MTL - Please Kill the Demon-Chapter 751 Jiuli Mausoleum Guard [2 in 1]

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  Chapter 751 Jiuli Mausoleum Guard【Two in One】

  God of Jiuli?

   This title surprised Chu Liang a little, because when it comes to the existence of Jiuli, it is the "evil **** of Jiuli" that is often mentioned. Thinking about the identity of the iron-eating beast as the mount of the evil god, could it be that this old man is also a descendant of the evil **** of Jiuli?

   Originally seeing that he was seriously injured and dying, Chu Liang wanted to treat him. But what he said made Chu Liang hesitate.

  He did not answer, but asked in a heavy voice: "Are you a descendant of Jiuli?"

   "No..." The old man replied weakly: "I am a loyal believer of Jiuli Shangshen, and the guardian of the tomb of Shangshen's legacy...Tan Qingfeng."

  Shangshen Relics?

  Hearing this, Chu Liang became energetic again.

  In ancient times, the Jiuli clan under the command of the evil gods was good at controlling beasts and refining weapons. They had a special inheritance of Jiuli divine soldiers, and they had created many secret realms to store treasures and weapons. After a long time, those secret realms have been buried in the dust of history, and each one is a treasure.

  Over the years, Jiuli secret treasures have been unearthed one after another, often accompanied by sudden wealth.

   This so-called "God's Legacy" sounds like a higher-end secret realm.

  So he asked again: "How did you become like this?"

   "I..." The old man opened his mouth, let out two hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo, he suddenly stiffened a little, as if he was going to die soon.

  The iron-eating beast hurriedly handed the newly picked spiritual plant to the old man, but the old man didn't move as if he couldn't eat any more.

   It would be bad if this made him die. Chu Liang had no choice but to take a step forward and grabbed the spiritual plant on the claw of the iron-eating beast, preparing to refine it and feed it to the old man, and hang his life first.

  Unexpectedly, just as he approached, the old man who was about to die suddenly grabbed his wrist with his fingers, and his five fingers were still as hard and powerful as cast iron.

   "You are not Jiuli Shangshen..." The old man raised his last breath, "Who are you? Why do you have the aura of Shangshen on your body..."

   Maybe it has something to do with Jiuli Soul Armor?

  Chu Liang thought in his heart, and replied: "No matter who I am, I have no malice. I was lured by the iron-eating beast to save you."

   "Ho...ho..." The old man gave him a wary look, possibly under the pressure of death, and finally closed his eyes again, choosing to believe Chu Liang's words.

  I could just close my eyes and see Tai Nai standing over there waving, and finally someone came to save me and it was really not the time to ask so many questions.

  Chu Liang refined the elixir out of thin air into a ball of vitality, and slowly gave it to the old man. If there is no time to refine the alchemy, this is a more efficient way to use Lingzhi. After a while, the old man opened his eyes again, and this time there was some light in his eyes.

   It's just that the wound on his chest is still there, and Ling Zhi is just hanging himself.

   It's not that Chu Liang can't use pills to help him heal his injuries, but that will have to wait until the identity of this person is confirmed.

"Old Tan." Seeing that he woke up, Chu Liang said, "Although you are holding a breath of vitality, your injuries are too serious. You must return to the mountain gate with me to heal. But before that, this junior must confirm your identity." Identity, what do the so-called 'Shangshen Relics', 'tomb guards'... mean?"

  Now that the person is sober, it is impossible to cheat, so he simply asked directly.

   "What are you talking about?" The old man suddenly turned his head, "I don't understand."

   "Did you just say that?" Chu Liang looked at his old eyes and frowned slightly.

   "Just now I was dying, talking nonsense, and I didn't know what I was talking about." The old man said decisively.

   "Okay." Chu Liang nodded, and said: "In that case, please forgive me for not being able to save each other, let's go."

   After finishing speaking, he dragged the iron-eater beside him and was about to leave.

   The little guy obviously wanted to stay by the old man's side, but Chu Liang tugged at the nape of its neck, and it had no ability to resist at all, so it whimpered in anxiety.

