MTL - Pokémon Modifier-Chapter 552 looking for plasma

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  Hezhong area, Sanyo City.

   After receiving the news from Dazhi that the personnel had gathered, Hu Yang put away his mobile phone.

  Dazhi continued to study, and they could no longer remain silent.

  Before that day, he did not expect that so many people would be instigated by Quecchis.

  「No wonder N was brainwashed by him, transformed into that look, and moved forward according to the route he set.」

   Quizzes has gone too far, Hu Yang plans to change his strategy and take the initiative to attack.

   "What should I do?" At this moment, Cross only feels that he has personally participated in the torrent of the times. There is no doubt that this action will change the future of the world.

   Hu Yang looked at Lei Gong who was squatting on the ground, and thought:

  「First of all, we need to find the location of Quecchis.」

   But the Plasma Corps is not like the Rockets. Even if he knows the plot, Hu Yang doesn't know where their base is.

  Maybe, the United Alliance will know something. Thinking of this, Hu Yang took out his mobile phone, contacted Sirona, told her all the information he had, and then relayed all the content to Cattleya through Sirona.

   Soon, Hu Yang received a call from Cattleya.

   "Hello, is this Populus euphratica? I'm Cattleya, it's inconvenient to speak on the phone. Where are you?"

   "Sanyo City."

   Cattleya on the other end of the phone thought for a moment and said, "Then let's meet in Feiyun City! We will rush there as soon as possible and investigate the plasma group with you."

  Hu Yang had no objection. After the matter was settled, they hung up the phone.

   "Where are you going?" Cross asked quickly. "Feiyun City...

  Hu Yang stood up and began to pack his things.

  Feiyun City and Sanyo City are separated by Shippo City and Yacar no Forest. The fastest way to get there is to take a flying Pokémon.

  Therefore, after a short rest, Populus euphratica and Cross left Sanyo City in a fire-breathing dragon and a fast dragon respectively.

   On April 20, 214 in the Alliance Calendar, Feiyun City.

   Populus euphratica and Cross stood in front of this huge city, and Cross couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

  「It’s really spectacular!」

  Hu Yang was a little surprised: "Is there no such city in the future?"

  Cross shook his head: "The style is different. The future urban architecture is more comfortable and natural, and the architecture is accompanied by green.

  I heard that Zidong City is very big, but I haven't been there yet. "

  The harmonious coexistence of man and nature is the mainstream of Hoenn in the future, and it has also become a feature there.

Hearing this, Hu Yang knew it. He raised his head and looked at the magnificent city above him. He couldn't help but think of what it brought to Feiyun City after crossing the Tianjian Bridge for the first time in the game Black and White. shocked.

  Just like in the game, Feiyun City in reality is also extremely spectacular.

  As the commercial and economic center of the Hezhong area, the skyscrapers of Feiyun City stand shoulder to shoulder with ordinary high-rise buildings. Vending machines can be seen everywhere. There are countless pedestrians in a hurry on the streets of the city, forming a noisy and busy scene.

  Walking through it, the prosperity and busyness of the metropolis is oncoming. In the streets and alleys, you can faintly see some Pokémon figures shuttling among them.

  Those are wild Pokémon that live in this city with humans.

According to the address given by Cattleya, Hu Yang and Cross soon arrived in front of a skyscraper. They took the elevator to the 28th floor. As the elevator door opened, a duplex with unique decoration and very warm The apartment was presented in front of the two of them.

   Cattleya saw their arrival through surveillance, stepped forward to open the door, and smiled: "Welcome both of you, please come in!"

  Cattleya welcomed the two into the living room, and the three of them sat down on the sofa. Cattleya took out two bottles of drinks from the refrigerator.

  Hu Yang opened it and took a sip, then started chatting about business.


   The United Alliance should already know what happened in Sanyo City, right? "

  Hearing this, Cattleya sighed. The Four Heavenly Kings were having a headache about this matter: "I know, but we have no way to deal with it. If Junsha and the others go to suppress it, I'm afraid it will cause more people to resist."

  Hu Yang pondered: "What about the attitudes of other people in the United Alliance?"

  Cattleya heard the meaning of this sentence: "Don't worry, the Four Heavenly Kings and the owner of the pavilion are very clear in their hearts, we don't want that kind of thing to happen, let the two thousand years of war happen again."

"But" Cattleya paused, shook her head and said, "We couldn't find the location of the plasma regiment's base. We tried to interrogate the members of the plasma regiment, and searched according to the address they gave, but we didn't find any trace of the plasma base. "

  「This shows that the base of the plasma group is constantly moving.」

   "Move?" Hu Yang's heart moved, and he instantly thought of the plasma destroyer floating in the sky in the anime.

  He looked at the frowning Cattleya, and said, "Is there a possibility that their base is not on the ground, but in the sky?"

  As for the ordinary members of the plasma regiment who were interrogated, the base location provided was the plasma destroyer after landing.

  Hearing this, Cattleya immediately reacted: "You mean"

   "I have a way to find them." Hu Yang already got the answer in his heart.

  The sky is the territory of that being, and nothing can escape its perception.

   "What way?" Cattleya asked quickly.

  Hu Yang did not answer immediately, but asked: "If the plasma group is destroyed, how are you going to deal with those people who were bewitched by Quecchis?"

   Cattleya fell into deep thought.

   That's right, even if the plasma is destroyed, the hearts of those who have been changed will not wake up because of it.

  Is it the pursuit of the ideal of liberating Pokémon, or the reality of maintaining the original state?

  It seems that Cattleya did not understand the key to this incident.

  Hu Yang sighed in his heart, and reminded: "The poke ball is not the key, it is just a prop to carry things, and just a poke ball cannot cause oppression to Pokémon.

  Whether there is a poke ball or not, the most important thing is the human heart.

   Cattleya was taken aback for a moment, and then, a dazed look appeared on her face.

yes! Poké Balls were never created to oppress Pokémon! The key is the person holding the Poké Ball!

  Looking at Cattleya, Hu Yang gently shook his head: "I will not pursue the ideal of liberating Pokémon, it is too illusory, and I will not stick to the reality of maintaining the status quo. I will only do what I should do."

He turned his head to look at Cross and Lei Gong who was following him, and said to them, "Cross, Lei Gong, please wait for me here." Under the puzzled eyes of Cross and Cattleya, Hu Yang came to the bedside, A light flashed in his hand, and Shourem and Reshiram merged into one, turning into Yanbai Shourem.

   Populus euphratica jumped down from the window, onto the back of Yanbai Kyurem, and then flew into the sky suddenly.

  The skyscraper-lined Feiyun City under him gradually became smaller until it disappeared.

  Yanbai Kyurem's vigorous and powerful figure passed straight through the clouds, came under the sky, and suspended in it quietly.

   At the same time, in the far distance, the sleeping Rift, who was hovering around, suddenly opened his eyes.

  It felt that there was a strong breath invading its own domain.

  The next second, its pitch-black body rushed towards the distance.

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