MTL - Please Kill the Demon-Chapter 753 What? 【2 in 1】

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  Chapter 753 What? 【2 in 1】

   "It turns out that the secret place of God Jiuli is also near Zhennanyu Mountain."

  The mountains are far away, the water is far away, and the roar of birds and animals can be heard endlessly. This place is in a valley not far from Zhennanyu Mountain. It seemed like a place that should have been inaccessible for a hundred years, but suddenly there were several figures.

  The first one was Old Tan, the mausoleum guard of Jiuli. He was seriously injured and looked unwell. He wanted to come back to dig the secret realm a few days later. But what Shushan people want is that you are in poor condition, Master Wen Yuan made the decision immediately and let everyone set off immediately.

   Behind him are Chu Liang and Jiang Yuebai, a pair of Bi people walking side by side, like characters in a painting.

  Although Jiang Yuebai has not yet come to ask questions at this moment, but with the help of the fairy body to integrate all kinds of supernatural powers, the combat power is far beyond the ordinary sixth realm, so Chu Liang is relieved to take her to explore the secret realm. After all, this incident was related to the Temple of the Gods, so the Whale Riding Immortal let her go. He is busy helping Xihai Sword Emperor reshape his body, and he is almost done recently, so Jiang Yuebai is not needed.

   It can only be said that the level of the seventh level really does not depend entirely on talent, and the first thing to do is chance. If the chance does not come, it is impossible to break through. Otherwise, in terms of pure talent, who in this generation can compare with the fairy body?

  Xu Ziyang was also walking on the side. The eldest brother Yu Jianfeng stood tall, his eyes were as bright as torches, and his sharp temperament had not changed for many years.

   Move your gaze down and down, and you can see a fleshy iron-eating beast following Tan Lao's legs. Although the little guy was running fast, he seemed to be a little afraid of heights, and was holding Tan Lao's calf tightly with all four limbs.

  If God Jiuli raised this one back then, it would be hard to say who would be the mount in an emergency.

  Old Tan fell into the valley, looked at Zhennanyu Mountain in the distance, and sighed slightly: "Oh."

  In fact, people of his generation have no concept of the ancient existence of Jiuli God for a long time. The reason why he is still sticking to the duty of guarding the mausoleum is nothing more than the sense of mission passed down from his ancestors. Looking at the Zhennanyu Mountain that has existed for countless years, he must also feel sorry for the fate of the Tan clan.

Everyone settled down, Tan Lao pointed to a stone wall in the valley, which was covered with many mottled cracks: "The entrance and exit of the secret realm is here, but you must be prepared before entering, I don't know what has become inside , that mysterious Taoist may not have left yet."

   "Yes." Chu Liang said: "We are ready."

  The three formed a semicircle behind their backs. Elder Tan twisted the formula in the center, pushed it lightly, and there was a rumbling sound, and the crack opened slowly.


  An extremely hot and dazzling light suddenly burst out from the crack, Chu Liang subconsciously stood in front of Jiang Yuebai to shield her from the glare; Elder Tan also covered the iron-eater's eyes with one palm to help it block the stimulus.

  Xu Ziyang remained calm and silently turned his head away.

   It’s just that his aura is always locked on Elder Tan. He didn’t come this time purely for the gathering of the golden generation, but came with a mission. His purpose of this trip was to keep an eye on Elder Tan and prevent him from making any changes. Although he was seriously injured, the Jiuli Secret Realm is his home field after all, and there may be some changes during the period.

  With Xu Ziyang here, the senior officials of Shushan will feel more at ease.


   When the strong light disappeared, the figures of several people had disappeared in place. And the mountain wall that opened the hole has also quietly closed.


   Bang, bang, bang.

  I only heard a few landing sounds, and when the scene appeared before my eyes, I had already come to another forest. This place should be an even older jungle. The trees are often over ten feet high, with a strong wild atmosphere, and there are faint sounds of animals.

   Moreover, as soon as Chu Liang came here, he felt that there seemed to be a strange atmosphere in the air, vaguely familiar?

