MTL - Please Kill the Demon-Chapter 752 Wen Yuan's past [2 in 1]

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  Chapter 752 Wen Yuan's Past [Two in One]

   "Lu Cang..."

  In the Wuliang Palace, Venerable Wen Yuan also let out a long sigh of disappointment as he looked at the vague figure.

  Thanks to the fact that the elders of the four major towns also came to Yinjian Peak to see the iron-eating beast, they happened to come across this scene, otherwise the juniors would definitely not recognize this figure.

  But people of the older generation can recognize it at a glance.

   At this time, it has been 150 years since Lu Cang disappeared and Wen Yuan came to power. If the same generation did not deliberately maintain their appearance, they would all look old.

  But he still has that middle-aged face, the same as when he left Shushan that year, but his face lacks the original arrogance and vigor, and is full of that cold expression.

   "The person who broke into the secret realm of Jiuli must be Lu Cang." Elder Chuanjian looked at Master Wenyuan, hesitated to speak, and finally turned into a sigh: "Oh."

  Elder Tan and the empress Feng's master and apprentice also stood in the hall together. Looking at the complicated attitudes of the high-level people in Shushan, they couldn't help thinking, this intruder seems to have some kind of relationship with Shushan people?

  Is there some conspiracy in this?

But before he could figure it out, Elder Si Lu turned around and said, "Elder Tan, we have some private affairs in our mountain gate that we want to talk about, so please avoid it for a while. Don't worry, we at Shushan will never conspire about the Jiuli secret realm. We How to cooperate with each other can be discussed later.”

  Old Tan looked at her, then at Venerable Wen Yuan, and felt that something big was about to happen, so he nodded and said, "Okay."

  Wait for him to go out, Elder Si Lu looked at Di Nv Feng again, and whispered: "Ah Feng, you go out and watch him, don't let him leave secretly."

  Although Shushan really has no intention of harming others, it is difficult to guarantee that Elder Tan will not have unnecessary speculations, so we still have to be careful.

  Emperor Feng did not doubt that he had it, so she chuckled: "I don't think this old man is pleasing to the eye, don't worry, he can't run away with me here!"

   After finishing speaking, the Empress Feng also walked out loudly.

  Only the senior executives of Shushan Mountain and Chu Liang were left in the room. Elder Si Lu took another look at Chu Liang. Chu Liang immediately stood up and said, "I promise not to watch or talk nonsense, and keep my mouth shut."

   After all, he is not the kind of idiot player who can be dismissed with any excuse. It can be seen that the atmosphere is not right. This is obviously because there is a big secret to be released, and he doesn't want to miss it at this time.

  An ordinary disciple would definitely be kicked out, but this is Chu Liang, and the elders acquiesced.

Immediately afterwards, Elder Si Lu turned around, stared at Venerable Wen Yuan, and said slowly: "Master, we never asked a question about what happened in the Shenxu. You said that Lu Cang was in the Shenxu? Missing in the middle, you said that the previous headmaster didn't allow you to say more, so we all believed it. Because we believe in your character, we also believe in your ability."

   "Over the years, you have indeed lived up to our trust."

"But now that Lu Cang has appeared again, shouldn't you give us an explanation?" Elder Si Lu said in a calm tone, "No matter what happened back then, if you tell the truth, we won't have an answer. It's just that if he is still alive , we should find him, although his son is unworthy, but I believe he himself will never betray Shushan."

   Several generations of the Lu family have made great contributions to Mount Shu. Back then, Master Lu Yu and Master Wuqi all dedicated their lives, especially Master Wuqi. Without the foundation laid by him, even if the current Shu Mountain still exists, it will definitely be able to survive, and it is impossible to maintain the glory of Nine Heavens.

   And Lu Cang, who was of the same generation as those present, also inherited the outstanding talent of the Lu family. It's just that with the help of his ancestors, he was honored and favored when he was young, so he was inevitably a little arrogant, and he could be said to have shown his sharpness back then.

  Even though Master Wuqi had repeatedly shown that he valued the calm and mature Wen Yuan, Lu Cang still refused to accept it. He thought that the only thing he lost to Wen Yuan was that he was from the blood of the Lu family, and both his grandfather and father were concerned about the overall situation and did not want Shushan to become a hereditary fairy sect.

  So at that time, he raised his banner and attracted many elders and disciples who supported him. Including the four town elders who were present, not all of them belonged to Wen Yuan's camp at that time.

  Then Master Wuqi took the two of them to Shenxu, three of them went and one returned.

  Wen Yuan became the only choice for Shushan. For a long time, he was the only Tianyuan strongman that the Shushan faction could produce. So even though there were voices of doubt from all over Mount Shu, they all firmly supported Venerable Wen Yuan in the end. As for what happened in the Shenxu, if he didn't tell, no one would dare to ask.

  In recent years, Shushan under his leadership has indeed been thriving.

  But for the Lu family, the older generation still has deep feelings, including Wen Yuan himself. The last time Lu Chengchou made such a fuss, part of the reason why he was able to escape smoothly was that the elders didn't really kill him, they just wanted to capture him alive.

   Now that Lu Cang is still alive, things are different.

   Regarding the truth of the year, Venerable Wen Yuan had to give an explanation.


"Master warned me not to say a word about what happened back then." Venerable Wen Yuan was silent for a long time before he leaned back slightly, raised his eyes to look at the crowd, and said, "But now that Lu Cang is alive, I After all, I want to give you an explanation... this is what I owe you."

  The face of the Elder Dharma Protector today is that of a young child. He said crisply: "We are already on the verge of death. If there is anything wrong, I will go down and explain it to Master Wuqi."

  Elder Dan Ding smiled when he heard the words, "Yes, if you don't tell me, I might have to wait for Master Wuqi to explain to me."

  The atmosphere was a little more relaxed, and Venerable Wen Yuan said again: "It was indeed a trial when Master took us into the Shenxuan, but that trial was not presided over by him."

  The crowd just gathered around the table in Wuliang Palace, listening to Master Yuan telling the story of the past.

  Back then, Lu Cang and Wen Yuan were not young people anymore. They had already been famous for many years at the peak of the seventh realm. When the opportunity came, they might be in charge of Tianyuan at any time.

  The aging Master Wuqi took them to a hidden place in the God Ruins, where there were no hidden murderous intentions, no rampant ancient beasts, only a mysterious man in Taoist robes.

  Wen Yuan remembered that the man had a dark complexion, a plain appearance, and a dead look on his face, very similar to Lu Cang today.

   "Is this the best immortal cultivation seed in Shushan?" When he saw the two of them, there was no wavering in his eyes.

   "Is it enough?" Master Wuqi replied.

  At this moment, Master Shushan is dressed in a white robe, his face is aging but his eyes are clear, full of immortal demeanor. You can't see the flying and jumping of him when he was young at all, he is completely like an old fairy who has attained the Tao.

   "It's not as good as you." The mysterious Taoist said indifferently: "If you had followed me back then, you wouldn't be like this today."

   "Shushan needs me..." Master Wuqi said leisurely, "Stop talking, let's start."

  The conversation between the two of them made Wen Yuan and Lu Cang confused, but after hearing this sentence, they knew that the trial was about to begin.

  Seeing the mysterious Taoist priest raised his hand, he sacrificed a large black copper cauldron with a height of one foot out of thin air, and it fell to the ground with a bang! The mysterious lines engraved around the tripod seem to be flowing and changing all the time, and they seem to be composed of countless dao rhymes. Even with the cultivation base of the two at that time, they felt dizzy at a glance.

  Looking at the rhyme alone, this cauldron should be among the top ten artifacts of Wanbaolu, but the two of them have never heard the name of this artifact.

   "Come in!" The mysterious Taoist shouted suddenly, and a black and white divine light suddenly shot out from the cauldron, sucking Wen Yuan and Lu Cang in. The two also resisted subconsciously, but they had no strength to struggle.

  The last voice they heard was the mysterious Taoist's condescending sentence, "Whoever comes out first wins."

  Wen Yuan only felt that he had penetrated into an illusion of Sumeru, and the place where he landed was a pure white empty land, and there was nothingness in all directions. When he was in it, he immediately felt a huge sense of suffocation.

  Ordinary people fall into this realm of nothingness, and they will probably die of suffocation if they can't hold on for a moment. Wen Yuan used his spiritual consciousness to sweep through this boundless world of nothingness, and found that the Dao rhyme flowed in it, which was exactly in line with the Dao he majored in.


  He closed his eyes and focused his mind, quietly comprehending the Tao rhyme around him, and finally found a shadowless and invisible gap in the void world, which was the only way out.

  Wen Yuan leaned in, and immediately escaped from that emptiness, but what he came to was indeed another even more empty place. The same is nothingness, and the difficulty for him to find the exit has increased dozens of times.

  He went from one realm to another in this way, and sometimes he had to stay in a realm for a long time. He didn't know the sun and the moon in the cauldron, and he felt that he might have stayed in a realm for thousands of years. In this shuttle again and again, he also gradually comprehended the true meaning of primordial essence.

  At this moment, as long as there is enough aura to communicate with Dao Yun, he will be able to control Tianyuan immediately.

  Finally, after an unknown number of years passed, when he traveled through the gap in the space again and left, he suddenly saw a brilliance in his eyes.

   That is the sunshine that belongs to the outside world.


  Wen Yuan's body fell on the flat ground, already feeling like a world away. Only the immortal master was left around, and there were no other figures.

  The mysterious Taoist priest and Lu Cang have both disappeared.

   "Wen Yuan." Master Wuqi stared deeply into his eyes, "From today onwards, you are the head teacher of Mount Shu. The glory of thousands of years will be on your shoulders from now on."

   "Master..." Wen Yuan hesitated, "Did I win?"

   "No." Master Wuqi shook his head and said, "You lost."

  Wen Yuan looked in that distant direction, Lu Cang won? But why was he the one who became Shushan's head teacher?

Master Wuqi seemed to see his doubts, and said: "Lu Cang has gone to another place, and he has to fulfill his mission for Mount Shu. Don't mention a word about things here after you go back, just say that he was lost in the It’s fine in the God Ruins.”

   "I said?" Wen Yuan's eyes moved, "Master, you..."

"Didn't I say that?" Master Wuqi smiled casually, "I came to the Shenxu to search for the sacred relics. I still want to fight for a chance with my few lifespans. I have already The road has been paved for you, no matter who is going back, they will give their full support, Wen Yuan..."

  Master Wuqi suddenly pressed Wen Yuan's shoulder, and said his last words of instruction.

   "Even if there are nine deaths in the world, there is still a life, if Shushan is in danger in the future, remember to live with your heart."


  Master Wen Yuan was silent for a while after speaking.

  Shang Si Lu said: "So until the end, you didn't know where Lu Cang went?"

   "For more than a hundred years, I have actually done some investigations and made some guesses..." Venerable Wen Yuan said: "Although I can't be sure, it should be close to ten."

   "What?" Elder Chuanjian asked.

  Master Wen Yuan turned his eyes, looked to the northwest from a distance, and replied: "Shenxu Temple."

   Sure enough.

  When he heard what he said about the mysterious Taoist, Chu Liang had a guess in his heart. Among the Shenxu, the one that likes to hide its head and show its tail in a mysterious way is that ancient Taoist temple.

  If the mysterious Taoist came from the Shenxu Temple, it would be reasonable to be able to come up with a great artifact. To be able to wipe out the existence of the Jiang family so easily, they must at least have the combat power of Tianyuan level.

  But it is a bit terrifying that the cauldron can actually help the peak of the seventh realm to enlighten. There are not a few Tianjiao powerful people who are trapped at the peak of the seventh realm in the world. If everyone can enter and realize the Tao, wouldn't it be possible to produce Tianyuan with energy?

  Looking at Lu Cang's current appearance, he probably also joined that Taoist temple. Could it be that the Shenxu temple asked Master Wuqi for the best immortal cultivation seeds in Shushan, and then absorbed it into its own Taoist temple?

  What exactly does this Taoist temple do?

  Curiosity about the view of Shenxu rose again at this moment. However, people like the former head teacher kept silent about the existence of this Taoist temple, which showed that its frightening aspect was by no means trivial.

   Thinking of Whale Riding Immortal and Jiang Yuebai still wanting to find the Temple of Gods, I am really worried. At least until he finds the artifact, he must stop them from leaving.

   "So he hasn't shown up for more than a hundred years, and he suddenly entered the Jiuli Secret Realm, what is he looking for?" Elder Si Lu said suddenly.

"This answer may only be found in the Jiuli Secret Realm." Venerable Wen Yuan said: "Whoever you are, go and find out what he did or took away, maybe you can get some clues .”

   Several Zhenshan elders looked at each other, and they could see that each other was eager to try. It's about Lu Cang, and the old people who don't go out of the mountain all the year round can't help but want to make a move.

   But the first voice in the room was Chu Liang's voice: "How about... let me go?"

   "Huh?" Several old people turned their heads to look at him.

   "The elders have something to do, and the disciples will do their best." Chu Liang said: "What we are doing now is just to explore the secret realm, why not let us juniors go to experience it. When we really encounter any difficulties, the elders will take action."

  Elder Si Lu looked at his sincere expression and smiled slightly, "You want to go with your girl from the Jiang family, right?"

   "Hey." Seeing through his little thoughts in an instant, Chu Liang suddenly smiled.

   It is related to the view of Shenxu, Chu Liang naturally wants to explore with Jiang Yuebai, what if he can get any information that is helpful to their father and daughter?

   I just want to lead people, so naturally I have to take over this job first.

"Alright, let's treat it as an experience." Venerable Wen Yuan agreed, "Didn't Xu Ziyang from Yujian Peak also break through the sky barrier? It just so happens that the few of you who participated in the Fairy Gate Conference have not gathered together for a long time, right? Let the three of you go together."

   "Teacher, there were four of us back then..." Chu Liang reminded weakly.

"It's really fast for young people nowadays to enter the realm. At our age, how dare we think about the seventh realm." Elder Dan Ding laughed and said, "With Jiang Yuebai's talent, the seventh realm must not be far away. When the time comes, all three of you will ask, you are truly the golden generation of Shushan!"


  It's really inappropriate to mention Ling Ao at this time, just think about it.

  Chu Liang silently agreed, and then finalized the mission to go to Jiuli Secret Realm this time.

   While returning to Silver Sword Peak, he contacted Jiang Yuebai and Xu Ziyang. Of course, apart from them this time, the most important thing is the cooperation of Elder Tan, he is the most important.

   You have to have a good relationship with him, and don't get yourself into trouble by entering the Jiuli Secret Realm.

  Just as she was thinking, when she looked up, she saw the Empress Feng playing with the iron-eating beast in front of the cabin.

  Under the palm of Emperor Nvfeng, the little guy has no power to resist, but it can recognize the situation clearly, and quickly hugs Emperor Nvfeng's thigh to show off its cuteness.

  At this time, Elder Tan shouted: "Ba Tiansha! The patron saint of Jiuli, what does he look like! Stand up!"

  When the iron-eating beast heard the voice, it immediately stood up straight, puffed up its small fleshy face, and assumed a majestic posture, not daring to act like a baby anymore.

  But Di Nvfeng, who was enjoying just now, raised her eyebrows, "Old man, did I give you face?!"


  Master Silver Sword Peak never speaks cruel words, she just gives you a warning before doing it. Seeing that her right hand has clenched her fist and ignited the holy fire of samadhi, the guide who will go to the Jiuli secret realm by herself in the next moment may only be left with an iron-eating beast who doesn't know whether to remember the way or not.

  Chu Liang hurried forward and shouted: "Master, calm down!"

   "Don't stop me, I have to let him know the rules of Yinjianfeng!" Empress Feng was furious.

"We still have to let him lead the way into Jiuli Secret Realm. If you beat him to death, who will lead the way? Iron-eating beast? Do you think that little thing can remember the way? Master, the treasure is important Ah!" Chu Liang persuaded in a low voice again and again, and finally added: "If there is any gain in it, we will get 50% if you come out!"

   "Hahahaha!" Emperor Nvfeng's anger suddenly dissipated, and she turned into a smile in an instant, "Say it earlier, I've seen this old gentleman's indescribable kindness."

  Chu Liang saw that Elder Tan was looking at his master and apprentice with the eyes of a patient, not knowing whether to be afraid or to answer, he also smiled at him: "Old Tan, don't panic, my master is just kidding with you."

   "That's right." The emperor's daughter Feng said loudly: "Everyone in Shushan Mountain knows that the first rule of our Silver Sword Peak is to respect the old and love the young!"

good evening.



  (end of this chapter)

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