MTL - Pokemon Dark Giant-v3 Chapter 3 : Mute

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As soon as Heluga appeared, the Heavenly King-level power on his body and the terrifying coercion of the Cerberus itself swept the entire dining hall.

For a time, all the people and the elf suddenly appeared in the hearts of a chosen person and devoured the head of the Cerberus, and then devoured the incomparably small self in one bite.

The stronger-willed people and the elf were fine, and they barely kept their shock, but the fear involuntarily made by the body and the horror on the face could not be concealed.

And some weak-willed people and elves just fainted from fright.

The second after Heluga appeared, many dignitaries and the elf beside them turned pale, their eyes turned upwards, and then fainted weakly to the ground.

At the same time, the beautiful waitress who came to ask Ryuzaki Shinji was under much more pressure than the others, and Heruga kept staring at her from beginning to end.

Although it was said that the waitress with the Poké Ball hidden on her body was obviously not an ordinary person, and she was not fainted by fright, she was also pale and her legs were weak and collapsed to the ground.

Some yellowish liquid also flowed out from the other's double strands, soaking her maid outfit, which turned out to be scary to pee.

"I know, I'll give you a big meal later, darling, don't scare people, calm down." Everyone who saw the entire dining hall was frightened by Heruga, especially the one in front of him. The beautiful waitress was so rude, Ryuzaki Shinji also frowned slightly, and said with her hand gently rubbing Luga's head.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy he was rubbing his head against Ryuzaki Shinji's trousers," he shouted happily.

The next moment, the entire dining hall made a rapid inhalation sound.

"This distinguished guest, I'm the manager of this elf restaurant, what can I do for you?" At this time, the only old man who could not change his face under the pressure of the Heluga Heavenly King was also When he came to Ryuzaki Shinji, he first gave a deep salute, and then asked respectfully.

"Ah, hello old man, I'm just here to eat, nothing special, open a room for me, I like to eat cleanly." After examining the capable old man in front of him for a while, Ryuzaki Shinji's eyes showed an untraceable gleam, and he put on a slightly more respectful tone, and then opened his mouth to express his intention.

After spiritual detection, Ryuzaki Shinji found that the old man was not simple. Except for a smiling old face with no obvious scars, there were all kinds of hideous scars all over his body, many of which were completely fatal in his opinion. hurt.

Obviously, this old man is an undead veteran, and he deserves a little respect from Ryuzaki Shinji.

"Okay, guest, here please, I'll take you there." The old manager heard the words, and immediately made a gesture of invitation to Ryuzaki Shinji, after Ryuzaki Shinji walked forward with Dai Ruby, Just keep moving to keep up.

When leaving, the old manager glared coldly from the corner of his eyes at the waitress who was still slumped on the ground and dared not move, and nodded slightly to the other waiters while walking.

After the old manager took Ryuzaki Shinji up the stairs, the people in the dining hall started to discuss, and most of the discussions included the word "King of Heaven".

At this time, several handsome male waitresses also came to the waitress who was about to stand up with a cold face, and then dragged the waitress down like a prisoner. During the whole process, the waitress They all chose to give up resistance.

Under the leadership of the old manager, Ryuzaki Shinji came to a room on the top floor of the hotel. The room was very large and extremely luxuriously decorated, no less than the presidential suite that Ryuzaki Shinji had seen on TV in his previous life.

Obviously, in order to greet Shinji Ryuzaki, a heavenly powerhouse, the experienced old manager also resorted to the highest level of treatment.

"The room is pretty good, let's hand over the most famous dishes in your shop. By the way, let's get a whole head of sturdy Kentero first. My Heluga is very hungry now. He likes spicy flavors. Write more tomato to taste, the speed must be fast, as for the money, just use this card to swipe." After bringing Black Luga into the room, Ryuzaki Shinji took out a card with a quota of more than 100 million alliance Coin's Union Gold Card, handed it to the old manager and said.

"Okay, please wait a moment, my guest, and I'll go and order people to prepare." The old manager took the alliance gold card handed over by Ryuzaki Shinji with both hands, his face became more and more respectful, and he quickly bowed and said, After finishing, he backed out of the room with a wink and closed the door.

After the old manager left, Ryuzaki Shinji also lay down on the soft long sofa, took out two Poke Balls from his body, and released Yukira and Dianci inside.

"Yuki Yuki Yuki~~" As soon as Yukira, who is already half the size of an adult, appeared, she immediately rushed towards Ryuzaki Shinji happily, and as soon as she came out, she faced Ryuzaki Shinji. Make a move with no attributes to fly to the heavy pressure.

Ryuzaki Shinji still showed helplessness about the routine "hug" behavior that Yujira had done as soon as he came out, but he still didn't evade it, a purple light flashed in his eyes, and a layer of purple superpowers suddenly turned Yuji's face. Pull the body wrapped.

Relying on super powers to offset most of the impact of Kira's fall, Ryuzaki Shinji finally reluctantly held Kira's arms.

After playing with Ryuzaki Shinji, Yukira got down from Ryuzaki Shinji, and then acted coquettishly at Dianxi.

As soon as she came out, Dianxi, who had maintained the majesty of the queen, also showed the brilliance of motherhood at this time. She touched Yukira's big head with her hand, and the pink diamonds on her body shone slightly.

The next moment, a small pile of sparkling diamonds appeared out of nothing on the living room floor.

After seeing his food appear, Yu Kira's smile became brighter and brighter, his eyes turned into little stars, he swallowed the saliva that was about to flow out, and immediately sat on the ground with a brick in each hand, and then went to himself. Stuck in the mouth.

The sound of "Kazakaza~~" sounded, and Yu Kira was like eating candy, biting the extremely hard diamonds in his mouth easily, and swallowing the diamonds in his mouth into his stomach with a few strokes.

On the other side, while Ryuzaki Shinji and his group of elves were resting in the room, in the monitoring room at the back of the restaurant, the old manager and several people sitting in front of the screen were watching Ryuzaki Shinji in the room. and his little elves.

When they saw Yukira and their faces showed shock.

"Big, my lord, if you read it right, that elf is Dianxi." A surveillance officer said to the old manager in dark surprise.

"That's right, that's really Dianxi. The way she made diamonds just now was her specialty." The old manager nodded in surprise and replied with the same dark color.

However, compared to Dianxi, the old manager's eyes were almost entirely on Yukira, who was sitting on the ground and eating a pile of diamonds in front of him. He intuitively told him that Ryuzaki was the most precious second-hand The elf is none other than this quasi-god cub.

The old manager swore that it was the first time in his long life that anyone would feed Yukira with diamonds.

"Then do we want to pass the news to the branch, no, the headquarters, as long as the news of Dianxi is reported, it will be a great achievement." Another monitoring officer immediately turned his head and asked the old manager excitedly when he heard this. road.

However, before the old manager could answer, the monitoring officer noticed that the old manager had a frightened expression on his face. Seeing this, he immediately turned his attention to the screen.

Immediately afterwards, the monitoring officer also showed a terrified expression like the old manager.

At this time, Ryuzaki Shinji was staring at them and the others coldly through the screen with his unique purple eyes, and made a gesturing gesture to them, apparently finding that they were monitoring him.

"I advise you not to say it. If someone troubles me before I leave the city, I will kill you all and raze this restaurant to the ground." The next moment, an extremely cold voice suddenly appeared in the hearts of all of them.

To be continued.....

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