MTL - Pokémon Modifier-Chapter 548 Orcs are never slaves!

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   In the 214th year of the Alliance Calendar, it is the middle of April.

  In the forest north of Sanyo City, Populus euphratica and Cross, who were looking for ten mysterious Pokémon, checked the mysterious footprints on the ground.

  The footprints are very thick, and it looks like it was left by a certain big cat Pokémon.

  It extends from the river bank to the depths of the mountain forest, occasionally disappearing in the middle, but will soon reappear in another direction.

   "This Pokémon doesn't look like the Pokémon in the Hezhong area." Cross observed the shape of the footprints and speculated.

  Hu Yang squatted down. In his impression, the local Pokémon in the Hezhong region did not have cat-related guys, let alone left a big cat footprint like it is now.

  If he was not in the Pokémon world, Hu Yang would have thought that the tiger stayed behind.

   As early as three days ago, they found this series of footprints in the forest, so they stopped by to look for them.

  At that time, there was a thunderstorm in the forest and the ground became muddy. Walking on it would easily leave footprints.

   Judging from the dryness of the soil, these footprints should have been left two days ago.

   "The direction of the footprints leads to Sanyao City, so we can drop by to investigate." Hu Yang thought.

  At this moment, a layer of shadow suddenly shrouded their heads.

   "Is it going to rain again?" Cross looked up suspiciously.

   "No, it's not dark clouds." Hu Yang also looked at the sky. I saw a large group of cotton-like light green clouds floating there, because there were too many of them, it looked black and dense, like a cumulonimbus cloud

  Through the waveguide, Hu Yang saw the true face of the dark cloud: "It's kapok balls!"

   "There are so many of them!" Cross said with emotion.

  “This is the habit of kapok balls. They can only feel at ease when they are in a group. When they find their partners, they will stick to them and stick to each other. If they stick too much, they will look like cumulonimbus clouds.”

  Hu Yang took out his camera, aimed at the sky, and took a picture of the spectacular scene.

  Kapok is a very magical Pokémon. The cotton they spit out can be made into light and breathable pillows and bedding.

  Some high-end brands will specially collect kapok **** and white fluffy cotton, mix the two together, and weave extremely delicate fabrics.

  He came here this time just to tame some Pokémon and bring them home.

  The kapok ball is one of them. As long as you use the sun stone on them, the kapok ball can evolve into a more lovely wind fairy.

   "Are you going to tame them?" Cross asked.

   "I have that idea." Hu Yang nodded, he took out the energy cube, and then skillfully released the power of the waveguide, conveying his goodwill to make friends to the group of kapok **** floating in the wind in the sky.

   After a while, the huge rain cloud was attracted.

   It was like a storm of kapok **** blowing up, and the kapok **** all over the sky were flying by the wind like fallen leaves rolled up by the wind.

   "Wow, so cute!" Cross also took out the Pokémon food. He stretched out his hand, and a kapok ball came over curiously.

  It is a white Pokémon with a round body

  Dream, the top and underside of their heads are covered with a layer of fluffy white cotton, and there is a curly and notched leaf on each side of the body. A pair of orange oval eyes are full of innocence and curiosity.

   "Eat, eat!" Cross felt that he was going to be cute.

  Hu Yang also stretched out his hand and touched the cotton on the kapok ball in front of him.

  Well, it's very fluffy and soft, and it feels so good that you can't help but want to hold it in your arms and rua.

   However, at this moment, a strong wind suddenly blew in the forest.

  The kapok **** in mid-air immediately became flustered, and their small bodies were blown away by the strong wind.

   More than one kapok ball!

  Their bodies were blown all over the sky by the wind, and they disappeared from the sight of the two after a while.

  The other kapok **** felt the wind

  Strength, immediately stuck to the two friendly humans, sticking them with cotton, so that I didn't let myself be blown away by the wind.

   In a blink of an eye, Populus euphratica and Cross were wrapped in thick kapok ball brand padded jackets.

   After a long time, the gust of wind subsided. Only then did the remaining kapok **** heave a sigh of relief and let the two go.

   Seeing the scene just now, Cross couldn't help but said: "It turns out that everything in the illustrated book is true."

  Capok **** are Pokémon that have no fixed habitat. They will float in the wind, and sometimes they will be blown to the other side of the earth by typhoons.

   "It's not just kapok balls, in fact, very light Pokémon like Shunzicao will be blown around by the wind." Hu Yang thought of the scene he had seen before.

  He couldn't help thinking, if the kapok **** got to the ecological

   On the island, it is estimated that it will not take long before all of them will be blown away by the wind.

   But there is no way to solve this problem, as long as they are fostered in an ecological garden covered by a glass cover.

   On days when there is no wind, they can play around the island, and once the wind blows, they can hide in the ecological park.

  Thinking of this, Hu Yang put forward his conditions through the power of waveguide, and then asked: "Do you want to live with me?"

   There is no way for the kapok **** to refuse the conditions offered by humans.

   They happily agreed, lined up into the poke ball, and were sent back to the ecological park.

   Cross stared at this scene dumbfounded, he was stunned: "Do you usually tame Pokémon like this?"

"Occasionally you still need to fight." Hu Yang heard what he meant, and explained: "Most Pokémon are very smart, just let them feel that you like them and want to live with them, and then tell them They mean that you can offer food and shelter, and I think many Pokémon will not refuse.

   Cross: "."

  He didn't know what to say for a moment.

   "What if you encounter a Pokémon who really doesn't want to be subdued?" Cross asked again.

  Hu Yang thought for a while, he seems to have never encountered this kind of Pokémon.

   "I don't know if you have heard such a sentence." He asked.

  Cross was startled slightly: "What?"

  Hu Yang: "Beastmen will never be slaves, unless they have food and shelter."

  Cross: ".I understand. Does it mean that the conditions I offered are not rich enough?"

  Hu Yang shook his head: "No, we still need to make Pokémon feel your sincere heart."

  Hearing this, Cross immediately decided to try this way of subduing himself.

  Hu Yang sent all the poke **** filled with kapok **** back to the ecological park through the conveyor, and then took out his mobile phone and told Dazhi about it.

   When he turned around, he found that Cross was talking to a peas pigeon standing on a tree.

   Populus euphratica leaned closer to listen, but heard that Cross was assuring the peas pigeon that if it was willing to follow him, he would provide it with a variety of food, so that it would no longer have to go out for food every day.

  However, the peas pigeon didn't seem to listen to these words, it flapped its wings and flew away.

   Cross turned his head and said sadly: "I failed."

  Hu Yang guessed: "Maybe it doesn't feel your emotion? I can use the power of waveguide to communicate heart-to-heart with Pokémon, so they can understand me so quickly and accept me.

   Cross: "."

  He sighed: "Forget it, let's move on!"

  Hu Yang didn't say anything, but continued to trace the string of footprints on the ground.

  Going forward, the footprints disappeared, Populus euphratica released the power of the waveguide, and soon found the footprints behind not far in front.

  He turned his head and glanced at the rocks and big trees next to him. The Pokémon seemed to use these stones to jump midway, so

   There will be a gap in the middle.

  The footprints stretched all the way to the depths of the forest. The two chased after it and continued to move forward, and soon found traces of fighting in one place.

  The footprints on the ground also began to become messy.

   Populus euphratica observed the broken trees and the scorched marks on them, and speculated: "Pokémon with electric and ground attributes participated in this battle.

   That electric-type Pokémon seemed to be very powerful. The electric current it released knocked down the big tree to the ground and burned it bare.

  That level of current, plus that string of big cat footprints

  At this moment, a familiar figure suddenly appeared in Hu Yang's mind.

   Could it be Lei Gong?

  But how did Lei Gong appear in the Hezhong area?

  Hu Yang thought of the sighting report of the Three Holy Beasts sent by the Rockets trio.

  At that time, he was driving an RV in the Sinnoh area and took Gengar and them on a road trip.

  In a place called Crown City, a Zoroark transformed into Raikou Yandi and Suicune and wreaked havoc on the streets.

  At that time, the three holy beasts thought that Zoroark was destroying the town, so they came out to confront Zoroark.

   Later, the misunderstanding was resolved, and the three holy beasts left there.

   "So, Lei Gong and the others have come to the Hezhong area, and they have been targeted by some people here." A general outline emerged in Hu Yang's mind.

  He and Cross continued to move forward, and the two passed through the dense forest, and soon came to a place with a high wall.

  The two entered the inside of the wall through the flying Pokémon, but were surprised to find that the place was full of ruins. It seemed to be the ruins of a certain research institute, which was tightly surrounded by the wall.

   Populus euphratica closed his eyes and released the waveguide power from his body.

  Everything around him was completely presented in his mind.

   This site is very large, but perhaps because it has been abandoned for a long time, the ground is covered with grass.

  Although it is tightly surrounded by walls, there are still two entrances to provide access.

   One was surrounded by dense grass and a tree at the entrance, and that tree had been cut down by someone.

  The other entrance was blocked by traffic signs, and the yellow board said "Do Not Enter".

  However, some stairs in the ruins can still be used. The original research equipment has been removed, and there is nothing in the building. The basement can be reached through the weedy stairs.

