MTL - Pokémon Modifier-Chapter 549 The Seven Sages Become the Six Sages, Quecchis' New Plan

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  「Kurem and Reshiram!」

  Azula was shocked. Although he had never seen the real Kyurem and Reshiram, he recognized the identities of these two Pokémon at a glance based on their appearance. and many more!

   If Kyurem and Reshiram are here, that guy is.

  Asura instantly cast her eyes on the boy in front of Lei Gong.

"It's you!"

  A few months ago, he had heard about the fact that Reshiram appeared in Ssangyong City to fight people, and the boy in front of him was the main person in that incident!

  Hu Yang was too lazy, and directly said to Kyurem: "Chiurem, except for the head, everything else is frozen!"

   Kyurem let out a roar from his mouth, and his huge ice body rushed towards the opposite enemy wrapped in extreme cold.

   Seeing this scene, Asura's eyes were tearing apart. As one of Quecchis' confidantes, he knew the strength of Kyurem well, and with his strength, it was impossible to be its opponent!

  Thinking of this, Asura turned around and wanted to escape, but the moment he lifted his feet, a chill spread from the air, freezing his feet in place.

   That is the legendary frozen world!

  Asura couldn't escape, the ice under his feet quickly spread and spread upwards, and in the blink of an eye, the position below his neck was frozen, only a white-haired head was exposed.

   Seeing his trainer in trouble, the death coffin beside him wanted to rescue it.

  But Kyurem just glanced at it, and the death coffin fell to the ground.

  Invisible coercion was released from Kyurem's pair of golden eyes, feeling the terrifying aura covering the whole body, the body of Death's Coffin trembled uncontrollably.

  Seeing this scene, Lei Gong on the side felt a storm in his heart.

  What a strong Pokémon!

  It was in a trance, glanced at Populus euphratica next to it, remembered what the other party said just now, and thought: I was saved by you again.

  The opponent was eliminated, and Kyurem called it a day and returned to Hu Yang.

  Hu Yang and Cross walked up to Asura and looked at the horrified white-haired old man.

   Noticing their gazes, Asura suddenly became nervous: "What do you want to do?"

  Hu Yang did not answer the question: "The Plasma Group has cooperated with Zero."

  Hearing this, Asura's heart skipped a beat. How did these two guys know?

   But he still insisted on speaking stiffly: "I don't know what you are talking about, what 0 what 1, I don't understand."

   "Let me guess, are you catching Thunder God to use its power to deal with the Reshiram and Kyurem on me?" Hu Yang asked.

  He has completely figured it out.

  According to the original plot, the Plasma Corps would not attack Lei Gong at all, but now the plot has been changed, because after learning about him from Zero, they began to fear the power of the real dragon Reshiram and Kyurem.

  So, they will put their targets on other Pokémon, wanting to enhance their strength by capturing them, and fight against him who holds Reshiram and Kyurem.

   This is also the reason why the zero organization has never found them.

  After the battle in Ssangyong City, they were scared of being beaten, and they knew very little about this era, so they took the initiative to find Quizzes to cooperate.


   After learning that Kyurem and Reshiram had been awakened, Quecchis immediately agreed.

  zero's target is the ghost slate in his hand, while Quecchis' target is Kyurem and Reshiram.

  Hearing these words, the expression on Asura's face became even more exciting.

   Hu Yang took a look and knew he had guessed right.

  Asura sighed. He looked at the leaves above and sighed: "Seeing a leaf fall, you know the end of the year. I am defeated. I will deal with it as you like."

   As he spoke, the old man closed his eyes, unwilling to speak again.

   looked at by

   Frozen Asura, Cross couldn't help asking: "What should we do with him?"

  Hu Yang is not interested in a bad old man who is half buried in the ground. He took out his mobile phone and said, "Leave it to professionals."

  Professional Cross was slightly taken aback. Hu Yang has already called the handsome guy.

  The handsome guy was infiltrating a plasma regiment base, and he was taken aback when he received a call suddenly.

   Seeing it was Populus euphratica, he hurried to a corner where no one was around, and pressed the answer button: "Hello"

  Hu Yang said succinctly: "I caught a person from the Plasma Corps, one of the Seven Sages. Where are you? Do you have time to come over?"

