MTL - Pirates: From the Decomposition of All Things-Chapter 141 Link is here! (four k)

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The moment the gunshots rang out, Krasson thought he was going to die here, but the intense pain did not strike.

On the contrary, the whole person was hit by a collision, staggered and fell to the ground, and a subordinate on his body protected himself with his own body and pressed him under him.

He was seriously injured early tomorrow and had difficulty moving, but he did not know how powerful he was at this time, but he diddge and protected him behind him.

"Sir, want, want..."

Blood spilled out of the man's mouth, and his eyes were already blurred with blood. He could only stare at Crasson's words, ", live!"

The next moment, the man was silent.

"Kill! Kill him and let the adults leave!"

"Protect Lord Krasson!!!"


However, before Crasson could recover from this daze, he saw several people who had stopped behind him staggering and dashing towards Dover with knives. Under their feet, the road they walked was dripping with blood, turning into a **** road.

But even so, he still roared and charged.

"no, do not want!"

Crassson struggled to get up and reached out to stop him.

bang bang bang-

But the gunshots sounded, as if the death knell was tolled in Krasson's red eyes, and the figures who were advancing fell to the ground one by one.

Crasson's outstretched hand just stopped in place, watching this scene absently, trembling in silence.

"Stupid ants."

Dover didn't even blink his eyes. Amid the smoke billowing from the muzzle of the gun in the night wind, he deflected the muzzle and stepped on the spreading blood towards Crasson.

"See? Rossindi, that's the price you pay for your stupidity."

Dover's cold words penetrated Krasson's chest like a sharp blade, stabbing his already painful heart again and again.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a tug on his feet.

Looking down, I saw a man who couldn't even stand up, but still tremblingly stretched out his hand and grabbed his trousers, holding on tightly.

His eyes stared at his palm tightly clenching his trousers, and he murmured in a low voice, but he couldn't hear what he was saying.

And this scene, watched by Dover, who bowed his head, made the blue veins on his forehead jump violently, and he couldn't contain his anger!

bang bang bang ka ka-

The pistol in his hand rang, and after the bullets in his hand were completely emptied, he kicked the man out with another kick, roaring incessantly, furious!

"Damn untouchables! Untouchables!!!"


Crasson watched this scene, his throat rolled with difficulty, raised his hand and supported his arm to stand up, picked up a long knife that fell from the ground, stared at Dover, and said:

"In your eyes, they are lowly pariahs, but they are my brothers and sisters. They are more flesh-and-blood than you are."

"Tianlong people are better than others? You are just a pirate now, Dover!! Your evil deeds will eventually be punished by justice!"


Dover seemed to have heard some funny joke. He turned his head and looked at Crasson with a sneer: "Is it just you? It's just the justice in your mouth? Only strength and power are everything in this world! "

"The world government has cooperated with me and compromised with me. The justice navy in your mouth is just a dog in the hands of the world government. Why should they impose sanctions on me? Why?!!"

Dover shook his head, as if he was a little tired and didn't want to say anything more. Seeing that Crasson, who wanted to fight with his knife, raised his finger and pointed at the opponent.

"Enough, let this farce end! It's a pity you can't see the moment when I reach the top of the brother!"

Seeing life and death in an instant!

When Dover was about to shoot, suddenly a strong sense of crisis came from behind!

clang! ! !

A jet-black mace struck, and Dover turned and crossed his arms to block it. The violent collision caused a wave of air, and the shock wave was agitated, shattering the cracked stone slab on the ground under Dover's feet, who was caught off guard, and his feet were deeply sunk.

From the top to the bottom of the great strength, even Dover was beaten with his knees bent, and he was in a state of embarrassment.

boom! ! !

It was not until the collision happened that there was a belated explosion in the air, which shows how fast the people who came before were so fast!

Meanwhile on the other side!

"It's all right, Crasson."

In front of Crasson's eyes, a figure appeared, took him away from the place, put his palm on his body, and had the ability to urge the wounds on his body to heal and recover, and wipe away the blood.

"Lin, Link!"

Crasson looked terrified, and when he saw the person in front of him, he said in surprise, "Why are you here?!"

