MTL - Pirates: From the Decomposition of All Things-Chapter 160 Mirror Space (Quad K)

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Hughes' oncoming knife squeezed the space and appeared in front of him unexpectedly.

Link's childish hole can even reflect his hideous killing intent, as well as his belief in absolute killing intent.

He is full of confidence in this knife of his own!

And the fact seems to be the same. In the face of his sudden knife, Link himself seemed to be sluggish in place, even if the blade approached, he did not make any move.

It seems that the next moment, he will be slashed by Hughes's knife, and even if he does not die, he will be severely injured and completely lose his ability to fight.

But will it really be so?

The confidence in Hughes' eyes, before the blade fell, he saw the contemptuous smile on the corner of Link's mouth.


clang clang clang!

The sound of the collision of the blades rang out. In Hughes' unbelievable eyes, Link, who was clearly in front of him, suddenly changed positions. At the same time that he missed the knife, Link's long knife by his side pointed at an extremely tricky angle. He beheaded.

With the blade with the power of decomposition, the black knife easily shattered the space around him and collided with the blade of space that squeezed the power of space in his hand.

When the blades collided, there was a sound of gold and iron.

The strong wind swept in all directions, slashing the ground of the two of them with terrifying knife marks.

The slashed space revealed dark broken knife marks, and a strong wind whistled, impacting in all directions!

In the almost short-lived bombardment, the surroundings of the two were completely destroyed, the dangerous space debris splashed like a sharp blade, and the broken space cracks engulfed the gravel.

The terrifying power forced everyone around, even the most violent and violent chimpanzees and Yamato did not dare to stay in place, and retreated to the sides with the crowd.

Make room for Link versus Hughes.



Qiu Shui has Link's powerful domineering blessing, coupled with the power of decomposition, after facing Hughes' space blade, although he can't directly cut off the opponent's blade, his sharpness is obviously stronger.

The blade collided, and with the collision, a gap could always be cut on the blade of space, making it difficult for Hughes to maintain the blade in his hand.

Forcing him to constantly urge his ability to strengthen, but even so, after Link avoided Hughes and took the first blow confidently, his strange and unregular movements kept Hughes still in the throes. in shock.

He couldn't imagine how Link used to dodge the attack that he was almost guaranteed to hit.

No matter how fast the opponent's movements were, he was confident that he could see the trail, but he didn't even see any trail.

Could it be that this guy's speed is already terrifying to such an extent?

Then how to fight?

Especially when I feel my whole body, in addition to the fluctuations in my own abilities, there are also changes.

All kinds of thoughts appeared in Hughes' mind. As a space capable person, he could feel the fluctuations in the surrounding space. Although Link's movement only flashed by his side, it was too surprising!

Does he also have the ability to space? !

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"


Blocking Link's surprise attack again, Hughes stared at Link, his eyes wide and murderous, "I don't believe that you have the ability to space, it's impossible! What the **** is going on? thing?"

"Huh? Want to know?" Link chuckled.

Hughes roared at Link. He wanted to know the truth from this man, but what answered him was Link's increasingly fierce attack, which struck again.

'Mirror Space! ’

Since you don't say it, I'll kill you!

After seeing Link's ability, the difficulty and strength of the other party raised a new level in Hughes' heart.

He no longer thinks about catching the opponent, he wants to kill this enemy here!

Even if he gave up the news of obtaining the 'Pluto' blueprint, he would never allow the existence of people in the world who could control space like him.

Such an enemy is definitely a great enemy!

His face was ugly. Facing the attacking Link, he raised his hand and waved between the two to set up a space with ripples like a mirror.

The people around disappeared with the expanded space, and mirrors appeared on all sides, reflecting the figures of the two of them.

Overlapping, as if trapped in a space full of mirrors, countless silhouettes appear in the mirror.

Link's movements were also clearly reflected in it, and with his movements, the repeated Links in the mirror also followed.

Immediately afterwards, Link's rushing action was abrupt, and the figure of Hughes suddenly appeared behind him, raising his hand and slashing at him.

