MTL - Pirates: From the Decomposition of All Things-Chapter 206 Big Mom's Arrangements and the Battle Situation

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Reactions on all sides.

When starting their own actions for the next battle.

Link and his party arrived in the world in the battleship Venus.

I was not the only one who arrived in the world with me. Moriah, as one of the overlords of the new world, was also invited by my aunt.

We arrived at the main island, the core island, which is entirely composed of cakes - Cake Island.

"Wow! This is the way of cake. It's too beautiful and dreamy, right?"

Outside the cake island, along the way, I saw many islands composed of various delicious desserts, and Yamato's eyes flashed with admiration.

"Yeah! Just looking at it makes people want to taste it. Sure enough, the world of the Big Mom Pirates is a paradise for girls."

"Woooooo~ Such a huge cake, I don't know if I can swim in it."

Not only Yamato.

After the other girls came to Wanguo, they were immediately attracted by the desserts and gourmet islands created by Auntie.

After seeing the cake island, I was deeply shocked by the dreamy huge cake. I wish I had been living in such a wonderful and dreamy island.

"Hee hee~"

Seeing the attitude of the girls, Mei Lize laughed even more, and took the initiative to introduce to everyone: "There are many places on the whole cake island that are completely composed of cakes. Not only can you swim in it, but you can also Fulfill the dreams you've been immersed in."


Garrett smiled and said, "The whole cake island consists of several cream cakes, such as Dessert City, Temptation Forest, Xingzi Lake, and the most important cake city."


Hearing that it was Garrett's introduction, the girls seemed even more excited, with a look of incomparable anticipation.

In the end, they all looked at Link together, and the eagerness and scorching heat in their eyes were almost saying, let's go play! Will go and see it!

Of course Link would not reject their idea.

Nodding in anticipation of everyone, he nodded in agreement, "After landing on the island, let Melize and Garret show you around."

"Hooray! Hooray Link! That's great!"

"Long live Brother Link! Hahaha, I can't wait!"

A group of people cheered happily and seemed extremely excited.

Link just smiled and didn't care. Regarding Aunt's invitation, he naturally didn't think that the other party would have any good intentions to hold a banquet at this time.

But since Link dared to come, naturally he would not be afraid.

Not to mention the fact that there is a fighting force like Moria, and everyone who is carrying the Shadow Legion along with him.

He really wasn't worried about the dangers of Yamato and the others going to Cake Island. The real battle power would only be concentrated in the main castle where he met.

before coming to the nations.

Link met with the red hair. Originally, he invited the other party to come to Wanguo with him, but unfortunately, the other party chose to refuse.

Somewhat beyond Link's expectations, the redhead not only did not agree to Link's treatment, but also chose not to participate in this incident.

According to the redhead, that is his left arm is a mark, which is his fate to meet the next generation.

He bet his chosen future on the opponent, not Link.

Link naturally knew that the red hair was talking about Luffy, but since Shanks made a choice, Link did not embarrass him, but separated from them after a short meeting.

Shanks decided not to take part in the fight, but at my persuasion he decided to meet Whitebeard.

he does not know.

Although he rejected me, he still proceeded according to my arrangement in the end.

What awaits him is the meeting of the golden lion and the white beard.

At that time, even if Shanks is unwilling to participate in this doomed battle, he will not be able to avoid it.

The Morning Star slowly docked at the port of Cake Island.

Looking at the old acquaintance who was still waiting and came to receive him in person, Link showed a smile.

"Long time no see, Katakuri."


Cake Island Lord Castle.

"Mom! As planned, the death star Link and Moonlight Moria officially landed on the island. Katakuri is welcoming them and preparing to come to our castle on the way."

In the huge palace, the aunt's huge and fat body sat on the seat, listening condescendingly to the report of her eldest son, Perospero, with a smile on her cherry lips.

"Mmmmmmmmmmm~ Our important guest is finally here, are the other invited guests all here?"

