MTL - Plane Master Copy-Chapter 1032 : Returning to the younger elder

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Although in the eyes of others, Wu Yan just quietly put his palm on the elder's body, and there was no other movement, so that everyone around mexican looked at each other, unknown.

However, the elder was silent and did not speak.

Perhaps it is because his ability to help others develop their potential is so inconceivable. Of course, it may be too old to move. If it is not necessary, the elder does not even want to waste energy talking.

Soon, the duplication of the two skills was completed, and Wu Yan took back his palm.

For a long time, Wu Yan certainly knew something about the two newly copied skills.

Developing the power of potential can help anyone maximize the potential of their own body.

The power of making Dragon Ball is naturally very simple, that is, making a dragon that can make a wish.

"Have you got what you want? Satisfied !?"

After Wu Yan retracted his palm, the elder slightly opened some muddy eyes and said to Wu Yan.

"Well, I've got it. Thank you Elder for your trust!" Nodded his head, Wu Yan thanked him.

"Hey, Wu Yan, you, did you just exchange some tricks from the elders !?"

As Klin, who had exchanged tricks with Wuyan for a long time, of course, he understood what happened to Wuyan ’s seemingly inconspicuous action. He asked Wuyan.

"Yes, but it is not an exchange, but two tricks obtained from the elder!" Wu Yan also did not need to hide, nodded.

"Are you even fascinated? What is it like? Is it amazing?" Hearing Wu Yan's words, Vegeta next to him couldn't help but be curious and asked.

"Well, great ability, but it is not a combat ability!" Hearing Vegeta's inquiry, Wu Yan nodded and replied.

Well, after hearing that it wasn't the combat ability, Vegeta didn't show much interest. The others didn't seem too interested.

But it's true to think about it. Even if you deduct the problem of aging, the elder looks obese and bloated. It doesn't look like a soldier.

Therefore, it is impossible for Wu Yan to trade any combat skills.

"Now that you have got what you want, and hope that when the evil forces invade our mexican, you can help, I am the whole mexican, thank you!"

I also know that my life is short, and I may die at any time. The elder supports the increasingly weak spirit and speaks to Wu Yan.

The elders did not ask what Wu Yan had obtained from him.

Obviously, in his opinion, this was a trivial problem. What he was most concerned about now was the issue of the continuation of the race of the mexicans.

"Elder, you don't need to be busy thanking me now. After we really help you defeat the evil power, it is not too late for you to thank me again!" Wu Yan with a smile on his face, opened his mouth to the elder Said.

While talking, Wu Yan directly took out a large jar of loquat peach juice.

Pour a glass of water, this time Wu Yan is very generous, in one breath poured ten drops of lotus root juice down.

"Ahem, me, I also want to see when our mexicans have survived the disaster, but unfortunately, my life has already been ..."

He coughed twice, and the elder looked a bit helpless and shook his head gently.

"Some things are not a problem for me, elder, drink this glass of water before you talk about it!" After dripping ten drops of peach juice in it, Wu Yan's figure was suspended and the water cup was put together Said to the mouth of the elder.

A few warriors from the Nemesh neighbourhood in Neru watched Wu Yan put some mysterious substances in the water for the elder to drink, and he looked a little hesitant.

It stands to reason that such a situation absolutely must block him, but the elders seem to trust them, and they do not even mean to block them. Naturally, they are not good at talking.

"What is this !?" The elder elder's muddy eyes, very sober, looked at Wu Yan and asked.

"This is the payment for our transaction, I promise you will like it!" Wu Yan stared directly at the elder and said.

Although defeating Frieza is helping the Namibus, but this is Wu Yan ’s own will after all, and the main thing is that if you do n’t take the initiative to tell Frieza about Namibus Dragon Ball, Namibus will not be met This robbery.

Therefore, defeating Frieza, Wu Yan never felt that this was his favor to the meker, but his responsibility.

In this case, he copied the two skills of making dragon **** and developing potential from the elder, Wu Yan naturally did not want to take advantage of the elder's advantage.

"That being the case, I will accept it unceremoniously!" After looking at Wu Yan's eyes clear and sincere, the elder said after a moment's silence.

While talking, he slowly opened his mouth.

Wu Yan poured all the water in the cup directly into the mouth of the elder.

Closing his mouth, the elder grunted and drank all the water mixed with ten drops of peach juice.

At this moment, all eyes are on the elder.

The mexican, naturally, was a little embarrassed, and no one knew what Wu Yan would drink to the elder. Naturally, I didn't know what effect it would have after drinking.

But ~ ~ Compared to the uneasiness of the Mexis, Klin and Sun Wukong are more curious.

Based on their understanding of Wu Yan, naturally they know that Wu Yan will not harm the elders, but what kind of treasure does he drink to the elders? Actually said that you can exchange the two tricks of the elder! ?

Under everyone's attention, the wrinkles on the elder's face were slowly fading away, and the original look of weakness and weakness gradually became more energetic.

Compared to other Namibusians, the elders' skin and eyes were originally dull, but now they have gradually become brighter.

On the whole, everyone can clearly see that the appearance of the elder looks younger and younger.

But for a moment, the elder, who was old and old, was about to reach the end of his life, became young again, and looked like a Nemesh in his thirties.

"Big, big elder, you, you have become, so much younger!"

Neru and others waited, watching the elder's appearance change, with a shocked expression on his face, exclaimed.

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