"Okay, your injury is fine for now. What's wrong with you guys, what's the situation now, Crasson, and why did it become like this?"

Link didn't answer Krasson's question, but seeing that the other party's injury was basically fine, he frowned and asked.

"Not good! Dover..."

Hearing Link's question, Crasson also remembered that Dover was still here, and when he turned his head to look, he saw a vigorous figure not far away, waving a huge mace, excitedly talking to Dover. fighting!

It seems that because of the initial surprise attack, Dover was temporarily suppressed by Yamato's continuous fast attacks that came with Link, and he couldn't get away for the time being.

Seeing this scene, Krasson swallowed the half of what he was going to say, calmed down, and quickly told Link what happened before.

"If the guess is correct, the fruit of the operation has already fallen into the hands of Crocodile, and now that Dover is here, it will be difficult for us to regain the fruit of the operation."

Speaking of which, Krasson was silent for a while, and this result was all caused by him.

Thinking of the brothers who sacrificed to stop the enemy and protect himself from leaving, he wanted Link to avenge them, but his reason still made him grit his teeth and say:

"Get out, Link! Crocodile's men are gathering here, and they will be around soon. Once they join forces with Dover, we can't be opponents."

Listening to Krasson's introduction, Link's frown became even tighter.

He didn't expect that after he got the news of Crasson, he let Hancock take the Nine Snake Pirates to move forward, and he and Yamato came here as soon as possible, but it was still a step late.

The men that Crassone brought from Chambord were almost dead and wounded, and in the end he was the only one left!

Luckily in the misfortune, Krasson was fine, and he rescued the other party in time.

Otherwise, if I wait until I come to Loida and get the news of Crasson's death, I am afraid that I will regret it.


Just when Link was fortunate to have rescued Krasson, a loud bang came!

A huge tangled long whip wrapped around Yamato's mace, threw her away fiercely, and smashed the cargo piled up on the dock in the building in the distance.

The smoke rose, obscuring the girl's figure, and Doflamingo, the master who made all this, looked at Link.

"You kid, you really betrayed me! Should I call you 'Death Omen' or Link now?"

Dover's body rose with a majestic momentum, making the surrounding environment instantly depressed, and almost irrepressible terrifying killing intent poured out of him and swept towards Link.

"Call me Link. As for betrayal? Maybe."

Link nodded when he heard the words, facing Dover's imposing manner without fear, he faintly leaped up with a powerful coercion to block everything out.

As for the other party's questioning, there was no arguing on this matter.

He and Dover were not the same people. With Dover's ruthless character, he was a hero who wouldn't care about commoners and would never give up until his goal was achieved.

And Link, as a modern person who has passed through, can never accept such a killing. What he hopes more is to be free and unfettered.

After Link grew up, the conflict between the two was an inevitable result!

"But I haven't seen Torrepol and the other cadres. I've missed it for a long time. Are you the only one, Dover?"

"嗈嗈嗈~ Interesting, really interesting."

Dover listened to Link's plain words, and the blue veins on his forehead rioted.

Crasson, who was going to be executed personally, was rescued by the other party, and Dover's heart was already burning with anger. At this time, seeing Link's contemptuous attitude, the anger that erupted in his chest was even more difficult to contain.

"It seems that because your strength has grown, you have completely ignored me, boy!!!!"

When Dover shouted this sentence, the whole person smashed the ground under his feet with a 'boom', disappeared in place in an instant, turned into an afterimage and attacked Link's side.



However, before Dover could get close to Link, Yamato, who jumped up from the ruins, held a mace and collided with Dover's long legs.

The black domineering thunder exploded at the encounter, and the fierce flash illuminated this area!

The impact swept through, and Yamato's powerful force made Dover frown, and the two jumped away as soon as they touched each other.

"Humph! Your opponent is me! Link is the Tianlong man you said, right? I want to fight him!!"

Yamato stood beside Link, the mace was stationed, licked his lips and looked at Dover with a provocative look, and said to Link in the second half.

Then, without waiting for Link to speak, Yamato rushed towards Dover!

God Foot White Snake Drive!

