MTL - Pirates: From the Decomposition of All Things-Chapter 159 Battle (Quad K)

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When the gorilla waved his arms again and knocked out the female warrior nine beside him, Yamato waved his mace to meet him.


! "

The orangutan roared with filial piety, clasped his thick arms together, and watched Yamato who rushed up slammed down.

Winter is booming!


The fists collided violently with Yamato's mace, the two sides violently collided, and the collision exploded with dark and domineering lightning.

The two sides parted at the touch of a button. Yamato looked at the eight-meter-tall gorilla, licked the corner of his lips wildly, and his eyes were bright: "It's not a big deal to be tall and tall! Come again!"

The words fall.

Seeing that she waved the mace in her hand, the 'Shen Foot White Snake Drive' launched, and rushed out instantly, throwing an afterimage behind her, dancing the mace in her hand, and violently colliding with the opponent.

Thunder gossip!

One big and one small were constantly colliding in the bombardment. The gorilla's strange power was obviously superior, but the speed was not as fast as Yamato. The collision between the two was like two fierce beasts fighting each other.

Every attack is filled with the aesthetics of power and speed!

Yamato's figure is obviously much smaller than the opponent's, but in the fight, he suppressed the opponent a little bit with the collision.

"Gluck cluck..."

Looking at this scene, the big wave woman smiled lightly under the mask, not knowing whether she was laughing at her companions, or she thought this scene was very dramatic.

I saw that the thorny vines under her were waving more violently. The thorny thorns were like wild pythons. The thick vines were constantly waving in front of her.

There is even enough power to spread out thorns and try to entangle Yamato and give support to his teammates.

Hancock stepped in front of him, kicked out his slender and fair legs, and swept away trying to wrap Yamato's thorn vines. His fragrant feet stepped on the wildly dancing vines, petrified the vines, and blocked in front of the thorn woman. Smiling brightly at each other.

"Your opponent is a concubine. Arrow of captives!"

Hancock's red lips kissed her fingers. Under the ambiguous and elegant movements, she used her ability to transform into a huge pink and peach heart in front of her. The love was like a bubble. 's heart bubbles stretch back like bows and arrows.

As she released her palm, the pink heart turned into arrows, and suddenly a large number of pink arrows were ejected!

Wall of Thorns!

Seeing the arrows of the captives that turned into arrows, the thorny girl was not slow. She waved several thick thorns and vines directly beside her, entangled in front of her to form a solid wall of thorns, blocking the arrows from missing. .

However, Hancock's invisible arrow was lost, how could it be so easy to block, the captive's arrow fell on the thorn vines, directly petrifying the vine wall.

The constantly bombarding arrows missed the thorns girl, forcing the opponent to turn the thorns in the distance, dancing with a whistling motion to block.

Every time the arrow collides with the thorns, it becomes petrified!

And Hancock, who rushed after him, kicked the stone wall in front of him, the petrified vines shattered, the gravel splashed, and the impact was comparable to a bullet, and he shot at the Thorns.


The woman snorted coldly, and the vines under her body grew rapidly, blocking all the gravel from the entanglement.

At the same time, all over her body, numerous vines suddenly grew a huge red flower bag that was extremely bright.

next moment!

The flowers bloomed, and countless thorns of thorns burst out from the center of the flowers, shooting out in all directions in a wide range.

Deadly Bloom!

clang clang clang clang!

Hancock's dashing figure was blocked by the thorns that shot out.

The bursting thorns also suppressed the others around them, and everyone dodged.

But soon, everyone's counterattack also came.

"Lianzhu volley!"

The female warriors of the Nine Snakes brought by Hancock, as the warriors of Daughter Island, are all elites.

This is the party with a large number of people. With the command of the cadre, the long snakes accompanied by all the soldiers turned into long bows, and the bows and arrows were shot like a rain curtain. Explode after the target.

The powerful force makes these female warriors like incarnations of bombers, attacking small enough shells to cover the cp0 members in front of them.

Not only them, but Krasson, as well as the two sisters Sandassonia and Marigold who had transformed into beasts, followed closely at Dover, who was seriously injured, and fought against the emaciated man who kept watching his comrades and never did anything. .