   "You can't take it away!" The old man was out of breath, but his injured body was hard to move, and he slapped the ground heavily.

"I forgot to mention just now." Chu Liang said: "This iron-eating beast took my three spiritual plants back and forth, but they were not for nothing. I see that the senior has nothing but holes and holes, and there is nothing valuable, so I will use them naturally. Let this spirit beast be the answer. Rest assured, senior, I will treat it well, guaranteeing a bowl of water a day, a meal for three days, and try not to beat it to death at ordinary times..."

   As he spoke, he pulled the iron-eating beast, and the little guy resisted.

   "Stop! Stop!" The old man sighed, "Ask whatever you want, I'll just say it, don't take it away..."

   Helplessness was written all over his face.

  The boy from Shushan deceived me into being weak, and went back to the mountain openly carrying the iron beast.

Too much.


"The ancestors of my Tan family are all believers of the God of Jiuli. In the God's legacy, they guard everything left by the God and wait for the day when he returns. The ancestors of our family called themselves the guardians of the tomb." The old man said slowly .

   "Wait a minute..." Chu Liang asked, "Old Man Tan, is the God of Jiuli you mentioned the same as the legendary evil **** who was born in the Southern Region?"

"Shangshen is not an evil god!" Elder Tan suddenly said anxiously: "He is the **** of the Jiuli tribe. Under his rule, Jiuli and the human race get along harmoniously. The so-called legend of the evil **** is a shameless rumor that only appeared after his fall! "

  After his narration, Chu Liang knew the origin of the old man.

  Just as every ninth-level sage once gave himself a backhand, that ancient Jiuli evil **** also once gave himself a backhand.

  The many Jiuli treasures that exist in the world are what he kept for the future when the tribe declined. The biggest secret realm among them is the small world he created himself, which is the "Shangshen Realm" as Tan Lao said.

  He made these preparations for a grand war, and the evil **** took all the Jiuli tribe to participate in this battle. Only one iron-eating beast and the most loyal human race were left in the small world to guard the secret realm for him.

   In this battle, the evil **** did not return.

  Including all Jiuli tribes, all were defeated.

   "Who is his opponent?" Chu Liang couldn't help asking when he heard this.

   "I don't know." Elder Tan shook his head, "The ancestors didn't pass down anything about that battle, only that God Jiuli called it the 'Battle of Ascension'."

   "The battle of Ascension?" Chu Liang muttered.

   It sounds similar to what I saw in the Mysterious Dragon Realm and the Return to the South China Sea before. The ninth realm seeks to ascend and then perish?

   Will there still be those mysterious Taoist priests here?

   "In this way, the legend about killing evil gods in the Heavenly God Mountain Town is indeed false." Chu Liang said.

   "Part of it may be true." Tan Lao continued: "There was no Zhennanyu Mountain in the world. After the battle of Feisheng, this huge mountain range appeared in the Southern Territory."

   It is impossible to know whether the legend is true or not. Anyway, since then, the Tan family as the guardian of the tomb and the iron-eating beast as the guardian beast have been living in the realm of the gods, waiting for the return of the gods. They are isolated and self-sufficient, and rarely leave the Rift.

   Until the day before yesterday, a mysterious Taoist broke in suddenly.

   "He called us believers of evil gods. If he wanted to go deep into the ruins, we would fight with him." Tan Lao said.

  The Tan family was originally a big family. During these long years, many descendants have been bred in the God's legacy. The population inside is no less than that of some small island countries in the East China Sea. And everyone practices, the overall strength is definitely not bad.

  But the mysterious Taoist just pointed at it, and the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, the mountains and seas were shattered, and the creatures in the entire secret realm fell into a desperate situation. As the strongest in the family, Elder Tan tried to resist the aftermath of this finger, but was severely injured like this.

   Still the little iron-eating beast was clever, and carried him out of the secret realm and fled all the way. Shangshen Remains is located in the southern region, not far from Shushan. One man and one beast fled to the foot of Shu Mountain in this way, and they dared not stop until they were covered by the sea of ​​clouds.

