MTL - Please Kill the Demon-Chapter 722 Fighting side by side [single update]

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  Chapter 722 Fighting side by side [single update]


  In a small attic, several Tianyuan powerhouses gathered in the current world to fight, but it has not yet exploded. One is because after the incident of Chu Liang stealing people and toads last time, Master Hai strengthened the pattern of this building quite firmly; the other is because the spiritual power of these Tianyuan was not released wantonly.

  Even the most flamboyant Black Golden Crow will stop in a corner at this moment.

  Hei Jinwu, the demon king of the wilderness, is a heterogeneous species of the Jinwu family of ancient mythical beasts, born with an evil fate. Originally, the Jinwu clan had their own Dao of Zhiyang, which was in full swing, but it was passed down to his lineage, but they were alienated and unable to cultivate Zhiyang.

  Coincidentally, the opportunity for the Prison King to enter the Shenxu and realize the Zhiyang Avenue in the secret realm was originally the inheritance left by the ancient Jinwu Protoss to future generations. But because this generation of Heijinwu was unable to cultivate, the outsider was taken advantage of in vain.

   And the Black Golden Crow is quite legendary.

  He was born with innate supernatural powers to control the invincible hands of the monster race. Seeing that he had reached the seventh level, just when everyone thought his future was dead, he relied on his own strength to take control of another avenue.

  Five Elements Yinjin Avenue.

   Metal is strong and sharp, half of Yin and Yang are chosen. Among them, the yin of gold dominates sharpness, the yang of gold dominates firmness, the yin of gold dominates killing, and the yang of gold dominates defense. Therefore, the yin and gold avenue is called "sharp killing" and the yang and gold avenue is called "firm defense".

  Black Golden Crow is the sharp-killing Taoist master!

   The main one is invincible.

   And the Jianyu Daoist is another Tianyuan strongman in the Jianguo Mansion, who ranks as the deputy prisoner, and has been guarding Tianbei Prison together for many years and never left.

   Also belonged to jail with pay.

  The Black Golden Crow blesses the Dao of Sharp Killing with its own talent, divine fire, roaring non-stop between movements, whether it is Heiyan or Lingyu, they can easily pierce through the mighty body!

   What trapped him was the ancestor Mayfly.

  The old ancestor Mayfly worked hard. Since he was called down by Lin Bei to help, he moved towards the strongest opponent as soon as he made a move.

   Immediately, thousands of red stars enveloped the body of the Black Golden Crow, and countless mayflies rushed into the flames! Every point of starlight is a reincarnation.

  In Heijinwu's five senses, he came to a red world at this moment, and a mayfly ancestor stood in front of him and shot at him. With a flick of Heijinwu's feathers, he shot out like a sharp arrow with black flames!


  The figure of the mayfly patriarch was instantly killed.

  But in a blink of an eye, another ancestor mayfly came out. In the perception of Hei Jinwu, this was obviously not a clone, but the real ancestor mayfly itself.

  But why can't they be killed?

  He didn't know, that's why even Wu Chao couldn't kill Patriarch Mayfly. In the Great Way of Reincarnation, life and death are endless. Even if you kill him thousands of times, it is only one life in his countless reincarnations, and he can be resurrected at any time.

  So as strong as Wuchao Patriarch, he can only choose to trap him instead of killing him.

  Hei Jinwu cultivates the great supernatural powers of hard bridge and hard horse. If he doesn't engage in these twists and turns, his choice is just one word when dealing with these enemies that appear one by one.

   Kill kill kill kill kill!

  Countless feathers are shot out, and it seems inexhaustible. After the mayfly ancestors are shot out one by one, new ones will appear in this world.

   "Okay!" Hei Jinwu smiled evilly, "I want to see if you live more, or I kill more!"

  He obviously has the strength to break free from this world, but he is so brave, he still decides to continue to snipe and kill opponents here!

   On the other hand, every patriarch mayfly will say a word at the moment before being sniped, and if there are more, it can be connected into a whole sentence.

   "Actually... really... yes... no... well... I think, if it's convenient, how about we draw a tie? Oh, can't you? Then forgive me... I'm... presumptuous..."


  The Yinghuo Celestial Master who disappeared in the attic has entered another world.

   Those in charge of Tianyuan who have reached the eighth realm will choose to use their own avenues to bless their own secret world. If they can pull the opponent into their own world during the battle, they will naturally have the upper hand.

  Fang Cai Tianshi was dragged into his own yin and yang world by Bai Ze without noticing it while the yin and yang were overturning.

  But facing Bai Ze's torture, he was still calm and composed.

   "The Venerable Bai Ze wants to know who plotted against you, I can tell you." Yingzhuo Tianshi replied with a smile: "But everything has a price, we have to exchange it."

   "Heh." Bai Ze sneered and waved his right hand.


   Ripples rose from the feet of the Celestial Master, and a black and white brilliance intertwined above, and the yin and yang reversed in an instant. The figure of the celestial master disappeared in an instant, and then turned into fly ash.

  From the other side of the yin and yang world, a figure of a celestial master reappeared, slightly relieved, "Her Majesty Bai Ze's big method of reversing yin and yang is really terrifying."

   "I just don't know how many times you can use Li Daitao's stiff trick?" Bai Ze asked coldly, and at the same time raised his halberd again.