   The basement is very dark, but there are traces of Pokémon's life in front of it.

   There, Hu Yang saw two Pokémon.

  One is a spherical Pokémon with a shape similar to an ellipsoid. Its whole body is light pink in color, with short legs and a tapir-like mouth.

  The other is a Pokémon that always has a light pink head and a lavender back. It has closed eyes with three short black eyelashes and a pink halo around them.

  After seeing their appearance clearly, Populus euphratica couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

   Is that Shimengmeng and Mengmengeclipse?

   Could it be that this place is the ruins of the dream in the east of Sanyo City?

  At this time, Cross noticed the change in Populus Hu Yang's expression, and asked, "What's wrong? Did you find anything?"

   "Yes." Populus euphratica replied: "There is a Mengmengxie and Shimengmeng living here."

  However, he hasn't found the target he was looking for, so he turned his attention away from the two Pokémon and continued to search in the ruins

   Soon, Hu Yang found that familiar figure in the corner of a building.

   It really is Lei Gong!

  The next second, Hu Yang opened his eyes fiercely, and said to the fire-breathing dragon under him: "Fire-breathing dragon, go there!"

   "Aww!" The Charizard responded and quickly flew over.

   Cross and Kuailong followed behind.

  The group arrived at the destination soon, the fire-breathing dragon landed in the ruins, Populus euphratica jumped off it, and looked at Lei Gong who was a little sluggish not far away.

   Sensing the presence of someone coming, Lei Gong raised his head and looked over.

  Hu Yang stepped forward quickly, took out a full dose of medicine from his backpack and fed it to the poor big cat, asking, "What's going on? Who beat you up like this?"

   After taking the full dose of medicine, Lei Gong recovered

  Si replied: "It's a group of humans who want to catch me."

  It told the rainbow hero in front of him what happened before.

  It turned out that long before the incident in the Sinnoh area ended, it, Entei and Suicune left there, and went to different places after separation.

  Yandi and Suicune didn't know where they went, and Leigong came to the Hezhong area alone, and has been helping the wild Pokémon there in the wild forest.

  Until one day, some humans discovered its traces.

  Because of the Hero of the Rainbow, Lei Gong's attitude towards human beings is not as indifferent as it was at the beginning.

   Therefore, for the human being who found itself, it did not leave, nor did it pay attention.

   Just like that, that human left, and not long after, more humans came here to catch it.

  Leigong was unwilling, and roared and summoned Thunderbolt to drive those people back, but they were already prepared, and directly replaced with a group of ground-type Pokémon that were immune to electrical attacks.

   And took out some machines that could restrain it and absorb the energy of its body.

  At the critical moment, Lei Gong used supernatural powers to force them back, and then fled here.

  After speaking, Lei Gong felt that his physical strength had recovered, he stood up slowly, and said earnestly, "Thank you, Populus euphratica."

   Populus euphratica reached out and touched its hairy head.

At this time, Cross thoughtfully said: "The machine that can absorb electric attribute energy seems to be something held by Zero. In the future, they will use that machine to obtain the creation of electric attribute." world slate."

  Hearing this, Hu Yang was immediately attracted: "Huh?"

  Cross nodded, his tone was affirmative: "That's right, that's the group of people!"

  Just as Hu Yang was about to say something, Lei Gong, who was squinting his eyes and enjoying the touch, suddenly opened his eyes and looked in a certain direction, his whole body's aura suddenly climbed.

  A blue light flashed in its eyes, and an invisible force surged out like a tide: "Go away!"

  Hu Yang turned around, and saw an old man with white hair in a brown coat appearing behind them at some point.

  The old man moved his hand lightly, and a death coffin appeared in front of him, releasing a powerful force to block Lei Gong's supernatural power.

  The old man looked at the two young men dressed as trainers beside Lei Gong, and said lightly: "The two old friends don't want to hurt you, I hope you don't interfere in this matter."

  Hu Yang did not speak, while Cross frowned: "Who are you?"

"Me?" The old man looked at him, with a faint smile on his face: "It's okay to tell you, I am Asura, one of the Seven Sages of the Plasma Corps, and I will liberate all Pokémon together with our loyal king , creating a great

  Before he finished speaking, two huge figures emerged from behind the boy on the right.

  One exudes a terrifying and extremely cold aura. It has a pair of golden eyes, and wherever it looks, it gives people an invisible sense of oppression.

  The other looks extremely elegant, it has a pair of clear blue eyes, the eyes are so gentle and agile.

  The words spoken by the old man named Asura stopped abruptly. After seeing the two figures clearly, his pupils shrank suddenly.

  The next second, he heard the boy ask in a calm tone: "It's you who beat Lei Gong like that, right?"

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