   But at this time, Elder Tan was dying.

  The iron-eating beast then went to steal the elixir to renew his life.

  Although Old Tan's breath is weak at the moment, judging by his blood and bones, he is clearly a strong man in the seventh realm. The mysterious Taoist can do this with one finger, could it be the power of the eighth realm?

  If this is the case, I am afraid that the treasure in the secret realm has already been found first.

  Being disappointed, Chu Liang glanced at the iron-eating beast beside him, and said, "It's really evil... Jiuli God's mount back then?"

   "This is natural!" The old man looked at the little guy next to him, and said proudly: "The iron-eating beast kills the real dragon, the war **** phoenix, and is not afraid of the Kunpeng. It is the ancient giant with the highest combat power in the world!"

  As if to match his words, the iron-eating beast also stretched its claws hard, exposing thick flesh pads, and sticking out its tongue at the same time, as if making a very "fierce" expression.

   "..." Elder Tan paused, and said, "It's just that after the long years without fighting, the ferocity of the iron-eating beast has degraded a little."

   "A little bit?" Chu Liang couldn't help asking his soul: "Not to mention anything else, if you throw it in the forest now, can it eat meat by itself?"

   "Oh." Elder Tan sighed again: "I'm afraid it's enough."


  According to Elder Tan's background, although they are believed to be followers of evil gods, that happened many years ago. And the Tan family, the guardian of the tomb, is completely isolated from the world, let alone doing bad things.

  In this way, he is not a bad person.

  So Chu Liang first brought Old Tan and the Iron-eating Beast back to Mount Shu, and brought the elixir to heal his wounds, saving his life first.

   While swiping through the circle of immortal friends, I saw another piece of explosive news just now.

  The dispute between Yushan Academy and Zhanling Mountain intensified. Although Zhanling Mountain did not take advantage of it, it was repeatedly harassed, which made Yushan Academy uneasy.

  Academy is not the same as Zongmen after all. Academies are places where you need to study quietly, and you can't attend classes if you fight all day. But for the villains in Zhanling Mountain, fighting is tantamount to class.

   There is a natural disadvantage in this regard.

  In order to calm the dispute between the two sides, Zhang Chen came to the gate of Zhanling Mountain alone and handed in a letter of challenge.

  He actually challenged Qiu Fenglie, the owner of Zhanling Mountain!

  The content of the challenge letter is that the two sides will fight in a ring after ten days, and the loser will give up the qualification for the ten-place general election. Win or lose, this dispute is over.

  When they saw this letter, the heroes of Zhanling Mountain were shocked, both because of his cultivation and his courage.

  Zhang Chen has actually broken through the sky barrier and came to ask. Although this news is shocking, it is really nothing compared to his challenge to the Lord of Zhanling Mountain.

  Even if you are already in the seventh realm, the Master of Zhanling Mountain is after all a peak power who has been famous for many years. You, a young arrogance who has just entered the seventh realm, why do you think you can defeat a famous and strong man who has been tempered for many years?

  If it were someone else, the whole world would think that it was young people who just made a breakthrough and didn't know what to do. But that was Zhang Chen after all, and his style of acting was always humble and mature, which inevitably made people look forward to it.

   Could it be that he really has some hole cards?

  Qiu Fenglie felt insulted by this, but out of the dignity of a warrior, he still accepted the challenge and expressed that he would go all out.

  Ten days later, the day before the general elections in ten places, no matter who wins or loses, there is no room for change.

  Lin Bei made a sharp comment on this, "I don't know what the challenge is not clearly written in his challenge book. If it is more brains, it is estimated that the entire Zhanling Mountain is not enough for him to fight, right?"

   "If he can do this kind of thing, then he really has no brains..." Shang Ziliang said speechlessly.

  Chu Liang was healing Elder Tan in the cabin, while the iron-eating beast was waiting outside, which immediately attracted the crowd of all Yinjianfeng and its relatives and friends. Now the little guy is already well-known in Shushan, and even the elders of the four towns come here admiringly.