   It's just that he didn't have time to feel what the breath was, and Jiang Yuebai next to him gently pulled him: "Look over there."

  Chu Liang raised his eyes and looked in the direction she pointed, and saw that through the top of the bushes, he could see a majestic city in the distance. The city wall was so high that it almost reached the clouds. And all the walls of this city are actually made of bronze with hidden brilliance!

   An incomparably huge bronze city!

   "Where is that place?" Xu Ziyang also asked aloud.

   "I don't know." Old Tan shook his head.

   "Huh?" The three young men looked at him suspiciously.

"I really don't know..." Elder Tan said faintly: "Actually, I felt it before I came in. There seemed to be some kind of change in this secret place that I didn't know about. When I left, this place was completely destroyed by the mysterious Taoist." It fell and turned into a barren ruin, and the Bronze City had never appeared before, but..."

His words paused before continuing: "It is recorded in my family that in ancient times, Jiuli God once cast a huge bronze city for all Jiuli tribes to live in; he also built a bronze mountain as his supreme palace. But That city was destroyed long ago, and it only exists in legends..."

   "Then is everything in front of us an illusion?" Chu Liang carefully swept around with his spiritual sense, not noticing a single flaw.

  If this is an illusion, it must be at Caiyi's level to display it.

  However, his spiritual sense didn't see the flaw, but he saw the scene in the distance. There was a group of menacing armored men flying towards them.

  The men and horses in this team are all about ten feet tall, and they are all human-shaped, with their upper bodies in different animal shapes. Each of them is covered with dark blue armor, with thick helmets and visors on their heads, and weapons engraved with strange patterns in their hands. It can be said that they are all armed to the teeth.

   "The visitor is not kind." Jiang Yuebai also noticed the pair, and immediately reminded him.

   rub rub —

  In a few breaths, they rushed out from the bushes directly in front of them, their tall figures put on a fighting posture, their blades moved forward, and shouted: "How dare you approach Jiuli City, lowly human race!"

  Their accents are thick and weird, and it is a bit difficult to hear, but you can roughly identify what they are saying. Looking at their appearance, could it be that they are the extinct Jiuli tribe in ancient times?

  Beast-headed human body, copper-skinned and iron-boned, skilled in smelting, they are the most valiant and warlike clan.

   "Old Tan, maybe your family will save face?" Chu Liang whispered.

  I am away from home and the situation is unknown, so communication is the main thing right now.

  Old Tan took a step forward and said loudly: "We are not trespassing, I am the descendant of the Tan clan who is most loyal to Jiuli God!"

   "The Tan family?" The Jiuli soldier on the opposite side paused when he heard the sound, but immediately said again: "I haven't heard of it, shoot to kill!"

   With an order, several Jiuli soldiers all raised their blades, rushing towards their faces with a murderous aura, which even made Chu Liang feel a little pressure.

   "Old Tan, you really don't have any face." He shook his head helplessly, and immediately took up the demon-slaying sword, and the sword's energy gushed out instantly.


  The sword energy roared out, overwhelming the sky and covering the earth in an instant, sweeping all Jiuli soldiers!

  The demon-slaying sword is also beneficial for fighting the Jiuli tribe. It seems that this artifact is not only aimed at monsters, but is equally hostile to every creature other than the human race.


  Countless sword energy gathered, and finally turned into a loud bang. These Jiuli soldiers are not weak in combat power, but the current Chu Liang is no longer what it used to be, no matter what era it is placed in, it can be called a powerful and strong man.

   What is surprising is that Chu Liang's sword has displayed at least 70% of his cultivation. Although these Jiuli soldiers were disintegrated by the sword, most of them were seriously injured and survived, but lost their ability to move.

   This is because their Jiuli armor and copper skin and iron bones constitute a defense that is a hundred times stronger than the skin and flesh of ordinary monsters, and the effect is amazing.

   It’s no wonder that in the later generations who don’t know how many years have passed, the Jiuli Secret Realm has been deposited for so long, and the ancient instruments and armors in it can be called treasures.

   It's just that although this group of Jiuli soldiers was solved, they were not all of them. Then came the turbulent wind, and dozens of Jiuli villains rushed out from the bushes, surrounding several people.


   Seeing that the battle was inevitable, there was another sound of stopping in the forest.

  The Jiuli orcs who came out this time did not wear armor, but wore colorful animal skin robes, a fox head with gorgeous paintings, and a copper staff in their left hand. They looked like the leader of this group of warriors.

   "Master Priest." All Jiuli soldiers greeted in unison: "There are intruders here."

"Didn't you see that there is a noble iron-eating beast over there?" The Jiuli priest in a beast robe raised his finger, and the group of fierce Jiuli warriors noticed that there was indeed a beast under Tan Lao's feet. Tuo little beast.

  It is less than half the height of a person. It should be scared after the fight just now, and it is huddling its body tightly, covering its eyes with a pair of fleshy claws, trying to hide itself behind Tanlao.

   It seems that the idea is that if you can't see me, you won't hit me.

   This seemingly innocent and lovely scene fell into the eyes of these Jiuli soldiers, but it turned into incomparable fear.

  Hearing a thumping sound, all Jiuli soldiers fell to their knees heavily on the ground, shouting loudly: "Master Iron Eater!"

  The little guy seemed to hear him being called, but he didn't dare to open his eyes, so he quietly peeked through the gap between one fleshy palm. Seeing all these people kneeling down, it blinked its little black bean eyes, as if it didn't know what happened.

  The priest of Jiuli knelt on one knee. He looked at the iron-eating beast and asked in a low voice, "Honorable iron-eating beast, are they your servants?"


  The iron-eating beast was obviously a little confused by his question, and its beady eyes didn't know how to move.

  Chu Liang responded quickly, and immediately replied: "That's right, that's it."

  Old Tan lightly tapped the iron-eating beast with his foot, and the little guy nodded immediately, not knowing what it meant.

"If this is the case, you have the qualifications to enter Jiuli City." The priest raised his head and looked at the few people with a very indifferent gaze, "But you have to remember that the human race must keep up with the food in Jiuli City." Master Iron Beast. Otherwise, if you don’t take three steps, you will become food.”


  Currently the largest city in Kyushu is Yudu City, but compared with this bronze city, the size of Yudu City may be less than one percent. Chu Liang looked around, seeing nothing but the four walls, and felt that at least one mansion was surrounded by the four walls, and it might even be larger.

  And all the buildings in it are made of bronze, gold and iron. With such a huge amount of materials, I really don't know how long it took them to build it to such a scale.

   Of course, there are reasons for the city's large size.

  The residents here are not human races after all, but the huge Jiuli. Those Jiuli warriors who were about ten feet tall that I saw before were considered ordinary, and some Jiuli orcs could even reach two or even three feet in height. These orcs don't seem to wear clothes every day, but all wear light or heavy armor.

  Only Jiuli priests who appear occasionally, who are the same as the person leading the way, are eligible to wear animal skin robes.

   Walking on the streets of the city, besides the Jiuli people, there are also many domesticated monsters, and these monsters are even bigger. It's just that all the Jiuli people and monsters have to kneel down to make way for the iron-eating beast.

  Elder Tan held the iron-eating beast in his arms, and walked swaggeringly on the side of the street. All the members of the Jiuli tribe would kneel down when they saw it, and shouted for the iron-eating beast.

  The little guy was very scared at first and kept covering his eyes, but he was a little curious when he saw the strange behavior of these people, so he kept watching secretly.

  Old Tan looked at the majestic bronze mountain in the center of the city, and said, "We may have to go there to find the answer."

  Chu Liang stepped forward and asked, "Master Priest, where are we going?"

  The priest of Jiuli replied: "Take you to the palace of Lord Iron Eater."

  He pointed to the slightly shorter black iron mountains next to the bronze mountain—these Jiuli people's understanding of "palace" seems to be the big iron mountains.

