MTL - Pokemon Elf Master-Chapter 2803 Reached 0 million monarchs, the results are brilliant (part 2)

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   "Laughable discipline!"

   Yan Tianlan laughed wantonly, this is the fierce demon spirit. When he can suppress the scene, the discipline is extremely strict, and the offender will die, but when there is chaos, it can't be suppressed at all, and the discipline instantly drops to a negative number.

   "A bunch of idiots!"

Huqier cursed and rushed directly in, and after hitting it, I don’t know the thousands of fierce demon spirit monarchs, and finally killed him in front of Yan Tianlan. The double origin of the sea-covering scroll dragon took it away, finally stopping Yan Tian. Lan's massacre.

   And the cooperation of Koroya and others is not enough to offset the hand of a hundred times the fairy, but they can directly besie Ling'er, making it impossible to make a move.

   Only then can I barely control the situation.

   "It can be withdrawn. It may be quite dangerous to continue."

   Although Bai Yuling wanted to expand his battle very much, this was already the limit of what he could do without receiving reinforcements.

   Unless, directly abandon the transcendent world of reincarnation, Bai Yuling has this courage, but Bai Yuling is unwilling to give up the vital power, billions of creatures.

   "If you come here, I think I have a chance to kill another one or two hundred thousand."

   Yan Tianlan spoke unwillingly: "It's hard to create this opportunity. I think you don't want to get this result."

  What is the result of this battle? Twenty thousand senior monarchs, with a conservative force unit of more than 40 million, are a half-step extraordinary equal to 40 million, and a champion peak of tens of billions. This result is definitely not small.

   "That's okay, then Linger, you can go crazy with the Holy Master Yantianlan."

   Bai Yuling groaned for a moment, and said, he could feel that Linger didn't want to just retreat like this.

   "Lan Hai, you must always pay attention. There is a high possibility that Huqir Koloa will come over and attack."

   Bai Yuling took the corresponding preventive measures.

   "Have you adjusted the location of the home secret realm? Have the elves evacuated to the core secret realm?"

   Bai Yuling transmitted to Yan Huangxi again.

"The core and inner surroundings have been set up, and the periphery has only time to adjust to 20%. It is estimated that it will take another six hours. In terms of elf evacuation, except for combat members and logistics personnel, they are all evacuated to the core secret realm, and can be evacuated to the elf realm at any time. "

   Yan Huangxi replied solemnly.

   "There is no time, mobilize the super monarch to cooperate as much as possible, at most ten minutes, there must be more than 50% of the periphery, to ensure that there is no weakness."

   Bai Yuling's tone is extremely solemn, the more the fierce demon spirit loses, the more terrifying the subsequent counterattack, anyway, he can't afford the price of shopping, and it's always right to be ready to hold on now.

   Ling'er used to strengthen the original fairy dragon, at a speed of more than 30,000 miles, constantly evading the original secret of the great monarch, and quickly narrowing the distance.

   Two seconds later, Xiuqier disappeared as expected. While Zhu Yan was entangled in Yan Tianlan, he cooperated with Koloa and the origin of the world, and at the same time blocked the instant movement of Yan Tianlan and Ling'er.

   Three seconds later, Xiuqier entered the transcendental world of reincarnation. As a result, he received a warm welcome from Lan Hai and strengthened the original Canglan Tornado. He felt pain on the spot.

   Five seconds later, under heavy interception, Ling'er finally broke into the 500,000 monarch fierce demon spirits. Within five seconds, the million monarch fierce demon spirits had already found a chance to evacuate halfway.

   Ling'er and Yan Tianlan are in two positions, completely dividing the battlefield of tens of thousands of miles into two, and each is responsible for half of the blockade mission, preventing these 500,000 extraordinary monarchs from teleporting.

   The holy flame pierces the clouds and the fairy dragon gallops freely, the flames and the storm of destruction sound the death knell.

   When not stingy with the original power and the power of the beast, both moves can achieve a spike, especially the destruction storm of attribute restraint, which only needs to strengthen the double strengthening of the origin to achieve a spike.

   Almost every move can produce a huge amount of damage that obliterates hundreds of monarchs, but if they are intensively shared and shared, it is possible that no one will die.

   As Gloria and others looked for an opportunity and fought up close, the killing efficiency of Ling'er and Yan Tianlan dropped again.

   If it were not for the 500,000 fierce demon spirit monarchs to be their physical shields, the damage they would now receive would be a hundred times.

   In order to ensure that the load is within the bearing range, Yan Tianlan uses up to double the original source and a strand of the power of the beast to strengthen it to triple its power.

   So, after five minutes, Ling'er and Yan Tianlan killed nearly 50,000 Monarch Fierce Demon Spirits. The results were excellent, but they themselves had paid a high price.

The vitality has been reduced by nearly 20 million, and it has fallen to a state of minor injuries below 70%. The original strength is even more consumed, up to 5,000 units of loss. Bai Yuling has transformed the original strength three times, and the remaining more than 3,000 losses are all enhanced. loss.

  The loss of the Flame Skylane is even greater. The loss of nearly 50,000 units of the original strength is more than twice the sum of the previous few hours of battle. Now the original strength is less than 30%, which is a very dangerous data.

   "The tenfold magical skill erupts once, and we retreat."

   Yan Tianlan said in a deep voice.

   Linger naturally has no opinion.

   In the next second, both of them exploded with the strongest power.

   The power of the source of the whole body was emptied again, a total of 700 wisps of praying power was lost, six times the destruction of the storm, and suddenly erupted.

   Originally, the Emerald Dream is more suitable for cooperation, but with the sharing of the perception of the Xeon, the effect is greatly reduced, and I can only take the second place.

   Flame Tianlan's ten-fold original magical skills also broke out again.

   Under the sudden eruption, there is no way to stop it. There are directly 50,000 monarchs and fierce demon spirits. UU reading fell under the holy flame and destruction storm, and the results were extremely brilliant.

   only one outbreak, surpassed the previous five minutes of victory, and the consumption was more than ten times lower.

   This is the power of the magical skill, but it is a pity that Yan Tianlan can only do this one more time. The body load has exceeded the limit, and his combat power has dropped by as much as 10%.

   Ten times the majesty of the original magical skills, unstoppable, Ling'er took this opportunity to turn directly with Yan Tianlan, and took her to escape to the world of Hundred Flowers.

   And Baihua World has run out of energy under the consumption of 500,000 extraordinary monarchs.

   After Ling'er passed by, he only took back the ten trees of the world of life, and exploded its remaining energy in one breath, shattering the blockade of the world origin and the super power of multiple origins.

   Even though Zhu Yun Ke Luoya decisively exploded with chaotic superpowers and bypassed the explosion area to stop the erasure, it was still a step too late. Yan Tianlan and Ling'er had already torn the space and left the extraordinary world of Ke Qiu.

...And on the other hand, since Xiuqier was killed, Lan Hai can only drag the overload state to give Xiuqier enough pressure, and from time to time to help Yinghua Meteor Rock intercept Keqiu, resulting in resilience less than consumption. , Under the vicious circle, the load is getting bigger and bigger.

   Now the combat power has been reduced by 20%. If Lingeryan Tianlan does not return, it may not be possible to guarantee a perfect interception.


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