifferently.

   It's just that Kahn was a little surprised this time.

  Smog this guy looks very angry.

   But in the end it didn't come out.

   "I know that my strength is not as good as yours, but I don't agree with your approach." Smoker finally said.

   "Joke, when did the old man need your approval?" Kahn's words were sarcasm.

   Smoker squeezed his hands when he heard the words, but finally let go.

   "This is not the place for you to stay, leave now!" Kahn said directly.

  Hearing Kahn's words, Smogg looked up at Kahn.

   "You are covering up the experiment conducted by Shichibukai Doflamingo here, are you going to hide it?"

  Everyone was taken aback by Smoker's sudden outburst.

   "Lieutenant General Smogg." Duski shouted immediately.

  She clearly knew that Lieutenant General Smoker and Lieutenant General Kahn in front of her had several conflicts.

   But in the end it was Lieutenant General Small who suffered the loss.

  So the tone is very worried.

  I also want to remind Lieutenant General Smoker.

   Kahn smiled.

   "Didn't the old man tell you before? When you surpass the old man in strength, I will teach you again! Now you are not qualified, so you should take your people and leave quickly, don't get in the way here!"

   Speaking of Kahn here, the smile on his face has disappeared, and he has gradually become cold.

   It seems to feel the atmosphere between the two parties.

  These sailors present did not dare to breathe.

   Although Kahn's words were calm, they were extremely oppressive.

   However, their eyes turned to Smoker.

   seems to be waiting for his order.

   "Lieutenant General Kahn, Lieutenant General Smoker is only worried about the serious consequences of this incident." Da Siqi said directly.

   Speaking of this, Da Siqi felt a little embarrassed.

   "Also, Lieutenant General Kahn, can you ask Luo to change us back."

   Smoker wanted to speak at first, but shut up immediately after hearing Dashiqi's words.

  He was also a little helpless about things like body replacement.

  His gaze involuntarily looked at Luo on the ground.

   It's all this guy's fault.

   Kahn looked at Da Siqi.

  Smog's body showed embarrassment, which was really hot.

   Thinking of this, Kahn stepped on Luo's body.

   Luo, who was hit hard, woke up immediately.

   A mouthful of blood spit out from the mouth.

   "Are you dead? If not dead, restore these guys." Kahn said directly.

  Luo also reacted.

  The reason why the other party woke him up should be for this matter.

   This made him feel endlessly aggrieved.

   "Why? I don't want to? The old man has another method, which is to kill the devil fruit ability user, which should be effective."

  Kan's words carried a murderous air.

   As soon as the words fell, Luo felt a cold murderous aura.

  He suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

  Because he clearly knew that Kahn in front of him was not joking.

   In fact, he is not afraid of death at all.

   But don't want to die now.

  Because he still has unfulfilled wishes.

  Although it now seems that he has no ability to accomplish his goal at all.

  But as long as there is a chance, he will not give up.

   After all, his life was bought by that person with his own life.

   Thinking of this, Luo said: "Now I have been seriously injured and have no ability to switch."

  His idea is simple.

   That is to delay time and let yourself recover some strength.

   Then look for a silver lining.

  Although it seems extremely slim.

   But it's better than waiting to die.

   Kahn is not ignorant of Luo's little thoughts.

   And he also knew that Luo was seriously injured now.

   After all, he did it himself.

   But Luo also has another title, that is Death Surgeon.

   Maybe he can't recover quickly, but there is no problem in recovering Smoker and others.

   "Do you think the old man is easy to fool?" Kahn said again.

  But this time Luo's face was very calm.

   "I am like this now, how could I lie to you?"

   Kahn had a sneer on his face.

   "It seems that you want to die, then the old man will fulfill you."

  Luo's complexion changed drastically.

   But Kahn's feet were already covered with flames.

   At the same time exudes a powerful breath.

   Then Kahn stepped directly on Luo's head.

  Feeling Kahn's movements, Luo was completely stunned.

  But under the pressure of death crisis, he reacted.

   "Wait! ROOM! It's too late." Luo became even more desperate.

  The next moment, Kahn's flaming feet stepped directly on the side of Luo's head.

  Terrifying force will crack the earth.

  The people around felt the landslide suddenly, and many people couldn't stand still and fell directly to the ground.

  Luo's feeling is the deepest.

  Because Kahn's big feet are right next to his ears.

  He could clearly feel the terrifying power.

  The domineering flames irritated his skin.

  He had no doubt that if he stepped on his head directly, he would have absolutely no chance of surviving.

  His eyes were a little frightened for the first time, because he had just experienced life and death.

   "Shame on you!" Kahn said.

   There was extreme dissatisfaction in his tone.

  But Luo at this moment is powerless to refute.

  Looking at the bottomless cracks on the ground, the sailors were even more stunned.

   "Okay, solve it quickly, the old man's time is very tight, I don't have time to play with you!"

  Inside the research institute.

"JOKER, I heard you right! Why stop all the experiments? Now is the critical moment. I have completed the weapon and will show it today. In addition, the giantization experiment has also made progress. Those children are Growing up according to my expectation, everything is developing steadily, why should we stop now? Hee hee hee hee!" Caesar Courant had a strong doubt on his face.

   It is important to know that it is not only Doflamingo involved, but also other sponsors.

  It's like the giantization experiment, what about BIGMOM?

   Of course, the most important thing is his weapon.

  That is the crystallization of experiments that can prove that he is the world's number one scientist.

   It just stopped, what should he do?

   "Caesar, if you continue, the consequences will be very serious. We just need to continue the research on devil fruit. As for the others, just stop!" Doflamingo said directly.

   Of course he knew what Caesar said.

   But Kahn has issued an ultimatum.

  He didn't want to offend Kahn.

   Especially after knowing Kahn's next actions.

   To be able to declare war on the two big and four royal groups at the same time is either a lunatic or an idiot.

   But Kahn is neither.

  Doflamingo even had a hunch that the two Four Emperors were definitely in big trouble this time.

   "JOKER, did Lieutenant General Kahn request this? I want to let him know that my research results are very powerful." Caesar Courant said suddenly.

   "Are you looking for death? Caesar! But don't take me with you!" Doflamingo's voice also turned cold.

  Caesar Courant was taken aback.

  In his impression, Doflamingo had never said that to him.

  Now that I have said that, there is only one possibility.

  That is because Doflamingo is afraid.

   But Caesar Courant was still very unwilling.

   After all, it is the result of his many years of research.

   "JOKER, my death weapon has been completed, can I carry out the experiment directly?" Caesar Courant said unwillingly.

  He was still unwilling to give up like this.

   "Lieutenant General Kahn has already planned to directly destroy the entire Punk Hazard. You must evacuate as soon as possible, otherwise, you will not survive at all." Doflamingo said in a deep voice.

   "What?" Caesar Courant's voice instantly raised an octave.

   This time, not only Caesar Courant, but also those men behind him, including Virgo who had just arrived here not long ago, were completely stunned.

   "Admiral Kahn is going to destroy the entire island? Is it true? Dover" Virgo asked directly.

   And Doflamingo over there was also taken aback.

  Because he was on the Chiryu during this time, and Virgo was basically in the naval base, so his whereabouts were unknown.

   So he was a little surprised, but thinking about what happened on the island, Doflamingo also figured it out.

   "Vergo, since you are here, that's even better. You are responsible for the evacuation, Caesar, remember to take the important data away." Doflamingo said again.