  Chu Liang asked again: "Then can we go to that bronze mountain?"

"Bold!" The priest of Jiuli suddenly shouted: "Bronze Mountain is the place where the God of Jiuli sleeps, and it is a death penalty for humans to look at it! You are not satisfied when you set foot in Jiuli City, and dare to spy on the palace of God of Jiuli ?”

   "No, no, no..." Chu Liang said hastily, "It's not that we want to go, but Master Iron Eater wants to go up."

   "Even if you are an iron-eating beast, you can only go to see Jiuli God after you reach adulthood." The priest of Jiuli said decisively.

   "Coincidentally." Chu Liang said with a smile, "Our iron-eating beast has just grown up."

   "Huh?" Priest Jiuli frowned.

   It just so happened that they had already reached the bottom of a black iron mountain, and a huge head suddenly protruded from the mountain. The head is also black and white, but the eyes are like ink, and there seems to be a flame burning in them. Several fangs protruded from the slightly opened mouth, like towering swords and halberds. The protruding half of the body is full of knots, and one can see the infinite sense of power.

   Just sticking out a head, it brought an extremely terrifying coercion to people.

   and the little meat ball in Tan Lao's arms, it can be vaguely seen that they are the same species, but they seem to have nothing to do with each other.

  Chu Liang was sure at this time that it was correct for the few people not to act hastily. If they were to rampage directly in this city, not to mention the strong people of Jiuli including this priest, they would not be able to deal with the ancient iron-eating beasts gathered in this city alone.

   This is the real ancient Jiuli city!

   Priest Jiuli knelt down on one knee respectfully, and said loudly: "Master Mie Shen, we are sending the newly returned Lord Iron Eater into the palace."

   "Roar..." The iron-eating beast with its head sticking out slowly retracted.

  After it returned, the priest of Jiuli stood up and said to the crowd: "Master Mie Shen is an iron-eating beast that will only be half a year old."

   "..." Everyone was silent for a while.

  Chu Liang bit the bullet and said: "Then it is half a year younger than our Batiansha lord, so we have to be called sister. Our Batiansha lord just looks tender and looks small."

   Priest Jiuli looked at him and didn't speak for a long time. He didn't know if he was speechless or what.

  Not to mention him, even Jiang Yuebai and Xu Ziyang were a little ashamed when they saw the little meat ball in Tan Lao's arms and the big murderer on the black iron mountain over there.

   If the little guy is eaten by others, it will be a bit difficult to get it stuck in the teeth.

After a while, the priest of Jiuli said: "If you insist that Lord Batiansha is an adult, you can take him to the adult trial. As long as he passes the trial, he can be recognized as an adult and get to go to the Bronze Mountain to meet the God of Jiuli. power."

   "Hey, don't tell me sooner." Chu Liang smiled immediately: "Then what is the test, we just go and pass it."

   "For an adult iron-eating beast, it is naturally easy." The priest said: "Just defeat the little Jinfeng beast."


   "You call this small?"

   After a while, everyone came to a black iron mountain. There is really a large space inside this iron mountain, just like a small city in the Bronze City.

  And in this Black Iron Mountain, there is an area enclosed like an arena, which is dedicated to the adult trials of iron-eating beasts.

  Under the high fence, there is a bright golden stone mountain about ten feet high. Just after everyone came in, the golden mountain suddenly moved, and it turned slowly, revealing a ferocious head.

   It turned out to be a huge beast.

  The ferocious beast was chewing a thick black iron chain in its mouth, as if eating noodles, and sucked the iron chain into it with crackling noises.

   Don't need to ask too much, this thing is naturally the Jinfeng beast used for trials.

  For the "Mie Shen" lord I saw just now, this Jinfeng beast may indeed not be a problem, but for their "Jiuli Tyrant"...

  Chu Liang looked back at the little guy and smiled slightly: "Are you confident?"

   Lord "Ba Tiansha" blinked a pair of peas eyes, which were full of innocence and ignorance, and the blank eyes were filled with a single word.


good evening.



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion