MTL - Plane Master Copy-Chapter 1033 : What is Wu Yan's wish! ?

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"Wu Yan, you, what did you just drink for me !? This is me !?"

Originally old, the elder elder lying on a big chair waiting to die, naturally also noticed his own change, raised his hand to look at his fat but wrinkle-free arm, and felt his body glow from the inside out. The elder also felt excited, and asked Wu Yan with surprise.

"Just a drop of magic fruit juice was added to the water I just drank for you. A drop of juice can increase the life span of 100 years. I just dropped a few drops !?" Seeing the elder's expression excited, Wu Yan smiled slightly and asked instead.

Sure enough, for someone who has reached the end of his life, he can regain his youth, even the elder elder mexican can't stop his emotions.

"Ten drops!" After thinking about the situation just now, the elder said.

With that said, the surprise on his face was even worse, and he said, "That? Doesn't that mean? I have increased my lifespan by 1,000 years!"

"Yes, you have increased your lifespan by 1000 years, so you have become so young!" Wu Yan nodded and said to the elder.

"Hahaha, now I feel that my body is full of strength!" After being confirmed by Wu Yan, the elder couldn't help laughing.

In the laughter, the elder turned up.

Feeling that he was full of young power, the elder wanted to try his current body.

With a bang, the feeling of shaking the sky, the elder dog lying on the ground in a posture of eating shit.

Well, although he was restored to youth and his young body was full of strength, the elder's body was too fat. He turned over and went straight to the ground.

Obviously, although the elder is the spiritual leader of the mexican star, in fact, his fighting ability can not bear to look straight.

"Elder, are you okay !?"

Seeing the elder dog lying on the ground eating a poop, Neru beside them was startled, and hurried over to help the elder up from the ground.

"It's okay, it's okay, it was just an accident ..."

Fortunately, the current elder is still very young, so he was lifted up and looked okay, otherwise, if it was the old body, just now, you do n’t have to wait until the end of life. Just fell to death.

"Wu Yan, you, you actually have a baby that can increase your life!" Not to mention what kind of situation the mexicans are next to, at this time, Klink and they all have their eyes widened, Asked in surprise looking at Wu Yan.

Witnessing the changes of the elders, they certainly believed in Wu Yan's words.

"Yes!" Wu Yan also nodded, nodding.

"Then, hey, can you give us a drink too !?", embarrassed, and felt his head, Klin asked.

"No!" But just for Klin's words, Wu Yan shook his head and refused.

Although there are still many peach juices, but you can't splurge on as many family properties as you like?

I gave it to the elder because of the transaction, but can I give it to Kline for no reason?

"Okay, I see!" Klin was a little disappointed when he heard Wu Yan's decisive refusal, but after a moment of silence, he just nodded, without entanglement.

Vegeta next to him took a deep look at Wu Yan, secretly amazed.

Originally I thought that Wu Yan's strength was just borrowing the gloves inlaid with six gems, but Vegeta found that it seemed that the longer he spent with Wu Yan, the more mysterious he was. I did not expect him except one In addition to the huge spaceship, there are things that can increase life.

"Wu Yan, I think I'm curious!" After a moment of silence, Vegeta suddenly opened his eyes and fell on Wu Yan's body.

"Oh? What are you curious about ?!" Wu Yan turned to look at him and asked, hearing Vegeta's words.

"I'm curious what is the real purpose of your coming to that mexican !?"

Vegeta stared at Wu Yan earnestly, and said, "In strength, you have tremendous power. In wealth, you seem to have incomparable wealth. You can see it just by looking at your spaceship. Now, you You also have something that can increase your life! "

Having said that, Vegeta gave a slight pause, and then said: "It seems that you have enough power, wealth and life, what else do you want !? Why did you come to that mexican !? Could it be you? Are there any other wishes that need the Dragon to help you realize !? "

Vegeta's words made Sun Wukong and Klin beside them all look at Wu Yan with curiosity.

Yes, Wu Yan himself has strength, wealth, and life. These things are all there. After he has obtained Dragon Ball, what kind of wishes will he make? What does he want?

"This, you really asked me for a while, I really don't understand it!" After hearing Vegeta's inquiries, Wu Yan was a little frightened.

Indeed, this issue has not really been carefully considered.

During this trip to Meksi, his first goal is to kill Frieza and make him into six magpies, which is enough for himself to use for a long time.

In addition, the elders here copied the skills of making dragon **** and the skills of developing potentials, which Wu Yan had been planning for a long time, and now he has succeeded.

Naturally, as the most characteristic dragon ball of the Dragon Ball plane, Wu Yan certainly wants to get the dragon ball of the mexican star, so as to make a wish, full of three wishes, this is almost like Aladdin's magic lamp.

However, there are dragon **** in Wu Yan's plan, but what kind of wish should he really make after summoning the dragon? ?

Wu Yan suddenly finds that she really hasn't thought about it ~ ~ It's like a person working hard to make money, in short, it can always make a lot of money Okay?

But how much does it really cost and what to do? It seems that it has not been planned well.

"It turns out that you don't know what you want? Or, you already have a lot of it, so you don't need to make a wish !?"

Seeing Wu Yan couldn't answer for a long time, Vegeta suddenly said.

"No, I have a wish! When the dragon is summoned, see if the dragon can fulfill my wish!"

As Vegeta's words fell, Wu Yan shook his head and said, squinting glances at the little cute beside him.


Not to mention what Vegeta and Wuyan are talking about on the other side. On the other hand, Frieza's spaceship, like a behemoth, has landed from the universe on the planet Memex.

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