Link slashed horizontally, slashing Hughes behind him.

But soon, Hughes in mirrors in all directions appeared around him, and every Hughes seemed to be real, slashing towards him with a knife.

The sense of crisis surging from the whole body constantly reminds Link that these Hughes are real!

Everything looks so magical and weird!

Link's brows froze, he turned on the ground, and the long knife returned to its sheath.

With eyes closed, the muscles of the right arm tightened, and a bulge suddenly pulled out a knife!

The blade that flashed domineering lightning turned into a ring around his body. The pitch-black black ring was like a black light from hell, and instantly collided with the silhouettes of Hughes who were slashed around.

Loudly loudly!

Ring break!

The terrifying sword light swept across, and the Hughes who slashed towards Link shattered directly, turning into fragments of afterimages in space, and were swallowed by the black ring in a blink of an eye.

This attack of Hughes was cracked in the blink of an eye.

The spreading black ring even broke the surrounding mirror, and the broken mirror 'ping pong' exploded, but even so, it still failed to completely shatter this space.

It was as if Link's attack only shattered a small space, while layers of space were still nested outside.

Even the shattered space debris, under the mobilization of Hughes who didn't know where he was, turned into a whistling space storm, and the blades formed a tornado and swept towards Link in the center.

When Link saw this scene, the power of decomposition condensed in his palm when he raised his hand, and at the moment the storm hit, it exploded and annihilated and shattered the surrounding debris again.

The shattered space debris turned into colorful scattered crystal debris, floating and falling in the entire space.

Link stood there, looking at Hughes, who was clearly not far in front of him, but felt that he was isolated from countless space obstacles.

Looking at the projections of himself and the other party in the surrounding mirrors, he raised his long sword and swung the sword light, and the whistling sword light slashed towards Hughes in front of him. any entity in.

Hughes' body returned to its original state during the fluctuations, and this scene was also reflected in the surrounding mirrors.

Link swung the knife around, and the blade slashed past. The light of the knife seemed to be continuously derived and dragged into the space. It entered the mirror and rippled, but eventually disappeared.

Did not play any role.

"It's useless, here is the mirror space I condensed. Your decomposition ability is indeed very strong, but in this space, your ability will be weakened infinitely. Without the power of decomposition, the long knife in your hand will be Just a sharper weapon."

Looking at Link's actions, Hughes chuckled lightly and raised the blade in his hand. The azure-blue space blade had strange fluctuations in this mirror space, and the ripples affected the space around the blade.

It seems that this blade, which has been condensed into substance by space ability, has been strengthened in this space, making it even more dangerous.


Link was trapped in the space, but he didn't have the slightest anxiety. After hearing Hughes' words, he nodded seriously.

"Your ability is very special, and this space is also very interesting, but you think this can trap me?"

"I will not only trap you, but also kill you here."

Hughes' eyes froze, the voice fell, and the figure moved with it.

Along with his movements, in the mirror, countless figures from Hughes also turned on some kind of switch, moving in their respective spaces, attacking Link from all angles.

"Interesting, then try it."

Link's abruptly turned his head, looked at Hughes who suddenly appeared in the upper right from the wave, and slashed with a knife.


Blades collide!

The domineering pitch-black lightning exploded, the ripples of the concussion space spread out at the place of the encounter, and the terrifying shock wave exploded!

The surrounding mirrors shattered, and the shattered mirror fragments reflected countless images of two people fighting each other.


When Link was suddenly brought into the mirror space by Hughes.

The people who are fighting in the port are getting more and more intense!

Rumble rumble!





The chimpanzee transformed by the tall man is really like a violent ancient beast. The sound waves of filial piety form a shock wave of air waves, and the cracking rocks pierce the air and shock both ears.

Although his body is extremely large, he can leap into the air and hammer his arms to the ground, hammering the entire ground into a huge pit with a diameter of several meters, and terrifying cracks spread.

The ground shook violently, causing the female warriors of the Nine Snakes and others who besieged them to stand unsteady, and countless broken stones turned into stone bullets and smashed into the crowd.

