MTL - Pirates: From the Decomposition of All Things-Chapter 140 dover and classon

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At this moment, Krasson's silent ability once again demonstrated its important role in stealth.

Under the leadership of Krasson, the group tried to hide their figure as much as possible and killed the enemy who was intercepting the road.

With the help of the shroud of silence, several people rushed out, and without anyone noticing, they directly shot out their swords and killed several outermost enemies!

But soon!


While struggling, a gunshot came out, still alarming the enemy.

"They're here, kill them!"

"Don't let them go, send a signal! Summon people to come and kill them!!"

"Catch the leader, that's the person named by Boss Crocodile!!"

Bang bang bang!

As the shouting sounded, the sound of gunfire and killing shouts spread, and the enemy who intercepted the road crossing rushed towards Krasson and others.

Not only them, but also heard the sound in the distance, and the crowd rushed towards this side.

"Quick, quick! Kill them, kill them!!"

In the face of this group of enemies blocking the road, the few remaining people around Krasson also roared and rushed forward, "Kill!!!"

"Rush out and protect Lord Krasson from rushing...Pfft!"

"Go to hell!!"

I saw everyone rushing forward desperately one by one, trying to protect Krasson in the center, and from time to time the enemy's long knives slashed at them, blood flowing.

The madman's appearance, even if it was the party with the larger number, was shocked by the momentum and ruthlessness of Crasson and the others, and it was impossible to stop it for a while.

In these people's continuous injuries, the whole person is like a blood man, and finally rushed out of the block before the enemy's support, and you can see the scene at the port at a glance.

thump! thump!

Just after rushing out, someone was too injured and fell to the ground, unable to stand up again.

They broke through to this place completely with a strong will. After they were killed, the severe pain and dizziness from blood loss made them unable to hold on anymore.

"stand up!"

Seeing that someone was about to fall to the ground again, Crasson stretched out his hand to help him stand up abruptly, running towards the direction of the ship ahead.

Behind them, there are enemies in hot pursuit, and the sound of 'bang bang bang' can be heard from time to time.

At this point, they are already completely at the end of the game, and even a little more pressure will crush them.

All hope is pinned on the ship in the port, hoping to seize the ship and leave.

However, they soon discovered that the enemy behind them was gone after breaking into the port.

The gunshots stopped, and the running stopped. They seemed to have given up their pursuit and stayed in place one by one.

This strange scene, Crasson and others did not notice, their tense heartstrings had no time to think about these things at this critical juncture.

As the boat approached, several saw only one person standing in front of them.

"There is only one person, kill him and send the adults to sea!"


The exhausted crowd looked at the enemy in front of them and forced their spirits to kill each other.

Just before they ran to each other, after seeing the person standing in the shadow in front of him in the faint moonlight, Krasson's pace gradually slowed down.

"grown ups?"

"Lord Crasson, let's go!"

Crassson's strange behavior caused doubts among his subordinates, and even if he was powerless, he still wanted to pull him forward.

But no matter what they did, Crassone was as immobile as a rock.

The person who rushed in the front roared and rushed to the enemy with a knife, but was also stopped by Crassson when he was puzzled.

He just stood in front of the only four remaining men, lowered his head and said, "Okay, the next thing is between me and him, brothers, take a rest."

Saying that, Crassson ignored their shouts and stepped forward to meet the figure alone.

The full moon in the dark night sky, which was originally covered by clouds, was also blown away by the night wind at this moment, casting bright moonlight.

A faint fluorescent light illuminated the whole body of the man standing in the shadow, revealing that indifferent to ruthless face.

After more than a year, when he saw the familiar face of the man in front of him again, Krasson did not point his gun at him, but pulled out a cigarette case from his arms with trembling, shook a cigarette and held it in his mouth.

pat, pat!

He lit a cigarette in Deli's hands, took a deep breath, raised his head and exhaled the smoke, and showed a bitter smile to the person who came.

two brothers.

One person was wearing a pure red suit, with his hands in his pockets and a pink coat behind his back, his eyes wearing sunglasses could not see any expression, and his face was expressionless.

One person was wearing a printed shirt and a hood with a black feather shawl on his head. The clown-like makeup on his face pulled out a smiling face, which was unspeakably bitter.

The two stared at each other, silent for a while.

"See you again, Dover!"

In the long silence, Crasson finally spoke first. He looked at his titular brother in front of him, and said with a look of reminiscence in his eyes:

"I can stay, you can do whatever you want. I only have one request, to release the living brothers behind me."


Dover didn't answer, just stepped forward as Krasson watched the next step, and stood in front of Krasson.

There was never any expression on that cold and indifferent The eyes with sunglasses seemed to be staring at Crassson tightly, but they didn't show the slightest emotion.

No one knew what Dover was thinking at this time, and only heard his low voice.

"I gave you a chance, Roxandi! But you betrayed me."

Dover's forehead throbbed, as if trying to suppress the anger in his heart, and said with a killing intent: "As my own younger brother, you chose to betray me! Why!"

Facing Dover's questioning, Krasson was still smiling, but that smile was full of complicated meaning: "There has never been any betrayal, Dover."

Klaasson lowered his eyes, raised his hand and put the cigarette to his mouth and took a sip, "From the very beginning, I came here to arrest you. I am a navy! Admiral of the headquarters! Navy number: 0! 1! 7! 4! 6!"

"Understood? From the very beginning, we were people walking on two paths!!!"

Crassson restrained his smile and looked at Dover with bright eyes. Even if he looked embarrassed, at this moment, facing Dover's killing intent, he stood tall and stared at the other party without any fear.

"咈咈, 嗈嗈~咈嗈咈嗈-"

Listening to Crasson's words, Dover nodded and couldn't help laughing. He raised his hands to cover his face and raised his head, the more he laughed louder.

next moment!


The laughter stopped abruptly, and Dover took a revolver from his arms and pointed the gun directly at Krasson's forehead.

"Really, specializing in something useless....why stop me....why do I have to kill my real family twice!"

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