MTL - Pirates: From the Decomposition of All Things-Chapter 205 Arrive in all nations

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According to Link's plan, the combined forces on their side include at least Moria, Tiger Sun Pirates, and Hancock of Shichibukai officially participating in the war.

Among them, the Revolutionary Army will deal with the fish-man island for Link to prevent the world government from making trouble. At the same time, it will cooperate with Klazon in Chambord to find a way to secretly control the entire Chambord Archipelago.

If it is not bad, it is not difficult for them to control the Chambord Archipelago. Although Zefa did not join Krasson's organization under Link's persuasion, he voluntarily requested to go to Chambord in this plan.

At this time, Zefa was already in a state of semi-detachment from the navy.

I believe that by controlling the Chambord Archipelago with these forces, Zefa will also choose to stand on the side of Crasson and the others when the World Government wants to declare war on Fishman Island.

At the same time, in the new world, the red hair is also the object of Linka.

As a strong man who can become the Four Emperors in the future, the strength of the red hair is absolutely strong, and Link's relationship with him can be regarded as a friendship.

Link also intends to pull him into cooperation, but it is a bit difficult to think about it.

According to Link's estimation, the redhead might refuse to participate in this battle, but in the worst case, it would be fine to persuade the opponent to watch the whitebeard's movements for him.

For Whitebeard, the most powerful emperor in this new world, his body has already begun to decline.

Link intends to reach a deal with the other party, and as his former partner, the Golden Lion Shikey is the best candidate.

I believe that with Whitebeard's own Buddhist character, it is unlikely that he will participate in this battle, not to mention that Link will promise the other party to cure his stubborn diseases.

As for the Kingdom of Germa, which has also surrendered to Link, there are other arrangements for Gage's troops, Link, and they do not intend to expose them in this battle.

Link still attaches great importance to Jiazhi's identity as a member country of the world government.

Compared to the importance of identity, the strength of the Kingdom of Germa itself is really too weak, if it is really involved in the next battle in the new world.

I'm afraid that he really came here to be cannon fodder. Before he officially debuts, he may have to be destroyed by some ambitious big pirates.

With Link's introduction.

After having a basic understanding of the strength of his own side, Moria was not as firm as he refused at first, and he made a decision in his heart.

He looked at Link's eyes with a strong fighting intent.

Link's plan dropped two emperors at one time and completely became the biggest talker in the new world. Moria was still very moved.

But compared to these, he is more aware of the importance of strength, listening to Link's confident words at this moment.

He was really curious to see how far Link's strength had grown in more than two years.

"As for the red hair, I have already sent an invitation. It is expected to arrive here in three days, but I am more curious about your current strength than you persuade him to participate in the operation, hehe."

Moria watched Link's eyes flicker, and the domineering arrogance from his body began to cover the entire room, and the shadows in the entire room began to twist and move like a living thing.

Moriah's awakening ability was quietly exerted, he smiled and said excitedly: "If you want to dismount Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, you have to fight against the admirals of the navy and the powerhouses such as the Sengoku. You Is his strength really enough? Link."

"All Worlds"

Seeing that the seats, curtains, and corners of the room began to flex their claws into the shadows of monsters, Link smiled indifferently.

Even if the shadow under him began to twist and want to activate, Link was still calm as if he didn't feel the pressure exerted by Moria.

"Morlia, I came to the new world this time to fight Kaido and the others. If I can't defeat them, then everything will be meaningless."

talking room.

There is also a domineering look on Link's body!


As soon as the domineering and domineering contact between the two people, there was a violent collision, and a dull thunder-like 'crackling' sounded in this room.

Seeing that the domineering and domineering clash of the king was about to burst the contents of the study, Link's domineering field instantly enveloped the entire room.

Previously activated by Moria, the awakened shadow monster was suppressed in the blink of an eye in Link's domain.

Under Moria's gaze, a sharp blade of light rose from Link's body and collided with him.

He could feel the kid in front of him, at least he had reached the realm of a great swordsman like himself, and even the faint pressure from the surroundings, which was the result of the environment under his control being squeezed by the Link Domain.

The changes in the study room seemed to reflect the state of their invisible hands-on confrontation.


Moria's shadow awakened, and it was really suppressed by Link's powerful domain ability. The monster activated in the shadow was attacked and collapsed by the decomposition ability, and turned into a shadow again. ,

Feel the oppressive force coming from Link.

Moria couldn't help frowning, it seemed that he still underestimated the power of the monster in front of him.

Has it grown to this point in just over two years?

Without continuing to do it, Moria grinned and put away her momentum and ability.

"In that case, then I agree to this cooperation. The next step is to follow your plan."

The cooperation between Moriah and Link is not without careful thought. How can it be possible to become the overlord of the new world without absolute momentum?

If Link's strength is not strong enough, why should Moria follow his arrangements?

You must know that what they are talking about now is to become the real emperor of the new world, to become the existence of that peak level.

This level of status is not as good as before.

What it represents is by no means as simple as a simple status.

Fortunately, in the short confrontation just now, although neither of the two sides used such powerful abilities, they also showed a strong enough posture.

Link's strength was recognized by Moriah.

Seeing that Moria agreed to make arrangements, everything started smoothly.

three days later.

Link saw the red-haired reunion after a long absence.

A bold man who lost his left arm and entrusted his straw hat to the next generation.

"Hahahahaha~ Boy Luo, you haven't made much progress. When you agreed to meet again, you were going to hit me with a bruised face and kneel down to beg for mercy? It's just the space ability that Link has given you now. ?"

When the old friend met, the red-haired right hand pressed Luo's hat and rubbed it hard, with a cheerful smile on his face.


Luo scolded angrily, running to Shanks' back with a space jump and raising his legs to give him a big **** squat, but he didn't expect that he would trip over just as he appeared on his feet and stood firm.

Stealing chickens can't lose rice.


"Luo, you are too miserable~ Hahahaha~"

"It's so funny Luo. Hahaha!"

The crowd of onlookers, Link and the others, as well as Shanks' crew were all laughing and laughing.

Shanks covered his stomach with a smile, and his tears were about to burst out.

"Damn Shanks, you are waiting for me to duel with you!" Luo's eyes spit fire, burning with surging fighting intent.

After that, there was another playful fight, which was quite lively.

Let the friends go to the party, and Link chats with the red hair alone.


At the same time when Link received the red-haired group.

Naturally, the three emperors and the navy also had different reactions to the news.

Ghost Island.


Kaido drank the spirits in the gourd, his face flushed red and two long whiskers were swaying, his eyes were full of bloodshot teeth and he was groaning while listening to the report.

"This **** boy! He actually dares to come to the new world, no, I'm going to kill him! I'm going to kill him!

! Woohoo, my Yamato, Yamato was just kidnapped by this stinky boy! This kid doesn't care about me anymore. "

"Ku giggle giggle, since that **** is here! The old man wants to fight against him in person, and see how capable he is now, how dare he betray the old man!

If there is a kind, I will cut the old man, kill the old man!

The old man doesn't want to live anymore!

! "

Kaido drank wine and shouted filial piety, crying and laughing, crying and wailing, looking at it all with a headache.

"Boss, boss Kaido, calm down. According to the information, that kid Link is now in the Mormon Islands in Moria, and now the navy is making a big move, we can't do it well."

Wiping his head with cold sweat, he persuaded: "If we act rashly, we will detonate the war ahead of time. At that time, our Beast Pirates will bear the brunt of the danger."

"Gulululu~ Damn it! The old man is going to kill that bastard! The old man's Yamato! Don't tell the old man that there is no other way, and even if there is no way, go to war head-on!"

Kaido's bitter drink hurts in his throat, and when he hears Link's news, he is out of breath.

He was held back in the new world for the past two years, but he was full of anger.

Hearing Kaido's words, he knew the situation of his eldest brother as well as nodded, but did not hide it, but stated the real purpose of looking for Kaido.

"The Big Mom Pirates sent an invitation again to join us."


As soon as Jin's words came out, Kaido's body smelt of alcohol disappeared, and the whole person rose up with an aura, and looked at Jin with a stern face without his previous appearance.

Facing the gaze of his boss, he felt a lot of pressure even if he was doing it.

But she still said solemnly, "Charlotte Lingling wants to secretly form an alliance with us this time, and join forces to attack and completely destroy the Navy's power in the new world. At the same time, clean up Moriah, Red Hair, and Link's group. …”


"Ahahahahaha, Whitebeard! Come out and fight me!

! "

In a certain sea area in the new world, in the clear sky, a huge shadow suddenly appeared over the huge Mobinic.

An old but heroic shout resounded in the air, startling everyone on the Mobenik.

"What is that? A floating island?!


"How can such a huge floating island appear in the new world? There are people who dare to challenge Father Whitebeard, who is on it!"

"It's too huge! Such an island, and that voice, could it be the pirate? It's impossible that he has disappeared for so many years, how can he reappear?"

As the floating island in the sky slowly descended, everyone on the Mobinek began to shout in amazement.

All of them looked at the huge island above in disbelief.

Started wondering what the **** was going on.

And as the island landed, a arrogant man with frantic blond hair and a golden kimono appeared in front of them soon.

The man clasped his chest and waist with two sheathed long knives, and just floated in the air, grinning arrogantly with a big mouth.

"Jie ha ha ha ha!

! "

"This is.... the golden lion? How is that possible?!"

"The legendary pirate Golden Lion Shiki! How could he appear here, and his body is still intact!"

"It's impossible! Why would the Golden Lion....would...he actually..."

Not only the crew members exclaimed when they recognized the golden lion.

Even a person like Margao who knew the situation back then widened his eyes, his expression became incoherent with disbelief.

He knew how miserable the golden lion was in the beginning, but the golden lion in front of him was completely intact, and his physical condition was better than his own father.

Make him unable to believe his eyes.

Only after Whitebeard walked out of the cabin, he looked up at the high-spirited golden lion above and narrowed his eyes.

Four eyes facing each other.

Afterwards, Whitebeard did not show any strangeness because of the state of the golden lion, but instead grinned happily.

"Goo ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"


Navy Headquarters!

The Warring States wore a large cloak of justice, and the wind was blowing on the high platform.

In front of him, on the huge headquarters square, there are tens of thousands of people standing in a dense array, and there are hundreds of warships docked at the port.

They are the many admirals and soldiers waiting to set off, and the three new generals are standing at the forefront!

Most of the well-known generals among the lieutenant generals are also there, such as Garp, Mole, Huoshaoshan, Ghost Spider, Dauberman and so on.

They are about to set off and go to the new world to participate in the next big battle!

Looking at the people below, the Warring States standing on the high platform was also agitated for a while, full of pride.

This is his first command after he became the marshal, and it will also be the biggest battle against the pirates in his strategy.

He knew that in the next battle, many soldiers would die as a result. UU Reading

It will be more intense than the battle two years ago, and it is not impossible even to kill the school.

But this step must be taken, because the next battle is related to the new world, and even the entire pattern of the world!

In a solemn atmosphere, the Warring States said only four words.

"Justice shall prevail!"

"Justice shall prevail!



What responded to him was a majestic roar like a tsunami!

Immediately afterwards, there was a torrent, the crowd was dispatched, and hundreds of warships set off towards the new world.

a few days later.

Link and his party arrived in the world.

Read The Duke's Passion