   The little guy wanted to go into the house to accompany Elder Tan, but these enthusiastic onlookers brought him a lot of elixir and fresh bamboo shoots, which piled up in front of him into a big lump higher than it.

   Xiao Tuo faced Big Tuo, and finally couldn't hold back and started eating. It's just that when it was eating, its eyes kept wandering into the room, as if to show that it hadn't forgotten its business.

   "Oh." Emperor Nvfeng couldn't help but rubbed its head again, and said, "Our little Chuchu is so cute."

   "What kind of strange name is this?" A stern voice suddenly came from the front.

  Seeing that the wound on his chest had begun to heal after being bandaged, and his whole body was much better, Tan Lao stood at the door of the wooden house with his hands behind his back, showing the majesty that had faded before.

   "Woooo..." The iron-eating beast rushed over immediately upon hearing the sound, and happily came to Elder Tan's side.

   "Ah, this is the name my master gave to the iron-eating beast." Chu Liang walked out and laughed.

   "The patron saint of the Jiuli clan, how can he use such an undignified and ugly name!" Elder Tan was slightly displeased, "It has its own name since it was born."

  The emperor's daughter Feng frowned slightly. It seemed that others said that the name she had chosen was ugly. She was a little upset, so she tilted her head and asked, "Then what is it called?"

   "It's called..." Elder Tan paused every word: "Jiuli Tyrant!"

   "Woo!" As if to cooperate with him, the little guy stood upright, slowly waving his palms, looking mighty and domineering.


   Against the audience, there was a long silence.

   "Old Tan, I didn't say..." Lin Bei took his chin and nodded the little guy, "What word do you think it has something to do with it?"

   "Anyway, it is my beast of Jiuli, and it has nothing to do with you." Elder Tan also seemed to feel a little embarrassed, and patted the iron-eating beast resentfully.

   "How can it be irrelevant?" Chu Liang said with a smile: "Old Tan, don't you forget that you still owe me money?"

   "It's just three spiritual plants, the old man will find them and return them to you later." Elder Tan said.

   "Hey, this is not about the three spiritual plants. I made the elixir for your wound just now. Do you know how much it is worth?" Chu Liang asked.

   "How much?" Elder Tan twitched his eyebrows.

   "If you don't know, it's easy to handle... I'll do the math for you, oh, forget it, anyway, if the food iron beasts are left here to work and pay back, it will be paid off in about three hundred years." Chu Liang said.

"You..." Elder Tan opened his mouth. He wanted to say that you were blackmailing, but after thinking about it, he really saved his life. After a pause, he said, "I know what you want to do, so you don't have to pretend anymore. .From the beginning to the end, you are clearly coveting the Shangshen's legacy, and you are greedy for the treasures in it."

   "Yes." Chu Liang slapped his forehead, as if he had been reminded by you: "If Elder Tan is willing to take us into the secret realm of Jiuli Shangshen to explore, that would be great."

   "It doesn't matter at all." Elder Tan said sadly: "Anyway, someone else has already breached the God's Remains Realm. If you want treasures, you can go to him to **** them."

   "That's right." Chu Liang said: "Elder Tan may have the image of that person? There is a high probability that such a profound power is not an unknown person, and we may or may not know it."

   Most of the powers in the eighth realm of the world have names and surnames. If they are really human races, they should be able to recognize them.

  Old Tan nodded slightly when he heard the words.

   This is not difficult for him with his cultivation level. As soon as he raised his hand, the light and shadow changed, and a silhouette of a figure appeared in the palm of his hand.

  But I saw that this person was wearing a green and black Taoist robe, with a white face and no beard, and he looked like a scholar. There was no expression on his face, and his eyes were full of superior indifference.

   Seeing this person, Chu Liang and the others naturally did not know him.

  It was just that a suspicious voice suddenly sounded from the crowd: "Lu Cang?!"

good evening.



  (end of this chapter)