The gunshots sounded, and the weapons in the hands of the two sisters whistled and danced, carrying the strong wind!

"Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

Seeing the enemy attacking him, the thin man smiled strangely, and appeared in front of the seriously injured Dover in an instant.

One after another knife light swung out from the short dagger, forming a dense storm of blades, hitting Sandasonia, the two sisters Marie Gorod, and Krasson and others.

Boom boom boom boom!

Clang clang!

The sword light hit the arrow and exploded in mid-air with a rumble, and the weapons wielded by the two sisters made a clanging metallic sound.

For a while, he stopped the siege without seeing any special abilities and means he used.

Dover, who was beside the thin man, looked gloomy, looked at Link who was confronting Hughes, and then turned to look at the people around him who were scrambling together. Crasson's figure was among them.

The two brothers looked at each other, and the gunshot of 'bang bang bang' sounded from Krasson's hands, and the shot was cut off by the thin man wielding a knife.

Dover's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and the flames in his chest rose vigorously, causing blue veins to bulge out of his forehead.

Even though he was seriously injured now, he was as proud as he was. When he saw that Crasson dared to shoot at him, the fingers of his injured arms trembled slightly, his feet moved, and he wanted to rush out to kill.

"You'd better not move... Otherwise, you will die here immediately."

Just as Dover was about to rush out, the cold and emotionless voice of the man beside him sounded, as if to freeze Dover's whole body, causing Dover's glare.

As far as these guys in front of him, even if he is injured, isn't he still their opponent?

This is an insult to his strength!

But when he saw through the other's mask and saw the thin man clenching the daggers in his hands and staring in a certain direction with cold blood, his heart jumped.

Those eyes are like a poisonous snake that chooses someone to devour. At this moment, it is tensing its body. The snake apricot vomits lightly, ready to eject at any time and light up the highly poisonous snake teeth. Take a hard bite!

The object of his attention was not the Nine Snake Warriors who were constantly waving their weapons and attacking them, but still standing in the same place without moving, facing Hughes in the middle of Link!

The other party was just standing there, and everyone around him started to fight, but he never did it again after the first blow.

But such a move makes men have to tighten their bodies and prepare to be vigilant!

Noticing what was wrong with the guys around him, Dover immediately suppressed the anger in his heart, and looked at the battlefield between Link and Hughes again.

And at this moment, he met Link's calm, expressionless gaze, which made his heart suddenly chill.

Great pressure shrouded his body.

He finally knew why the man beside him said that he should not move, because in those Pingdan eyes, there was a brilliant killing intent.

It seems that a monstrous flame will erupt at any time, drowning their bodies and burning them!

Link just stood, making the thin man beside Dover not dare to act rashly.

Because he felt that Link's strength was far stronger than when he met before, and his intuition had never been missed. After he moved to Dover's side, this feeling was even stronger.

Even when he was besieged, his confidence in his confidence was shaken, and the mentality that he had been in control before disappeared.

Even if he knew that his superior, Hughes, as a space capable person, was stronger and weirder than himself, but he could never make him feel at ease.

This is also the reason why he did not immediately take action to harvest the lives of the people brought by Link even though his strength was strong enough, second only to Hughes.

He had a hunch that as long as he left, Dover would surely die!

In fact, this feeling of men is accurate.

Link has been able to teleport in the field after being familiar with the ability of the surgical fruit, and in the current situation, he is already considering using this ability.

Boom boom boom!

Withdrawing his gaze on Dover, he saw the cp0 member standing beside Dover. He knew that his idea of ​​killing Dover in an instant would be difficult to achieve. Link refocused on the space in front of him. on the able.

The two ignored the sound of collisions, explosions, and roaring hands, and Hughes felt the pressure on Link.

This is actually why he has always advocated before that he wants to negotiate terms with the other party, and is even willing to give up Dover, the nominal dragon man, for the drawings of the 'Pluto'.

He is very aware of Link's strength. Judging from his understanding of this young man, the ability of the other party to decompose and reconstruct is better than that of Douglas Barrett, who had the fruit of fusion many years ago and turned the sea upside down. tricky.

But even so, Hughes is not worried that he will die here.

On the contrary, he will try to defeat the man in front of him and arrest him!

Because he knew that behind him, Sacco, who was second only to himself in strength, had not yet shot, and he could at any time establish the victory or defeat at a critical moment.

In this battle, they seem to be besieged, but the real key is always on the man in front of them, as long as they can defeat Link.

"Fairy Wood"

They will be able to get the final victory, as for the others...  

Do you really think that he would foolishly rely on the navy to capture Link and the others?

The judicial ship belonging to the world government will arrive from the hidden place in a short time, and it will be a devastating artillery bombardment to greet Link and his party!

"You seem to have a lot of ideas."

Link noticed Hughes' demeanor, his body shone with lightning, and he raised his long knife and slashed with it.

Different from the ordinary sword light, the whole body was pitch black and cut through the space, and the huge sword light that left a knife mark in the air silently slashed towards Hughes.

And the sword light smashed several faces, appeared behind the space mirror in front of him, was strangled by the broken space blade, annihilated and disappeared in the air.

"Hehe, Mr. Link has the same idea, doesn't he? It's a pity that the moment you, as a pirate, decide to be the enemy of the World Government, you are doomed to be caught and end up miserably."

While speaking, Hughes waved his hands, and an invisible ripple appeared all over Link's body.



A terrifying space collapsed and appeared, turning into a pitch-black vortex, engulfing Link's figure in a blink of an eye!

But the next moment!

Link appeared not far from Hughes' side, the lightning flashing in his eyes was inspiring, and he charged towards Hughes with a knife.

It turned out that Link had already left the moment he noticed the fluctuations in the space, and all that remained was an afterimage!

Entwined by the domineering aura of armament, the power of decomposition makes Qiushui's blade sharp to the extreme, and it slashes down with Link's movements!

clang clang clang!


The long knife fell and cut off the space, but Hughes pulled out a handle from mid-air. The dark blue and translucent blade of solidified space blocked the blade!

Qiu Shui and this condensed blue space blade, the blade rubbed out a little bit of space debris, but did not cut off the opponent!

Link raised his eyebrows involuntarily, the long knife pressed down, and the giant force pressed the blade into the blade of space, a twisted body twisted, and the long leg 'Boom' exploded kicked Hughes , kicked him out.

Rumble boom!

Hughes' figure flew out, smashing through layers of explosions in the air, but I saw him pressing his palms down to both sides, the space behind him was like a wireless derivative, the speed of flying backwards slowly stagnates, and the people behind him stagnate. The space even made a 'crunch' sound.

"Is this the basis for your confidence to defeat me? But it seems that it is only a little resistant to cutting."

Link looked at Hughes, who had stopped while flying upside down under the influence of his ability, raised his hand to face the opponent, and his ability exploded in an instant!

The surrounding air began to squeeze inward toward Hughes, and the terrifying pressure hit, trying to squeeze the opponent into a terrifying ball of projectile meat!

However, in the next moment, Link felt that the air pressure he controlled suddenly dissipated.

In the air, he was still bowing, as if being supported by the big hands of the space behind him, he raised his head, and suddenly appeared in front of Link with a 'boom' in a strange way that was close to penetrating space!

Hughes transferred all the explosive force and pressure that Link had given him before, with his body, to the space behind him, making the space as if it was squeezed to the limit.

The next moment!

The tension in the space after squeezing exploded, and it bounced him in front of Link!

This kind of method can only be done by him who can fluctuate the space, and even surpasses the speed in the ordinary sense, but shortens the space distance!

The blue space blade, sliding in space, seems slow, but it is like a turbulent undercurrent of turbulent calm water. Under Hughes's swing, it slashes towards Link!

This is a knife that carries the power of space and condenses and squeezes the space. Under the long knife is a terrifying power that can instantly disintegrate the human body and turn it into blood fireworks!

Read the latest chapter of Pirates: Starting from the Decomposition of Everything, please pay attention ()

Read The Duke's Passion