His fierce eyes were filled with bright red bloodshots, and he slapped the female warriors who were attacking occasionally.

small book booth

"Damn gorilla don't run!"

Yamato has also transformed into a half-beast form, with long, gradual hair scattered behind his back, and his movements are fast, chasing after the gorilla in front of him, the mace in his hand is covered with freezing air, catching up with the gorilla is terrifying collision.

As a member of CP0, the gorilla obviously has strong enough physical skills, coupled with the transformation of the half-beast, the physical fitness can be said to be strengthened to a very strong level.

It's just a pity that he met a girl who was more violent than him. As a child, he grew up on the island of ghosts. When they met, they beat each other with Kaido's mace and taught Jack, who was like a little giant.

Yamato has plenty of experience in dealing with gorillas, who are capable of large animals. Even if the gorillas have six-style physical skills, it is really not enough to face Yamato.

It's just not long after the battle, and I can't resist being beaten, so I can only be beaten!

Horse Phantom Blade!

The mace wrapped in freezing air bombarded the gorilla's fist. The freezing air tried to freeze the gorilla's arm, but it was quickly shattered.

The explosion of the air of 'Dong Dongdong' resounded between the two of them, and the extremely fast movements even caused the afterimages of the two of them to wave their arms, turning them into countless attacks.

However, with the blessing of freezing air, Yamato is obviously stronger, and the gorilla's body is frozen by ice everywhere. Even if he can shatter the frost at the first time, the cold freezing air still slows down his speed.

Clearly, if he continues like this, he won't be able to support it for long.

Thorns are entwined!

Bang bang bang!


The ground under Yamato's feet was suddenly pierced by thorns that grew wildly from the ground, and the thorny thorns twisted and twisted toward the center, trying to wrap the unstable Yamato among the thorny thorns.

The gorilla took advantage of the momentum and slammed into the air again with a punch, and the impact force exploded the arrows shot by the Nine Snake Warriors in the air.

The huge body bowed and stepped heavily, like an unstoppable crash, with unparalleled power, rushing towards Hancock not far away.

The cooperation of the two put Hancock in danger.

"It is an unforgivable sin to even withdraw to attack a companion while fighting with a concubine!


Just facing the gorilla rushing in, Hancock's eyebrows stood upright, and his pretty face was full of sullen anger.

She couldn't allow the girl of thorns she was fighting to be able to intervene in other people's battles, and even let her attack Yamato!

The other party was a partner brought by Link, which made Hancock feel a great humiliation!

Strong emotions impacted in her The feeling of being humbled and angry because she was bullied by the Tianlong people broke out instantly, and the overlord's domineering impact burst out!

The powerful momentum rushed from her body, causing her black hair to rise like a waterfall, and the tyrannical domineering slammed into the gorilla and the thorn woman in front of her.

This sudden outburst made the body of the two people who bore the brunt stiff, and the gorilla's momentum was even more stunned.

Hancock's cold eyes flickered, his fingers moved gently, and a huge pink heart bubble was drawn by her, followed by her gentle push.

Huge love bubbles bounced out and burst open in the middle of the journey, turning into pink light and shining on the chimpanzee and the thorn woman from before.

When illuminated by the pink light, the chimpanzee's original movement like a crash began to slowly petrify, and the movement became slower.

As for the fight between the Thorns Girl and Hancock, she naturally knew the other party's means, did not dare to expose herself to the light, and tried to mobilize the vines around her to block, and countless vines were petrified by the light.

In a blink of an eye, under the pink light of Hancock, a large area of ​​petrochemicals appeared in front of him, and even the petrochemicals had a tendency to spread.

Even Sacco and Dover, who were in the distance, felt the stiffness of their bodies.

With Hancock's action, the gorilla's attack was obviously impossible to achieve.

"Sacco, don't make a move!


Seeing the change in the situation, the thorn woman shouted in panic.

However, before Dover's side had been keeping an eye on Link's Sacco, a long whistle came from Yamato's mouth, which was entangled in thorns!

The vines that were originally strangling Yamato were shattered at this moment!

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