"Except for the red-haired Shanks who didn't come this time, the other pirates have already arrived. Hehehe~"

Perospero listened to his mother's cheerful laughter, and grinned along with it, and took the initiative to introduce: "In addition, we have received the news. Kaido's Beast Pirates are very interested in solving this kid Link together. , is already on the way!"


Auntie narrowed her eyes with a smile, and she was obviously satisfied that Kaido had been persuaded, "Don't worry, since Melize and Garrett are getting along well with Link, the Morning Star Chamber of Commerce is so prosperous. Then give this kid a chance."

"If he is interested, we will incorporate this Venusian family, and together we will control this guy Moria, and then fight against the naval attack. If he is not interested..."


Hearing this, Perospero showed a sneer on his face, and said with a look of disdain: "Since they have landed on Cake Island, they can't escape. Let me let the two sisters persuade him. "

Charlotte Lingling nodded with satisfaction.

As the emperor of the new world, she still has absolute confidence.

She didn't think Link's strength could match her, even if the opponent defeated her strongest son Katakuri at the beginning, but now is not the time.

Katakuri has also grown tremendously in the past two years, especially the domineering and domineering, who has been able to perfectly control the foreseeable future.

Coupled with his domineering arrogance and ability awakening, if he really wants to fight again, whoever wins or loses between the two is not necessarily sure.

At that time, if Link and Moria were unwilling to submit to themselves.

Then throw it directly to Kaido, and use this as a bargaining chip to win over the opponent to help him fight the navy.

This is a plan that kills two birds with one stone!

"What about the Sun Pirates? And what about the Navy?"

After learning about the arrangements of Link and his party, Charlotte Lingling asked about Tiger the Fishman.

She, the queen, naturally knew about the World Government's preparations to attack Fishman Island and forcing Fishman Tiger to make a choice.

That's why there are doubts.

"Hehehe~ Mom, don't you know the murlocs? Tiger Tiger has no one to rely on except us. Since the murlocs are our sheltered territory, they have no choice but to fight to the death for us."

Perospero licked his face with his long tongue, and said with a proud look on his face: "The murlocs of the Sun Pirates are very loyal to their boss Tiger, as long as the Tianlong people are not willing to let Tiger go, they will It will be a fighting force that will stand firmly on our side.”

"After all, the Navy will not let them go, and without our shelter, Fishman Island will once again fall into the bad situation that pirates wantonly trampled on before. Tiger is a smart person and naturally knows how to choose. As for the Navy, that The situation on the side…”

Speaking of which, Perospero paused and his face became serious.

"This time the world government is really crazy. The soldiers of the naval headquarters are almost all out to start a full-scale war with us. The huge naval fleet of hundreds of ships is led by the Admiral Warring States. The three generals and more than ten of the will have entered a new world."

"According to the forecast, when all the naval bases stationed in the New World converge, the Navy's warships will eventually reach about 150 ships, and the number of naval soldiers will reach a huge number of 100,000!"

Don't look at the fact that the number of warships and soldiers in the navy seems to be small, but in fact.

The number of fighters that the navy has poured out this time has already completely suppressed the nations.

Just do a comparison.

The nearly 100,000 soldiers dispatched by the navy headquarters this time are all elites. Except for some necessary personnel stationed in various base branches to maintain the stability of the entire route, almost all of them have been dispatched.

Take the kingdom of Alabasta, one of the largest allied countries in the world, for example.

There are hundreds of thousands of soldiers under the kingdom of Alabasta, which looks like a lot, right?

However, if these hundreds of thousands of soldiers are confronted with the 100,000 naval soldiers this time, they will only be crushed by the opponent, and they will collapse directly!

Don't even say that all the 100,000 navy soldiers are out, that's half the number. Fifty thousand soldiers were also able to fight with hundreds of thousands of soldiers in Alabasta.

These 100,000 navy soldiers are the navy headquarters, the elites drawn from the branches all over the world, the worst are able to compete with one against ten.

Not to mention those navy soldiers who have fought against the fierce new world pirates in the new world for more than two years, and they are the elite of the elite.

