MTL - Pokemon Elf Master-Chapter 2802 Reached 0 million monarchs, the results are brilliant (Part 1)

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Six times the beacon, the lethality is not the highest, but it is the most suitable at this time. It has a wide range and a speed that is not slow. The horrible speed of over 150,000 miles in an instant is five times faster than ten times the original magical skill. to make.

Six times the beacon fire blasted away everything on the road of annihilation, and also blasted to a million and half a step beyond.

At the same time, Ling'er also erupted, and the five hundred strands of the source of power were all integrated in one breath, barely strengthening the storm of destruction of the source by three times.

Two hundred strands of the power of wishing were consumed, and once again strengthened three times the power, which had already exceeded the limit of Linger's control range by more than double.

Bai Yuling took over the task of Lan Hai, Lan Hai, Cang Batian, Huan Meng assisted Ling'er in control with all his strength.

As a result, the natural destruction storm surpassed the magical skills at a terrifying speed of 170,000 miles per second, and would first blast towards the army of millions of monarchs before the holy flame burned the sky.

Between the two straight lines of 150,000 miles, one side is six times the storm of destruction plus magical skills, and the other side is six times the beacon fire plus two ways to strengthen the original world of Canglan.

Huqier, Zhu Yanyan and others all changed their faces. Looking at this power, even the weakest world of Canglan, it is also double the original source and triple the power of guardianship. When the two are combined, the threat is only in the magical skills. If you don’t intercept it, it’s more than enough to destroy a million half-step transcendental hundreds of times!

"Trash, what are you doing in a daze? Wouldn't you take the initiative without instructions!"

And when seeing a million half-step transcendence was scared to the six gods, Huqier was so angry that half-step transcendence of a million, as long as half of the people shot, offsetting one is more than enough, all shots are enough to ensure their own safety. It is still only time to perform a trick, but not the original source.

One million and a half steps are extraordinary, not one million pigs. With their perceptions shared, this is not a big crisis at all. Even if it is three times as critical, it can theoretically be blocked.

But if you are as stupid as a pig, you deserve to die!

"Abandon them and save the monarch."

Huqier said decisively, in fact, he was just looking for a reason to persuade himself to give up a million and a half steps. After all, only a few hundredths of a second have passed? Zhu Yanyan, who reacted the fastest, had time to adjust the Chaos Profound meaning and change the casting position.

A tunnel suddenly emptied in midair, a roaring giant sea dragon...

Zhu Yan’s chaotic vacuum super-power impact, Huocher’s chaotic sea-dragon raging wave, and the chaotic profundity of Koloa and others all intercepted and destroyed the storm six times.

"If you can retreat, you can't withdraw!"

A strand of chaos is comparable to the strength of a hundred strands of divine beasts. The chaos secrets of Zhu Yanyan and Huqier alone are enough to penetrate six times the wind of destruction, but the energy composition of the storm of destruction is as high as 100 Times, the best power range is at least five times higher than them!

Therefore, the confrontation continued, and six times of destruction storms from other areas surged in, annihilating the super power impact and the sea dragon's fury waves, and obliterating the four chaos secrets of Koloa and others.

Ling'er wiped out the six original roots with one enemy six, and then crushed ten times the original magical skills, and easily moved the remaining more than ten chaotic roots, and then suddenly moved away from the position of 20,000 miles, and moved dozens of times to avoid Opened the origin of millions of monarchs.

Even if the reaction power can keep up, but the fastest is the origin of thousands of miles, one-tenth of the garbage speed, how to hit it.

The magical skill went around half a circle and came to the back of a million monarchs, and found the weakest angle of penetration. As long as it broke through about fifty thousand roots, it could enter it.

It can be seen that the magical skills have lost about one-fifth of the power, but the remaining more than 200 billion terror damages, there is no problem in killing a peak of more than 10,000 monarchs.

Divine skills rushed in, and there were countless desperate wailings. More than 20,000 monarchs, fierce demon spirits, died tragically on the spot, their bodies were burned into nothingness by the holy flame, and even the original crystals became crimson, terrifying. The temperature allowed the hard origin to crystallize, and countless invisible cracks appeared.

Bai Yuling immediately compared the scene where Ling'er slapped more than 10,000 monarchs with a slap. Those more than 10,000 monarchs were mostly low-level monarchs, and all suffered serious injuries. In contrast, what Yan Tianlan killed was at home. Under the advantage, the standard quality is almost not lower than the peak standard of the monarch.

If under the same circumstances, the theoretical lethality should be about three times lower, the hand of the heavenly fairy, which also contains a thousand strands of original power, would be twice as short.

But this is only the theoretical maximum kill. With ten times the magic skill and one hundred times the range of the heavenly fairy hand, the energy refining degree of the two sides may be ten times different. The instant lethality is completely opposite, and the heavenly fairy hand can easily penetrate the holy Burn the sky ten times!

Only over 20,000 monarchs have been destroyed here, and the one million and a half-step transcendents on the other side have already been destroyed.

Six times the beacon and the two strengthened Canglan worlds easily defeated hundreds of thousands of half-step extraordinary desperate struggles and killed them on the spot. Even the one percent of the original crystals that have been condensed are also subjected to ten times the limit. Under power, it was destroyed into crystalline debris.

These crystalline debris can also be regarded as rare treasures of the five-star level, which can bring a lot of good fortune to the earth. Why the fall of the extraordinary powers will cause the local origin to weaken, which is the fundamental reason.

"Happily, take this opportunity to kill indiscriminately."

Yan Tianlan laughed and rushed into the millions of extraordinary monarchs. The original holy flame pierced the clouds easily through the body of the monarch peak, and even directly penetrated it into two halves. As long as the extra damage can reach 2.5 times, that is a spike!

At the same time, while maintaining the original holy flame through the clouds, Yan Tianlan also wantonly erupted with the original beacon. UU Reading can easily cause billions of damage every time, three times, it is enough to make an area Turned to death.

On the other hand, the enemy’s damage was weakened on Yantianlan, and it was barely even to 1,000 at most. The original source is only three thousand, compared with Yantianlan’s nearly 100 million vitality and nearly a thousand recovery per second. Power is hard to talk about.

Ling'er kept shooting a hundred times the hand of the fairy every two hundred thousand miles, and expanded the range to a thousand miles. Anyway, as long as he hits, the damage will not be low, and it will not be completely offset by the fire.

The hands of thousands of li elves were photographed from various angles, making the chaotic million monarchs even more chaotic. Even if Zhu Yan kept beating the scheduling, it was difficult to suppress everyone's panic.

Such a big slap, although it is not the original source, it will not necessarily die, but it does not die once, twice, three times, five times? Death is close at hand, is it possible to calmly help others to offset it?

"Those who don't listen, die!"

Zhu Yan continued to scream, and was so angry that he could not wait to kill them directly, but the current situation is very likely to cause more violent chaos and even flee.

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