  The handsome Seven Sages were overjoyed.

   After asking Hu Yang where he is currently, he took out another mobile phone dedicated to Interpol and inquired about the locations of other Interpol.

  Coincidentally, there happened to be an Interpol member performing a mission in Sanyo City.

  The handsome guy contacted him and asked him to go over there.

  Amidst the greetings of "I'll invite you to dinner later" and "I would like to express my thanks to you on behalf of the Interpol", the handsome guy hung up the phone.

  Hu Yang and Cross are waiting at the Ruins of Dreams.

   Soon, a very low-key Interpol rushed over.

  He saw Lei Gong lying on the ground and the boy who was pulling its beard, with a surprised expression on his face.

  Seeing him, Lei Gong's eyes changed, becoming full of majesty, with a calm and serious look, as if everything just now was an illusion.

  The Interpol was startled by Lei Gong's eyes, and asked cautiously: "Excuse me, please. Excuse me, is Hu Yang here?"

  Hu Yang stood up and pointed to Asura's position.

  The Interpol immediately stepped forward and caught him. Before taking him away, he hesitated a little, turned back and said to the two:

   "Thank you very much for your assistance. On behalf of Interpol, I thank you. From today, this guy will face life imprisonment. He will spend his life on Prison Island."

   For a guy like this whose head is full of "ruling the king" and "ruling the world", the laws of the alliance are very strict.

   Hu Yang was not surprised by this, he nodded and watched the Interpol **** Asura away.

   When everything was settled, Cross breathed a sigh of relief: "I didn't expect that Zero would choose to cooperate with Plasma Corps."

   "Are you not worried now?" Hu Yang asked with a smile, this guy looked worried before.

  Cross shook his head: "I'm afraid I don't know the enemy's specific purpose. Now that I know a little bit, I'm not so afraid."


  Hu Yang smiled, turned to look at Lei Gong beside him, couldn't help but

   He stretched out his hand and rubbed its chubby face covered with white fluff, and asked, "Where do you want to go next?"

Leigong felt his face was crumpled into a ball, he thought about it carefully, and replied in a low voice: "I will probably continue to go to the wild to see if there are any Pokémon that need help." Leigong's face was soft, Hearing this, Hu Yang couldn't help but invite: "Do you want to walk with me? I spend most of my time walking in the wild, and I can meet many wild Pokémon. We can help them together."

  In fact, apart from this point, Hu Yang is still more worried that Quecchis will not give up and continue to take Lei Gong as his target.

  Before the plasma group is destroyed, Lei Gong is still safer by his side.

  Lei Gong is very smart. Although it has never been in contact with humans, after what happened just now, it quickly understood the deeper meaning of Hu Yang's words, and knew that he was worried about himself.

  Lei Gong was a little moved in his heart, this time it didn't refuse, but said: "Please."

   And, thank you.

  Hu Yang smiled, touched Lei Gong's head, and said: "In this case, let's work hard together for the next period of time!"

  Lei Gong gently arched his big head


   While Hu Yang looked at Lei Gong, he thought of Emperor Yan Yu Shuijun again. Will the two of them also be attacked by the plasma cluster?

  Thinking of this, Hu Yang asked: "Lei Gong, do you know that Yan

  The location of Emperor and Suicune?"

   Lei Gong nodded and replied: "They are not in this area now."

  Since it is not there, it is safe. Hu Yang feels that the current plasma cluster will not extend its hand to other areas.

"That's good."

  Hu Yang took out the poke ball, trying to get Lei Gong in. But soon, he noticed the resistance in Lei Gong's eyes.

   "Don't you want to stay in the poke ball?" Hu Yang was slightly taken aback.

   Lei Gong pursed his lips.

  Before those people threw many poke **** at it during the process of capturing it, and it escaped after breaking free from twelve poke **** in a row.

   It didn’t feel good to be forcibly taken in there. The space inside was very narrow and depressing.

  Thinking of this, Lei Gong couldn't help but look a little ugly.

  Through Goldfinger, Hu Yang saw Lei Gong's current mood and thoughts, and immediately understood what happened to him.

   Lei Gong was given ptsd by the poke ball.

