MTL - Pokemon Dark Giant-v3 Chapter 4 : Purpose of travel

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When Ryuzaki Shinji used telepathy to warn the old manager and several monitoring personnel, the picture of Ryuzaki Shinji's room on the screen suddenly turned into a snowflake.

Apparently, the monitor in the room had been found by Shinji Ryuzaki and destroyed.

"Sir, me, what should we do now? Do you want to send news to the headquarters?" After a long time, a surveillance officer wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, turned his head and asked the old manager who was still unsure.

"Stupid, idiot, do you want to kill all of us here? I didn't find out that the other party is a superhuman. Next, you'd better be careful in your words and actions, I'm afraid that adult is still using some kind of ignorance. No one is allowed to tell us what happened today, it just rots in the stomach, is that clear?" The old manager immediately came back to his senses when he heard the words, and roared at the monitoring officer with a vicious face.

In the screen picture just now, the old manager saw with his own eyes that Ryuzaki Shinji's mouth didn't move at all, but that paragraph appeared in their minds on time and on time.

In this case, as an old manager who has survived from the dead a few times, he naturally knows what this means. The person they offended just now is a superhuman, and his level is still very high.

It must be clear that this underground monitoring room is 12 stories high from the room where Ryuzaki Shinji on the top floor is, and there are no known obstacles in between.

And the other party is still able to infiltrate their mental power into them, which shows that the other party's super power is terrifying, I am afraid that the entire restaurant is under the monitoring of the other party's mental power.

As soon as the old manager said this, the other monitoring personnel immediately woke up like a dream, all of them concluded a terrible guess in their hearts, and their faces suddenly turned pale.

If it really is what the old manager said, I am afraid that all the other parties they have just heard have been heard by the other party, and the disrespectful words said by myself and others have also been heard by the other party.

"Yes, yes, we didn't see anything, right, we didn't see anything."

"Yeah, that's right, we didn't see anything, we didn't know anything."

"Yes, yes, we have seen everything, my lord, please go and explain to this lord now."


After all the monitoring personnel realized that their lives were being held by Ryuzaki Shinji, they quickly echoed the old manager's words.

After seeing all the monitoring personnel agreeing, the old manager also left the monitoring room immediately and hurriedly ran towards the kitchen.

"Hey~~, it's really too much trouble to take them out, but it's really a headache to keep them by my side." After smashing the monitor in his hand, Ryuzaki Shinji turned his head. Looking at Yukira, who was still heartless to eat diamonds, and Dianxi, who continued to work hard to make diamonds, she thought helplessly.

Whether it's by Kira or Dianci, these two little elves are too eye-catching.

Especially Dianxi, as a quasi-divine beast and a rare phantom elf with the ability to make diamonds, once discovered, it will inevitably attract the attention of many strengths, and some elf hunters are like sharks smelling blood. Just like coming from far away.

In fact, during the journey to the light red city, Ryuzaki Shinji only showed the faces of these two elves in public, and as a result, he was attacked by more than a dozen elf hunters one after another. .

Some of these elf hunters also have cooperative gangs with sophisticated equipment and tacit understanding. If ordinary heavenly king trainers encounter them, they may not be able to resist each other's various advanced scientific weapons with peculiar functions.

Of course, Ryuzaki Shinji is now able to rest on the sofa unharmed, which also means that these elf hunters and their gangs have all died on Huangquan Road.

When Ryuzaki Shinji was very annoyed by these elf hunters, he directly broke into the branch of a relatively well-known hunter guild, and blatantly killed a king-level elf hunter inside and killed all his gang. torture.

After this incident, these elf hunters realized that they were afraid and did not dare to continue to "disturb" Ryuzaki Shinji.

"However, my dress and face are almost remembered by most forces, and it's time to change my identity. This time I came to Kanto to not just focus on eating, drinking, and having fun, but to find a way to break into the alliance. Okay, otherwise many things can't be done." Ryuzaki Shinji narrowed his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth slightly, as if he had thought of something very interesting.

Since Ryuzaki Shinji returned to the human continent and gradually established his own power, he once again faced the familiar and powerful enemy of the Pokémon League.

At present, as the person in charge of the underground world of Fangyuan Shuijing City, he is naturally very aware of how powerful the alliance is.

Because, in the six months since he returned to human society, he has secretly fought against the Four Heavenly Kings Champion of Fangyuan Alliance and other powerhouses of the dark forces more than once.

Among them, the dragon king named Genzhi was particularly memorable to Ryuzaki Shinji. In fact, the other party appeared in his memory a long time ago when he was on his way to Haibao Port.

But after going to the other side to fight in person, I realized how terrifying the Ssangyong battle on the sea and the sky at that time was.

This aged Dragon King is a Heavenly King trainer with the strength of the Heavenly King's peak level, and he has the Flying Dragon of the Heavenly King's peak level in his hand.

If it wasn't for the fact that Goda duck's strength has soared now, and that his strength is infinitely close to the peak level of the king after merging with Ryuzaki Shinji's spirit, Ryuzaki Shinji would not be able to compete with him head-on.

As for the reigning Fangyuan champion, his strength is naturally more terrifying, and Ryuzaki Shinji has only run away when he sees him.

Fortunately, the identity of Ryuzaki Shinji's poisonous king is not covered. In a fit of anger, he poisoned an entire town with his own power.

After this big incident, the deterrent power of Ryuzaki Shinji's poisonous king has also increased. No other dark forces and alliances dared to force him, this terrifying poisonous king with strong mobility.

After all, if the pressure is too tight, once Ryuzaki Shinji is angered, he will directly attack another disaster level, neither the alliance nor other dark forces can afford it (the economic losses are Everyone knows the destruction Easy to build hard.

Moreover, the towns destroyed by Ryuzaki Shinji are currently unable to survive except for some poison-type elves, which means that Ryuzaki Shinji's destruction is catastrophic.

Of course, after Ryusaki Shinji did this, although the black and white suppression he faced was much less, the strength of the supervisors of the alliance and other dark forces he faced was increased by several times, and he strictly guarded against all the actions of the shadow team. .

As a result, it is difficult for the shadow team to expand the territory currently controlled by the Shadow Team, except for Shuijing City and the surrounding areas, and it can only be temporarily squatted and developed slowly.

At the same time, since a large number of elves in Ryuzaki's second-hand are already at the king level, and their strength growth has also entered a huge accumulation stage, it is impossible to make a breakthrough in a short period of time. If you want to continue to rapidly increase your power, then New pixies must be raised.

After combining these two points, this is how Ryuzaki Shinji went out this time to practice.

In this training trip, Ryuzaki Shinji not only wants to build his own team of super-power elves, but also has the intention of entering the alliance to create good development opportunities for his forces.

To this end, Ryuzaki Shinji now has to create a new identity for himself, and he now has a clue as to how to create a new identity.

Before creating, Ryuzaki Shinji had to find a certain key elf.

As Ryuzaki Shinji continued to think about my follow-up plan, the sound of "dong dong dong~~" sounded from outside the door. At this time, Ryuzaki Shinji also quickly got up from the sofa and went to open the door.

No matter what, fill your stomach first.

To be continued......

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