  The Celestial Master was still calm in the city of Yu in the face of many heavenly beings, but when he was under Bai Ze's command, his expression was rare. His clothes suddenly bulged, revealing countless dotted lines.

   And the other end of these countless dotted lines are all connected to Bai Ze's body at some point.

   On the other side, the gray world was revealed from the Yin-Yang world, and the two worlds collided, making an ear-piercing sound of rattle. And in that gray world, there was the faint sound of the battle formation of gold and iron horses slashing and killing.

   "I knew I was no match for Venerable Bai Ze, so I had to hold back a little bit. When you pulled me into this yin and yang realm, I also brought in my own chaotic realm."

   "Now you and I are destined to be connected. If I die, Venerable Bai Ze may also fall together." The Celestial Master smiled again, "You have reached the sacred threshold, and it would be too unworthy to die with the old man."

  Baize's eyes flickered when he heard the words.


  Flip with two fingers.

  The light in the eyes of the two of them disappeared at the same time, and they turned into two corpses in an instant.

  But after a while, there was a sound of the jade talisman breaking on Bai Ze's body, and a white glow fell on her body again, and the divine light in her eyes lit up again.

   When he looked in front of him again, the body of the celestial master had turned into a dead leaf.

  At this moment, there was a sound from the dead leaves.

"Her Majesty Bai Ze's reversal of yin and yang really does not only kill people, but also restores yang in a short period of time. It is really an amazing creation of ghosts and gods." Among the dead leaves, there is still the slow voice of Master Yinghuo: "With the old man's precious old Shaluo leaf Clone, it is not a waste to try out this move."

  Bai Ze stared at the dead leaf thoughtfully.

  As the celestial master's words dissipated, the palm-sized dead leaf fluttered to the ground, completely losing all spirituality.


   At the other end of the attic, Yuan Luxian was suppressed by the joint efforts of Yan Daoren and Emperor Nvfeng.

As a senior Tianyuan powerhouse, he is in charge of the Dao of Myriad Tribulations of the Demon Sect. Every ninety-nine or eighty-one days, he will experience a catastrophe. As long as he is alive, he will become stronger. existence; of course, the intensity of the catastrophe will continue to increase, and if you fail to survive, it is your own catastrophe.

   It stands to reason that he has practiced this way for many years, and his cultivation base is definitely stronger than that of Yan Daoren, a newcomer who has just entered Tianyuan. She was intimidated by Taoist Yan before, but also because she was backed by Mount Shu, not all because she was afraid of her personally.

  But besides Taoist Yan, there are three other people, Wang Xuanling, Xu Ziyang and Emperor Nv Feng, who asked to help out. There is a tacit understanding between the people of Shushan. The master and apprentice of Yujianfeng did not step forward to make trouble, but only swept the formation with swordsmanship in the distance.

  Yan Daoren and Emperor Nvfeng charged left and right, forcing Yuan Luxian to resist left and right. Whether it was Yan Taoren's sword energy or Emperor Nvfeng's divine fire, they were all attacks he could not touch.

   Suddenly fell into a disadvantage.

   After fighting for a while, the Yin-Yang boundary disappeared, and Bai Ze's figure reappeared. At the same time, with a crackling sound, the Black Golden Crow pierced through the world of Patriarch Mayfly, and his figure suddenly fell to the ground.


Immortal Yuan Lu retreated Taoist Yan and Emperor Feng, came to the side of Hei Jinwu and gritted his teeth: "The demon king! The situation is not good! Yinghuo Tianshi and Haishi have all run away, and there are righteous people coming! Only you are left The two of us fought side by side!"

  As the powerhouses of the eighth realm, they have naturally felt the arrival of the powerhouses from the outside world.

   Not only Wuchao Patriarch, but also the Supervisor of the State has come here undisguisedly, and it is about to form a siege!

   "Is that so?" Hei Jinwu snorted coldly: "It's just a human trap, and you also want to trap this demon king?"

   After saying that, his body was like an arrow, crashing through the wall above the attic.

   The outside was already surrounded by the dark sea of ​​Wuchao, leaving no gaps, the wasteland demon king slammed straight into it!


  The Dao of Sharp Killing was opened, and the feather pierced through everything, including the ink sea of ​​the ancestor Wuchao, and left in a moment.

  With this invincible avenue, he is the most difficult existence in the world to trap, and it may be why the Yaozu sent him to take risks.

  The Jian Guo Ling didn't even try to stop it, but pressed the sword into the attic.

  Just now the house was full of allies, and now Yuan Luxian, who was fighting alone, was stunned, looking at the big hole left by Hei Jinwu's departure.

   "We agreed to fight side by side, your mother..." He showed a fooled expression, "I haven't kept up yet!"

good evening.

   Yesterday someone said that death in the eighth realm was too easy, but it actually has something to do with the recent update. If there were two updates, I might write a little more details about the back and forth, but the recent single update, if the battle is too cumbersome to write, this battle may take a week to write, which is too long. Therefore, the battle will be less dragged, as simple and direct as possible, and the plot will be advanced a little every day.

   And I don’t like to write too long battles myself. I’ll try my best to refine them later, so that the powerful battles can be distinguished from the small ones before.



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion