MTL - Please Kill the Demon-Chapter 721 I'm sorry, I'm an undercover [single update]

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  Chapter 721 I'm sorry, I'm an undercover agent [single update]

  The naval division walked very peacefully.


  When he bumped into Patriarch Wuchao as soon as he went out, his first reaction was naturally the fear in his bones. Among the sea tribes of Guixu, those with lower realms may not know Wuchao, an ancient existence that has been hidden for many years, but anyone who knows his name is deeply afraid of him.

   That is the heavy shadow that hangs over Guixu.

   But after shrinking back for a while, the sea master remembered that he had an ally he had found behind him.

  The Black Golden Crow is also a powerful existence in the demon **** period, so it may not lose to you an old squid. Even if he has the home field advantage in Haizhong, there is still Yinghuo Tianshi and himself.

  Even if you have thousands of tentacles, how can you resist the joint strength of the enemy, our sky and sea wings?

  As for Wuchao’s subordinates, it’s okay to leave it to Xuan Yinzi and Zijinhou’s miscellaneous fish to take care of them. The power he summoned can securely win.

  Thinking in this way, with confidence, anger also arises spontaneously. How many years have I told you to suppress me, I can finally feel proud!

   It's a pity that this breath was a little short.

   After vomiting for a while, Hai Shi realized that there was actually no one behind him to help out. He panicked all of a sudden, what's going on?

   It was agreed to be shoulder to shoulder, why did you leave the brother here alone?

please do not? !

  He didn't have the courage to fight against Wuchao Patriarch by himself at all, so he turned around and wanted to escape back to the attic, wanting to escape back to his cozy nest.

  How could Patriarch Wuchao allow him to leave easily?

   As long as this ancient existence makes a move, it will definitely be thunderous!


  The thick black cloud quickly swept towards the sea division, as long as it was swallowed, it would immediately be assimilated into the endless darkness.

  Master Hai knows that the avenue ruled by Wuchao is the legendary Chaos!

  That is the extreme of darkness, corresponding to the ultimate light of Yuanchu Dao. The extremes of light and darkness are notoriously powerful.

  The Dao has the same name as Chaos, one of the Four Great Beasts, because Chaos is the beast derived from this Dao.

  As the ultimate darkness, the frightening thing about this way is that once anything is contaminated by that ink color, it will assimilate and fall into a state of "ignorance, knowledge, and sense", and enter an endless state of chaos.

  As the person in charge of the Chongming Dao, Haishi did not dare to confront the darkness rashly. While escaping, he instantly built an extremely compressed wall of heavy water behind him to resist Wuchao's supernatural power.

  But when the boundless black color invaded, all the heavy water was instantly assimilated and turned into a part of chaos to chase after the sea master.


  The distance to go home is so short and so far, if so, the sea master will be attacked by chaos before returning to the attic.

   After all, he is also a giant of the generation, and immediately made up his mind to turn around and fight!


  The figure of the sea master swelled in an instant, becoming a giant of the sea that stands upright, with three rivers and four seas in his body, and the blink of an eyelid is full of monstrous waves.

   This giant just relied on its huge size to withstand the invading boundless darkness.

   But it's just to withstand.

  The body of the giant of the sea was blackening at a speed visible to the naked eye. At first it was just a drop of black, but it turned into pure darkness in a blink of an eye. Such a huge giant could only withstand it for a moment.

   But that's enough.

  A blue smoke escaped from behind the giant, which contained the soul of the sea master.

  At this moment, he used all his cultivation to resist Wuchao, leaving only Yuanshen to escape. But as long as Yuanshen can escape, he can quickly recover to the peak in the sea.

  Chongming Dao should be invincible in the sea, but the strength of Wuchao Patriarch is really too strong.

  Seeing that Qingyan was engulfing Yuanshen and was about to escape, the ancestor Wuchao in the distance flashed an indifferent light in his eyes, and gently raised his finger and pointed away.


  The wisp of blue smoke enveloping Haishi Yuanshen's supernatural power actually started to turn black from the tail, as if it had been scorched by fire!


  Hai Shi hurriedly struggled to get rid of the green smoke, but that was the supernatural power he used to wrap his soul and fly away, but at this moment, he was infiltrated by the ancestor of Wuchao, and he began to be out of his control!

  Master Hai began to speed up his life and death, trying to pull his body out of the black smoke! Following successive escapes, he also came to the attic.

  At this time, if someone can help him resist the chaos attack a little bit, he can get away!

   At this moment, two figures flashed out from the attic.

   It was Zi Jinhou and his subordinate with thick eyebrows and big eyes.

  After such a short period of time, why did Zi Jinhou change his skin?

   It doesn't matter anymore.

  The sea master panicked and shouted: "Come and give me a hand!"


  Looking at the escaped Haishi Yuanshen, many figures flashed in Chu Liang's mind.

  Emperor Feng, Xuan Yinzi, Daze Demon King...

  Master can pick up so many heads, I am not afraid.

  Perhaps this is the luck of our Silver Sword Peak.

   Seeing that his situation was critical, Chu Liang suddenly shouted: "Lin Bei help!"

   "Ah?" Lin Beiyi Lin: "How can I help?"

   "Stay away!" Chu Liang said loudly.

   "Okay! Leave it to me!" Lin Beiyao responded and quickly hid in the distance.

   When fighting, the most important thing is to have a clear understanding of your own strength. Sometimes, staying away and not causing trouble is also doing our best to help.

   Lin Bei, who did not cause trouble to others, raised his head and chest, showing a proud expression after his figure stabilized.

  Chu Liang, who was on the spot, already had his sword in his hand, facing the Yuanshen of the Haishi who was rushing towards him, he let out a breath of foul air.

   The demon-slaying sword moved.

  Since the last time in the Far West, his Dao of Zhanxu has improved to another level, and he has comprehended the true meaning of sword intent.

  Although the opposite is the existence of the eighth realm, it is extremely difficult to kill, but so what?

  Anyone changes in thousands of ways, and I will kill them with one sword!

   This is the Dao of Zhanxu!

   It's just a one-word cut!

  The sword rises, the sword falls.


  A piercing sword intent pierced through the air, with the sound of howling wind, it was about to divide the road ahead into two parts!

  Master Hai was shocked, "Marquis Zijin! What are you doing!"

   Normally, he would not care about this sword strike in the seventh realm, but when almost all his cultivation is left behind and his soul is entangled by chaos, this blow is fatal!


  A sword shattered the green smoke at the front of Haishi Yuanshen first, and then from the brows of his Yuanshen phantom, a bright cold glow emerged!


  Zhanxu Sword Intent and the powerful spiritual power of the Monster Slayer Sword crazily cut his life, "Ah!" Hai Shi let out a frightened roar: "You lied to me! I will kill you!"


   Before the words fell, Hai Shi twisted his hands, and the body of the primordial spirit exploded.

  That's right, instead of being cut open, the primordial spirit was blown apart by himself.

  In fact, under the circumstances of Chaos attack in the back and sword energy intercepting in the front, it is already impossible for him to retreat completely. In this case, he resolutely used the last resort to save his life!

   Yuanshen self-explains!

   This explosion pierced the sky, and in an instant, countless lights and shadows shot out, like a rain flying in all directions.

  Like the kind of giant who turns his cultivation into a sea to meet the enemy, he can replenish his spiritual power later in the sea. But now that the spiritual power has been blown into thousands of fragments, it is difficult to make up for it in a short time.

  In this way, as long as a little of the true spirit can escape, he can survive. But for the surviving true spirits, if they want to return to the power they are today, they will have to cultivate for tens of hundreds of years.

   This is the price of life.

  But Chu Liang still didn't intend to let him go.

  Since the killer has been ordered, it is natural to follow through to the end.

   At the moment when thousands of stars fled like rain, Chu Liang also reacted, threw the sword in the air, and drew out the talisman.

  Fu Dao Sword Art!

   This is one of the sword arts he first practiced with Jiang Yuebai. Although it is basic, its upper limit is extremely high, not inferior to the immortal method at all. At that time, Chu Liang used a few talisman sword formulas to surprise Jiang Yuebai.

   Now that Chu Liang, who has reached the seventh realm, uses his powerful spiritual sense, it is no longer the same.

  chi chi chi chi chi chi—

  Suddenly a hundred thousand flaming sword lights flashed in the sky, all of which radiated outwards, each one accurately following a bit of true spirit.

   One hundred thousand rune swords!

   Boom bang bang bang bang!

  It's like a grand firework, but what explodes in it is the soul and life of the sea master.

   A rain, he left here.


  The aftermath of the explosion was over. Seeing that all the true spirits had been wiped out, Chu Liang didn't dare to breathe a sigh of relief.

  Because he did not feel the appearance of the golden mark, it means that the sea master is not dead.

  He's still alive!

  Chu Liang's spiritual consciousness swept across the surroundings, and the thick darkness in the mid-air had stagnated, as if he didn't dare to approach for fear of accidentally hurting Chu Liang and Lin Bei.

   At this moment, Lin Bei suddenly laughed: "I've got you!"

   He poked his palm out and pulled out a little aura from the mud in the ground. It turned out that this aura was hidden in Lin Bei's shadow, and he wanted to use it to escape.

   "Hey, hey, hey!" Lin Bei held the weak aura in his palm, trembling with excitement: "Unexpectedly, I, Lin Bei, have the luck to kill the eighth-level monster!"

   "Brother Linbei!" The little true spirit roared frantically: "We are still buddies!"

   "I'm sorry..." Lin Bei put on a cold face, "I'm an undercover agent..."


  With this cold sound, this true spirit was broken by Lin Bei...Chu Liang who had just arrived in front of him, and drifted away with the wind, leaving Lin Bei in a mess in the wind.

   After being stiff for a while, Lin Bei raised his eyes aggrievedly, "What are you doing?"

   "This..." Chu Liang felt the golden mark merge into his body, and then he was relieved. Looking at the tearful Lin Bei, he couldn't explain his head-grabbing behavior, so he said softly: "I'm useful."

   "I don't care." Lin Bei flattened his mouth, "You have to credit me with great credit."

   "It's natural." Chu Liang gave a thumbs up, "You have made great achievements."

   "Hey hey hey! The two of us actually killed an eighth-level demon, my God, this is really..."

  Lin Bei smiled through his tears. It was Chu Liang who originally contributed. He didn't care too much about this kind of head-grabbing behavior. What's more, it's even more impossible for him to care about these things based on his relationship with Chu Liang.

  He laughed loudly: "It's so cool!"

good evening.



  (end of this chapter)