Yamato turned into an afterimage, waving his mace at an extremely fast speed and smashing it towards Dover!

Almost in the blink of an eye, he crossed the distance between the two sides and came to Dover!

The mace roars out!

Dover frowned, watching this scene, although it was only a brief fight, he clearly felt Yamato's strength.

He naturally knew this guy who came with the boy Link. He was one of three people out of hundreds of millions of bounties. In the face of Yamato's powerful and explosive power, even Dover wouldn't dare to be slighted!

But to say that Dover will be afraid? That is impossible!

No matter what you say today, the traitor who betrayed the family will not be spared!


With a cold snort, Dover shot instantly!

Transparent thin lines as hard as steel appeared at his fingertips, and the 'five-color lines' swiped out with his movements. The hardness of steel was comparable to that of cutting the mace in Yamato's hand into pieces!

clang clang clang-


The sound of the collision of gold and iron resounded, and Dover underestimated the strength of the mace in Yamato's hand. Not only did he fail to cut off the opponent's mace, but he was smashed down by the enormous force of the mace.

The mace fell to the ground, the ground trembled suddenly, the gravel and dust splashed, and a deep pit half a meter in size was directly smashed!


Yamato saw that the blow was missed, and when Dover was dodging sideways, Lei Ming Bagua unfolded his mace, carrying a sharp wind, and blasted at the opponent!

Eight combos! ! !

not good!

This lightning speed surprised Dover too!

Spider's Nest! !

Dense threads of silk shot out from Dover's hands, forming a fine spider web structure before the mace approached, blocking him!

The huge force from the Yamato mace was blocked by the spider web, and the force disintegrated layer by layer, only making a muffled sound of 'dong dong dong dong——', but it was resolved by Dover!

Not only that, after the spider web stopped Yamato's thunder and gossip, it continued to expand and expand!

Silk threads are pouring out continuously to form a big net, and the whole Yamato is shrouded in it!

"You want to trap me like this! No way!!"

Yamato, who looked a little irritable because of the intimate gestures of Hancock and Link for the past few days, faced the big net that Dover entangled, and the gradually long hair began to grow longer, and the two small horns on the top of his forehead grew Out, the blue-blue ice flame ignited out of thin air to form a flame band around her body.

In the blink of an eye, Yamato transformed into a half-beast form of the God of Big Mouth, and took a deep breath with a high chest!

The next moment!

No waiter Bingya! ! !

When the spider webs are closed is so powerful that it is comparable to Kaido's heat breath, it can instantly freeze the steel, and the terrifying freezing gas that extinguishes the magma spurts out of Yamato's mouth!

As soon as the pale freezing air appeared, it froze the cobweb threads wrapped in front of Yamato, and turned into brittle ice cubes with the sound of 'kakaka'!

And after the cobweb, Dover isn't much better!

The cold current that whistled and froze the air hit his chest, and even if he was blocked by the domineering blessing of armed color, the powerful impact still knocked him flying!

Leaving a passage of ice along the way, Dover's figure was still in mid-air, and his whole body was frozen by the terrifying freezing air. It turned into an ice sculpture and smashed through the building, knocking down the entire small building and burying him!

With the severe freezing air spreading, frost spreads throughout the small building, and the cold air is overflowing!

On the other hand, Yamato lightly waved his mace, smashed the frozen spider web and walked out slowly, glanced at the place where Dover smashed the ruins and raised his head to look at Link.

With a smug look in his eyes, he was about to mock Dover for a few words, but before the words were spoken, a terrifying aura burst out!


The ruins where the frost had spread directly exploded, blasting away countless rubble and ice cubes, and Dover's figure appeared in the lingering cold air!

That powerful aura that made people tremble swept the audience. If Link hadn't noticed something wrong and stopped in front of Krasson in advance, he would have almost been hit by the powerful aura of Dover and fainted!

Yamato, who was the closest, frowned and turned back, his eyes no longer despised!

Because she is very clear, this is the domineering of the king!

Domineering impact of domineering! ! ! Mobile users watch Pirates: From the decomposition of everything, please visit https:// for a better user experience.

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