Almost everyone can master the six styles, as well as one or two domineering powerhouses.

There are 100,000 soldiers like this!

It can be imagined how powerful the navy's combat effectiveness is this time!

Compared with the 100,000 soldiers of the Navy, a new world overlord like Moria, the number of pirates under his command has only reached the level of seven or eight thousand close to ten thousand.

This is also the reason why Moriah has the commercial development of the Momen Islands, and in the confrontation with Kaido, he constantly recruits members to join his pirate group.

A small half of them are just ordinary little pirates, and only about half of the total number of people can really be counted as combat power, about 4,000 to 5,000 people.

As the three emperors, Kaido, Charlotte Lingling and Whitebeard will naturally have more men than Moriah.

Among them, Charlotte Lingling, as the queen of all nations, is the one with the largest number of people.

Compared with Kaido's love for those with animal abilities, he has about 20,000 subordinates who occupy Ghost Island and Wano Country, or the older generation of powerhouses like Whitebeard, composed of major pirate ships led by the captain's sons. fleet.

Charlotte Lingling's development system of the world is the most comprehensive. Not only are her sons and daughters recruiting pirates for her, but they are also like Tiger the Fishman. Under the prestige of Emperor Aunt, she chooses to take refuge in. their pirates.

The number of subordinates has reached more than 50,000, which is the largest subordinate of the new world emperor.

This is also why the Universal will be selected as a target by the Navy.

If the nations are allowed to continue to develop, they will only become stronger and rule more kingdoms in the new world.

They must use absolute strength to annihilate each other before Charlotte Lingling's forces expand beyond their control!

But of course, Charlotte Lingling's more than 50,000 is not without a fight against the Navy's 100,000.

As a pirate, the reason why the New World caused the four emperors in the plot did not allow Charlotte Lingling to develop. One of the big reasons was that the New World was too chaotic.

There is more emphasis on the strength of the strong here, and sometimes it is not that a large number of people can handle those powerful pirate groups.

Some pirates are not necessarily strong, but as long as one or two are strong enough, they can kill the enemy!

Pirates themselves are a group of people who lick blood, have little persistence and discipline, can you still expect them to have faith in their hearts?

Do not make jokes!

The reason why this war could start, Charlotte Lingling did not flinch because of the navy's all-out attack was entirely because on the one hand she was on the defensive side, and the navy came to the new world from Paradise to attack them.

On the one hand, it is because in the high-end, the real power of the powerful, Wan Guo is not without the strength to fight the navy.

Although it is a little weaker on the bright side, Charlotte Lingling's strong combat power at the peak level alone can close a lot of gaps!

think about it!

If a strong man like Charlotte Lingling is allowed to let go of those naval soldiers, let alone more than 100 warships, it will destroy a warship just when it is about to face the last 'The Gun of Elbaf: Weiguo' .

Not to mention other more terrifying moves.


If according to Charlotte Lingling's plan, she would either bring in Link, Moriah, and Tiger to help her fight against the Navy, or it would be another replay of the two-year-old collaboration with Kaido to directly destroy the Navy. situation. UU Reading

Do you really think that if the navy wants to deal with the nations, it is only against them?

Since Kaido was invited by Big Mom, there would naturally be a conflict with the navy.

Not to mention the Whitebeard Pirates that are likely to appear, should the Navy be on guard?

In this way, it seems that 100,000 might be able to crush the formidable combat power of Wan Guo at any time. After coming to an away game like New World, it is not as incomprehensible as imagined.

This is also the biggest reason why the wise general of the Warring States period led the crowd to come, instead of sitting in the headquarters to stabilize the situation in the rear.

Only when he is the marshal can he mobilize the summoned Qiwuhai, suppress the three generals in the navy and the generals of the hawks and doves, become their brains, respond quickly to the situation, and give full play to this huge fleet. the power of!

"Fairy Wood"

It truly sets the situation of a new world in one fell swoop, rather than becoming a lawless place controlled by pirates!

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