   Seeing this, he took the initiative to put away the poke ball, smiled and said, "If you don't want to stay in the poke ball, don't go in, then walk outside with me!"

   Hearing this, Lei Gong breathed a sigh of relief.

  So, Hu Yang was forced to activate the elf following system.

   "A Thunder God followed me, it shouldn't cause panic after entering the city," he couldn't help thinking.

  Hu Yang usually behaves very low-key. He thought for a moment, and took out a scarf and a pair of sunglasses from his backpack that he used to feed Katie before.

   Seeing this scene, Lei Gong was a little puzzled.

  Hu Yang explained: "If we enter the city like this, there is a high chance that we will attract the attention of others, and they will most likely run over and surround you."


   Lei Gong understood, it didn’t want to be surrounded by people, so he asked Hu Yang to dress it up.

  A scarf and a pair of sunglasses.

  The scarf is too small, and it can’t fit as long as it reaches Leigong’s mouth. With a pair of sunglasses, Leigong now looks like a Middle Eastern gangster wearing a mask and robbing a bank.

  Hu Yang: "." Why does it feel more attention-grabbing?

   Cross on the side commented: "Cool!"

  Lei Gong couldn’t see himself now, he turned his huge head and looked at Populus euphratica through the dark sunglasses.

  Because the mask was stuck on his face and felt a little uncomfortable, Lei Gong couldn't help pawing it with his big paws.

  Hu Yang helped it take off the mask and sunglasses, and sighed: "Forget it, Geng Gui, I'll leave this matter to you!"

  As a Pokémon with ghost attributes, Gengar possesses powerful ghost energy. It can create illusions and use blindfolds to

   Affect the sight of people around.

  Just let Geng Gui use this ability to make Lei Gong disappear in the eyes of others.

   Hearing Hu Yang's plan, Geng Gui patted his chest: "Kou Jie!" (Leave it to me!)

  The voice fell, and an invisible force spread to the surroundings silently.

   To the naked eye, nothing seemed to have changed, but Hu Yang knew that a field similar to "ghost hitting the wall" had appeared around them.

   Thunder God will not disappear, in other people's vision, it will become a Katy Dog or a Wind Speed ​​Dog.

   "Okay, let's go!" Hu Yang was satisfied now.

  He looked up and looked ahead, only to see a bustling city standing above the fields in the distance.

  There is Sanyo City.

  High altitude in the Hezhong area, in the plasma destroyer.

  A thin young man with light green hair and wearing a black stand-up collar calmly looked at the information from the computer.

  Quikis Harmonia is one of the Seven Sages of the Plasma team, and also the boss of the Plasma team who really has real power.

  The ground in front of him suddenly lit up, and projections were projected from the base below.

   There are five projections in total, all of which are shrouded in shadow, making it difficult to see their appearance.

   "Asura failed, he was escorted to Prison Island by Interpol." One of the figures said.

  Hearing this, Quecchis frowned: "Where is Lei Gong?"

  The voice sounded again: "Leigong has disappeared, and our people are looking for it."

   "Forget it, leave Lei Gong alone, and concentrate on helping n complete his plan." Quecchis said, the most important thing now is to let n and Zekrom officially become the "kings" of the Hezhong area. "Yes!"

   Quizzes waved his hand faintly, and all those projections disappeared from his front.

   And at this moment, a hoarse voice suddenly came from behind: "Only a Zekrom can't fight against the Reshiram and Kyurem in that person's hands."

  Hearing this, Quecchis turned around: "Oh"

  The man smiled: "I saw Genesect genes in your database, I don't think they are for viewing."

   Genesect, an ancient bug Pokémon that existed in this world 300 million years ago, is feared as the strongest hunter.

  They are in groups, like legions, capable of destroying anything.

   Quizzes immediately understood the meaning contained in the other party's words.

  He narrowed his eyes and didn't speak.

  The corner of the mouth of the other person raised slightly: "We zero can

  Provide you with advanced technology from the future to resurrect the Genesects. "

   Quizzes shook his head: "They alone are no match for Kyurem."

  As the leader of the plasma group, he is well aware of Kyurem's horror.

  With just one breath, an entire city can be frozen.

  The man shrugged: "You don't need to worry about this. We will modify Genesect's body. I believe that you will be surprised when you see them."

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